schicke badezimmer bilder

the keshe foundation, an independent, non-profit,non-religious, space-based organization founded by nuclear engineer mehran tavakoli keshe is introducing to humanity the science of the universe, plasma science keshe foundation develops
universal knowledgeand space technologies that provide solutionsto major global problems, revolutionizing agriculture, health, energy,transportation, materials, and more. the applicationof plasma science in the form of specially developed plasma reactorsand other devices, will give humanity the real freedomto travel in deep space. plasma science existsthroughout the whole universe. it is here and it belongs to you.
our knowledge, research and developmentregarding the plasma structure has progressed to the point of enablingeveryone to participate in the process. become a creator and understandthe work of the universe for the good of humankind on this planet,as well as in space! the use of magravs, nanomaterials,gans, liquid plasma, field plasma and other plasma technologies have come as a new dawnfor humanity to progress and work in harmony with the universe. conventional technologyapplications are wasteful,
damaging and cause pollutionto the planet and all living beings. plasma science provides solutionsand improves existing methods and use of resources in all aspectsthat touch the lives of all beings. plasma is defined by the foundationas an entire content of fields which accumulateand create matter and it is not definedby its physical characteristics like ionization or temperature. also, with plasma science, we understand how we can convertmatter back to the fields.
quoting from mr keshe, “magrav stands for magnetic-gravitational,which means plasma absorbs or gives. and every plasma has the both,it has give and it has take… and when they can’t find the balancethey distance themselves until they find the balancethey can give to the others that they can receive whatthey want to receive and give further.†certain atoms and molecules release andabsorb magnetic or gravitational fields. released fields are availableto be absorbed by other objects. the keshe foundation has developed a wayto gather these free flowing fields
from the environment withina resourceful and beneficial new state of transitional matterwhich m.t. keshe named gans. the first stepof the process of the formation of various basic types of gans,is nano-coating metals. this is carried outeither chemically by etching (steam coating with sodium hydroxide) or thermally by heating(fire coating by gas burner). during either coating process, gaps between the outermostlayers of atoms are created.
the residual coating is oftenreferred to as nano-coating, defined by the structured layersof nano material, which build up duringthe creation process of the coating. nano-coated metal in interactionwith other various metal plates, in a salt water solution,creates magrav fields. these fields then attract availableelements to form a specific gans, which collects and settlesat the bottom of the container. this gans is formed from independentenergized molecules (like little suns) that can be usedin various applications.
the keshe foundationis extending an invitation to medical doctors ofany practice and specialty, to apply to the foundation's privateweekly medical teaching workshop, this includes medical doctors,dentists, and veterinarians. scientists at the keshe foundation developed different typesof plasma therapies, and cures, that utilize advancednon-invasive plasma technology. the weekly privatemedical teaching workshop educates doctors to theplasma science behind the therapies,
along with the functionality and operationof revolutionary plasma medical devices. the goal of the private teachingsis to add plasma health knowledge to the profound knowledgeof medical doctors. the weekly class is broadcast liveover the internet through a secure private channel, every wednesday from 2 to 5 pmcentral european time. presently the classis only offered in english, however you are free to bringa translator to the class. if you can't participatein the live broadcast
you can watch them laterat your convenience through a private internet portal. every patient's casethat is discussed in the workshop will be kept anonymous and private. this includes cataloguedfindings and data, gained from the analysisof the patient's health issues. any medical doctor in the worldwho wants to participate can do so, by sending an email to :
in your email, please state yourwillingness to participate in the medical teaching workshop. if you're planning on bringinga translator to the workshop, please state this in your email as well. after we receive your email, we will contact you with the instructionson how to apply to the workshop. as a part of the application process, applicants who apply,
including any translatorsbrought into the workshop, will be required to sign the :keshe foundation's world peace treaty, which can be foundat the following web address: all applicants will be required toprovide proof of their education, and ability to practice medicine, and will also be required to passan extensive security background check, before they are granted accessto the teaching workshop. healthful plasma technology is here now.
the use of which is increasingexponentially on a day to day basis, on every continent. we encourage you to come and learnabout this revolutionary technology. apply today! the keshe foundation is extending an invitation to experienced farmers, agricultural specialists, and researchers, to apply to the foundation's privateweekly agriculture teaching workshops.
if you fall into 1 of these categories, and are interested in plasma technologyintegration into agriculture, you're invited to apply. scientists and agricultural practitionersat the keshe foundation, continually develop and applynew methods of food and fiber production, soil fertility management, plant and livestock health management, and increased farm productivity,using the most advanced plasma technology that is taught at the keshefoundation spaceship institute.
in the teaching workshop, you'll learn the scienceof plasma technology and it's applications inthe fields of agriculture, for enhanced andequitable global food production, while minimizing costsand external input. practicing farmers andkeshe foundation scientists will demonstrate their applicationof plasma technology in agriculture, and the ensuing resultsof such applications, thus deepening and enriching learning
for all participants inthe private teachings. participants are encouraged to demonstrate their farming practicesin the teaching workshop. the private teachings are broadcastin english live over the internet through a secure private channel every wednesday at 10 am to 1 pmcentral european time (cet). if necessary, you may bringa translator to the workshop. all applications are requiredto provide proof of their education and professional qualifications.
must pass a security background check. and are required to sign thekeshe foundation's world peace treaty, which can be foundat the following web address ( translators that attendmust also pass a security check and sign the world peace treaty. for details on how to jointhe private teachings in agriculture, send an email to: stating that you would like to participate.
include in the email your educationaland agricultural experience, and reasons for your interest in plasma technology. applicants will be contactedwith further instructions and details on the application process. (rc) welcome everyone to the181st knowledge seekers workshop for thursday july 20, 2017. this is a production of thekeshe foundation spaceship institute. and, today i believe we'll hearfrom mr keshe a bit later, and i think we are goingto hear from ella from ...
her position as a mangerof the keshe foundation. ... is that true ella?are you ready ... to say something thereabout that? that, was my understanding you we’re going topresent something today, or am i'm putting you on the spotand have the wrong understanding here? (ec) ... hello everybody ... i will justprobably make the introduction in the way that... hello, welcome to theknowledge seekers workshop.
... the idea is to start,until mr keshe arrives. so, if at this moment there is anyonewho would like to come forward and present something,that they had to prepare, or they wanted to prepare,for ... ...from, from their work,from ... their researches? then, this is the time because,we are available. so, yes thank you. (rc) okay, thank you ella. so we can progress that wayand we could...
i see that caroline's here now toomaybe she would have something she would like to sayto begin today's workshop? (cdr) hello, thank you rick.good morning. do you have enough coffee today rick? (laughter) (rc) well i'm trying...(cdr) have you prepared yourself my team in the background,to have sufficient, enough coffee sunshine and a big smile on your face?it's a big day today. (rc) well, i understand that there'ssome big news that's to be released today
but we haven't hadmuch of a clue besides that so maybe youwould enlighten us a little? (cr) ah but you're trying get meto tell the secrets, no, no, no, no,, no, no no you've tried this one before rick. (rc) i'll try anyway i canto get the secrets out. (cr) ah that's your...that's your specialty, that's how it should be, but we have quite a fewnice surprises to come up, but i will give the honorto mr keshe to open those
drawers for you rick,but not me. i will tell you that wehave worked and finished the letters, they will bepresented by mr keshe. the councils have workedvery long hours yesterday to complete, even thoughit might look very short. but, we are so carefulin how we express ourselves and how we are working we wont to make sure that the message and the informationcan not be interpreted the wrong way. we don't harm nobody, we don't hurt nobody,we don't insult nobody,
but we give supportand calmness and gentleness. the letter which we didn'tpull through yesterday which was the first one which came upfrom jamila and michelle. i have, i forgot totally because of theconstructing of the other work we had to do. i send them a notice that we will use thatletter a little bit adjusted to and as an expression from mankind through the universal council members,the core team and the earth council, and i will ask each one of you to come inthe meeting, just to agree, yes or no. so, we'll have another surprisein the next few days
to say our gratitudeto mother earth. this was one of my topicsin one of the teachings in the afternoon at the beginning when jim came inand they were asking, can you open more doors of...and in the path of the soul? so one of the topicwas 'gratitude'. and the topic came because ofa allergy, and sandy came on and she had hay fever,i thought she had a cold, and we start talking andshe explained and
i have a very nice lady which has writtena lot of information down. and i said to her, but have been passing thisinformation to so many people as a gift, you know to support, to come out,to understand, to reverse the condition. because, you also you have togo to the root of the problem to understand as mr keshealways explains, you need to know where itcame from in the first place. then analyze and put it. even though itmight not be so nice or even painful, but try to find and bring the most positivethings from that situation to the front to change that energy, your emotionalfield, which is your plasma fields
which then, dictates how it willexpress itself in your physicality. so, my topic that afternoon was,in relation with that, i said, "you know something every time i quotewhat she has taught us through her books or any reader, or any movieor anybody who you picked up something that could bring youin a different position of positive. or brought you in an higher platformwhich is more, you know, pleasant for youto work and to function. we forget to say, "thank you",that's the word 'gratitude'. i say, "thank you" to allthe knowledge seekers,
i say my gratitude to mr keshe, for his beautiful work,nonstop giving continuously feeling, correcting,adjusting, protecting, making sure nothinggoes wrong anywhere. to be a guide, as goodas possible, to protect us like young children walkingon a new path of knowledge. this is the word gratitudeto the food, to the drinks. because even to your computeror to your iphone, somebody has doneand achieved a lot of work
to be able to give youthis little box i call it, which returnsso much favors to you. if you start with your real intentto say, "thank you" to the creator, the imaginator, the one evenstart dreaming about it to be able to make it to manifestin the physical world, for us to be able to use itwith such pleasure. that we can contact and communicateand stay in touch with our family, friends. i know it has become a little bit too much,but still the original idea,
the original setup, took a lot of work anda lot of courage to bring it all together even the way we now can workon such a big platform, we have to express our gratitudethat we can sit here in this meetings and this can go worldwide,we can share in one instant so much information. gratitude to all those peoplewho made this available, because most of them have even spenttheir lifetime work in it. gratitude to the mothersand the fathers to take care of the nourishmentof the new generation.
gratitude to the teachers, because people don't understandthat you can use something positive and receive so much more for it,then to go and say "voo vooo va, and this is a bad teacher and.."critics are always easy. but in real sense togive and say thank you, the clothes, the shoes, thetables, the chairs, the furniture. everything you use has originated froma thought and a design from somebody who done most probablymade his life task worth to make sure it reached as manypeople as he could with that idea
because it hasa purpose to serve. so, i say gratitude to all and thank you so muchfor being here today and i think if every knowledgeseeker can even express his gratitude to the co2, to the ganses, tothe magravs they will be beautiful. that's where we changethe position in giving. thank you rick. i do not knowon what topic we will next jump but i like the public to express theirgratitude in their own way. maybe to give back at a certainpoint, in saying thank you.
thank you rick. (rc) thank you caroline. and that is actually a very, very, bigkeyword and has been a keyword in my life. i've got a little plastic tag withthe word 'gratitude' in it and it's pinned up on my wall, as akeyword to a ponder, you might say. and it's been a part ofmy life that i've focused on it. there is times more intensely thanothers and you can actually develop a prospective or a mood of gratitudewith the things that you do, like ... caroline was,was discussing there.
and it goes for thelittle things in, in life ... for example ... i've had some ... problems in a relationship with acertain individual for example and yeah, he gets really irritatedand i get irritated and it's like a there isthis break down in communication that kind of occurs buti have so much gratitude for that interchangebecause we're able... i'm able to see where there'ssome friction with myself and others
and that gives me somethingto work on in myself and help change myself,to allow peace inside of myself. so, in other words that,that irritation i feel with an individual instead ofjust allowing that to take over. i view it with gratitude,because it's a gift rather than a ... negative, you know,energy draining thing. it's an actual gift, even though it doesn'tseem like that sometimes especially initially until you get you get the overviewand you keep applying the gratitude and finally you see, yeswhat a gift has this been.
it's allowed me to rub offsome of those rough edges against this otherrough edged individual. and that is how... when you think about itthat's how a diamond is polished. there's the saying that, "it takes adiamond to polish a diamond." and if "we are like diamonds"you could say, then different facets of ourselvesneed to get polished, because they're obstructed,they're too rough, to ... to allowthe light to pass. and, so anyways, the gratitude doesmake a huge difference
if you can use thatas kind of a, one of the, the core beliefsi guess you might say. anyway, i'll pass it on to somebodyelse who'd like to, maybe follow ... follow along with that themeas caroline suggested. i was gonna say, if you're an attendee youcan put up your hand. marc erb has this hand up.i'll promote you to a panelist as our panelists seem tobe a little tongue-tied right now (mk) can i come in please? (rc) okay mr keshe, hello.
(mk) hello, hi, good morninggood day to you as usual, wherever or wheneveryou listen to this teachings. this week i tried to keepout of everything to see how the keshe foundation communitywill change the course. is .. it's you to haveto make the difference, it's you to reign the position inand approach all the world leaders. this is what... i deliberatelytook a step back this week, to allow you tostart finding bearings. when i'm not here the keshe foundationcommunity has to run it's affairs.
and ... the structure we set uphas to be able to work in a way that is beneficialto human race. i have watched for past three,four days now different organizations, the universal council, earth councilare learning to stand on their feet and i deliberately tend to everything,out of every situation. i sit in the backgroundi listen ... (cdr) mr keshe you have a verybad connection. can you relocate please? (mk) the thing is i'm...i'm mobile situation... hello? can you hear me?
(rc) uh yes.(mk)can you hear me? (rc) we can hear, but we have toturn up the volume quite high in order to hear. there's a lot ofbackground noise and whatnot.(mk) what do you say? okay, what i'm gonna do.i'm gonna be off for.. i'll come back in an hour,an hour and a half. i'll be in a fixedposition that i can speak and we can start theteaching in the afternoon. today's session try to,before lunchtime
try to find a way that you agreewith all the letters you've written and it can go outobviously from all of you. this is what it is ... decision hasto be made by earth council members and this has to be backed bythe universal council members. their decision is when the earth councilmembers confirm the letter can go out. it should have gone out on monday,we're running very, very, short. so, try to come to a conclusion.i come back two o'clock lunchtime and then, we startthe whole procedure. we have had enough time isgood to see there is everything done
in a very nice way, a waywe planned for peace and then i'll explain new positionwhich has been taken. you try to bring john in to explainhow the souls elevation can be and the rest of it but now you haveto finish it, finish it by two o'clock today. give the letters, especially where thechinese group has agreed, go out with it. address the letter to president xibut to central committee headed by president xi. thisis how it should be addressed. his excellency president xiand central committee. so is heading and the rest.this only could be addressed that way.
all the documentsyou send in on pdf. nobody can enter the nameof the president or the king. this is a flaw in this job. you have to openthe letter, it doesn't stay, or at least allow theattachment that it can be sent. they can add the name of the presidentor the king in a front page and then the letter behind it, because once you seal a pdfyou cannot open it, so, they can't open it to do it,it makes it very difficult for people to put the name of thepresident or a king on it.
so, if you go back on yoursystem, especially the webmasters, just attach a name for the attention ofhis excellency or his highness and then address itthat they can send it. then it become a standard lettereverybody can use it. you seal the pdfnobody can use it. so, but be carefulwho you help people in the background,that they can abuse the system too. but it's something we haveto understand how to do it but if you're doing it, attach to it aletter from you.
please note this.just make one sentence line for the attention of his excellencyor is president and there, put their nameand attach the letter to it, don't let the pdf fileto be touched. for the chinese communityplease address directly into, the peaceful nation of your countryas i explained before, and we'll seewhat we can do. i tried to be in the... [audio loss]
...explained a lot of things we'vegot in the peace program too but please allow me i'mjust mobile at the moment. by 2 o'clock i'll be in a fixed place, fixed timeand ... we can explain the teaching you... be done mainly in the afternoon,not this morning. thank you very much. if you look at the structure,i've asked ella, as the head of the keshe foundationorganization worldwide, to start taking part of theresponsibility and understanding. at the same time, she'll be headingthis teaching this morning.
we have to accept that the eventualityis keshe foundation belongs to worldwide accommodationand, we have to grow the growth of the keshe foundation,is becoming amazingly fast. in time we'll explain, but ... pleaseearth council has to authorize the release of the paper,through it's members and the support of the universal councilhas to see the operation running smoothly. you are running very, very,'re around the 20th today. you've got less than 17 days,18 days to achieve it. please, i thank you for what you are doingand you've done a wonderful job.
i'll explain, very strangephenomena that has occurred, and has changed the positionin so many ways for all of us. i'll go out because i'm moving,but at 2 o'clock teaching i'll be there and i'll explaineverything directly. (rc) ... mr keshe. so, we'll havean afternoon ... session today that what your saying? (mk) yes! the 181 afternoon session,we'll help teach. (rc) okay(mk) i'll be there okay. thank you very much. thank you.(cdr) mr... mr keshe?
mr keshe, before you disappear,can we present the letter to theuniversal community. (mk) eh... yes! that's no problem,but let me explain to it that... we explain this afternoon in the teachingexactly what is going to happen. but the letter to the presidentshas to be released urgent. as fast as you can, once you get approvalfrom the earth council that it's agreed. (cdr) okay, but the universal councilcan't present it yet? (mk) no problem, but that is not a priority.(cdr) okay. (mk) the priority is the letterfrom the earth council,
which is the letter to the presidents andthe ... kings of the... heads of the nations. (cdr) they... they will be working on itin the background, i arranged that. so, everything will be okay. (mk) no problem,but it has to be going out. mass release it to every partand everything else, that we are an organization whois a supporter of peace. what we'll do, we'll explainthe whole operation this afternoon. (cdr) okay! thank you v....(mk) thank you very much. thank you, bye bye.(cdr) thank you, bye.
so, rick if you want to carry on,on the gratitude for the time being? vince do you havethe letter which we... worked on yesterday,about the universal community? do you want to start with the letter rick?or you want to wait with it? because then we can explain. (rc) i'm not clear are we gonna presentthe letter before mr keshe talks about it? (cdr) yeah, he will expand more on it, but it can be fully explainedand presented this morning, about the universal community.
the one we finished yesterday,in the background. the chinese teams are workingon the letter to be ready for... maybe, still this morning?or then beginning this afternoon. i will communicatewith them in the background. if we can start with the letter? (rc) i'm just... trying to find...a second here. so, you're talking about theformation of the universal council ... is that what you mean, or what?which letter? (cdr) non, non. no, no.the one which we drafted yesterday.
with all the council...(rc) can someone send me the link for that? because i don't have it,immediately in front of me, and i don't know which one...(cdr) if sandor... if sandor is present, or vince, theyshould have it in pdf file. (rc) okay, it's sent, just sent it here(cdr) in the meant... the menu switch for peace.a request to the universal communities. right? is that it?(cdr) yes, exact, yes. thank you. (rc) let me share that. just make it a bit bigger.
and here's it's aligned in my livestream, (cdr) take your time. (rc) okay, there we go. so, i could ... read that?that seems appropriate... (cdr) i cannot fully see the...i cannot fully see the letter, it's like in a quarter of the screen. rick? (rc) ... i'm not surewhat to do about that. (vv) it's fine on this side. (cdr) yeah, i changed it's i can see it thank you. (rc) okay?(cdr) vince are you
gonna do the honoror rick, to read it? (rc) vince go ahead if you want. (vv) no, you can go ahead rick. (cdr) we can't get him to do it. [chuckles] (vv) well, i'm working on the letter as well. so... i don't want to be taking my attentionaway from something that's, that important. (rc) ah yes. (cdr) yes. yet yes (rc) that's right we have to allow those,to work in the background. okay so, let me the letter then.
it goes,"humanities wish for peace - a request tothe universal communities." "we request the universal communitiesto open a portal of communication and support us in our questto create everlasting peace." "our wish is to achieve peaceand create the best living conditionsfor all life forms on earth." "we have received a universal teacherand through his inspiring teachings we have gained theknowledge to elevate our souls." "we have therefore evolvedto the appropriate level of achieving peace."
