modern wohnen ideen

modern wohnen ideen

hey what's up guys i'm mr atc frommyatctv and in this project i'm going to show you how to create a modern palletbed platform as you can see here but before that let me give a bigthanks to the hometalk family for supporting our recycled and refurbished project, i'llgive you more information about them at the end of this video to be honest withyou recycling pallets couldn't be easier than that and i hope after this projectthat i will succeed to make you look at pallets in a different way and as usuali'm happy to share with you in the video description a free plan to our projects in case you decide to make one for yourself believe me, you could create exactly the same specially if you're living in a region

where you can get access to a lot offree pallets... alright enough talking let's just do it... note here that i'm going to beusing eight frames of euro pallets that haven't been exposed to too much rainand humidity.. if a pallet is stamp with ht that's mean that it has been heattreated rather than chemically threated which is much better to use for buildingpurposes the first step i will recommend you to do is to start by sending thepallet as much as you can to get rid of the rough edges... the more it's sanding the better and more comfortable it will be at the end also not here that i've decided to leave the pallets

with their natural woodcolor to keep the wooden spirits here the euro palette are measuring 1.2 meterlong 80 centimeter large and 15 centimeter thick by adding them alongeach other i realized that they were too long to fit in the small room so i've decided to cut the top head side at 90 centimeter which will give you a totalof 2.10 meter long and for this cut i've decided to use my precision laserjigsaw after that i've decided to have a first look on the headboard in order to see exactly how i'm going to make it fit in thatroom as the headboard is measuring only 60centimeter high i'm here making two verticals stands

to screw them directly to the back of this board which will at the end give me a total of high of 90 centimeter to find the right placement i'm heretracing two lines then placing the two pieces for screwing now time to put the top in place andsee if it fits... woaawww it goes directly under the board as i expected it now i needed to find a way to fix the header board to the palletplatform so i have decided to use here the same five to five plywood that iwill use here in a horizontal position so this plywood will be directly goingover the top pallet

and the other under the bottom one i was really surprised to see all thoseare getting along so easily i'm here adding some screws and it should make it all right so let's have a look to theplatform so far it splendid and the wooden pallets arereally giving a solid bottom structure i also realized after all that theplatform needed a little bit more sanding so i've decided to use here mybelt sander connected with a vacuum which will help me to not create acomplete mess in this room after that i'm taking here first testswith the mattress that will go on the bed at the end

and now time to completethe platform i will be using here several pieces of lumbers that i will place or around the pallets but also around the mattress to complete the platform bed frame and holding them all with some stick brackets and now time for some cuts then you fix each pieces on the palletsfirst and after that around the mattress side here i've decided to use some scrap woodfrom another project to create a customized piano effect design and i'mhere fixing them directly from the back of the headboard

the board will now be painted in whiteto match with the platform sides for the final, i'm here using in the back of the headboard some led which will create a nice atmosphere check this out a nice and an inexpensiveplatform bed just for you... recycle recycle and recycle and guys i know that recycling can be difficult this is one of the reason whyi'm taking the time to show you every week what you can do with recyclematerials or refurbished in order to create beautiful new design and if evenif i'm not providing exact details in the videos i'm always making sure togive you a free plan that you can

download in the description below thisvideo in case you want to do it one of the nice thing with this video todaywith this project is the fact that you can take it apart in case you are movingout to a new place and you want to bring it with you, youcan take it apart and bring it talking about refurbish ideas i wouldlike to give a big shout out to the hometalk team for supporting our project with hometalk you can also get another idea of housing by having access anddiscovering over 100,000 ideas for your home and garden this goes from brillianthacks and elegant crafts you can even ask diy's questions to get advice from pro diy'ers

us all over the globe and all these forfree what are you waiting for check them out i'm adding for you somelinks in the video description below alright i hope as usual that thisproject will help you and inspire you to recycle and refurbish on a dailybasis and if you like our refurbished projects, if you want to bring some support, feel free to share this video for friends for family let them know what we aredoing and you will be helping us alright mr atc as usual for another idea of thanks for watching if you want to tell us something to share somethingwith us do it via your comment below like the videos share themand subscribe: (for the new people)

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