joggen im wohnzimmer

the controversial picture so, that means you transport really rich people, don't you? - not just rich. the millionaires! - wow! what about me? would you take me for a flight in your jet? - it can be when you wish. i say it can be tonight! - hey! what you're doing? why did you take that picture? - delete it! erase that photo now! - let it be, miguel! calm down!
- delete that picture otherwise you'll be in trouble! - everyone, calm down! everything's ok. - it was just a fan! - he has to delete that picture! - it was just a fan! be calm. don't get mad. let's have another drink. - what if that picture goes online? - what do you want me to do? it's the price for fame, miguel! come on, let's have another drink. hey! two!
come on, be calm. drink and relax! - i can't leave you by yourself one single night. you get in trouble right away! - speak lower, ok? - i have an headache. - well, you must be so drunk last night... at least we're not flying today, otherwise the one riding the jet would have to be me. - you're really 'out of the shell' today. is that what you want? to steal my place? - dont' be stupid, i'll get there by myself. but with all that help of yours, i'm getting closer, indeed. - what are you talking about? what kind of help?
- have you been on the internet today? - i barely open my eyes! how can i look to a computer? - ok, that explains why you're so calm. - are you going to tell me what's up or not? - miguel... - everybody talks about you this morning. - what? why? i don't get it. - ok, i'll explain it to you. let me see... this one, this one is perfect. take a look! according to the social network, my friend... you're the new boyfriend of tina castelo: the sensasional girl from reality shows in portugal! ah?
how lovely! this guy... i was working on the club, i drank a bit, miguel came in. you know i'm a needy person, ricadro. - i'm not hearing this! - it wasn't a bad this, just the chemistry. - i told you that pic would appear on the web! - hey! - why didn't you let me catch that guy? - why did you kiss my girlfriend? - she was all by herself and i just offered her a drink. - i was working! - yes, a great job, by the way! - what do you mean?
- my dear, to shake your butt in the club for all the men to slobber, is not a work! it's a way to say you're available. - you're such a pig! - don't you speak with tina like that! - shut up. i was not talking to you. - respect her! - she's the one not being 'respectable'! - you're really gross! - i'm gross? what about you? you told me you were not with ricardo. but you are! that's why he's being so ridiculous! - mr. fernando, everything's under control. - we'll solve this later! - there's nothing to solve! - it's not my fault, fernando. it's her fault!
- look me in the eyes! wash your mouth before you speak of my daughter! sorry, mr. fernando, but i can't let him do this to my daughter! - sorry, mr. fernando. let's go mother! - don't you have work to do? - i'm not going any where without an explanation. - it was a fight. a totally absurd fight. - i don't allow my brother to come and make a fight in shopping place. - it wasn't your brother. it wasn't me who started it. - what about the photography in all the web? you and tina!
- now is my fault that she came to me. - so your are a saint. - no, i'm no saint. actually i'm not a role model to anybody. but i came here because of that. to talk with the girl about the picture that went straight away to facebook. that bullshit may put me into trouble with my boss. - don't you think you're old enough to behave well? - now you're playing daddy? don't you have 2 sons to take care of? - it looks like i have 3! but one of them is old enough to be responsible for what he's doing. - come on, fernando. i don't want to argue with you. - someone has to have this conversation with you!
do you know what you were doing? - but you saw it. it was ricardo who came to me because of the girl! - you must leard to be calm and control yourself! do you know who ricardo is? he's the son of henrique de albuquerque. the owner of the bank that has a several partnerships with us. - so i have to worry about your business before i think of myself. - if you come to my mall to make fights and disturb my clients, yes! there were a lot of people taking pictures of that wonderful show you gave them. if you were so worried not to have troubles with your boss, you've make it worst. - do you wanna go for a run? - you've just arrived and you're going out?
- i need to clear my mind. today was tough! - i believe you. - today i had divorces, problems with couples, kids in the midle of the chaos... do you wanna run or not? - humm? ok, i got it. dating by text! ok, i won't bother you any longer... see you later! - where are you? i'll meet you there. wait for me.