"we as humanity now wish to join theuniversal communities in a peaceful way." "the universal council.the earth council. the core team. the knowledge planet, one nation, one race" (cdr) this was my wish last week mondayin the universal council meeting. and, they were still thingswhich had to be cleared out. which i'm going totry to clear out today. is that, we knowwe are not alone. we share this planet with somany other energies, creations. and i thought, why do we have towalk this path as humanity alone?
when we actually can openour doors and invite everything which is existing to comeand support us in our quest for this level ofpeace at this moment. and...just one moment please. okay, i'm back.sorry for that. that, if we open the doors and we ask forthe communication of open platform. if we make it our wish,we will receive so much support which they havebeen waiting for a long time, for us to be ready to be presentin this level of understanding.
and this is the blueprint of the peace. so, they have been near usthey know our position, they know exactly, mr keshe hasbrought it in so many teachings. has explained so many times. i even brought the glasses back,that people could create the tools of how to start visually seeing them,to communicate with them. and, he always said, "they read your fieldsand your intent before you even manifest them." so, you're talking and yourphysicality doesn't matter, because, they knowexactly how you will approach
and how, in what condition,and what your intent is. so, we worked yesterday onthis letter to bring it into public, to introduce it tomankind to support the wish that we will succeed,that we are ready. that we have elevatedto this new platform. we all been so,hard working for. all our wishes is combined inthis letter, now to join even, and request more elevationand friendship and joy. the funny part of thiswhole thing which,
i already brought it forward,but maybe not today. there're new people aroundin this meeting or present. is that the night we were assembling theletter, we were writing and working hard for mr keshe andall the council members to get this letter to begoing out to all the kings, the presidents andall the heads of states, whatever title or dignitaryis responsible for a country. suddenly, out of nowhere in...because it was dark. i went outside and i said, "mr keshe can ihave a minute please,
from your time,because i'm not sure." we had, for half an hour non-stop,as you call them, 'ufo's. we has spaceships passing. first small ones, but every few secondsthere was one passing, making surethat we noticed it. and, it wasn't only mr keshe and mewho were seeing it, we have two more witnesses that,have seen the same pattern as we saw. and it was so beautiful. half and hour,non-stop confirmation,
"we are present,we support, we heard you." in whatever formyou want to confirm, we visually could see theconfirmation that they are with us. because we were writing this letter,which is now the blueprint of peace, to invite for everyone to comeand sign the peace treaty. vince or rick can give you to supporta very blurry picture because, the last ship was enormous,it was very big. through their magnetical field,as mr keshe explained, if they were touching the cloudswe could see the boundaries of them.
in the middle when there was no cloud,it was transparent, you couldn't see. so, because of that problem my camera could not take beautiful clear pictures. but we have two who canbecause there is a circle around it, where you see asmall ring in the clouds. but i assure you, when with the naked eyeit was a beautiful passing bye one after another non-stop, half and hournon-stop, one after another. it's so beautiful andin the background i was... as i was sendingthe pictures to vince, while they were carrying onworking on the letter,
he was sorting themout to have a better view or take the best picture possible out. and i wrote a note to him.i said, "you know something vince?" "this is the confirmationof the wish last week", which now todaywe present to you in public, that we request the wishfor peace to the universal community. because one of the universal councilmembers said, "this is a path,which is unknown to me." i said, "it will beunknown to a lot of people."
he said, "but, it would be niceto have some kind of confirmation, or some kind of a sign, or...some kind of... you know? that, how are we gonna know thatthey, they confirm?" i said, "time will tell" and it happenedexactly the night we were writing this letter...the letter to the presidents. and therefore, came the idea,already from that monday to write a letter, toinvite to open the doors. and this is today, all the councils arepresenting you this wish.
i invite you all, with love and care tosupport this wish. thank you very much. (me) i support the wish, to encircle the earth and join lower earth and upper earth in peaceand join the universal community. (cdr) thank you. we usually ask or confirmby saying, "i am present", with your name please. (me) i am present,mark erb and i go peaceful. because, it is astatement of peace. (gm) i am present, gatua ma mbugwa in kenya.thank you very much.
(da) doug here,and i'm very much present. and peace to all. (sk) it's sandor, i am present.hungary. (jr) this is james, sorry. carry on.(pc) i am present... (pc) i am present, i am pim catry andi am very happy with this ... process we are in.thank you. (jr) i am james and i am present,and i support this wish full-heartedly. (vv) vince from canada and i am present.and my gratitude to all humanity. (ae) alekz from nigeria, i'm present as well.
(mn) this is marie from norway, i am presentand i embrace peace and love. thank you. (rh) i am raffael from switzerlandand i'm present as well. i'm glad andhonored to be here. (pl) it's pia from denmark(rw) i'm lin ... (pl) okay, it's pia from denmark,i am present and i am in peace. thank you. (fm) ...flint muhlhausen,i am present, united states. (lm) this is ... jim andlisa from australia, we are presentand we also wish for peace. (jg) i am jalal, from spaceship earth, sector iraq. i am present.
(rw) i am ruthy lin from china,and in fully support. (tk) i am thomas from switzerland,and my wish is peaceful unity. and, i thank for all the gifts wehave already received. thank you so much. (ee) i'm eckmar from germanyand i'm present. (rc) rick from canada and i'm presenthere, now and ready for action. (vv) you certainly are. thanks to you rick. (cp) i am chemina from paris, france,i am present. (jw) i am john from argentinaand i'm present and exalted to be here, accompanying these beautiful councils,with all my love. thank you.
(me) i acknowledge the entire knowledgeseekers team and participants. they give me a sense of closureto my question of why i exist, is due to your searchingand discovering of what's important. it means i can spread knowledge andlove. thank you. i am present, mark erb. (zm) hello, i am zina mecnaze,i live in france. i'm very grateful to live such a day,i thank everybody and mr keshe and caroline, made,made this happy, happen to us, and i'm present one hundred percent. (la) this is lasz, i am here,i am that i am a master of u energy,
i choose life and i am the safe spaceand i be in peace. thanks for all. (ym) [inaudible]i am present. (vv) paul, can you repeat that please? (rc) you want to try it again paul? (vv) hello?(rc) that may been the only opportunity he have. go ahead. (bc) this is boneficefrom california, i am present and i am gratefulto all the souls here. thank you. (ma) hello. yes, i'm michellefrom austria,
i'm present and i'm so gratef...thankful .... thank you. (vv) ... galaxy tab a, your microphoneis open, did you want say something? (rc) ... they don't see him coming through.we don't hear you galaxy tab a, if you are tryingto communicate there. (jt) yes, good morning everybody. (rc) hi! (jt) i am jibani from togo,i am present. i am very grateful to be in the panel,and listening everything. i wish the best, i wish peace,i wish love. thank you.
hello? (rc) yes (vv) thank you for being here, yes.(rc) i think... they came throughloud and clear, thank you. anyone else from the attendees,you can raise your hand, and i can promote you to a panelist,where you can speak. as i speak willy raised his hand,i'll promote you to a panelist. (ju) hello, my name is julian. i am present, and my intentionsand wishes are peaceful on earth,
for all beings that live there.thank you so much everybody. great job. (wo) yes, hello? this is willy fromnorway, and i am present. thank you. (dc) this is demetri couppis,i am present with all of my family, for this beautiful change.i love you all. (fm) we could hardly hear you there. (cdr) people, can also express yourself, in the comments on the...even in facebook you can express, i am present with your will appear for people, who can not get their mics working,or can't get, come through,
or cannot be promoted on time.please do confirm all your wishes, of confirmation are more than welcome,in this peace process. we will receive so much. because it's thefirst time we acknowledge that we can receive so much more, and we arelearning to give so much more. a lot of people have been waitingfor this moment, to open those doors, which have been keptso long in taboo. a lot of people have knowledge, havereceived connection, are in communication. but it has alwayshave been kept away from public, because, the timewas not right.
as we are elevating so many souls, slowlymore and more doors are opening up. if anyone can bring a positive adding tothis letter, you will be more than welcome. if anyone wants to goand understand more, you can ask questions,you can come forward. it was a pleasure, and it is a pleasure,to share this with all of you. this is the picture you see.vince has drawn a circle around it, and this was one of the best ones. we have a lot of video footage,but it's gonna have to be trimmed, before we canmaybe attach it later on.
it was an amazing event,i can assure you. we had this presented alreadyin part of the previous days. and people came and showed their pictures,and it was very lovely to share. and it is beautiful, that so many soulsare aware, we are not alone. and if rick can bringthe peace letter back up, to the heads of states. maybe, we can find more points in howwe can approach those who are in positions, how we can givefor them to come to the invitation which humanity has set outon this path of peace. thank you rick.
(rc) okay, thank you caroline. i justwanna make sure i get the latest, the... peace letter here. (ym) hello? (cdr) paul? (ym) hello? yeah.(cdr) paul from togo? (ym) yes.(cdr) good morning paul. (ym) good morning caroline. so, i just want to confirm thatthey are present with us, and we receive them from togo many times,and we have received them
the last time whensome people from denmark come to us. and it was very amazing,and very huge spaceship, that we can play with them. and they come, and they appear,some time to time, and if we were very clear we can communicate,play with their spaceship. and this is very important. so, my gratitude to mr keshe,to bringing knowledge to us, because we know them, now they know us,and we are now in contact with them.
they come regularly. and we can communicate with them,with their spaceship. huge spaceship. and you can play with them,you can ask what you need, and you will see their reaction,the field from the spaceship. so. the peace communityis here with us. the peace communityis around us. we have to be aware,we have to take more further. they are nowin the world of peace.
we are nowin the land of peace. the peace came back. no more fear, because we have now powerno one can abuse from us. because what's took place. our ???, our creator. our soul is creator,he have all power to perfect all our body,all our emotion. our soul have the power to be incommunication with all entity in the universe. we have this gratitude’s. now we have to go more in deep, wehave to be in contact with them,
we have to keepin contact with them. they are here with us, theysupport us, they take action when we go in the process of peace they want peacefor this planet earth. they give us love. so... come and join please,everyone in this process of peace, with your heartsand your soul. the rest will be done.thank you.
(cdr) thank you paul. anyone else please? (zl) timely, this is a great, great, time,thank you all for everything. (rc) i could barely hear you there,i think it was zane. could you say that again? (zl) can you hear me? (cdr) can you speak up a little bit?(rc) yeah. just, just barely. (zl) can you hear me now? (rc) it's still very faint,like it's not connected somehow. (zl) yeah well, this is zane lott,i'm present and thank you all very much.
it is, it's very a exiting time, man,the activity outside is just incredible. i've never seen so many ships,it's just beautiful. thank you all. (cdr) you're welcome. we gonna have to.. excuse me? (rc) go ahead. we have a pact to create,of friendship. not of fear.not of what we ever believed of. we are creating the pathin the right way, of tolerance, no matter how theappearance will be.
they are not there to spook, or to hurt,or to harm, in no way, in no shape. it will be an adjustmentfor mankind, but as we are supporting each otherand it was our wish, and it is our wish. make it a beautiful wish. then the transition and communicationwill go so much faster. because, it's not only them,who will share with us, we have so much to offer,we have such a beautiful planet. we have so much feelings,we have so much courage, we have so much beauty.
the only thing is thatman has never realized how beautiful he is. even to enjoy life,in its shape and its form, is sometimes very hard,because of the created conditions. that's why weare here today, all of us. that's why i was encouraging so manyknowledge seekers in the previous teachings. to create the path of your wishes,but to materialize them already with your creative minds, and your gifts,and all your talents. to make it, that we can see the new path,it has to be made, it has to be created. that's whyyou are creators.
be very cre, be very aware how, when, and howwe all are going to step in this new position. we're gonna need a lot of people,with a lot of good ideas and a lot of effort. nobody will go jobless, we have a lot to do,because we have a lot of cleanup to do. even when we start traveling, and evenfor the ones which can leave this planet. we will not leave this planetthe way we have shaped it. we are preparing, as i explaineda letter of gratitude to our mother earth. to remind us, in gratitudewhat she is daily giving to us. we are in such a beautiful environment. she's feeding us, she's nourishing us,she's caring for us.
we have warmth, we have cold,we have everything what we can wish for. and i thinkwe have to start embracing it, and make the path. but create the path. and if we go together, with all our ideas,as i said this morning, "gratitude" for the path to be made. i invite you all,to come to create the path of peace. thank you. (jf) thank you,my name is julian from norway,
i would also like to express gratitude to,yes, mother earth for allowing us to have this experienceof being this disconnected and being in the, how can i say it, "darkness",and then and to reawaken back to our universal selves,our family, and back to love and appreciate, gratitudeto everybody that has been a part of it on either side, so that we can havea big, how can i say, "reunion party" in the galaxy that we made it,and we're fixing our, and we're fixing the planet back toit's original shape and we are, yes, i thank you for the old,and welcoming in the new.
all in love and peace,thank you all very much. (jb) this is jon from arizona. ... i'd like to welcome our space familyto this beautiful planet. this is the time that we have worked forfor so long, to bring the bridge together, that we might be able to step forwardin the universal community, and show the universal communitythat we can operate in peace, and that we have peace in our heart,and that we can bring the rest of the people and humanity along with usin a peaceful way. to create not only a better worldon this planet,
but a better universefor the rest of our family. now's the time, and now,and this is the place. let us open up these bridges,and i call forth all of our space family, to join with us in, in the ways that are,are appropriate, as we join with youas equals. in that, although we may still havestuff to learn, we have the ability to learn,and to move forward in ways that ... ... we can, we can join, and bea contributing member to the universe. we look forward to it.
let us open that path, that our souls,that our souls join together as one. (da) can i tell a little story? please?doug from australia. (rc) i think that might be appropriate.go ahead doug. (da) right it, it's thatyou don't know who you're going to meet. when you're out and about. so, i work as a traffic controller,and i meet the public. and some weeks ago i meta man who was walking on a footpath, near where i'dclosed off the road for roadworks. and he was 6 foot 5, very thin,and very, very dark, purpley black.
and very tall. and, he struck me as a different person,that i would normally not see. so, i felt compelledto run across the road, and across the other lanes of the road,on the opposite side. and i walked up to him and i said, "where are you from?" and he said, "sidney" and i said "no, no, no,"(laughter) "not there but, wheredo you come from?"
he said, "i'm from south sudan,south sudan in africa." and he spoke in a very, very niceenglish accent. sophisticated accent. and i looked up at his 6 foot 5,and i said, "you're the most beautiful person i've seen walking along this footpathfor a long time, and i want to shake your hand. i'm doug,i'm a traffic controller." i was dressed in the personal protective gearreflective vests and i... and he reached out and my hand reached outand we shook hands. and, i said, "i'd like to tell you aboutthe keshe foundation,
you said you are from south sudanand i just wanna say, if you're, you know.." he was walking by the way to a universitythat was just nearby. and i said, "you have a computer? " yes."look up the keshe foundation because we're trying to do good work in africa." and he said, "we need it."i said, "yes i know." and he said, "i will look it up."he wrote down, on a piece of paper,put it in his briefcase. and, and then he went on his way,i said, "i don't wanna say anymore but i'd really..." and we shook hands againand he went away.
his name was michael. and today, strangely enough, again on aroad closure, a young man came up, stopped his car, and said,but he didn't say, i went over. and again he was a man with black skin,and he opened up the window, and i said, "where are you from?"and he said, "ghana." woo, and he mentioned "nigeria."and i said, "wow." i said, "it's really interesting."he was also smiling at me. and i said, "oh look, i'm an administratorwith the keshe foundation and we're doing really, trying to get alot of work done in africa,
to bring equality.and he was smiling. he said "oh that's, that's really good.""thank you" he said, "that's, that's nice." and i've written it down, i said, "look, and have a look." i said, "we have people on the groundin ghana, and we have peopleon the ground in nigeria. and, we're reallytrying to raise the life of the people in africa becausethey haven't had a good run." "yes! he said, "yeah."and he said, "oh." i said, "sir look up
and if you can." i said, "5 o'clockour local time tonight there's a workshop. 181st knowledge seekers workshop,if you can join, or what if you can see it on youtube,or livestream, look up our website and see if you can join." and he said,"i will write an email to you." i said, "well write..."if he lives in the same town as me, i was working in my town today,first time for a long time. we live probably ...three kilometers from each other. and he said, "i will write to you."i said "i'm an administrator." and he said, "i will.." i said,"go, go to the contact link
and i'll look for your email,what is your email address?" and he smiled and he said, "my emailaddress is". and i said, that's pretty'good the sacred insight', i said, "well you'll probably bein touch with each other." he said "yes"and he drove away. and i thoughtthat was, pretty good. and when i meet people, i don'tconsider that they come from necessarilyplanet earth. they may appear like us
but they're dropping hintsthrough their behavior and their... the way they speakthat they ... they ... putting out synchronousor synchronicity hints that ... you know everything isgoing on, you doing fine, it's really good, i'm justhere to say you know it thank you, to you, to mefor being a part of this and, they come and they goand i've met more than ... more than one ortwo of them. i've met lot of people that i felt...where saying they came from sydney,
they came from ghana, theycame from nigeria, they came from ... but i kind of feel thatthey're ... from the universe and they're just walkingaround among us ... a ... not by accident theycome and they meet us. and they say, "thank you"and there's an interaction. and it encourages mewhen it happens and i think it happens to a lot of people,whether they realise it or not and ... it's all part of the processbecause we are ready now for this. and ... really that's all i wanna's a nice little
to know as little ... it's nota story, it's actually a fact. these things happened,and i wanted to share. thanks for listening. (rc) thank you doug, good. okay ... not sure how wewant to proceed with the ... letter. can someone give mesome direction on that? is that progressing in thebackground or we supposed to work on it in theforeground here at the same time. (vv) ... let's work on the background ...for a little bit here. yeah rick?
(rc) okay. (cdr) are there more peoplethat can come forward with how to reshape and how it can be done? because, once we reach this platformthings are gonna start moving very fast. we gonna have to be ready asknowledge seekers to deal with the change and to bring an easy transition. with all our manpower wehave and the knowledge we have through soul andthrough the physicality
we're gonna haveto make the path. any person has any ideas? (lvd) hi, this is libbyand i'm ... sorry i arrived late. so i'm not sure that is wasmentioned that as an idea. i send a link to the universalcommunity yesterday about the ubuntu michael tellinger's effort tomake small towns very viable, so the people can learnto work with each other and ... i'm sure that wecould team up with ... with the ubuntu groupand many other groups
who are workingin similar lines with us. i have not yetapproached them but i wanted to checkwith the universal community and the keshe community at large,as too how, if a: they familiar with ubuntu which i'm pretty suremost people would be. are you familiar with ubuntu,u b u n t u michael tellinger, at all caroline? (cdr) yes i am because... it's nice youbringing this one forward, because the beauty thing has struck me
and stuck into my mind,as a picture even. where they are placing somebodyfrom the tribe in the middle and they praise him and he actuallyhas done something wrong. they praise him for twoor three days non-stop. they even change people to carry onpraising the person how good he is, what he has achieved, everything possible what is intheir memory their collecting everything is positive and they'regiving it as a feedback to him. that, there is no needfor going off the path of
whatever was at that moment,he was creating a problem. so, this is the same impulse. the same thing which hasbeen repeated in the last few days. if we start giving towards the otherperson, gratitude and admiration and confirm their beauty, their talents,but make sure that they receive it. not to keep it in your many do and not speak it. but, even sending it to your soulthe person will receive the package and you seethe people changing. stefano from italyposted something very nice.
i posted ... i circulatedit in messenger. he explained the topicof my teaching to his girl, and she was practicing it whenthey went outside and the feedback she was giving,he posted that, and it's so beautiful, that she was sendingthe message and she said she could feel and hear without speakingthat the woman wasn't so pleased with it. so he give her adifferent instruction to change, because she was staring at her,she felt uncomfortable. and then he got the feedback she startssmiling, she start feeling pleasant.
so you can imagine how manypeople you can touch through just your projection of your intent? and this is, what we are now uniting togo for the second and the third of august but not to let itgo down in waves again. we gonna have to keep on stepping up,even more, to make sure we are touching. and, as you touch your changeanything which comes near you and then they, becausetheir level is changing they touch, they gohome more pleasant. they don't go so agitated,they start smiling.
and people which are practicingthis, is exactly what ubuntu is doing but in different projects they havebrought so many projects in ubuntu. we can learn a lot from it. if you open the name ubuntu andyou go and search your correct libby. they have a great knowledge,how to change it, in a very easy way. and they show the path. so, if they can embrace us,or we can embrace them to join, we will learnfrom each other. thank you forbringing it forward.
(lvd) your welcome andi will send them an invitation. i don't know michael personallybut i've been following what that group has been doingand it is really heart warming. (cdr) there is a lotof knowledge in africa. there is a lot ofcorrectness in africa. been handed down fromgeneration to generation. it is absolutely beautiful. i will ... i have preparedsomething else with rick this morning. if rick can bring it forward,about the universal council,
which started in dubai. to give you all a better insighthow different the new platform will be, and how we are already taking theseresponsibilities for a year on our shoulders, it's a learning path,for all the universal members. it doesn't matter if it's the earth councilor the universal council or the core team, which is already a lot longer in positionthan the other two councils. but the principleshows very clearly. i bumped intoa post this morning, and i've been searching for it, but maybeit was only the time was right now,
to bump into it this morning,to share it with you. i immediately send it all outto the council members. because, it is a slide show, andit's beautiful, we will adjust it, we will addmore pictures to it, we will add the presentation of mr kesheto it, where he explains more into detail. but it will give you a very good ideahow the councils will work, and will operate, that we do not go intonothing from the past. it's an absolutely new road,with a new setting, and i want to give youand i want to offer you this new platform
which we already are applying,to give you an idea how we will, and can changethe path of peace. and how we can bring it to our leaders,and to our people to support them, how it can be done. we are the first ones, and we arevery happy to share it with you. this was the picture from dubai. if rick can open the slide showone at the time, and if they are any questions,please step forward. are you ready rick?
