moderne wohnzimmer beleuchtung

moderne wohnzimmer beleuchtung

in the previous videowe introduced smart lighting. from your mobile you can switch off lights, adjust the colour and intensity of the brightness, and set a timer, that won't annoy you with a loud ty-ty-ty-ty. but alert you with a light. it's great, it's informative... but it's is all very general. today we'll show you,

how smart lighting can illuminateyour household, and we'll go room by room. where to begin?lets start by the front door. not that we want to bin ambient lighting, but we need proper lighting to see by in the hall. since there's no mega chandelier in the hallway, we'll need decent lighting, like the hue pillar, with one or two bulbs. here, as well, you can control the lights from the mobile app.

but... honestly,isn't there a better solution for this space? the hallway is a busy place,its a hub for your household. one door, two doors, three doors, four doors... you turn on the light in the kitchen, then goout into the bedroom... we have a great solution for you.this is the motion sensor. it turns on the lights for you whenit registers movement. plus... it's wireless, which meansno complicated or unattractive wiring. the motion sensor can be set very precisely,even taking into account your pets.

good boy, good boy. go for the camera. lets move on to the living room... it's such a centerpiece of the household. here, i think you want the lights fully under control. a motion sensor here would be chaotic. so what do you want in the living room? probably a large, central light source. if you have a handmade glass chandelier,you probably don't want to change it.

otherwise, i would choose a large light from hue being. another option is the hue runner. these can be single-point, two-point, three-point or four-point. the hue runner allows you to direct lightto where you need it most. aim one into the kitchen, for example, another onto the dinner table, and the third into open space. you can customise it to fit your unique living room. bloom is a separate lamp. we should probably not use it for reading,

but its perfect for creating a colourful atomosphere. you might be surprised by how muchappropriate lighting effects the mood. put on some warm colourswhen you come in from wintery weather, or pick some cooler shades of white, when the thermometer is threatening to can work wonders on the mood in your home. the same goes for today's extremely modern led strips. we mention the lightstrips because they're also great for creating atmosphere. led strips are great for the kitchen. we need to create some sort of mood here...

let's choose a clear but pleasant colour. you can increase the lights when preparing food, and lower them when you're ready to dine. similarly, runners are great in the kitchen, with multidirectional possibilities. you can attach them to the ceiling, or to the wall. aim one light towards your stove,and another to your busiest countertop. just be careful,

don't try to put it up yourself,that could be a disaster. and now i want some lightingabove the dining table. if your table is in the kitchen, then consider this section to be in the living room. there's a difference between lighting the entire room,which can be done from the ceiling, and illuminating the dining table,which should be done just above it. position it lower than your eyes,but don't have it directly in your face. as well, it should have an adjustable cord. the hue ally is a very elegant fixture. the design evokes feelings of velvet and comfort.

it is strong, and looks as though a drop of water is flowing through the room. if you have a cottage-style home,it will be suitable for everything. if you want something more modern,consider the amaze light fixture. this lamp looks like somethingfrom outter space, like a futuristic space ship or the rings of a distant planet. you don't have to be a fan of science fictionto feel at home with this lamp. that is smart lighting for the kitchen. nobody's cooking so let's go to the bedroom. even the bedroom could benefit from a versatile runner.

if you're preparing for a reading marathon in bed, add a spotlight to the wall behind you. you might instead want one large, central fixture. the hue fair is available in two variants. a hanging version and a ceiling version. in both cases, this magnificant circular centrepieceis the dominant feature. you may want something on your bedside table. we brought for your consideration the futuristic beyond, and this cute little wellner bobble. regardless of what you choose, you can set the colourand intensity according to your tastes.

and you can have up to 50 fixtures on one network. we have shown you smart lighting thatyou can use in different rooms around your home. let the hue go take care of the atmosphere. this is a portable lamp that you take anywhere. now, let's go. you probably realised, accordingto the lighting, that i'm coming over for a visit. and don't forget to check out our other smart lighting videos!

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