- you try to escape me, but you don't resist. we always end up together. - leo, do you really have to talk about that right now? - paulo, you know that's the truth. you may try to get away, but you just can't resist. so, what is it missing for us to admit this relationship? - come on, don't put thing in a complicated way. - it was just a question, you don't have to get mad. - so, what do you want? do you want to be my boyfriend?
things are so good just the way they are now. - but some people like commitments, paulo. - yes, and you're one of them. i know, leo. - i need to be stable too. i don't wanna spend my life in hotel rooms with you. don't you understand that? it's not a crime for us to be together. - i'm sick of having this conversation with you, always. - why must everything always be the way you want? - it doesn't. actually you were the one who called me in the first place. - because i love you. - i'd better be going.
- i don't understand you, paulo. you come to me and then you run away. - it's better for us to stop this meetings once and for all. - is that what you call my feelings for you? - como on, leo. don't make such a drama out of it. - what if i'd disappear from your life? would you miss me or not? answer me! - what stupid conversation is this? - you didn't answer me, paulo. would you miss me or not? - yes, i would miss you. but life would go on. they say time heals everything.
- yes, but if you'd disappear from my life i would miss you. - please, leo. let's stop this conversation. please. - have you ever liked someone for real? i already realized you don't like me. i just wanted to be sure of that. i'm going. ricardo! what are you drinking? - are you kidding me?
first you kiss my girl and now you want to offer me a drink? - that wasn't a kiss, man! - it wasn't a kiss? so what was it? - just a misunderstanding, ricardo. i was another man under the games of the terrible tina castelo. and the worst part is that there's always someone to take a picture in the worst moment! - you bet. - how long do we know eachother? i wouldn't make you such a thing! i wouldn't. we're friends. - i used to think that way. - let's have a drink!
let's forget this. - but you need to be far away from tina. - don't worry. i won't come even close. - you can pay me a whiskey. - friends? - friends. - let's go! - you know what i think? you should find another. - another what? - another girl! a guy like you must know a lot of interesting high class girls... ...girls with our king of background. i think high class girls are just arrogant.
- i bet i can change your mind until the end of the night. - romã£o says the same thing but not with such short deadline. - i don't like to leave anything for tomorrow. what do you think of romã£o? - he's a nice guy. - it looks like he's giving you all the right advices. - he saved my back a lot of times. if it wasn't for him, i would be in trouble with my dad, long ago. - bring me one of these days to drink with us. - this club is not his type.
- you're wrong. somethings are everybody's type. good morning! good morning! did you sleep well? - hey! - "hey"? - good morning. what time is it? - it's time for normal people to go to work! - don't speak so loud. please. - i'm not speaking loud. can you explain to me what are you doing at my door, sleeping in ricardo's car? - where are we, man? - we're in the neverland!
this is captain hook! i did what you wanted me to. me and ricardo are friends again. but, to celebrate our new friendship we drank a little too much. but nothing special. but he couldn't go home so drunk, dont' you think? - so the best choice was to stay at my door. - i apologize, fenrando! - see the bright side. is better to have two drunk men at your door, than inside the house. - what's that? your distorced version of 'it's better to have one bird in your hand, than two of them flying'? - yes, something like that!
- aren't you grown enough to do this kind of things? - am i not grown enough for you to act as my dad? - i wouldn't act as your dad if you didn't make this kind of things at my door, where i live with my wife and kids. - don't worry. i'll be out for a few days, i have some flights to make and when i come back i'll find a place to stay. is it ok? and now i will enter by the garage... ...not to disturb the family. - fernando, i'd better be going. have a nice day, fernando. - ricardo, is time for you to act like men!
come on in! - sorry. sorry for coming without tellenig you before. but i had an argue with my brother. - what happened? - i have to move out of his house. do you think i can stay here? just until i get some place to stay. miguel, you have to admit that sleeping at his door wasn't a good choice.