(rc) ...yeah, i can try to do it as a slide show.see how ... it works out here, i'll enter slide show mode. (cdr) i've been searching(rc) oh that didn't work (cdr) for this file for a week. it's the blueprint of the start of the peace,and it's the blueprint of the councils. it's not complete yet,we're still working on it. but to give you an insight, how it's done,how it works, how it operates. because, i sent an invitationat the same time we are gonna present this. whoever feels to become a support member,or a council member,
to take the responsibility on your shoulders,we can and we need more people to join. because the more souls we have,the more beautiful we can do our work. and as mr keshe has repeated itquite a few times, the core team is thereto support through the soul. the earth council membersare responsible for this planet. the universal council members,are the interaction to support whatever the earth councilis of any need. and this is the start of it. the 'formation ofthe universal council'.
members will, members willself select themselves. the selection will be on the basis of the nativespeakers of the language on the planet. without any respectto where they are spoken. if a member of the speaking languageis not present, in this conference, our delegate takesthe guardianship of the language until the selected person comes forward. if you can go tothe next one please? the method of self, 'the methodof appointing oneself to the council', the council shall not be elected,
but appointed by the soul of the manto be able to serve the humanity. once in space, and in due course,man will see and feel each others soul, and not each others physicality and voice. thus there is no need for spending time,money and effort on one promoting oneself as the others see the true soul of the manand his intentions. thus the job of today is to seewhich one of you trust ones soul, to be transparentand is there to serve man on earth, and in space with the true intentions,and not the spoken words. now let's understanding, now let's startthe understanding of the process.
the 'expansion ofthe universal council of 12'. within the next 12 months, each memberof the council of 12 elected here, then will havethe pleasure to accept self selected eleven more languagesand members to his/her group. members, new members,12 sub councils, will be self selected based on the new languages selected bythe total members of group of councilors. thus by the end of the 12 months,the council will have 12 groups of 12 members covering (most) of thelanguages on the planet or 144 members. in the future there shall beinter universal members,
and they will be added tothis council on the same basis as man become memberof the universal council. next slide please. man in spacewill understand his true value, and this council becomesthe true representation of the interest of the whole of the humanity,both on earth and in space. these are the positions,they're two of them. (pc) excuse me, but we don't see the slide show,we just see the ufo photo on zoom. (rc) is anybody elsehaving any problems
seeing the slide show?(evd) no i... i see the slide show. (fm) yeah we.. i.. (rc) i thinkyou might wanna restart your zoom or find the correct window. (pm) ok, sorry.(rc) thank you. (fm) yeah it's comingthrough good rick. (pl) this side,slide show is really clear. (rc) okay, let's carry on. (cdr) 'the expansion ofthe universal council of 12', they are some pictures,it will be more explained in the near future,
because the voiceof mr keshe is very important, how this will go on to different platforms,of explanation, but i want to give youa view of the essence. whoever was in dubai has witnessedthis coming and appearing on the screen. we have posted a lot of informationhow you should behave, if and act and interact, and it has beena learning process for all of us. and that's why i'm invitingso many new members. if you feel, step forward,go through the process. you have to be going throughthe vetting process as usual,
it's for everybody the same. if you already have passedthe vetting process, let us know. and then you will come into the council,and you will be more than welcome. we need more languages,we need more people, we need a lot of support members,if you can't take the full task as a full time. we welcome you with open arms, because this is the work weare doing in the background. this is a more technical explanation inwas in the previous picture and i leave this to mr kesheto go more into, open to it.
and then, it says,"universal council of 12" "there shall be nohead of the univers... there shall be no headof the council elected as the souls through their ownposition and serving the humanity will find forces of balanceto create a balanced council." "there shall be no votingas no one sees the truth"... excuse me "there shall be no votingas one sees the truth and feel the realintention of others." "thus once onepromotes a certain motion
to establish or do somethingfor the good of the man, then the other souls willunderstand and support the motion ofthe presented case through their intention andsupport of the soul and not by voting." and this is exactly what i was tryingto give you the new platform that theseare the changes, as we are givingyou the example. please go tothe next slide. there is so much more thatneeds to be taught about this
but this gives you a very goodfoundation... of understanding. "the rotation of all members,12 councilors and 12 sub council leaves in the main 144 councils isby rotation of the members and will be for the durationof one cycle of man for 1 year." there has been andthere are adjustions to this kindof framework. so, i'm just giving youan idea from the start, we are still working, and stilladjusting to certain positions and to cometo understand
as we are in a learningprocess of this new level, as well. "thus each seaton each leaves becomes a member ofthe main council every year which chooses its positionby the state of the soul and its sincerity of the soulin its group to serve humanity." "the rotation of the position is byservitude and not by seat position." "thus a whole race has to become supporterto the soul of their self selected soul, that his/her soul promotion leads him/her tobe at the seat of the council and then on the mainseat of the main council."
the way... this way number ofspeaking languages does not count, but the true servers, serving humanitywill accumulate the strength. "thus servitude becomelike the gravitational circle and giving unconditionallybecome the magnetical." "so the more they serveand the more they receive to become more pure to beserving rather than receiving." "this is the secret of the operation ofthe new universal order of council." [topouli barks in background]next slide please. "now lets elect ourselvesto serve humanity."
then you have the languages,you have the ranks, it will be adjustedand it still is adjusting, to who and whereverit needs to be. the same identical here,and identical here. this was a little view intohow you can serve humanity through your soul and throughthe real essence of your intent. i welcome anynew soul who feels he's reached the pointto serve humanity. rather it be in the council,as a full-time member
or, if it is as asupporting member. we welcome all the forces, to translate,to support in any shape, any form, to take these letters that aregetting produced to the councils. to comeinto public, to support andcreate more of the energy to havethis all for humanity. are there anyquestions please? (jb) this is jon, i heardthat some of the... universal council members weregoing to be full time ...
participants, and that ... potentiallythere would be ... relocating to ghana, is... can you sayanything about that? the ... there is a structure thatis getting created in ghana and when the time is right,and when humanity is right on the level of...that it can start... ... there will bean opening there. and all the members of theuniversal council, the earth council and the core team willbe present in that opening. unfortunately,we have no...
final date whenthis is going to happen we are notmoving there because each continent onthis planet will need a center, where the councilmembers can come and go to serve forwherever it's needed. if you're needed in china,you will all gather into china. if you're needed onthe other continent you will go, becausethe earth council will... request where the position isneeded the most and the most urgent.
where we usually appear, we bringso much change in energy, because we are there to serve,we are there to give. but a permanentbase will not exist because the whole planetis our permanent base. we will just be drawn to theplaces where is most of need. maybe, council members will be inall different parts, in different groups. it all will be stipulated outby the earth council. as i said before,"where the need is the highest, where we can comeand give our support
and what kind of workneeds to be done". we're in agrowing process, there... we are learningall very fast and it's beautiful, how, sincethe three teams have come together, in the last few weeks,the family is growing. and it's a pleasant,comfortable feeling that there's so many soulsworking for one target. and a lot of them areworking around the clock. and we will see moreand more coming in
because thetime is right. we now, will be ableto guide, much easier, the new memberswhich are coming in and welcome in, because wealready walked the path for one year. so, we know how it works,we're still getting guided how to get better,how to do things better. but we're getting there,we're all maturing. as i feel the maturity in thesepresentations everyday growing, i think you all sense's a pleasure to be here.
and it's very nice when we cansay, at the end of the teaching, "i really enjoyed being here." and i'm so glad that i could hearso many voices say, "i am present." because, we are growing,and if you can follow this etiquette of how thisearth council, universal council, andthe core team is working, and if we can bringthis ethos into our structure in our knowledge seekers andinto the worldwide public we will go very fast,because it's an honest way,
and you take your responsibility,so nobody can dictate nothing to you. you stand for what you take onyour shoulders as a soul. and you're not pushed,and you're not maneuvered. you stand as you are inyour perfection to serve. thank you, rick.that was beautiful. we will expand on it.we will give you more insight. we will bring you more information. i posted already,two weeks ago i think. some reminders of dubai.
and somebody said thank you so muchit brought back so many good memories. because, more or less the whole weekeverybody was there, they did nothing butgathering, talking, sharing, learning, and it was a pleasure to be therewith all of, and every single one. there was no agitation,there was no... it was a working forcewhich came together. and this working force repeats itselfevery time, every meeting after dubai. just sharing, you could seethe notes flying over the table.
you could see systems appearing andeverybody had his time to explain and talk. and to bring and to share whatthey have achieved since this process, they got in touchwith keshe foundation. so that's why we are welcoming you,more and more, to come and share your work,your experience. and how you gonnapay for the path of peace? we as council members,just showed you, how you can walk the path by starting within yourself, for yourself,to take the full responsibility for yourself. any questions?
(rc) okay, thank you, caroline. again i'll advise the attendees. if you do want tospeak, you can become a panelist. and, i can promote you to a panelistif you put your hands up. so that i recognizeyou want to do that. (cdr) i notice in the chat.somebody said you forgot bulgarian. it is noted and itwill be added to the list. anyone who noticedthat their language is missing, please do nothesitate to inform us. these, were from the start,and they are not complete yet.
so, that's why we enjoy you joining to come and to take this adjustments underyour wings and support, to make it more and more complete. if we work together,we'll share together. i remind you, there will be a composition ofwhat took place in dubai which was the start. but as very nice introduction,about how, and exactly the points, whichare very important. anybody else wants to add somethingto it, or has question? please. i notice turkish is missing, too.thank you.
so that's bulgarian and turkish.have you noted rick? (rc) ... yes. finland? (jg) turkish is there. i ...i saw it. (rc) okay, let's review... there's turkmen here. it that turkish? there's turkish, number 22. denmark,
is being asked... (cdr) he says its a different dialect. and yvonne just posted a link of all thenative languages spoken on this planet. maybe, we can take the link up and then, as mosfeq or sandor,they can make a roster. that, whoever we might have forgotten,we can add them to it. and please go to our website and apply to become a support memberif you feel you are ready for it. or a council memberin your own language
we will welcome youwith open arms. the force of peace can grow. we will work on it.thank you for your attention. and we will come back withcomplete full list. and as a google documentwe will circulate it and, it will be nice to welcome youin the next few days. (rc) ... the list is there.(cdr) i think it must be easier for... (rc) go ahead, sorry.(lm) yeah... i think most of this lists arevery deficient, because, south africa,
for example, has been elevenofficial languages, just in one country. and, they're not dialectseither. (cdr) that's no problem. because,it is huge continent. and it can use a lotof support members. so, that will be no problem. (rc) this is a top hundred languagesthat are listed by population. so it's a... if you add them all together,it still only comes to 85% actually. so there's another 15%of the world's population
that aren't representedby the top 100 languages. probably quitea few those are african, that they have quite population as well,i am not sure, ... which one is there.but some must be ... african? (lm) i don't actuallysee any of it, rick. there's one!xhosa is there, number 97. (gm) africa has overtwo thousand languages. the whole world has overseven thousand languages. so some mayappear some may not here.
(vv) languages or dialects? (gm) languages, real, real, languages. forget the dialects,those ones are in addition. so, about 30% of all world languagesare african languages, about 32% are,are asian languages. and rest of the world,has the rest. the fewest languages are europe ...and surprisingly, those are the ones thatdominate, in world affairs. i can send a link if are interested
that shows the numberof all world languages. but just to note, there aremore than seven thousand. and, of those, over two thousandare african languages. some countries in africa havetwo hundred fifty languages. (gm) thank you very much. (cdr) i would love...can you hear me, rick? (rc) yes, go ahead, uh-hm. (cdr) i'd like to read somethingwhile i'm digging into my files. which i posted at first when i openedthe universal council chat-rooms, groups,
in messenger, facebook. so, these are notfacebook's individual, these are groups,which are made in messenger. i have tried to achieve for each languageto find its position in there. they are open for alreadymore than a year. so, if you want to be part of the structureto work on the social level in facebook, i invite you to let me knowby sending me a small message. and then i can add to withoutyou trying to become a friend
because facebookhas a limit. and you... you think you can't get in,but you can get in, because if you send me a message,it appears on the top and then i cancome and add you, into... if you give me your language,and your country, then i put you, where you cancommunicate in your own language, with the universal councilmembers on that level. so, please feelwelcome to join on facebook or on other platformswhere you function,
to connect peopleto make this family very big. (rc) caroline?(cdr) i like to share this tech.. yes? (rc) do people have to be clearedwith the security or go through an application first,before they... (cdr) no.(rc) ... do that? okay. (cdr) on facebook no, youjust come in through messenger. we are monitoring every singleuniversal council room, chat room is monitored. there are people responsible there,we do not tolerate abusive language,
or any insults, you will be removedimmediately, with not even a warning. this is the only thing we ask, is respect,tolerance, sharing, on a friendly path. i am trying to getmore and more people, to create more,or to come with a suggestion where there isa need of a language. and then you can invite peoplewhich you can communicate with. and then you can be added to the otherchat rooms in the different languages, so you're all inter-communicatingwith each other. it's a beautiful open path,
but we do not tolerate no abuse,so don't even try, because it is impossible. they are continuously on guard,people, watching, selecting and guiding. it's a friendly room, and we expect peopleto come and share positive, new inputs, to pave the roadof new. how we gonna walk it? and they're already beenworking on it, for a year now. and it's beautifulhow it's working. and even when i run into problems withcertain chat rooms, i close them down, and then we re-invite, and the oneswhich are creating the problems are getting left out. so...
it's a easy way to clean up,and to restart fresh. and we are not afraid torestart, because the ones and the souls who want to be there,they reappear very fast. because it's a pleasurethe way we are sharing knowledge with each otheron that platform. and it's a easy platformonce you know how to work with it. now, my thing that i want to share with you,it's for all of us. my soul is from the startlike a white sheet of paper, that from the beginning,that from the very beginning,
receives it's small tasks,and challenge every task, tests as small as it might look. the physicality needs to pass throughthis physical conduct, through choice,between rights and wrongs. when you pass the testsas they call it here, you don't getcorrection on your path. and you evolve to your next task,and that's how we are growing. that's how you can saywho you are today. your complete being is because ofall the tasks you have walked through life.
and so many times i've brought it backyour soul is guiding you. it's taking you by the hand,and it has beautifully delivered youto the keshe foundation family. you're all welcome, and we all invite youto walk the path of peace. thank you. (rc) okay, thank you caroline. just checking to see if there's anycomments or people with their hands up. any other comments for...from our panelists. okay, so... if we want to, we could justshut down early today and..
put our efforts in the background towardsget the letter ready and that sort of thing. pretty quiet out there. except for i canhear caroline typing. (cdr) i'm sorry, i... i am sorry.(rc) ... scrolling or something. (cdr) i was trying to findthe text. (rc) we can almost hear(cdr) yeah... ...what you were scrolling.(cdr) i didn't know you could hear it. (rc) right. i noticed that last workshop..(cdr) i do apologize. (rc) for the first time that it was possibleto actually hear that.
(cdr) anybody any sharing? or any new resultson any level? (lm) ...hello caroline? (cdr) yes. (lm) it's lisa here from australia.i'd just like.. morning, i'd just like to say acouple of things about our wish for peace and connecting withthe universal community. it's that people needto understand as well, the universal communityis not just from out there,
it is from here,and we can connect with all the plants andanimals in our environment, and we can ask them to, to help uscreate the consensus for peace because theyall want it as well. and i think people forget thatit's not just humanity, it's everything on the planet,including the planet herself. that's alli wanted to just say. it is correct, that's why we try toalways refer to the totality. and we're outnumbered lisawhen we look around us.
because each plant, as mr keshe calls them,"the horizontal and the tall." and all the different names he's addressingto give them their individuality, they have a soul. and they share their environment,and we share their environment with us. and this..(lm) and they talk to us in various ways too. (cdr) yes.(lm) if we care to listen. if we're quiet and silentin our hearts and we feel, i feel all my plants everyday,and they tell me what they need. and ... so you've gotta just go to thequiet space,
and you cancommunicate with them. and i think even communicatingwith the universal community starts with understanding how toconnect with the animal kingdom. and that's an easy place to startbecause we are so connected to them, and ... they're there,they're waiting for us. just look at your animal and ...if you just, it's not the speaking it's the understanding,and you connect with the soul. and it, it,it comes a lot easier that way. so, yes if we, if we, when we represent 'emwe are for peace, we can just ask them
to help us, to support usbecause they also, they want it. (me) the dolphins off thecoast of virginia beach were very muchactive yesterday. it includes all the life in the oceans,and in the atmosphere, and even below the surface. (lm) this is so ... you know we'velost the connection in a lot of ways. ... i've been reading certain booksabout the aboriginal people in australia. and astoundingly ... many hundreds of years agoit was noted by white settlers, that
there was certain tribes that would go down andin their dream-time, what they called their 'dream-time'which is obviously the soul connection, they wouldcall the porpoises. and the porpoises wouldmeet them at the beach, just off the beach, andthey'd ask the porpoises to help them. and the porpoises would go outand round up schools of fish, and chase them into the beachfor the aboriginal people to be able to hunt for food.
so, they had a symbiotic relationship, andit wasn't really because the porpoises did they weren't givingthe porpoises anything, except love. ... the porpoises didn't need them,but the porpoises helped them. so, it was a connectionand it was out of understanding that the aboriginal peopleconnected with the land, they lived with the land andthe land was them and they were the land. ... and we've forgotten this,in many ways. so, ... yes, we need to reconnectwith that on a very deep level. (cdr) there are a lot of studiesgoing around like this.
people who have found a pathto communicate with animals, and it is beautifulhow they change. and how the animalcomes to understand when he can connect with a person,how he changes and he shows it, and he expresses it. as you all know we have a tiny little dognext to us, 'mr topoli' we call him. and he communicates.he makes sure you understand. even he was fora short time with armen, and he usually is very clean.
sorry to refer to it,but he uses the toilet from the bathroom,to go, to do his poopoo. if he can't go out andthere is no way he can go on the terrace. and, suddenly out of nowherearmen told me, he says, "you know something, he cameand he told me by barking that 'i had to go to the toilet', becausehe left me something to clean up". he says, "he talks."i said, "of course he talks." i said, "he talks when he needs water,he talks when he needs food, he talks when he needs to go out."it is amazing
how you can build upsuch a beautiful relationship. and he's so small.don't underestimate any lifeform. they are fully matureand they fully understand. you just need to findthe right path to communicate. they will show you.and they will show you the path. and they change. and you're so correct lisa. it is amazing.
people are good heartedonce they're shown the path, how to use itand how to express themselves. it's an awarenessthat it is there and it is existing. and we lost a lot of connections. but there's still a lot of tribes, and a lot of parts of this worldwhich still have that connection we can learn from them. and it's also a very nice teaching processto come and share it with us. how you achieve and how you connectand stayed connected with the roots
of how it should bein the correct way. i love having shamans around me because they are still connectedto their ancestors. through the story telling, and the showing,and the application how to respectmother nature. even simply respect a cigarette, that you can reversefor it not to become harmful. in gratitude. (lm) i think this is maybe one of... sorry(cdr) if you... no, no, it's fine.
(lm) ... i just wanted tosay that i think this is one of the first thingswe need to address ah, when we start really getting together and,and blanketing the planet with this, is you know, many ofthe indigenous have been ... displaced, removed and traumatizeddramatically over the last 200 years of colonialism, and they've losttheir root and their connection with the landand the things around them. it's, it's very strong in australia, and theonly way that the aboriginal people will ...
gain their... their strength backis to be reconnected with the land, and understand that they have,they have the power to do so. and ... i think the plasmais gonna help us to do this in a very dramatic wayand ... i see it as, as a way to,to really support people that have, over generationsbeen traumatized, and ... who now need to find their way backto a lot of their old ways which will give them a lotof dignity and respect back.
(cdr) this is exactly what i request... keep going...(lm) i just ...that is one of my wishes for, for australia.... but it has to come you know, we have to do itin the right way. because, we can't be seen to be somebodyagain, coming and pushing something. so ... it's gotto come as a ground swell from them. so, this is my wish,that i can help with that. what were you going to say? (cdr) that this was exactly my requestto fi (internet connection dropped)
find the sources,to create the new path, and to reconnectto the correctness, in peace. they have a lot to show,and we have a lot to learn. and it will be such a beautiful pathto reconnect even with our own people which we have beendisconnected from for so long. it will be beautiful, so anybody who hasany connections somewhere, please bring them forward,join them in the foundation. not in so much, that we want to teach them,but for them to come and teach us
the knowledgewe have forgotten. and join and walkthe new path of peace. thank you lisafor bringing this forward. (lm) thanks caroline. (cdr) somebody else want, ah yeah, okay.(da) i think that... (da) it's doug here. thank you.(cdr) thanks for coming. (da) thank you very much. when i was's doug again, here. when i was, very young,we were on a road journey in tasmania. and
it was a very, very, windy roadon the west coast of tasmania. and we had to stop, for a rest break in themiddle of rain forest the middle of whatwe would call 'nowhere', and we were on a dirt road and my mother came to us,kids on the back of the car and she said, "i wantto show you something." and with a torch she took us off the roadinto the giant trees
myrtle treesand she said, "i want to show you wherethe fairies dance." and we where very interested. and she walked to avery, very, very, big tree. and the roots of the treewere spread out, and she shined the torchinto the roots of the tree, and there wasan open space. and she said, "see," "there is a beautifulgreen carpet."
and it was flat. and it was perfecttiny little green leafs making up this carpet. and the roots of the treewhere like huge pillars around the ball room. and then she said, "i'll turn the torch offand have a look the lights." and she turned the torch off, and the firefly'sinside that hollow made a beautifulchandelier of light into the ball room.
and she said...she turn to us and she said, "this is where the fairiescome to dance." and it stuck with me. and when i was very small i... in my dreaming state,in my bedroom. these little creatures, these littlefairies would come. they had wings they had little, littletiny bodies and they shone. and they use to comeand fly around and dance
as i was going to sleepor when was a sleep. and mum alwayshad that awareness that they were these otherentities, creatures, creations. and that's probablywhy i am here. with all of you. (cdr) you welcome,thank you for sharing. maybe we can go for anearly break rick, today? (rc) sure, i thinkthat's appropriate. we all need a little bitmore rest in between,
because we're all been workinglate nights and early days. i think we can take an extra bit of rest,and restart fresh this afternoon. i hope you have enough coffee rick,and vince? (rc) yeah, we'll be fine. (cdr) get some bisc...get some biscuits, as well. (rc) some what,biscuits? (cdr) biscuits,cookies. (rc) cookies alright.(cdr) it's more pleasurable. i wish i could havesend you a piece but ...
(rc ) well when you say you...(cdr) unfortunately i can't. (rc) you said that ...and coffee and that's exactly what i had in my handwhen you had said that. (cdr) we understandeach others language. (vv) yeah, i'll be waiting you for that...(cdr) thank you very much. (vv) making more coffee iknow that for sure. (cdr) yeah, last time you whererunning too for coffee. see you this afternoon,thank you all. (rc) yes thank you(cdr) that was a nice beautiful se..
(rc) a lot of interaction, thank youeveryone for participating in that exercise, is very goodto hear it all. (jg) now we are talking in thestomach level caroline. yes? (cdr) my stomachlevel will go too. you sound a lot better then yesterdayjalal i am so happy. (jg) i am always happycaroline, believe me. and if you remember the first connection betweenyou and me when you asked me i said you, "i am giver."
and i write that to you, the firstsecond, i told you "i am a giver" i'm always giver. and, i'm always happy. (cdr) i have received somany people like you jalal which are coming withsuch a beautiful heart. and as i said before myuniversal councils are growing i just added a new member to it. please feel welcome to come tothis big family of sharing. thank you very much see you allthis afternoon. thank you.
(rc) okay, very good caroline andagain thanks to everybody for attending today andwe'll resume at 2 a clock pm,central european time. that's approximatelyan hour and a half from now, i guess. okay, i'll end the livestream. it's actually 2 and ahalf hours from now, i believe. (vv) i was just about to say somethingwhen i stopped the recording. (rc) okay well... they'll figure it out.(vv) two and half hours yes.
(rc) welcome, welcome everyone to the181st knowledge seekers workshop. this is the part ii afternoon sessionfor thursday july the 20th, 2017. and i believemr keshe is with us. (mk) yes, good afternoon,good ev.., good morning, good afternoon, good day wherever,wherever you are as usual. as you listen to these teachingsand as we learn more. and more about, how we work andhow the things work around us. i've learned a lot in the pastfew days, in so many ways. we have come to learn morein how we have to operate.
in learn how we have to understandthe operation of our own work. and this condition oftrying to bring peace is very important. in the past, whenever we done contactswith governments, ambassadors, it's been totally on a what you call,keshe foundation group of very few people, contacting the embassies,connect with governments, and this time is the wholeof keshe foundation. with what i've seen is being done,it's a beautiful job. i've seen how many hours has been spentto get this letter correct to the word. how to get both letters correct,how the chinese are working to get,
their letters correctly,that we unify and we don't split. we bring love and care,according to the knowledge with peace. it's fundamental for a lot of us tounderstand that, peace does not come easy. i've never know peace coming easy. to establish peace, for a race which hasbeen fighting for millions of years, it's a dream,but on the other hand, is a bitter dream to appeal, to swallow,as we said in english. because, we...we have fought for so long, that we don't have no concept of peace.we have no understanding of peace.
peace to us is a dream,is like a paradise. talking to diplomats,i have raised a very big question. as you know, past few days i've been busy,but at the same time, i left it to you as, totally as a keshe foundation in theteachings or whatever groups was organized, to write this letter to be able to go. the time from nowis only 12 - 14 days. to what extent we can push this through,all depends how much from today, you work to get this letter out. how many people put their time and effort,
hundreds of thousands of callsto the embassies, to the palaces. it's your job.we know, maximum maybe 60 - 8o of the world leaders canbe reached by most of you. their offices, their embassies. but you knowwhen we go on the racing line, and the gun goes off and says,"the game starts", they run themarathon or whatever, this is a marathon for lifefor the keshe foundation. i'm trying to bring the iranian government,to move to israel,
which is one ofthe hardest thing to do. but my soul is with it, heart is with it. i was in the embassy this morning,and i don't need to push, i make it veryglorified thing to have peace. you got to understand,when you speak with the diplomats, when you speak to world leaders,they all want to have this, what i call, the 'crown of glory',they've done something. but, in the process of excitement,and process of getting it done, the reality comes home that...what about the solders?
what about the arm manufacturing companies?what about army? what are we going to dowith this lot. the solution has to be one thing,we have never tried. it's a unknown but is worthtaking a risk with. but, in fact is no riskif you think of it. the only big losers in this game,are five nations, no more. five nations are makinghuge amount of money out of guns. large number of peopleinvolved with it. because,it makes sense!
you got to remember somethingvery interesting. many of you know,many of you might not know. many nations, many nations,still today are paying for the bullet, which was shot in second world war,to the americans. those chewing gum you sawthe american soldiers chewed in the bunkersin second world war, some european nationsare still paying for it. because american sold soldiers,they didn't sent soldiers. the americans sold shoe laces.
nothing came out of americawithout getting paid for. and the debt sign underneath for. i'll give you an example. go back into ninety-nineties,ninety-eighties, british government,go into the archives. mrs thatcher came into thepower on one basis, in nationalizing. the nationalizationwas to sell all the assets, which the nation built over years,back to the nation as shares.
so the people paid twicefor the same thing. when you pay taxes for electricity,when you pay taxes to lay cables down, when you pay taxesto put telephone lines down, over twenty, thirty, forty years, mrs thatcher came up witha very beautiful solution. this time i privatize it, and thepeople pay for it the second time. and people were eager to paythe second time, because she said, "what would beworth hundred million, we sell it for you for fifty million,you can double our money."
and everybody went forthe greed of the doubling the money, but they never stood still.we already paid for this, why should we paysecond time for it? but she tookone thing out of it. the money which camefrom the sale of all these shares which were sold tothe people for a second time, she paid all the debtof british government to the american governmentfor the second world war. war finished in nine...mid nineteen forties.
mid nineteen eighties, england sold alltheir assets back again to themselves, to pay the debtsof the second world war. and they were still paying for it,for forty years. go and check the history. nations under burdenof guns go bankrupt. nations under burdenof armies go bankrupt. this is the way to showwe create peace. this is the way, we with peace,we bring new dimension, new life. we've seen itwhat happened in europe.
we don't see many hungry soldiers,from the coming down of the berlin wall. the beauty of it is,we can always find something to do. we can always subsidize the soldiersto do something else, than shooting a gun. i have put a proposal, and my proposalgoes very straight forward. to the iranian governmentis very simple. we haven't fought for three hundred years,we are not going to fight now. we are a peaceful nation,we take the step. the problem is,getting them to haifa. but the problemis getting them to sign it,
is bigger problem,let alone getting on time. negotiation forthese thing takes years. if it's done the right way,if the heart and the soul of the keshe foundation members, and thepeople who support peace is in it, we can do it in two weeks. it's a very big shot. tomorrow morningi'm going to the vatican. i'm going personally, to ask if popewill attend the peace movement. this morning i spent timein embassies.
tomorrow morningi'm back in the embassies. tomorrow i go to vatican. the only thing they can tell me,"the father will think about it." but i put it back on the net,we've been, what the response is. to me, peace worth fighting for. peace is something we havethe knowledge with it, that we can do it. we have the power to do it,because we brought a new knowledge. something very strange happenedon monday night, where the core team, the universal council teamand the members of the earth council,
nearly half of the memberswere present. i always promise you,when the man makes a move, we shall move. i gave you one promise, thatwhen the man decides to move for peace, the universal community will showthe science of peace, to support. the meeting was held at the same time,with i think eighteen, twenty members of the total councils togetheron the table, around the world. we were all discussing word,what word to be put, we organize the sentence,the letter you see, and somethingstrange happened.
caroline whispered in my ear,"come and have a look outside." i went out. and as it was happening live, we discu...we were talking, was live. the other members of the council,who were online were listening. and at the same time, another person,who was nearby, send the message to us, that they are seeingthe same thing in the sky. fifty hundred meter away from us,at the same time. and there was a number of ufo's.a number of large bright lights on top us, where we were discussing,the world peace.
we took pictures,we sent them to the members to see. it was an amazing sight.very large number as one system. i promised, when the manmakes a move for peace, universal community will come in for peace.and now we have kept our word. we cannot be wrong. is not coincidental, the time whenall the three councils meet for peace. the promise whichwe gave was kept. huge lights in the sky, regular formation,exactly the way we see in process. we kept our wordand we keep to our word.
the universal community hasopened his arms, is for man tomake the next step. when the earth council,the universal council, and the core councilthey are meeting, some places, two or three o'clockin the morning, some places, six, seven,eight o'clock in the afternoon, some places,early hours of morning, this appears for the second time,i showed you the video of the first time. a year, two years agoi spoke about the formation.
on thursday and on sunday,was videoed inside of italy. and that day, when we decided andwe wrote the word, the letter of peace, these lights appeared,over the house. for a long time. half an hour. the formation of the lights...we could not take pictures, it was amazing,the video would not work. we tried videoing, it was impossible,we tried to take pictures. some pictures i've taken...i've taken on my mobile,
and caroline is taken someand the others, and in so many wayswe have made the move. it means, the man ison the right track, it means we receive support,from stronger fields, stronger dimensions than us,that make sure that we succeed. that night, when we finished,i felt one thing, i said, "i have achieved peace. i have managed toconvince man to walk the path of peace, and the men's of universe so seethe soul of the man, have agreed with it. we are on the right track."
when i sat exactly and a half year ago, in front of the american officials, handinga key for exchange of peace in iran, in my hearti knew is correct. and the long term,it turned up to be correct. when we announced this peace movement,that we agree with peace, i know we are right, becausewe brought the right technology. we have brought the right people,we are brought the right ethos, and the right always wins. the problem is not any more, how and who,the beauty is many are involved.
the letter is on the screen. explains a lot. you've seen itfor past two or three days. as then i said, "when the shot goes off, therace starts. the shot has gone off today." please take this paper,they're gonna split it into "your excellency"and "your majesty", so there aretwo different pdf files. you can download it, sign the name ofthe president or the king, or whatever, in front of it, and scan it back,and send it across the world. and we open the channelthese people have received.
we try to put a click,how many people have sent to which. send and coverthe whole totality. any embassy, any nation,bombard the embassies of israel. send as many as you can to the israelambassador, to israel government, to every path, the same with australian.because the funniest thing is; can we have this letterof prime minister of australia, please? if we can have it on the screen?he says he has "other engagements." there are two points. is there any engagementmore important than peace?
and secondly, if it is important,his honorable, or his majesty, or his excellency, can appointanother person to sign the peace. put this paperacross the internet. we start working on it. everyday we carry on.if you were done anywhere, anything, just send us who've you sent it to,how you've sent it to. ministers, cabinet ministers,ministries, in every shape or form, inform, sent to, give to them, thatplease pass this on to your president. to the parliaments.we need to get this done.
my biggest wish and my sincere wish, i canget ayatollah rouhani to walk the steps. these changes everythingin the history of man. this changes everythingwhich is planned. how can an enemywalk on the land of peace? it's significant. it needs a lot of trust,a lot of cajoling, a lot of understanding. fulfill, send as many as you canto the iranian embassies, and invite ayatollah rouhani,to walk to path of peace. because if the iranian president walks, allthe armies around the world are collapsed. because the fact is, the prime ministerof israel cannot stop iranian president,
to walking the path of peaceonto the mountain. the beauty of it is, if we can getthe king of saudi arabia to walk the same pathat the same time, my life is at high risk, in whati've taken, i know, but it's worth it. today, when i walked out of the embassy,for one second i thought, "what if they do?" and my other heart said,"it's done!" due to the position i have,and the work i've done, in the background,there is a lot of trust in what i do,
in the iranian government,for all the things i've done. but getting a president,walking in the arm of the enemy, with a bouquet of rose of peace,takes a lot of courage. it collapses the whole armiesaround the world. and this should be our target. encouraging the iranian president,to walk into the mountain carmel, through haifa,not through tel aviv. please, bombard the iranian embassies,iranian government, iranian media, we are inviting ayatollah rouhanito come to haifa.
this is the biggest arm deal,at the moment going. in name of iran, they made a big,what i call 'ghost' out of, to sell arm to the others. when there is no ghost,there is no arms. is easier if you fight, to fight a wisdom,than actually with a fist and a gun. it took meless than two minutes, i brought thirty years of warbetween iran and americans to a halt. the key points are the vatican,the president of iran, the prime minister of israel and chineseleadership, headed by president xi.
if we move these four figures,we move the whole world. because the two enemieshave to stand face to face, and when they stand face to face, signingfor peace, they become both peaceful. our work, our targetfor this second... where you are talking to...where you are listening to this, just go, find an iranian embassy,take it down, put his excellencypresident rouhani, you are invited. this gives me a lot of strengthon the other hand. hundreds of thousands, all the iranianembassies around the world.
all the jewish embassiesaround the world. all the chinese embassiesaround the world, invite to peace. we need these four targets to move,and the rest will move with it. i thank the whole team in the background,a lot of work has been done. i listen in the background,i've been watching. caroline stays upday and night to see through, we both have put our lives on this. thoseof you who are close to us understand. for us means a lot because... because of these abuses,we know how much peace is important.
mr dirk laureyssens and mr sylvester,now use your pens and your computer time, to send these out, if you a true manof peace, and see how much you can do. i make you towalk the path of peace. all the time you spent in the attacking,now spend that time to bring peace. if you arethe true man of peace? all those who cajole with names and numbers,it's ... straight forward. peace worth fighting for. target the french, the british,every language you speak, spend your time bombarding,make telephone calls,
we want to send this,we want an answer. i'm putting my time into it, i wantto know an answer form the president. i want an answer from the king,i want an answer from the palace. your bombardment started today. now is, whatever timeyou call it you're in, the game starts. don't forget,today is hundred and eighty-one. that's one, is the beginning. it's a very, very strange time,is a very, very strange peaceful time. and the only people who come...(inaudible) gives.
i have traveled all overto bring people together. i will do anything it needs to be done,to get this work done. it needs to be completed,and when you send it, you go and ask what's the response,every day. if an embassy receivestwo hundred calls a day, they have to dosomething about it. send it to the government office,the office of the president. ask, we like these to be sign,and to be kept to. as part of the work,i'll be traveling again in next few days,
to make sure certain otherpositions are in line. i travel under disguise of the businessof the keshe foundation, but there a lotto be done in the back. as i said, when the light was in the sky,it was very strange. we were joyful,and to me i stood and i said, "i understand,the message is clear". it's exactly the shape of the lights,of universal systems. but, it’s got to be seen, and with itwe can step, move forward to do it. don't forget,if you don't know by history,
iranians military, air forceare one of the very few, who have had close encounterwith ufo's. goes back decades. and, you have to understand thereis a lot of observation of these things, in around isfahan and shiraz, in pastfive years, where iran has been testing. japanese touriststaken pictures of them over cities, and a lot of people are getting usedto seeing them frequently. the process which i have thoughtin past two weeks, brings somethingvery special into line.
as i explained,the control of the spaceships, are not so easy,as there is no electronics. but, there is one thingwhich can match it, or been near enough it, but it can beat the speed of control of the man, is the light or in line with the speedof the soul of the man. as man becomesmore mature the dimension andthe speed increases. as man more... becomes more peacefulit allows higher strengths to be used. so, the progress of the man in spacewill depend on the peacefulness of man.
depends on the trust of himself inhis soul and what he gains from space. as he gains moreand more knowledge, he finds newways to overcome different situations and differentstrength of field in the universe. and this processwill give man strength. it is very much, if i canexplain, 1200 years ago, you wanted to go from one sideof the mountain to the other you had to climball the way up and then drop downon the other side
and movewas a obstacle. as the knowledgeof the man increased we built roads on itto make it smoother. and as our knowledgeincreased further we drilled a hole in itand we called it a 'tunnel'. the huge mountain does notexist for us as we want to cross it. in time, as the man knowledge increaseswith what we have dispersed as knowledge, we become likethese tunnels. it becomes irrelevant on the strengthof the fields which create a condition,
as the man school of thoughtin its strength increases to make tunnels throughthese obstacles of fields. if the man understand the true meaningof the teaching of past few months man will cross the universe in no timeand nothing shall be an obstacle. but with oneproviso, and that is, you don't destroy to get to the other,you accommodate to get to the other side. destruction has been the habit of the pastand we have to get with it that... so, you'll find out, as you find more andmore, ways to live and accommodate then you learn more and moreabout the true secrets of the creation.
in a physical life nothing isgoing to change that much, you still haveto go to work, you still havethe will to drive, you still haveeverything else. but in the progress,in next 10 - 20 years, next, god knows how manyyears, as the man progresses the changes willcome through. many time, i sat and i sitin front of my own father and i think"this man has seen so much!"
forget about it,85 years ago, 90 years ago, there were notthat many cars, cars were somethingvery rare in middle east. seeing the cars,seeing the computers seeing theedge of science, adapting to becomea x-ray engineer and then adapting morewith everything else and his age,still strives to learn, i don't think anyonewill have seen so many changes
that the lastgeneration before us. and we just walk into itas it's nothing, it's been there and it'sour right to have a car, it's our right to have a computer,it's our right to have everything else. but, if we were asleepa hundred years ago and wake up today,the shock is amazing! i think the shock from nowand in next ten years will be the shock of lasthundred years and maybe more! where the man doesnot need to burn a car,
where the man does notneed to worry about energy, when the man isnot worried about the food man is not worriedabout anything at all, the only worry man will havein next 10 - 15 years, if we can pushfor the peace, is "how am i goingto help the others? how am i going to beuseful to something else? because, i have everything i wantand i can produce what i want. we should change andthe life structure will change.
the world peace dividend is so hugethat we cannot even contemplate on it. the warmongers have pushedand convinced the others "they kill you", we haveto buy to be protected. we go the reverse, we sign for the peaceand we know we won't be attacked we won't be,there is no need for it. putting the fear of beingdestroyed, has sold arms. putting the joy of, "we serveour nations and nobody will do." you'll have nobody come to destroybecause, it's here we teach you more. i said something in a hidden way,past few weeks, past few days.
when the chinesesoldiers go to india and help the indiansto become like them... when you look at china, thereis a huge misunderstanding! you got to realize how the westernmedia have changed things to fit themselvesnot to be so low. i give you an example, andthen you understand very clearly how the game has been paid in mediaagainst, for example, china. chinese population, more or less,just round about 2 billion, 1.8 billion. and the nation is versatile, nationis rich, nation has gained a lot
from its owninternal resources. what the westhas made is that we get a cheap labor in chinaand we get things cheap. but what people have not realizedis everything is cheap for the chinese and it's2 billion of them. if you put the populationof the whole of europe america, south america, africatogether does not come to 2 billion. so, the wealth and the moneywhich paid by the west to buy things from chinese is actuallywhat is the european or whatever
they have taken the knowledge to china,they produce it for the chinese, the leftovers have come to europeand we are happy to have the leftovers. when you walk into, whenyou look at the shops in china, they have the latest thing thatwe even haven't got in europe. last time i was coming backfrom china, eight years ago, they had these double chip cards,in the west it was sought after and there everybodywas using it. european, americansare taking their leftovers and they are happyto be 'super powers'.