- fernando has been in a bad mood. from what i know about him, i can guess what's the problem. andrã© is really crazy about an older girl. and if i think a little... ... i guess that that girl is the new aunt. and he is totally freaked out about that. - well, it's not an easy situation. sit. - easy or not, i don't have to listen to him. paulinho, come on. let me stay here. you're helping a great friend. - miguel, this is not my house. is my sisters.
- you're right. i didn't think about that. you're right. - if i could i would help, but i just don't see how. - it's ok, it's ok. don't worry about me. i'll find a way. you know i will. i'll speak with jaques. he has a friend who is the owner of ritz hotel. he'll get me a room for a good price. i'm sure. don't worry. - look, why don't you get a house? - what about you? why don't you get a house too? - miguel, you know exactly why i live with teresa. when bruno died i didn't want to leave her by herself.
- yes. you're a really good person. tell me it's not so convenient for you not to pay a rent. - wait, wait. we split all the charges of the house. and it's always good to have a place to come back. - that's 'girl talking'! you're spending to much time with your sister. - well, the only thing i can do for you is to let you stay over tonight. tomorrow we go to the aerodrome together and then you'll decide about your life, ok? - thank you, paulinho! thank you! you're the best! i really need to get some sleep. you don't know how my last night was, i couldn't sleep at all.
and if jaques knows i'm not sleeping enough hours, i'll be fired. and then... bye bye, cabin crew girls... - that's all you can think off! - paulinho, you're the greatest! - hi! how are you? - hi! - why are you preparing the bed here in the living room? - we have a guest. - who? - me! - how are you? - fine. sorry for the invasion, teresa. i i had a fight with my brother.
but don't worry. it's only for tonight. - ok, ok. - but to pay off, i made the only dish i know for our dinner. - and that is...? - i bought sushi! - you're lucky today! - let me pick it up. - are you mad? - no, of course not. if it's only for one night. - well, enjoy the sushi. - i will for sure! - me too! - leo? - hello, paulo. can i talk to you? - you know i don't want you to come here! we'll talk later!
what are you doing, man? - you have to listen to me, paulo! i was invited to work in london. i need to know if i accept it or if i stay. - yes, yes, we'll speak later, leo. now i can't! - why can't it be now? who is that guy? - i told you. he's a friend of mine who asked me to stay over last night. can you just leave, please? - now i know why you didn't want me to come here. - leo, it's not what you're thinking! - you should have been honest with me, paulo! - leo, i'll explain it later! now, please, just leave!
- hi! - i'll take him down stairs, ok? - who was he? - you knew our agreement and even though you went to my house! you've passed all the limits, all! - i needed to talk to you! - you could have called me, leo! can't you see i have to trust you? - i'm not the one getting other guys in my house! - what guys? i told you. that guy is my friend! you know what? i don't have to give you any explanation about my life. i don't have!
you know what i think? you're just a person i cannot trust. - you don't believe what you're saying. - yes, i do! - then, look at me and tell me you don't feel anything at all! you can't, can you? you're fooling yourself, paulo! - you are the fool, if you think there's gonna be something else between us! get out of here, leo! go away! - i'll go.
i'll let you to think better. - to think better? there's nothing to think! there's nothing else to think! accept it once and for all! get out of here! disappear from my life! out! - did you get rid of that guy? he's really crazy! your sister told me all the story. when you're a psychologist, sometimes you have situations like this. you're defending your sister from that lunatic! very well!
your sister was complimenting you. - yes, he's my youngest brother, but he always protected me. - i used to to de same with fernando. poor, the ones who came to attack him! - thank you for solving this problem... again. - you're welcome. - well, if you don't mind... i'm going to take a shower, ok? - sure! - excuse me. - thank you.
- here is the dryer. - thank's - you're welcome. take it! - if i didn't know you, i would be concerned about that gaze of yours. - come on, miguel, hurry up! what if my sister sees you like that? what would she think? - what would be the problem? - she wouldn't like it, would she? well, just hurry up!