the nation of 1.8 billion, 2 billionhas got such a huge consumption they produce 100,000or 100 million of one item one million being exportedto outside it's just the leftovers, it's the cream on the top whichbrings huge assets to the nation. when you buy plasma screens, howmany plasma screens is sold in the west? if every... every child,adult, teenage, old man buys one plasma screenin america and europe it becomes, more or less roughly,one third of what the chinese can buy. i used to be in business, we had avery good way of making business.
we sell the toprubbish at cream and the restbrings the assets in. so, if you look, wherethe west was selling arms, chinese brought technologydeveloped and built. and the leftoversbecame usage by the west. and we are happy that we'reproducing in china and it's cheap. of course it's cheap, they soldthe cream to their own nation, the rubbish hasto be cashed in. and we are happy thatwe take the technology.
the drain comes fromthe ignorance of the knowledge. when i speak tothe chinese and tell them "you have to be proud of yourselfwhat your nation has achieved" they don'tunderstand that they, literally, theleftovers are given to the west. they've beenbrain washed that "the west has everythingand you don't have anything" and in reality, they...they make everything and the oneswhich are on top,
what i call, 'not needed'if you would like to call it, is served at the dishof european, americans. and that's why i pushwith peace through china. i am not an ideologist, i've been in the worldof business for too long and i knowthe game and i understand onething very clearly. when the propaganda machine inamerica and in europe turns to peace peace will be in the eyeof the europeans only.
china is at peace with itself,at peace with its neighbour, and they are doinga thriving business, while the otherare busy fighting. the war only exists on cnn, bbcand al... al jazeera, nowhere else. the only way, thispeace plan will work is... to get, to target,to encourage and cajole two people. one is the iranian presidentand one israeli prime minister, one chinese leadership. and get one more country tocome in and they play the game.
that one wehave in our hand. if we can push the russiansto sign a peace treaty with china because they are both at thesame strength, in so many ways, ideology and strength ofpower of what they have, if we can help, to bring downthe borders between china and russia as one nation, peaceful nation,then iran with russian border, changing the armies to workto the benefit of man, as there areno borders, we have crackedthe whole position.
the easiness of it is, you all have somuch computers and time in front of you. it will be good if the webmastersput some sort of a meter, as you do, how many peopleyou've posted just come in. go to the other chat rooms,go to the other organizations, ask them we need help,we are pushing, let them come in. second, third of augustbecomes irrelevant. tomorrow morningi'm meeting again and i go, as i said, to vaticanto push for the pope to sign. i don't carryany papers with me.
i explainthe benefit. my name is my reputationand i can carry it. the chinese peopleyou are free to go. don't wait for a wordin a letter, or whatever. do work with your souland with your papers, with everything, print the peace treatyfor the letter from you to the president to the committee andfloat it on the rivers in china. let it becomeriver of peace. somebody will pick it up,somebody will read it.
message in a bottlewill be picked up. convey your desire for peaceby elevation of the nation, not by destructionof a nation. i have a heavy timewith the iranian president, it's going to be aheck of a lot of a job! first of all... it will changethe middle east situation because, then the iranianpresident, as a peaceful man, will move to the othernations in middle east, unannounced,landing as neighbours,
you don't need to knock on the doorof a neighbor, make an appointment i mean for peace, the peaceprogram has to be done that it can carry itsmomentum through with a logic. disarmingis very easy. i release more knowledge in nextfew days for a total disarmament. absolutetotal disarmament! but there isone problem. the cars on the streetwon't drive either. as there'll beno planes to fly.
as there'll beno ships to float. as there'll beno man hungry. as there'll be no onehaving fear of hunger. i have brought youto that point and there are enoughreactors around the globe, you have built, you havemade enough ganses that if i just give youthe last pieces of puzzle, you will paralyzethe human race. maybe weneed it.
maybe it's thetime to do it. bringing peacetakes time. bringing peaceneeds a lot of wisdom you can fighthand to hand... or... i just received a message,i'll read it for you, it just clicked on. it comes..."you have a huge support they've tried everythingbut they failed"... the beautyof it is....
it doesn't take... much tocreate peace now. we don't need... i tell youhow you treat, how you work. i call you mr dirk laureyssens,you're listening, you're been there every wordand you publish every word. publish you're,"asking for peace" and all those telephone calls andcomments you put everywhere now sayyou, "want peace too". use that pen and thatinternet you work so hard with
with your supporters in thegovernment of belgium and the rest, to publishthe peace letter. maybe,maybe with it, you'll findpeace in yourself. you have brought so much power tokeshe foundation with what you've written that it amazes me, hownegativity can become positive! it comes to the point thatpeople become totally fed up of war and nowthey're open for peace. i will releaseso much knowledge,
it'll take man thousandsof years to understand but tomorrow can paralyzeall the armies in the world. the more advanced the technology you have,the easier, becomes to paralyze. this is the irony about it. the most advanced systemscan be infiltrated, very, very well. [prolonged silence] the process of peace needs a lot of courageand a lot of commitment. it has to be said,
that we need to understand one thing: for those of you who didn'tunderstand the teachings of the past few weeks or the past few daysor you came to understand more, i tell you what it means. you looked into the dimensionof the principal. you looked into the dimension of the soul. you looked into understandingthat the weaker gets fed by the stronger. but one point you did not grasp,
is that the weaker needs to receivefrom the stronger but at the same time the stronger needs to receivefrom the weaker, that it can operate. the point you missedis that as the man is weaker in the transmutation of the energyto the stronger it can assert his will,which is his wish. this is how you controlthe spaceship reactors. assertion of wish. if you remember the minister said,“it's just waterâ€, till we explained, "add a few drop into acidand see if it becomes alkaline?"
"add a few drops of the water to the waterand see if it becomes more alkaline?" and then, "this is not the water,it carries hidden energy." then if this is understood? it should have been understood bythose who are building these reactors to understand one thing; as the soul of the man receives to give,man on the giving side can add his wish to it,which becomes the control of it. in the future, the man of spacewill have one man whom they trust, what we call the present time,'captains'.
but they are not the captains,they are the... those souls who we trust to be correct andtheir conduct to be correct. those souls who push for perfectionof humanity and the universal community. i tell you howyou control a reactor. many of you sat there with these motorsand with these gadgets, you turned them up, turned them down, you speed it up, you speed it down. “none of these works!†because you arenot spinning the fields.
you are spinning the physicality,which is acceptable to you. you start spinning and changing by the spinning the strengthof the different field layers. you can do whatever you like,just remember one thing. have you ever seen an engine,rocket propulsion or a propeller on earth? then you understand. one question to ask yourself: who’s wish is turning this planet? and then, on who’s wish, on theorder of mass, can we change things?
as man opens up into spaceyou will seize the size of the ships that you couldnot even imagine. made out of nothinginto the structures, that the souls would like to come toto be physical, to see each other or to be in touch with each otherin a given environment, that they can see the others,or other souls to be in touch with. a confirmation ofthe existence of themselves. you've got to realize in the spanof the universe that life never finishes. man is immortal,and man has not understood this.
the fear of man of deathis so, so, ridiculous that it shows the lack of existence, in theunderstanding of the knowledge. once the soul of the manis created, itself being created from the soul ofthe mother and the father’s combination of the twoas a seed, man’s soul is immortal. absolutely immortal. man should haveno fear of death the faster he finds a way to space,because in space there is no death.
it's the understanding ofthe expansion of the soul of the man. what we are afraid of,what we call 'death' and we pay so much moneyto bury the physicality, is the freedom of the soul of the man,in the expansion of the universe. as we manage to gather the fieldsof the universe in itself, we allow it to create a higher densitythat you can absorb more that by it we can become a partof the totality, that you can serve more. those of you who havea fear of death, there is no end. the beauty of it is that eventhe physical part which,
left behind, itself becomes partof the soul of another being, another entity, another part evenbecomes part of the soul of the planet. if you understood what i thoughtpast few minutes, you’ll understandthat you can master a ship, you can masterthe space on your own. but, in understanding the totalityand effect of the totality on each other. when you sit down, whenyou think about your life, try to see whereyou've seen your soul. how you've seen your soul,the way you've seen your soul?
how you feel about the presenceof your soul within you? and if you overcome that fearnow that you go somewhere else know now, "it's inside me, i haveto handle it, i have to understand itâ€, then you findsomething very interesting. try to change, to interact, part of the energyof your soul with that soul. then you will see the change. if you ever findyourself at peace, then that’s the pointwhere you can find your soul. that’s the strength of your soul.
if you can find peace with giving,and joy, loving. you'll find you have a big problem,you're on a path of elevation. when giving gives you joy, it means you receive more to give, then you understand youhave matured as a human being. a lot of people think they give,but in fact, they're the biggest takers. but, on the other hand,if they haven't taken, they couldn't give becausethat impression is part of their lives. those of you who are man ofmilitary or you've been in the army.
i give you... i show you one wayto disarm the whole army where you work. those of you want to disarmthe armaments, it's very simple.. create six to twelve,maybe more small reactors. fill them upwith deuterium. put one reactorof hydrogen aroundany site you like . strange thing is nothing will work anymore. if you want to jam a system,that no aircraft can fly,
that's the easiest thing to do, fill your reactors with tritium. do not turn themwith the motors get them to turn by their ownstrength of gravitational-magnetic field. do not forget, when we speak aboutfields of tritium we pass the pointof liquid plasma. if you rememberi have taught you very simply. now it's invisible ghost, becomesthe end of weapon technology. what does this mean ?
let's share knowledge. let's end up withthe tool of war. you made tritium, withthe liquid gans of it. you put the tritium withthe water in the core. if you remember? i'm fed up of staying in hotel roomsfor making peace for man. here put two measure. here, you put one measure.
here, you make four measures. here, you make eight measures. the same container,the rest filled up with liquid plasma. if you rotate this one,physically you know what you get, youget that center point. the center point if you turn this oneit'll be a center point it'll be center point here and a center point here.
in rotation the strength of thishere, will be one the strength of thethis will be two, four and eight. you put this, with thisin the right order you'll make the plasmato move internally. the higher pressurepushes this to move. once this getting tomove, so this, so this. you need no motors.
the field in thecenter are created... hallo? principal, and all youneed is to do one thing, to find a way to carry this out. the strangest thing will be, anything here will become dynamic. if you have chosen h3 you'll are achievea huge jamming system. if you have put h2
you will see you achievesolidification, and if you have put hon it's own then you'll find out the vacuum gapof communication you create a vacuumcondition of fields. now you understand. when you go to structure... i feel sorry for thosewho get stuck from now on. in the structure of the reactors,
you have star formation 3. if you manage to place areactor in between each one... that is, this make this, if youunderstand it in a way. there should be one here. if you make this bluereactors of deuterium you create a floorfor your spaceship. deuterium is solid conditiongravitational-magnetic field. and if you increase this to h3
the field will cover hundreds of thousandsof kilometers. goodbye to every militaryweapon technology. total cost of thissystem will be less then 1,000 dollars? it can be left in the suitcase.nobody will know. it can be left in the boxnobody will know. it just works internallyand silences every weapon. they can not beused for harming,
because it just balances,it cannot harm. if you use totaltritium in all your reactors something strangewill happen inside the ship. you walk it,you become man of peace. you direct it,you make a man of peace. don't forget tritium is a giver,and what you're a short of, because it''s a fundamental strength it gives that he can be received,but what is short of. this's the only solution,we see to overcome,
the problemwhich exist on this planet. tritium is the answer to theshortage, which is needed. and, i have shown you fromthe first day how to make ch3. that's the reason. i warn american forcesand i warn american military, very heavily. people of the keshe foundationhave access to ch3 and all of youaround the world if you can managethe gans of ch3 and then extract the centerfield that it cannot be seen,
but the fields will beof the ch ... of the tritium you create threeconditions at the same time. the men who come across it.will receive every desire what they need because it fulfillsthe emotion of the man. no man will touch the arm. in the process of conversion of tritium,in giving so much, it becomes deuterium. and with it,solidifies every chip. which meansno guns shall fire, present weapon technology,obsolete.
all the spacecraftswhich are made for bombing will become birds,metal birds, which i promised. and all the shipswill be the same. total cost, less than,maybe twenty dollars. you can paralyze the most advancedweapon technologies of the world. if need be we have to do,because we are men of peace. deuterium and tritiumdo two things, elevate the soul of theman and the other one, if you use the right waysolidifies every weapon technology.
two ways:it changes the carbon, but you have to use itextensively, at a higher speed, that it can spanhundreds of kilometers. those of you who were in americaand you know how to make tritium and deuterium, you canliterally, bring your nation to peace. if your wish is... and lessthan a week, we can do the job. the president willsign for peace, because he has no choice,he has no arms to fight with. those supporters of keshe foundationin jewish state, in israel
make as much deuteriumand tritium as you like. you disarm your nation to peace. don't forget everythingcomes from hydrogen. everything comes fromthat basic structure. every deuterium you put into oneelement, you make a new element. you take a deuterium, youhad a deuterium because of helium then add another deuteriumit becomes another element, and then another element deuterium andanother deuterium, carbon, oxygen. by combination of deuteriumand the ratio you can built, can make
any element in the universe. but there is one thing left,the space gap which you create you call it 'neutron',in plasma does not exist. that is why, if you go back tomy teachings, very, very long time ago. i said when it comes tothe plasma, for example nitrogen, take 20% off,30% off. because, in plasma of nitrogen there isno physical matter of neutron. and, more or less,20% extra neutrons, take, gives youthe plasma weight.
now you're understand whyi explain, take so many, 50% off. because, when you haveso many deuterium, you have created matter-state ofa space gap in a matter-state, but in a plasma-stateyou don't have it. so in fact, the only thing youcalculate, is the deuterium level. there are no neutrons. now you understand more whyi was telling you taking 30%, 40% off. because, surplus energies who... whichare not converted, even into neutron, are within the boundariesof the plasma of ganses.
so, now you understand,those of you who have been around, i've been telling you,for example, when it comes to copper,take 20% off the weight of it. the mass magnetic-gravitational fieldmass is 20% less then 60, is round 50. because it's roughly thenumber of free neutrons in mathematical physical dimension,which we think could be as a energy, or converted intoparticle as a neutron exist. depending on the ratio. now you understand howall my teachings come together.
so, if you want toelevate the soul of the man, and then at the sametime stop the weapons, count how many deuteriumcores you need to make. or, how many tritium deuterium coresyou make them ... you need to make. aaaaaa lot aaaaand a lot. and if you ratio load them,they start moving. and once they start moving, they moveeach other, and the whole circus starts. it'll take us less then amonth to disarm all the armies. not to disarm they are there,they are beautiful, gorgeous guns.
they are most beautiful aircraft carriers,but they cannot shoot a single bullet. russians technology whichparalyzed, and the iranian technology which paralyzed the most advanceddefense technology of united sates in past two, three years, we'veseen it in the past four years plays with thematter-state fields. what i have just taught youplays with the plasma field, which is much as strongerand is not reverse. because, if you listen, when a magneticfield comes the system jams, and then when you move themagnetic field it comes back again.
but this time, if you work withthe plasma, the change is permanent. once you become a man of peacewe can not walk back, because we already learnedthe strength to absorb. i tell you one thing, italians willhave a hard job driving. because they can't raise theirarms anymore, because they never get angry,everything is hunky-dory and the high temper drivingwill go through the window. because they are all happy to just drive,to enjoy to drive. so, if you understood, i've taught youthe weapon technology of peace.
but if you use it correctly,it becomes a tool of energy, if you use it correctly,it becomes tool of space. if you use it in the right order,shall feed man for a lifetime. i've come to make peaceand i'll make peace, if it means i have to destroy everythingman has made to destroy himself. because you shouldn't havedone it to start with anyway. i'll make man to be ashamed to carry a gun,by elevating his soul, no other way. because, that wayhe becomes peaceful. make as much tritium and deuteriumas you can.
understand the ratio, and understand youhave to take energy from the center of it. not from the liquid plasma of it. and then, if you know how to do that andyou have managed to do it, you've managed to create as manyelectrons and protons as you like. and then you manage to createenergy sources. and then you can manage to convertcarbon to diamond. a conductor to a resistor. those of you who work fromthe basic up to carbon, you'll find out, most of theweapon technologies will cease to work.
i have shown it,and i can show it in one show. (rc) thank you mr keshe,there's a... there was a question but, i believethat it's... was just answered by you. lynn asks mr keshecan you please explain how tritium can dissect - can dismantlethe arms? how this works?that was... (mk) deuterium, deuteriumhas two systems on it, one is itself,which has to give energy, and one itself, by giving its energy,become deuterium.
in one way elevates the soul,if you look at it, and when it becomes deuterium,it solidifies the guns. you got to understand somethingvery special. plasma, in conversion to feeding thematter-state, solidifies the matter-state. plasma, in interactionwith the live plasma, which is the soul of the man,and a body of the man, it elevates it. it's a verytwo different things. you have to understand, a gun, a chip,is a matter-state. so, it accepts the fieldswhich is fits into its matter,
and changes its matter-state,it's orientation. the soul of the man and the body ofthe man are in a plasma-state, are in the gans-state. so when they receive the energy from theplasma of the tritium, it elevates them. increases the power to the point thatthey don't need anymore. they don't divide,they reach a point of balance. and this is whatyou have to understand. this is what's to be understood fully,otherwise you run into a very big problem. when you talk aboutthe work of the plasma...
with the plasma of thespace, of the time, of the energy of the body of the man,is the elevation. but, if you work that plasma withthe matter-state, it's a conversionof the matter-state. (rc) okay, ... we havea question of course, mr keshe. can you please repeat the fastest wayto create tritium and deuterium? (mk) pardon? (rc) excuse me. wolfgang asks, "mr keshe, can you pleaserepeat the fastest way...
to create tritium and deuterium?" (mk) ch3, i've taught you,very easily. ch3 is the fastest way to create tritium. and then, if you go back in howyou produced hydrogen. there are different waysof producing hydrogen. then you put the two together,in a, one is the matter-state, and one is the gans-state. the two will lead to creation of deuterium,in a very simple way. creating deuterium, there are hundreds ofdifferent ways you can produce deuterium.
but you have to understand,when you produce the gans of deuterium, plasma field of the deuterium, it's totally different than justproducing deuterium. you've got to understand howthe whole thing comes together. any other question? (rc) kelly says, "may i ask a questionabout the structure of the plasma?" "in the plasma of ch3... where c sits in the center,so c is the proton?" (mk) excuse me sir... ...stop, stop, stop.
can you.. can you twist your head one wayor another, please? if you're talking about ch3, which weare talking about, is in the gans-state. what you're describing ismatter-state ch3. so, you're wearing two hats, you areconfused, that's why you don't see it. in a plasma, all the energies arein one entity. in the matter-state you have three h's...-three hydrogen’s and one carbon. this is what i tell you to be... you have to understand clearlywhich state you are working in.
in a plasma-state, which you produce,which is a gans-state, it's one entity. it's not three things hanging on top of... separate and one in the middle. the confusion of understanding the scienceis your problem. in ... i can explain it to youvery easily. for a lot, i've seen of peoplemaking this mistake, and then they think they are right,and then they don't understand. when you speak ch3 in the chemistry,you're right. you have this. yeah?
when you speak about the plasma,is this. the plasma of the carbon, the plasmaof a hydrogen of three different strength. but all in one cup. all as one, fieldproduced as one plasma. this is the difference,you are trying to describe this, and you're trying to see what happens here,doesn't work. this is a matter-state. this is a plasma-state. there are no threehydrogen, because here,
the energy fields are all here,they're all part of one. when you get thegans of carbon, ch3, you don't see this,as you see in chemistry. you see one entity. so, the problem is,you have to define. you cannot be, as the arabs call it,the ostriches. 'camel', but they say, "if you're a camelwhere is your hump?" it says "i'm a bird." they say, "if you're a birdwhy don't you fly?
it says "i'm a camel." understand what you're describing,then becomes very easy. because, in this process you talk. we don't talk, we're finished with this,this is gone. this is a history of the past. understand the language. then it becomesvery easy to work. it's one energy.there you have four items. (rc) mr keshe, david states,
"in order to make a free plasma,it's my understanding... that you create a spacefor this to occur, such as using an empty ballthat you surround with the gans." "that, through the rotation of the gansaround the empty ball, that a free plasma will formwithin the ball. is this correct?" (mk) can you repeat again? (rc) okay, "in order tomake a free plasma," "it is my understanding that you createa space for this to occur,
such as using a empty ballthat you surround with the gans." "that, through rotation of the gansaround the empty ball, (mk) no. but in a way, again, it's the same storyas what you are talking about here, between the solid-state,and you describe it. you're, you describehalf of the story. but then, it fits you to bringanother half from somewhere else. (rc) a sort of part way there,to what we're... no, that's wherethe confusion comes,
this is part of thewhat we have to sort out. you've mentioned the,the term... the, the schizophrenia(mk) this is... (rc) we have as humans, basically(mk) yeah, (mk) i wish some of...(rc) it's a problem of... yeah. (rc) of continually seeing thingsin the matter level. (mk) yeah, so what happened,let's do it this way. this is the gans. you have a region of
the water then you have a area of emptiness. where the emptiness comesfrom the field pressure from here. this is like a jumpingplate. you know,like a trampoline? the frame of the trampolineare the matter-state. the waters are the canvasand the spring.
and you jump in the center of the canvas,they elasticate the springs. these fields, by their push and pull,create this vacuum here. which means, that is much more strength here,that it can keep these apart there. this field-strength here, is so much,that it can keep all these apart here. in most of thesystems we have seen, ganses becomelike a band in the center. in very, very few systems we've seenthe ganses covering the whole of the ball. that is where the correct field-forcescome into operation. where you've seen the ganseson the side as a band,
it shows that other gravitational fields,magnetic fields play game into the system, it's not all ganses. earth gravitational-magnetic field,the motor with you run it, plays a field on it,on the matter-state, pressure field-forceson the gans. so, when you take an empty cup, and you put some ganses in it,and some liquid. this empty cup, becomesthis here.
you can take it out, after you runyour ganses, here. and you put, with it,just the plasma water here, that you enforce this to be in,and you can take this ball out, this is your new field plasma. i have bought a ... what do you call it? a bowl for this job. because, you have to be inside. if you look at it, what all you're doingis what we taught before.
you remember? this place to electron,and this stays a neutron ... a proton. all you do, you take the seed,the strongest part out of the system. what you should see, the creation of vapor,or liquid or like water around it. but you have to make surethat the field strength stays in. this is what we taughtlast couple of weeks. this is the new energy system,much stronger than you have ever seen. to you it's empty, butit's exactly what the minister said... it's just water.
the only time when you're gonna seeits strength, is when you put itnext to the other. and then seehow they space each other. and then you will see how the fieldaround them will create aura's, lightning, huge powers. otherwise, this is exactlyas i repeat it. in eindhoven, i opened the box and it said"empty box of the universe". it's full of fields. you had a problem to go fromthe gans to gans-water,
... liquid plasma,now you have to go into the field-plasma. and this is the ultimate. there is no matter-state to touch this,there is nothing, it's so pure. and then, because of its energy,now for the first time are you understand why when you look at the ufos,those three spots underneath are so bright, and they're transparent,you see them. you should not see these lightsin the outside, but in fact, inside is these empty plasmas,the field-plasmas. it's exactly, exactly,if you have understood,
when we look atthe structure of the, atomic structure on theheavy electronic systems, we see a fizzy light running around center,and we call that 'electron'. because inside it, when we tookthe electron out of the mother. the center out of the neutron, it is thepack of energy. so, it's so powerful,that it creates lights around it. some you shall see. now you understand,when you create ... space reactors, there should benothing in it.
and i said it in eindhoven,"empty box of the universe". and i showed it, when you touch the plugs,you get energy out of it. but inside it's empty.there it was a static. here it's dynamic. and because you put it in there,it already rotates. you don't, you,you got to learn one thing. trust your soul,trust your instincts. if you come to this level, and understand,then you can put these aside. this is what i was teaching the studentsfrom the mozhan's
you take it from your souland the energy of it will shine. because, inside it is your soul and its interactionwith the environment will create light. if you create deuteriumyou get solid floors. you have to understand how it works.i explained this to... recently. you have deuterium and then you have deuterium these are the eighteenand nine in the middle and then you haveyour three star-formation
if you look, we always said, "when three fields come inyou get solidarity, you get solid-state." so, now here youget a matter, a solid. but on the ground floor,because you have the same coming up you create yourselves floors. you can create floors by floorswithout anything just by gravitational-magnetic field-forces and then you havethe shape of the craft, which is createdby the dimension outside.
now, you see how simple. if you understand iteven the solid surface of this planet, is nothing but the illusionof the interaction of fields. if you can repeat what you walk onyou can create any shape craft with any floors you like. solid to walk. maybe, is time tounderstand something new but we've done this many times skin of the man has three layers.
the interaction of these three fields givesthe body of the men their physicality. where in fact this leadsto the creation of this and this leads to the creation of thisthis is the inner skin, inner meat - flesh. but, the interaction of this with this,allows the surface of the skin to exist. so in fact, you use the third floor, orthe third layer to create the physicality. all you're doing is replicatingwhat the skin of the man does, nothing else. you have one center reactor, you have floorthe middle reactor, and the third one. you have physicality here.
and then if you can repeat it,you create physicality as a floor here. so, this with the interaction of the otherreactors here creates the physical boundary and then if you place it in the right wayyou create floors. have you seen anybody becoming...concreting a everest mountain? no. have you seen anybody comingmaking there valley's? no. the field interaction dictates it,allows it. our main aim isnot to teach you how to make things our main objective at the momentis disarmament.
and disarmament comesfrom understanding of the fields. if you understand how matter is thereand you can create a field in reverse, even the guns will be empty. you can empty the bullets,the soldier thinks he's carrying something in itbut it's actually empty. because the box of itor what you call the shell of it has taken the solid-state, but insideit's the solid-state of the weaker, because it stays,it's in a powder form. you can fuse itin a very simple way.
and all without failhave carbon in them. so it's the easiest way to get to. what is carbon? six electrons - it means,you need six deuterium reactors. or you need, order of six by strengthin respect to the one, that you create a flow and you solidifyevery single carbon in every strength. or, you create a condition that, becauseit's plasmatic, it changes the orientation, this is a secret of matter-state, with the increase of the energyto diamond structure.
we have in our structure,carbon. earth is full of carbon powder,amazingly, atomic carbon. it's carbon everywhere. i wanna show you somethingvery interesting. we gonna do it this way first. you see all this little dots,the black dots these are all the carbons. (sighs) on the combination of the pressure
and ... flow ... of matter, because is in the conditionof the flow and the heat some of the magma of the earthis in the plasma-state. when this plasma-state energyinteracts with one of these carbons, what it does,it is a fantastic thing. it makes a... as it comes out,it makes a popcorn of it. the surface, which is...if... if i get this... i have to explain this in a very fine detail,then you understand.
now you're all atomic nuclear physicists,you can understand this very well. this is that little fine carbon,which the heat of the plasma, of plasma of magma, whichis a energy free transfer, like a gans. when it hits thisit has to go through a process the heating goes back makes the carb...let's make the carbon like this, a big, does the china man remember the china man job? nano-coats its surface and then due tothe rapid heat of transfer, this nano layers pop up to a gasand then the center peace stays.
and then, what you getdue to cooling is exactly where you put you go through the gans you put a hot plate in and then you put ahot water with caustic in it, nano-coats it, and then, when it goesthrough the heat conversion on the sudden chill of the moisture,becomes a popcorn. there is your diamond. and, if you're a diamond dealerwhen you buy a stone, diamond stone you always see there is so much black in itthe black is the seed, comes from here. it's like a popcorn, you know,when you get a corn
and you put it on a hot plateit just opens up, but you always have that littlehard bit in the middle, is not all soft. in the diamond that peace is there. that's we call it the 'mother'in diamond business. so, what we do in diamond business,we somehow find a way to cut it out. if this is the... if thisis the diamond. so, what we do, if youlook at it the other way, and the mother is there what they do in thediamond business
they cut this mother out. this is what youcall, 'flawless diamond' they all receive vvs,very, very small piece there. they can't cut up it off, because theycan't cut diamond the shape they like, it stays somewhere in there. the same process goes back inthe work of converting microchips in missile with all thesetiny little legs. when you give it thefields these all popcorn. the carbon covers up your chips.
what they do, theybecome nano-coated first. so, if they were conductorsnow they become resistors. no chip can transferany energy information. you've seen your nano-coating you canput in a 240 volts and it still hold it, this is what you do withthe chips, with the plasma. because, the chip is in a matter-state andnow you introduce the field-state to it, there goes millionsof dollars of making a chip to kill. now this is a chip to fry. a lot of money burned on it,total cost one dollar.
i think the man will go backto sword and arrow and then before he gets there,he finds out we done this, "this is no good,we go back for peace." that's where is going to end up. this is where i'm taking you. creating deuterium ... field-plasmas ... this is this sir. now you understand, i have give the man themost powerful energy system in the universe.
this is why we keepon telling you, in present power supplieswe are creating a lot of energy. now you knowwhere it comes from. and then if you transferthe across, you can filled it, you remember that song it says"bye, bye, goodbye, hello happiness" it's time to be happy. cost, less than a dollar to bring the mostadvanced ships on the high seas onto hold. it's because nothing to drop as many...birds... of the skies. but i'll tell you one thinggo back to what i've said.
"the intention of the soul carrieswith it, cannot be used as a weapon." soon man will understand. now you understand, why when i tell youthe my technology has been in the hand of iraniansand the others and nobody has been harmed with itbecause by the nature of his work, by the nature of the structurethey cannot harm no soul. matter-state does nottransfer into the plasma-state. body of the man, the soulof the man is in plasma-state. only takes what it needssuch a ways to peaceful condition.
it's the matter-state which changes,so a conductor become a resistor, so the chip is no good the legs do nottransfer energy anymore energy. you remember what we said fromthe beginning. maybe now lot of you understandexactly what i'm talking about, makes sense to a lot of you. you remember we said, this is yourplug and you put your magrav system here,and then it goes into your magrav system. and then you connect themagrav system to your fridge or whatever. and remember what wesaid from the beginning.
"if you take the wires off your line,you'll see them all nano-coated black. and all become resistive. 20 mega-ohm.remember? now you understand whathappens to the leg of the chip. the plasma does this job. so goodbye. i advise the american governmentvery fast to come to a peaceful agreement, otherwise they'll be eaten up. now i open the weapon of peace.
now you can see, what has beenwrite in front of you from day one. what did i sayfrom the beginning? if you put a maggrav system in a plugand then you go on check the wiring sometime later yousee them all nano-coating, which means theydon't need the covering, which meansthey become resistive. these things are all madeof copper. they need to be done. now you understand theweapon technology is finished. i'll read you somethingvery interesting, just come in.
and i answer you inpublic you understand. it says... "i'm wondering why yousingled out australia in this way." "i can only think that they wouldmake it impossible to convince the prime minister totake up your technology." my advice is, all the countrieswill go there, he won't be the only one. my advice is, that not onlyaustralian master ... prime minister will go to the website,everybody else will go to the website. and the beauty of it isthe governments start looking. they already have looked, theyalready know who we are, where we are.
but at the moment wehave only australia refusing. then we have more nationsrefusing, so they all have to be done. this is not singling out, thisis the first one who's come in. we are not singling out nobody. we are singling out thehuman race to become peaceful. it is very interesting, we have madea 'warmongers', this is the first nation ... only thing is to say it no, we sign,we are move you to the 'peaceful nations'. that's all it is. it's not a ... 'blame and shame' ...
is for the world leaders tounderstand that peace needs it. it's very interesting it'scoming in from my webmasters that somebodyelse has posted this. australians had beenreally hit hard with this. they want the world to be changednation, nations respond to reasons. every nation i want to respond - excuse me web masters can you put thison the main site, this comes from germany. you are a warmonger ifyour not a peacemaker. it's a very strange foreword.
you see that the discussion starts,and now we don't need to defend. we have to understandthe purpose of our work. we ... i chose this warmongervery clearly because it touches the soul of theman, it touches man to think. you are a warmongerif you are not a peacemaker. you can't stand onthe neutral base if you are a minister ... if youare a prime minister. you see the whole thing is nowwrite to the prime minister of australia says you've been called a 'warmonger'.
can you stand this or would youlike clarify your point, if you find two hours to fly you arrange to flyhalf way around the world to go to a funeral of a presidentor a prime minister or mandela? spend twelve hours ona flight go and bury the wars. go and celebrate orattend the funeral of wars. that's all it is. we want to buryfighting, we want to bury wars. ministers, prime ministers,presidents, kings find time to go to a funeral when anotherking or a head of a state dies. they mourn for it.
let them go and celebratethe death of war. i will tell you somethingif you are not jewish, if you are jewish you knowexactly what i am talking about. all the jewish guys most ofthe jewish guys carry a hat in the back of the car. do you know why ? at least the once i know in the manchesterall of them do with out failure. they all have a hat in thecar, what we call a soup ball. you know what iam talking about.
you why they carry it. if they have to go for a funeral,because if you are jewish and you die, they have to bury you by sunset. so they always bury readyfor go for a funeral. so are the world presidentsand the leaders. if they can take the government of ...if today president trump dies all the worldleaders find the way cancel occasions to go to america to see him buried. how come they can notfind time to bury wars.
they have another engagement, i wonder what would they willsay to the american government to next president serving, that theyhave no time to go for funeral. sorry you getting all contracts. this is the death of wars. every president every prime ministerhave should make time for it. if they mean theyare not warmongers. if peace is in their agenda. or as i said to them, diplomat
is the war the mysteryof the world leaders. when they joy them self more? they talk peace and the front, andthen mystery at the back which gives them morepleasure by killing. there re a is very easy some telling us to change,call, remind to the australian prime minister. this is your responseson the net. you can find time togo for a funeral of
government leader, find time togo for a funeral of the war. i will tell you somethingin terms of very nasty. those of you who knowsabout the history of iran. just we ... this created mostof the downfall of the shah. a few years before his, he goes he organized a huge celebration 2500 years of iranian monarchy. and he get thissoldiers made like
2000 years ago andhorses and the long ear and everythingelse, most of you. about all enough remember. it was a celebration fora couple of weeks. all the schools closed, wehave to watch those beautiful, tens set up or everything else. the queen of englandwanted to snub the shah then you are not a kingi am the only queen. so out of her arrogance
send the princess ann to teheran. iranian took it as a insult but they addressedthat very fine. and in farsi means excuse memy french: "shit " so they said the "shit" is here. when a queen does not havetime to respond with another. he gets mood in it. if president, prime ministerdoes not have time other engagements then peace.
and he dose not deserveto be prime minister. because the job of minister,prime minster, world leader. is to establish peacefor his nationals. under any circumstances even if that meansto go to the other side of the world. sorry sir prime minister. it's your job to find time in that that day to be inthe funeral of war. so you are warmonger unlessyou change the position.
i make it sure i do not get visa to australia, but it isdoesn't matter, it brings peace. my friend in australia let the prime ministerlisten to this part, we'll cut it out and send it toyou, that you can give it to him. the prime position the prime object of anyworld leader has to be peaceful, peace nation. and his, can spend his time andhis money in elevating the soul.
and the physicalityof his nation . if peace gives that! he has to spend all his time. not he dose not have a time. i wonder what he is up to onthe 2nd and 3rd of august? watching the golf game, orgoing to a football match? is that a responsibility of every world leader to be there,otherwise they are warmongers. that all what it is,it is very clear.
i've chose that word iasked to be put there. start sending these...and if you like send them they link, would youlike to stay on the warmonger or would you like tobe a peaceful maker? they will respond. it'sthe story of nobel. he read his obituary and he though heunderstood what they are thinking about him, and he creatednobel prize to cover the mess. the killing he was producingby the machines he was selling or the tools was (inaudible).
sorry i have to apologise on the books of keshefoundation ... australian prime minister staysas warmonger nation, or person. there's few australianswho got to change it. you do not like it, we know,we are very powerful, we got a lot followers australia. give a link to himsaid, "please read. can you change this,find time we buy you a private jet,we give you time
we pay for it,the nation will pay for it. whatever is you're doingon 2nd of august. get yourself to israel, just signthe paper and fly back quick. the hot plate, still be hot. if the world leadersdon't have time, "other engagement"for peace means, that engagement is selling armsand killing. it can't be any other thing,because is more important to them. i hope... i hope the prime ministerof belgium will not refuse it.
because, then we knowwhat he's up to. this is the basis, i'm pushingthe world governments to move. because, we have to make sure ... we don't have time forwars, we want peace, but this time we havethe tools of peace. as i was speaking now, i'm gettinginformation in the background. team of scientistshave got together designing, governments scientist,designing the keshe foundation factory. not us, not us anymore.
and the clicks youhear in the background is them telling me can youstop teaching for a few minutes we have to discuss. government officers, officials,scientist are designing. the next generation of the keshefoundation factories worldwide. this where we are moving. you want me to read it for you? i'll read it for you,in one second. this is what i call the 'beauty of what iscoming up', and people don't understand.
text is very simple. mr so and so has given us the layout of thefactory, this is the government officials. they are giving us ... the total layout, this is how theywant to see the factory to be done. sorry, i had to interrupt, butthis will come everyday we go- please start writing as you, as weare talking, as you are listening. please write to as many embassiesas many ambassadors as many presidents as you cansee africans, asians anybody you can get andsend them as many...
your are invitedand then tomorrow or 2 days later, we say are youwarmonger, you cannot come? when they come they submit...we are not doing the united nation game, and we arenot giving prizes, like the nobel prize. have you noticed the nobel prize? anybody, any world leader,who's issued the more nobel prize. has been biggest murders,yasir arafat, obama. all the israeli leaders. if you look all the murderershave got the nobel prize.
the ones who killed more,they got it more often. prize? because it's actuallyif you look at it, it's a essence of it. it came from dynamite,it came from killing so it actually does the... it praises the same people,under disguise of it giving a prize. and then they share it, yasser arafatwith the israeli prime minister, for peace talk and they killed moreand they're still killing each other. it'll be a fantastic time to see netanyahuhugging and truly kissing rouhani on the steps of the mount carmel. i wonder how many jewish lobby guyspull their hair out in senate.
there it goes, the bigmilitary contract with saudi arabia. we'll see a lot of bald jewish guyswalking around in senate very soon. but it's easy, all it is saudi arabiasays that, "we give you the money,but make tools of peace with it." "we wait till you change condition." don't withdraw the finances we still needto give jobs in the united state. because if they're happy we are all happy,if wee can keep everybody else happy with it. if saudi arabia gives ten billion to twelve african nationsit'll change the life in africa.
i tell you how you gonna managewith the prime minister of australia. it's very simple,tell him, "peace means loving," loving means a lot ofprosperity for your nation. show him the use,in the next few days we start showing huge supports internationallyfor keshe foundation. i'm traveling around the world in thepast few days and in the coming time just trying to structure peace. but through the elevation of the knowledgeof the science and technology. and i think should be the jobof every keshe foundation,
job of everymember of the council, and the earth council,you have time, work on it. there is a lot of fear how, what theyare going to do, the only fear we have is, what our children gonna doif we don't find peace. i showed you how you canparalyze, it's on the table, you've had this, it's nothing new, you knowthis knowledge from.. two years ago. when you saw the wiresin the wall going black. you think it's going to be any differentwhen you put a heavy plasma conversion it's like a hot heater,like you created chinese pan?
you think it's going to be any differenton a microchip levels of the weapon technology missiles oraircraft carriers? not at all! exactly the same!they are made of copper. the biggest weakness in the whole structureof military is the copper's they've used for every electronic piece, and smalleststrong field of plasma nano-coat them. they can not workif they are isolators, they have to pass the information throughthese legs that the weapon can fire. all these, if you look at the microchipit stays like this, without these, uuu, i touchedsomething it got excited,
look - i can move this,i'm gonna go back there. one thing it is, if this is a chip,it has these legs, you remember? now they are nano-coated. they have to be copper to beable transfer information. nano-coated they are no good.chip is as good as not being there. and when they cannot pass informationthey cannot even fire, so none of them can even blowin their cages. we have made a tool of peaceeven for the weapon itself. high plasma nano-coats so rapidly,
and i always told you,plasma nano-coating is one of the best! now, we have snookered. now, you had allthe knowledge, i just put it in front of you. now you see how simple it's created that field of the plasma, and that field of plasma has a ship in betweenand they all has chips all goes paralyzed. the problem with the russians,when they used it, they did not intensify it,because there is a problem with this, they have to directionalize it, that their own crafts does not get it,this is their problem with it. they have found a way todirectionalize the fields of the plasma.
don't forget, they themselvescarry electronics. huh? and the electronic shieldingof a plasma is extremely easy. you can do itwith the absolute ease. i've taught thatto the iranians. and, it's so simple. when you have a aircraft flying,you make the bottom side as a spread of a shield. so, any, any, any, craft, underneath of it,it's within the range of it, converts. you see, the beauty of it is,when we captured the american spy plane,
the american made it to damage itself,but when we opened the chip, because it wasn't damaged,the only thing was to ignore the nano-coatedpart, know it's a conductor. replication of the chip'swas very easy. you know how you do it? you take number of huge mri close sections,you see the whole pattern. now the americans know,how it's, how chip's can be copied. what they do, you put thechip in a very strong mri, and like a brain you scan it,section by section.
and in the thickness,and you modify it. now you see all the connections,everything matches up. then you can replicate it.the only problem was that, what you call it.the 'destruction buttons'in the craft did not go off. they made a very,very, stupid mistake, is that, even the destruction buttonsall have a copper connections. so, that's why we could capturethe american plane so easily. because if you jam electronic,the other parts still work with it, if it does, this way because younano-coat everything instant,
you literally fry it,with the plasma. and it says, it's exactlywhat you do with the caustic, you know you put acaustic and you hang it, the steam coated all goes black it'sthat's what it does but do it with a with a plasma. it doesn't touch the pilot,it doesn't touch the human beings, they walk away peaceful. and we saw it, nobody saw it, when,when the american, 27 american military walked out of the ship,and they said they don't want a war.
because what came and touchedthe fields of the chip's, they could not communicate,it touched their souls. they became man of peace. this is what i told you, now you understand,the example of it is, donald duck, as we call it. the most advanced ship,the officers walked out because, the field elevated the souls,but the same fields literally nano-coatedeverything else in the ship. no harm done.
when we listened to the news, we look at itdifferent than you listen to the news. we look at the facts and the datain a way scientifically make sense, why should 27 people walk out? they don't want a war anymore.and what they said, "the government can protect us,because we're..." you know, in america peopleare producing factories producing arms, drop a few hundreds of these,co2 ganses on it, what do you call it,the plasma, field-plasmas on them. around the place,just in the car, drive around.
ten cars with ten of them running,you become more peaceful, and the people in there,start walking out, nobody wants to make a guns anymore. i met, as i told youin farnborough, the head of the weaponstrike technology. and, after a lot oftalks with each other, he said, "do you know i'm walking awayfrom weapon technology? because i've become... i've...i understood the message of bahã¡'u'llã¡h. somebody told meabout the baha’i faith,
and i can not touch weapons,now i know the truth. if a message of a prophet changes a man,not to fight at a such high level, imagine what we can dowith the soul of the man. they are evengiving a message. maybe my cultto be a peace cult, and we just use plasmato elevate the soul of the man. but not the hippy ways,the true way. as i said, i open more and moreweapon technology of peace, and i'll show you exampleright in front of you.
the block has been there. now you knowwhat it can do with the other ones. now you know how to create a massive,massive deuterium cores. if i was american leaderor the governments to... buy no weapon technology,i run to sign the peace treaty, before it becomes a embarrassment,that i can't sell any more weapon. because they are useless. if you understand what to do,and you understand you can use softer way of plasma,deuterium or tritium, is just put it around,like a traffic lights on the streets.
people continuouslyreceive what they need. the calmness, the sereneness,and then at the same time, because the soulgets elevated and you orders, the food becomesa thing of the past. there's a lot to do. my battle, and the momentare two people you wanna see how see wecan get these two elevated. please write to all the embassies. if you have time, write toevery president and ambassador.
just embassies there are a hundredand ninety-nine embassies, multiplied by, they arein every other country, this is by hundredand fifty embassies. you need the country, if there is a hundred,that's about fifteen thousand of them. yeah, fifteen thousandembassies to write to, and they've got so manykeshe foundation followers. we can bombard it,we wanted to be there, by peace. and we put on the warmongering,till you come and say, "we come in for peace",we change you to a peace makers.
but this time peacehas to be in a real way. and we have found, ourfirst supporter to encourage, the prime minister of australia. they use lies to create war,we showed them the truth, and shamed them,they walk into the peace. i was passing vatican today, and i saw people, destitute, hungry,in cardboard boxes again. and i thought, when the popeis gonna walk and see these people,
and say, "you can haveone of the houses here!'" in vatican at the moment,they are kicking everybody out, because they rentis better from public, than they're giving themcheaper to their own priests. and the priest serving a lifetime becomeshomeless, in cardboard boxes like vatican. i'm gonna go and take somepictures, hopefully tomorrow when i go to vatican,and you will see how truth it is. the richest religion in the world,within five meters from its boundary of its nation, go in cardboard boxesbegging for food, he does not feed.
i'm in wrong? i show you the pictureshopefully tomorrow, the day after. and i wonder how manypeople, more destitute, they are living in boxesaround the world, around the churches. the building'sempty without soul. any other questions? maybe i'll go there tonight,because night time is a cold time. they all come, literally by the bordersof the vatican, in the window sills. and tomorrow teaching i'll postit for you, we can show it. less than five metersfrom vatican.
actually, they are partof the vatican. inside the vatican boundary,people in cardboard boxes, the true... and they are christians as well,they are not jewish or muslims, that they don't feed them. it's time for peace, not onlyin the borders, which there shall be none, but in the soul of the man. i made my missionand now i achieve it. (rc) mr. keshe, there's a questiongunther asks, "can we organize a special workshop,how to make properly the h2, h3?"
"is this a good ideaor shall we wait?" (mk) of course, if it does helpyou to do it, of course. i told you, don't makeanymore ganses, don't do anything. if you can do it? i tell you something else.if you can do, without doing it. understand the brain of the man,is made of such a structure. (rc) okay, that's areally great clue i think. (mk) more than a clue. more than a...
(rc) so we can workwith our own ganses, but not with our ganses,guess you could say? (mk) in a way,in so many ways. you were talking this morning,you cut diamond with diamond. so, it needs a soul of the manto reach another soul. by the way, in the real true diamondbusiness we don't cut diamond with diamond, we polish with a diamond,we cut with copper. (rc) that's right, yes. thank you forthat clarification. now that you say that. (mk) no, because i usedto be a diamond business.
we don't cut diamonds with diamonds,we polish with it. but we cut with very thin,very thin discs of copper. (rc) uh-hm, it's more the polishing process. (mk) yeah.(rc) i guess the diamond has to be already rough...rouged out or whatever. (mk) yeah. they cut it,but it's a very, very fine job. (rc) does it take...(ml) you know how you make a... you know how to make a white diamond,black, white diamond out of a black diamond? cut the mother diamond becomes black.
the true black coloris essence of mixture of ganses. i wonder if we can do that, with the...with our presidents and prime ministers, just cut the black part out? (rc) does it take a diamond cutter,to... to do that job? (mk) yeah, what it is, i was explainingthis early, i just explained it. the diamond... when we get a diamond,when we hold the diamond in hand, diamonds have different shapes. by the shape of it you know,if it is from a river, or it comes from the volcanic eruptions,or it comes from the seed,
or it comes from the land digging. i used to hold it,and i could tell which rivers, which part of the worldthey come from. i used to do it as a pleasure,and you are eighty percent right, because each river rolls a stone different,the cut of the stone is different, the explosion of the carbonto a diamond is different. and then in that process,you... you get... if this is... if this is a stone,there is a mother somewhere.
we cut the mother out,and then you shape the cut to it. and, if you have a very, very fine gasdot in it, you have a pink diamond. the gas, the pink,the gas which create the pink color. this here for example, you havea beautiful thing pink diamond, and the cutter, by mistakecuts this gas out, and the stone turns white,loses its color. the stone drops by value, quite drastically,and the diamond cutter loses his job. (rc) so, is that the black spotis like the physicality you might say.(mk) it's the seed.
yeah, it's a seed. it's where theystarted, life starts at it. most of its surface has become nanoand then it explodes into a gas, then it becomes gans. i found a lotof similarity in diamond world, and in my research when i was working.many times. that's what it is.if you look in the center of it, when, when you lookat these ganses you hold, if you look at one gans,let's say co2 gans, your holding, you see a white, but if you look inside it,there is a black spot, is not all white. there's, inside it, in the center,there is a black spot,
because in fact,the black in so many ways, is a black hole,it's a center of the control. it's the same position,nothing changes. in the gans, the matter-state is outside,because you can see it. once man educates himself,you’re find this black spot in there, that... that's the electron can extract it. in the world of creation,everything is exactly the same. it just needs the insightto understand this. can you please work very fast,all of you, and get the response
from all the presidents and let'sput them all in the warmongering? and see, which one of themraces to be back on the top? how many of you have sent any messages out,since we've been online today? any? (cdr) i am, i am, i am, i am, i am.... (mk) what's happening here?is that caroline? (rc) yes, and repeated many times. so i'm assuming that,that echo meant something. (mk) i know she is. she's a littlecutie chap. she doesn't give up. we got to, and we have to,push for peace.
it's the only chance humanrace have, for a long, long time. i'll send you a picture...when i'll come back from the vatican, and then when i'm... after ourmeeting with the iranian ambassador. and then i send you a picturefrom vatican, with all the purpura people,pope... sitting around. (cdr) i'm back but without a halo. (mk) yes.(cdr) can you hear me? i'm sorry for that. i just want to inform you, there's oneof the dignitaries in the united states,
being, receiving the doctors...what we say, he has a brain cancer, and trump, and hillary, and obama,they are all on twitter, twittering, and i'm being sendingthe connection with the peace letter, and inviting them to sign the peace treaty,so i already reach three tonight. (mk) can you explain? (cdr) ... i have to move around,scan you still hear me? (mk) yeah. (cdr) okay. it is stated that, i can't recall his name,just give me one second please.
(vv) there was a cancer foundinside the ... john mccain, which is a long held senatorof the united states, in texas i believe. (cdr) is that...(vv) and ... and they found a brain cancer. on friday they operated for a blood clot,which they thought it was, and they instead, they foundit was a... a brain cancer. so the ... the administrationhas been... taking to twitter express their condolences. (mk) has he died? (vv) not yet.
(cdr) not yet. he's just...(mk) we don't send condolences, if he's still alive.(cdr) no, they are praising him. (mk) ah.(cdr) and wishing his family and kids, all the best of luck,in this process of illness. and i just bumped into it, and i justmade sure they receive the invitation, to come and signthe world peace treaty in haifa. (rc) yeah, i've got... i've got some othernews too that just happened by coincidence, three hoursago exactly, on the news here, which is one when our workshop started,for this part.
i was put out, let me post it,because is interesting. (mk) you don't need to screen off? in the background,any of you sending to anyone, just let us know, just come online,this is yours, not ours, this is us who's got the bring in,the what you call, 'peace on the table.' what is this?(rc) this shows the headline on the cbcnews, three hours ago. "trump reportedlyending cia plan to arm syrian rebels." troubled secret program is to be phased out,according to the washington post. (mk) this is how always been.
(rc) they're haltingthe years long program. (mk) yeah. what happen,they find people, they arm them, and then these people become big headed,and then they become the enemies as well, and now they have to findthey armed the beginning. you got to understand the present,the present president of libya. this guy was pushed by the british,to go and create coup d'etat in libya, when gaddafi was on, they captured him,they put him in prison, the british did a deal with him,they got him out of prison, in exchange for the guywho brought the plane down.
remember, the pan am airline,he's exchanged in the release for this guy exchange, and then when they got rid gaddafi ,they put the same guy back in, to become the president now. the libyan presidentis a british monarchy job. and the guy doesn't know what to do,because he could never imagine to be, so his gets more out and he becomebigger enemy for them. understanding...the world of war politic is very dirty, if you go backto the root of it. we see the same thing in other countries,where they send people back in,
and they again till they get it,and these people got back in. then they become big headed,then they become the problem for them. we saw al-qaeda, what's his name,bin laden was one of them. they arm them,then they can't control them, because then they... these people thinkthey are dug in, they are in charge, and then nowthey have solved a new problem, they created themselves,trying to create another problem. if we look, all this... these things, it'swithin ten countries in the middle east, they are holding and they are justpushing because all the oil comes.
the more rich a country,oil country, the more war, fear they create,to drain them to buy more arms. the fear is the biggest problem,they have created. and is all muslims. but tomorrowwe see the real very, very wealthy, very, very, very wealthy,who sleep next to the wealthy. the true picture of vatican,it'll be very interesting. and then you understand,how world... world needs peace, because with it we bring peace to a lotof other people, not just... just armies. we need a lot of peace,a lot of time,
and then we can needto spend the money and time. it does not mean when we go to a spaceis gonna be all honey and everything else. that brings another dimensionof sorrows and joys, but at least not harming. you got to understand how much effortthey put in, in destroying. it takes a lot of effort.i explained to you, since we... since we explained how,either way, we lose or winthe court case in belgium, we're going to goto the next steps.
once we opened the discussionand we explained, delannoye and their teamhave gone into assassination group. they are organizing and theyhave already organized, a team to assassinate meand caroline at any cost, doesn't matterwhat the outcome. we... our security servicesin the back are informing us. they are due diligence, working onassassination in one way or another, since the know the court case, eitherit comes, we take it to the next step. and, they've puta lot of effort into it.
they made a lot of telephone calls, theyare pushing a lot of people to make sure. the judge has come under pressure,to make verdict in a way, that they can get something,that they can start pushing. but, we inform you now,there is a planned assassination and mr dirk laureyssensis part of it. our assassination has beenset out by them, in past two weeks. mr delannoye is spending a... all theirforces they have within the police, to assassinateme and caroline. and dirk laureyssens is guiding them,exactly where i going to do.
is nature of his life. it's ... strange, you can talk aboutyour own life and not have no fear of it. but they've planned from the day weannounced how they... what we're going to do, either way,we gonna take him up to the next case. they want to finish it. mr delannoye, i stay aliveas long as i decide. you can go to hell with yourking and mr laureyssens. they have even plannedthe assassination of my son, that's how greatmr laureyssens is.
to hell with you! we got everything,all the information and evidence. (rc) well, manuel says, "i sent thepeace letter to my prime minister of malta." (mk) and? he will sign it,he's a very nice guy. (nm) i have a question mr keshe,this is nicolas form the us. you've mentioned several timethat this is a window, in this window ... for peace ... is very special. and, that there won'tbe another one for a while.
could you sharewith us, why that is? (mk) ... vince you have a picture,or some pictures was sent to you. the night when we had ... when wewere looking at the ... ufo. we tried to get some pictures to you,can you put that up. (vv) ... yeah, we showed it earlier the first part of the workshop. but, rick can you putthat up for me? (mk) you see the...the way the lights came, the ... it's what you don't see... you see this,like a sphere you see on the screen now? it ... it was like a sphere's passingand then the next one coming.
sequential part, and there weretwo other people who witnessed it. but they said they saw it earlier on,before we saw it. ... in so many ways, the daywhen the universal council and the members of the core team,or they are all there, concentrating, word by word,literally sentencing it. and this happening,because it started before that, it shows the man is readybut this time if we give up, we've seen it six thousand years ago,when we did it the first time, but, at that time there wasn't lineof communication the way it is today.
it got buried,in the desert. most of it got hiddenby the jewish rabbis. the same in south america,the same in central asia. because, it was so small the communicationwasn't furthered, now it's global. the next step if we fail,it's gonna be horrendous, because if now we taughtso much to man, now we open the door ofuniversal community, universal knowledge to you know what mayhem they're gonna all create,if the window doesn't shut?
we shut everything down. if man does not move in a peaceful manner,the way we expect it to do and the way we are elevating themin knowledge. we shut the place down. you will understand very soon,isolation will force man to its peace. but not isolation by pain,isolation by literally showing man, what they've made mistake with. this time, you got to see what it is,it's... it's a process of teaching. we have taught so much, we elevated thesoul of the man, so much.
we elevated the knowledge of manin past three years, especially in past few months. is beyond imagination. if one day man understandsthe total knowledge i dispersed, in past six months,past twelve months, man has not gathered that in past60 - 70,000 years. we cannot risk it. if it's used the wrong wayor if it's not done the right way, we shut it down. and this time it'll beshut because it has to... because, this time the manwill kill himself beyond.
because you know why? they think they have the right to do it,they have the more knowledge to. but they don't understandthis technology cannot harm, but they will usein different way, that they elevate eachothers soul in a wrong process, that it becomes elitism,to the elite. because those who understand more,they will do things. you got to understand a lot of people... iyesterday, received a text from somebody "do you know in turkey, somebody'susing your name, selling pens and pads?"
i was..."invention of mr keshe on television." i said, "what?" in china they areusing my name like a water, selling all products to dowith plasma and the health. so, there are other people whoare doing the health system. they called it... they changed the namenot to get into conflict to. 'quantum', but it's a plasma technology,they change name to it. but, now they'regonna push it back. anybody suppor... submits anything asa 'quantum' will be blocked,
it's a plasma technology. we know things whichare going in the background. so you can understand, how manypeople are going beyond part of... understand more than a few understand. the governmentswhich are sitting behind? so, the division,if it is not balanced now, it'll become so vast that ...we have to stop. then there it'll be a shutdown, next timeit'll be so... because you understand, a lot of souls are elevated,you reached the point of elevation
but you have nopoint of freedom with it, then we shut down. it's like... it becomes a fire,which will simmer inside itself. you got to understand,nobody will have elec... need for electricity,nobody have need for food, nobody will have need for anythingand the society will burn inside itself. because it needs needs to do something and the leadersdon't allow it to happen. because we won't openthe universal community
and not by commitment,by act. unless we get a total commitment of peacefrom every single nation on this planet. very, very clear,extremely clear. we shut everything downthere will... you try to take out of the space of this land.take the animosity out. the knowledge isso much we just taught you a pinhead compared to the oceanof the knowledge of the universe. this is what i said just ...a guy they get big headed because they've justbeen given some guns.
we gave so much knowledge and theknowledge i've given, is beyond imagination. and you haven't even understoodone millionth of what would have thought. but it's there i told you, in the futureyour reference to it is there. and then you see the mayhem. it has to be done this way. you got to understand one thing, we've done this many times beforeand it always worked. as i said i had two choices, i explainedthis to caroline many times in my talks as i said i had two choices. i explainedthis to caroline many times in my talks.
i love my wife and i tell her many thingsin... in secrets of knowledge of man. we've done thismany time before. i had a choice to teach over20, 30, 50 years, 100 years write books in code and nobodycan understand as it unravels, or do a sharp,sharp teaching. three years, five years andmove millions and then they follow. the following of the movementis this peace movement because when the kings, when thepresidents move it toward the peace then they have to explainto their people why
and then thetechnology comes out, and then because of it, they canjustify everybody, everything is peaceful. you don't have wha... you will seewhat comes out within next 7 days, i'm taking flights intocertain countries, you will... you will understand what is goingto come and what's going to hit. we've been told,"do not talk till it comes out!" we have governments coming out,scientists coming out, in the backingof the foundation. some world leaders will follow us,will come in not to lose face.
i openly, i openly discuss and approach to the pope, because i want to puthis name on that shame list. my aim isthat shame. my aim is not for him to sign a peace,then people can see the true color of it. because if it is,it's the same as ayatollah rouhani. my position, when i gave the peace roadmap to the iranian ambassador, two folder, two red foldersi gave to him and said, "this is for president ahmadinejadand this is for ayatollah khamenei." because, i know oneshould carry the other.
it's a high risk,it's a very high risk but from my point of view, from wherei stand as a leading nuclear physicist well-known for my work,they have to respond. you got to understand the last time,many of you know, i called on a friday, on monday i was in ahouse with the pope, vatican house. so, it's a... when we areinvited to the house of the pope, not anybody gets donewith one telephone call. they knowwho we are. i want the pope to go on that,my wish he says, "no!"
do youknow why? vatican has no army, so peacemust be its prime object. yesterday i was sitting in a verypublic but privately speaking, one of the geniuses of, what doyou call it, 'instrumentation'. and two americans came and made their waypretending to have two laptops open, but their earphones hanging,we could see them, american intelligence, what we are discussing, if we arediscussing something top secret. and by coincident, by coincident i hadto come online and i was talking because you had a problemregarding the, what you call it,
israel in your letter andyou should have seen the way they were edging ontheir chairs and i could hear them, they could hear,i could hear their heartbeat, "how can this guy talk aboutarab islamic world not accepting, but going to the mount carmel, becausethey won't accept the state of israel. or you should...the minute we left, they didn't know howto run out to do their work. the process of peaceneeds a lot of guts. and i've got all of it. i don't reallycare because i know the joys of it.
get out, do your work,we cannot fail. the only thing can fail ishumanity failing themselves. ninety percent of the people,99% of people, driving in their cars, goinghome on the back of a donkey, or in a rolls royce's, or in a mini'sor on their bikes or whatever, know nothing about this technology,but they don't understand how it's going to touch their life,every single one of them. i have broughtthe knowledge of universe and man is a dotin the work of the universe,
it'll getaffected by it. we shut 6,000 years and yousee where it's got you to. this time weshut 60,000 years. (nm) mr keshe one more questionthat goes along with this... >from so many different sources,this time now is, seems to be .. a opening intonew possibilities and for a while,the last 20 years or even less, we have seen a numberof crop circles showing up. and they found that in the crop circles,the seeds that were in these crop circles
were more potent and more productive,maybe twice or even more than that and that the soil, also was significantlymore productive and energized. and along with that connection,with i feel like who's on our team from other... other beingsoutside of earth space. is this a plasmafying activity thatgoes on with these crop circles? (mk) ... can you go backvince or rick or flint on to the agricultural teachingplease and where in a picture you show the marrowsand the cucumbers? can you pick that up veryquickly in the background please?
you know in thepromotion for agriculture we show a shot of... the cucumbersand the marrows and the lettuces. can you find it flint? or rick?and put in on the screen. (rc) i think i know what you mean, okay.(fm) yeah i know what you mean yeah. (rc) we'll try tolook for it. (mk) if you are referringto the fields, then, where such a thinghappens, you see the answer, this is theknowledge of universe. it's a gift, it happens naturally whenyou bring such a system into operation.
you say "they scientifically see",we scientifically show. it's the same field and it's been on thescreen for nearly two years now. jim brought themoriginally with the lettuces and then the other peopleshowed with the others. our dearest friend alexz is testingcrazy things in africa with it. if he shows you thingsyou just go bananas. this iswhat you said, "when the crops come in touchthey, the harvest changes." and these things justbeen watered regularly.
and this is justwater with co2. this is the beauty of the what it does in fact, it changes the atmospherearound the seed so... it takes the pressure offthe plant can grow. the left isregular water and the right we can say is the onewhich ufo has landed on it. that's the ufo of gans, it's agravitational-magnetic field of gans. it's a huge difference. there is anotherone with a cucumber,
jim reported it,if i was right, 55 gram and 145 gram lettuces,3 times more nearly. the... you have to understandthe criteria behind it, the principlebehind this work. it's just that because thefield pressure dictates the size. i think it, the picture,answers you very directly. we are here to serve and change humanityand we will achieve it. we achieve...this time the plan is well set up and we will achieve it. this timeit will be done by man himself.
we just guide and i said many, many times, "everyone takes accordingto their understanding". but this timewe teach so much that the understanding, more or less,is equaled, by everybody. (rc) there's aquestion in livestream ... from farhad who has a, "request mrkeshe if you can ask it from him?" "i want to know about the otherdimensions as the physicist say there is 'eleven of them' and if wecan go to the other dimensions." (mk) there's as manydimensions as are universes.
it depends what you wantand what you expect from, what you're trying to achieve. if it doesn't fit sure,there's no use to be in it. (jg) good day, mr keshe. (mk) yes. (jg) here's jalal ... i would liketo say, it's time to be happy. (mk) depends whatwe call happiness ... huh? (jg) environments and elevation andlove and peace, this is all happiness. (mk) we got to measure thehappiness but what we get out of it
and if it's somethingwe were expecting. (jg) you are here.we don't afraid about, about that. we know we arein a ... in good hands. (mk) any other question? (js) hi mr keshe it's justin,not really a question. you just mentioned earlierthat the peace letters would be individualized they are,they are on the kfssi side and so far i have contacted trumpand president trudeau, since you ask. (toe) excuse me, i am present andsupport of caroline's wish to connect with
the universal communityand open up the full channel of knowledge and information.this is ted on earth. (cdr) thank you for confirming. a lot of people will still keep on comingback to confirm 'i am present' with their name. it's welcome in the chats,it's welcome on the facebooks, it's a statement youare in the present now to support the wish, to connectwith the universal councils. thank you. mr keshe? (cdr) there was a nice requestin one of the presentations.
they have asked if it's possible tocreate the same letter as been gone out or is about to go out to the heads of statesto make it in a form that we can offer it to the medias to go into publicdomain, radios, whatever you name. newspapers, magazines whereverpeople can ask or request or even publish it themselves, but asin a media form. thank you. (rc) should we wait until theleaders get the invitation first before we go public with it inthat way or it doesn't matter? (mk) i think rick you are right. we got to get everything out today,tomorrow and then, start from monday.
(cdr) the lettersare already circulating. people have already downloaded,uploaded it, made their own version and send it outin their personal name. i see what is happening onfacebook and in the background. people are working with theletter, it's already circulating. (mk) this letter has to go topeople, other peace organizations too, not just around keshe foundation. we have to ask for their support. there are a lot of pressure groups around,that we can use them.
there are a lot of pressuregroups in jewish lobbies. (cdr) i think maybe rick we can,tomorrow, share sometime on explaining who and where people canget in touch to get this letter out. and who we can attract,to involve more in this process as this afternoon libby alreadypresented it to the ubuntu organization to welcome themto teach us as much as we can share ourknowledge back to them. (rc) okay, that sounds good. (cdr) somebody was just writing inthe chat that it should also be addressed
to the mosques andin the religions levels. (jg) we are going to translateit and we will send it to the all ... religious people andall who is in command. (cdr) may i suggestsomething mr keshe? beside people signingtheir own peace treaty maybe we can go and requestthe public to sign the agreement with their leadersin the same format that we become all equal insigning the peace agreement? any idea knowledge seekers?
(toe) carolina this is ted here on earthand a i've been wanting to reach out to the honorable minister louis farrakhanof the nation of islam and i know that a lot of peoplemay have mixed views on, you know, his idea of peace but after doing his souland listening to his heart, i think that internally he does havethe view of true peace and i think that if we could get himto support our ... our message out,it would be a big step for the african-american communityhere in united states. (cdr) what i was tryingto explain as an idea is:
why don't we,also extended it to the citizens of each country to givethem the opportunity to sign as well beside their peace-treaty (toe) well mrs caroline i support that100 % i think that's a great idea. (rc) can we give to everybodyall at once is the idea. that we need to sort of focus at this pointon the national leaders and keep our attention on themtill the end of the month is the idea. (mk) hello?(rc) hello mr keshe (mk) am i back?(rc) (laughing) yeah, we can here you.
(mk) can you hear me?(rc) yes, can you hear me? (mk) yes, i can hear you now.we have to be very careful don't jump off the gun,let this go till monday. let's the governments have timeto read and study and respond because the time has been givenwhen we are expecting response back and then we canpush together response. we... we got to saturate the internet andthe embassies and the presidential offices. (rc) there's several people are sayingwe should make a petition online, again maybe we should waituntil we get the letters down and ...
the leaders have a chanceto think about it, or should we start pushing forsome sort of petitions online, right away? (jg) i think, rick, when you put it inthe facebook and then in the media and everyone who is reading this letter,i think he'll, in one way he will be signing thateven without the pen, you know? just when he read it he will ...he will be in that position , he will be ...near to the next week. when we put it to the all,to the citizen.
(js) i have to agree with jalal ... it'sprincipally the same way mr keshe... (mk) depends what we want to dobut we have to give a chance we can not go and bash aboutwhen they don't know. we've seen thishappening in ghana. in ghana we saw how the...whole thing has worked to the benefitof the foundation. where we... we'll discuss thisin the coming time and you will understand exactlyhow you handle it. how you put it out,the way, it's got to be correct.
as you know, if you remember?very scientifically i explained about the water which was thereand it was, it was called also some things, and then they said.... we see mr laureyssens changing nameand giving a lot of false information and they accepted it.but now they have done a massive investigation in the government.massive investigation. and this investigation has turned out tobe of the benefit of the keshe foundation. you will see it comesout of other countries, not ghana we've finished with ghana in that processbecause now they understood,
the minister has totally gone silent,because he found out he actually committed himself towith a lot of lies he received we have to understand a lot of peopletry to diffuse the situation in respect with the peace,and they will use every trick in the book. but, these are the peoplewho we have to ignore but at the same timewe have to be very aware that peace meansa lot of changes, especially the waywe are putting it out. it means, horrendousamount of changes.
you got to understand nations over nighthave to find out millions and millions,and tens of millions of jobs. the fear of change,is horrendous for some nations. the fear of : what are we gonna dowith this so much soldiers, all this guns we have? all this money spent on aircrafts,fighting, that they are not used too. the point is the sharp shock,is better than the long-term pain. we saw it in when the eastern blockopened up overnight.
many soldiers on both sideswere not soldiers anymore. many guns, nobodywanted to buy anymore. so the biggest fear, the biggest supportwe have to give to the world leaders is there is a new technologythere is a hope, there is a change. and this will comein next week or two, you will see. we have to bring the peace,the message of peace and hope with the new technology,in a way which we are doing but now acceleratedin the coming days. the fear is what we gonna do?what's gonna happen?
how can we feed the nation?how can we support these things? how can we see the transition? the transition is the most horrible time,especially for the european nations very easy, can you just goon the internet please ... rick? if you can find out, and just put thegdp of let's say, the united kingdom. gdp of italy, gdp of belgium,gdp of france and germany. and, bring out howmuch arms is part of this gdp? in china the gdp is so huge buildingthat the military's a peanut in it. in the europeanis huge amount of it.
look at the united states gdp and the warmachines, military, defense. and you have to understand,what they call, a 'thousand defense job' creates another four orfive thousand other jobs, cleaners, transport, ... shipping,everything else with it. so, you put that factor into it, it's huge,that's the biggest fear of the nations. so, we carry on, this...this situation we are facing, is a situation of... we got so far,we can't go back anymore. we got so much involved in killing,that we can not stop. there has to be an alternative,there has to be as stop to it,
with the science, with knowledge,with technology. and the.... only will come, is when we getscientists speaking, "yes, there is a point." "there is a change, there is a time, thereis something, which can be added to." they put so much negativity into it,because then they can sell arms. this is the whole reason for it,their negativity is amazing. if you look at the national gdp,united states, eu. they don't put anymore englandif they put england and whatever, then china will go, where the chinapasses united state too. they become very cleverthis is a psychological pattern.
how come china, india, canada, brazil,can stand on their own? germany cannot stand on his own, englandcannot, because then china cannot be third. you understand? china will come to the 2ndand if you look at the debt growth, the national gdp, china has passedunited state already 2 or 3 years ago. it used to be, now theyput them together they're still trying to show theyare a force, but they don't exist. if you put uk national gdpthen you see it. or germany it's so minimal, germany,just goes to the bottom.
if you see, country by country ranking j... can you go furtherdown please? if you look at it, european union they,they won't allow that go in. european union nothing go, because theycount as a euro, that's what they want to do. look at the united kingdom. if you look at thegdp of united kingdom. greece is one hundred ninety-sixand then it's still part of eu. is they started psychologicalstupidity of hard,
they still don't want to let gothe reality. belgium, five hundredand thirty-two. if you look at, just bring the germany out,or bring the united kingdom out, and see how much is and what percentis the gdp is military hardware. if you put united kingdom military gdp,you will see what it comes to. can we see that,if you can dig it out? or belgium, forty percentof gdp is military. can you imagine that fourout of ten on the dole, plus another two,six out of ten?
of course they want me dead, otherwise they die. can you take out the gdp ofthe united state and military hardware? or the 'defense technology' they call it,if you can find it? without the black budgetwhich is another thirty percent? rick, can you look for a gdp,military gdp? (rc) ... yes, i've got one lined up here,just a second. (mk) arm making, make a lot of moneyfor a lot of people. (fm) i'll gave a link there in chat, rick.
(mk) military expenditure, united states:six hundred and eleven billion dollars. china: two hundredand fifteen billion dollars. russia: sixty-nine billion dollars. israel: seventeen billion dollars. iran: twelve billion dollars. italy: twenty-one. saudi-arabia: eighty-one. united kingdom: fifty six. it's a huge. we are not millions,these are billions.
a nation, as small as israel,eighteen billions on defense. can you imagine if they spend iton every israeli nation, what it'll do? they'll all be billionaires. that's every year,every year. if you look at the budget of unitedstate, six hundred and eleven billion. they have three hundred and twenty million,let say four hundred million populations. if you take maturate... add by a thousand,it becomes three hundred. to each american can be given two thousanddollars a year, not to make arms. three percent of nat...two point two percent of national.
if you look,all of them without fail, they spent about three percentof their budget on military. saudi arabia ten,a nation which has no enemy, and is the richest nationin the world. oman, sixteen percent of itsnational growth goes to defense. can you put these amount of money?they are in billions. it goes from trillions of billions. this amount can feed the nationsto richness and why we are spending it? where are these going?which factories they are supporting?
and i tell you something.what the figures you see, now you understand why defenseis important, to these nations. six hundred and eleven billion dollars.ten percent? sixty-one billion?is the bribes and commissions. south korea, thirty-six billion.minimum four billion is bribe. minimum. militarycontracts ten is minimum. but the biggest problem in this,is disaster. i said this before,let me show you something. i'm gonna... i'm gonna add somethinghere you understand.
(rc) hello mr keshe.just let you know we have another three or four minutes,before we have to restart the livestream. ... sorry,the ... facebook,if we need to carry on. if you would like to continue, we can do that.(mk) the funny thing is, let's pick up a nation like seventeen point eight billion,we call it eighteen billion, is military hardware expenditure. ten percent of this is bribe,paid to the directors, the man who signs,the ministers, and everything else.
let's say two billion. this military hardwareis borrowed on. is not something paid cash on,you borrow you pay over time. paid usuallyabout thirty years. so, the two billion over thirty years,becomes eighteen billion itself. so, every man and womenpay in their life eighteen billion, for the bribe and ministerhas taken from their nation. this is what governmentsdon't look at. the amount of bribe paid,and the interest and the payback,
and everything else,because now the country is in debt. original price was sixteen is eighteen billion. in thirty years plus all the interestand everything else, the government has to payon this two billion, brings it with what nation is not making,because of what is paying, to another eighteen billion. so the dayyou sign a contract of eighteen billion, the nation is already thirty-sixbillion in debts for it's payment. these two billion spent on the villas,on the luxury boats, on the prostitutes,drugs and drugs parties.
now you understand. a nation, people ofa nation have to work for their life, to pay these debts, double, forget aboutthe other sixteen billion they have to pay. now it is worth it?or the man who pushes for war: and i’m too busy to goand sign a peace, he's got part of thisthirty-six billion, which is part of the eighty millionfor his grandchildren. i wonder how they die? when you read the guy,who's such a nice guy, got a brain hemorrhagego and see what contract he signed,
that these are stolen from,how many lives is brought into himself. somebody dig out this guy’s life,which committees this been sitting on. (rc) he's on thearmed services committee mr keshe. (mk) our wolfs are cryingover dead body of a wolf. this is what is the problem. forget about what the nation will pay,for the sixteen billion. but actually,the day you sign a contract, the name amount of contractthe nation will pay back, as an interest, for the bribes,and back-handers and commissions.
you try to pay a nation,but the strangest thing is, when you look at seventeen pointeight billion of the israelis, just look how many billions saudi arabiapays to israel every year. not far from that. time is for peace if the peopleunderstand, what they pay for the arms. is actually, cripples on nations with it.just on the bribes of it. one president, one presidentin one trip to europe, in buying for its nation,gathered thirteen billion dollars. thirteen point five billion dollars.unfortunately, he's dead now.
he brought his daughter and his son,and his family on the top floor of a hotel, and he sat at the bottom.everybody came to sign a contract, for one dollar was pushed to fifty cents,and then he says, "you can invoice ittwo dollars for my nation. and the money has to bein my bank before i sign." thirteen-four-five,thirteen point five billion dollars. and if you want to know where that money is,ask the king of belgium, he'll tell you. even out of belgium. we have to...(cdr) mr. keshe?
(mk) how much warhas created mayhem. thirteen point five billionin one trip only. (cdr) mr. keshe?(mk) and the nation has to pay, most probably another fifty, sixty billion,by the time just on that amount. i told you many times, i've sat andi've been around these people too long, i've seen how it works,and i've seen how they do things. arms brings a lot of money,and with it brings a lot of other things. (rc) caroline had a question...(mk) and if want to know where that money's gone, thirteen point five billion?(rc) can you hear us mr keshe.
walk into dubai, half of thebuildings are paid by that money. (cdr) yes, i have a question mr...(mk) received from the president, more than thirty point five billion,nine o'clock in the morning by twelve o'clock they weren't,the bank went bankrupt, and the bank of the king of belgiumwent bankrupt, they had to find a new name for the bankvery quickly, and they just sold it and bought it. (rc) i don't think hecan hear us caroline. hello mr keshe?(mk) look for
the national bank of belgium,you'll understand. (cdr) i think the same,he can't hear us. (mk) the name of the president,is president rafsanjani of iran. (cdr) i will post something in the chat rick.(mk) they killed him four months ago. (cdr) it's the link.(rc) okay. (cdr) mr keshe? (mk) we open the books,because we have the books. (rc) hello mr keshe?hello mr keshe? can you hear us?
hello mr keshe? (cdr) hello? (rc) hello?(mk) shall we call the day. (rc) i too. i think we better. okay. thank you mr keshe,i don't know if you can hear me, but... yeah we'll complete the workshopfor now and i'll remind people we'll have... (mk) hello? (rc) hello, mr keshe? (mk) i can hear you.(rc) you can hear us? okay.
(mk) yes.(rc) okay. we were trying to speak with you, but you couldn'thear us apparently. (mk) yeah, somethinghappens on the bandwidth. how you heard what i said?or you just... when did you quieten? (rc) yes.(cdr) no, no. you stayed onlineand i wanted to ask for rick, to bring the listof the weapon manufacturing, that we can locate where they are,in which countries, and what they produce,and their capacity.
(mk) i think we can't go that way.we leave it, is just showing what it is,we got to concentrate on the presidents. they are... they canshut these things down. but the thing is most of the presidentstake three percent to five percent, cut on all the military contracts. do we have to ensure them,we give them another income, they don't needto worry about that? this is their biggest problem. we saw thisin, in, in, in very recent situation. we are not talking about,because is a matter of the legal problem,
in, in another country. but the mostof the attacks on the keshe foundation, comes from the peoplewho are going through their, the, the, the,their, what they call, 'commissions'. (cdr) one of the...(mk) i've been asked clearly: do not make any comments please.i will not make any comments. (cdr) one of the first thingsthat came in our presentations this morning and yesterday,and i think rick can confirm and so many other knowledge seekers,because it repeated maybe two or three times, that they were requesting for equal payfor each citizen per country.
at least a minimum income,that they don't... (mk) that's how it should be.this is what we are doing in ghana. this is one of the biggest problem. this, this, this is how it should be.they are right. is, is, is the... you have to make a man,this is the biggest problem we have. in ghana, in africa,is not the first time. i had this battle twenty years ago,in my other businesses in africa. i respect human being doesn'tmatter where they are, to the life they live according to what they do,and to a lot of people is not there.
twenty years ago plusi used to have business in africa. and i received so many threatsfrom people around me, "you can't pay so much,we can't afford it." but they could afforddoing everything else, but not paying their staff,the way they should be. because i said, "when you have a happy staff,they work better for you." "that's why we are successful." you got to realize something. respectinghuman being is not robbing the human being. a lot of people expect a lot,for the little they do,
but if you’re already... everybody's paidaccording to whatever it is, they have a comfortable life,then you [inaudible] maybe, you switchoff the microphone please? paying, paying for people to live acomfortable life, has to be the human right. i worked, i run my businessesthat way for nearly forty years. i have a habit, other people know,who have been around me, i never say this is thewages i pay, i said: "how much are you happyto have a comfortable life?" and if i can match it, i match ittill the time it can be matched,
if it is not there, it doesn't go. in my business life, i always had,always ask, "how much you want?"and they always say, "okay, fine." "i need two thousand" asked me.two thousands and five hundred. "if you'll give me eighteen hundred,i'm am happy." he said, "two hundred, two thousand", i say,"okay, i'll pay you one and a half thousand." i take all his worries away. he has thatholiday he was dreaming to have once a year. and this is what life has to be.we got to respect. and when we have problem, we tell people.we had this in keshe foundation,
in past six, eight months,we told all our st... everybody around. this is what we are investing,we are, so many investments we have, we all stood it, we took it,we stood the time of it and when it solves and resolves,everybody walks with it. but we don't change a style of life,no this and that. it has to be, this is howa successful business stands. to the people who standnext to it during the good time, and they stand the expansion time,and they stand the bad time, and usually findsuccessful businesses this way.
when people understand,this is the cycle we go through. but you have to respect by it. what about if we openthe keshe foundation bank account, and we give every money, everyone5,000 euro right across the planet? the man in canada suffers, and theman in africa will become a very rich man. as one wrote, i hope he's on the line,he says i'm the richest man in my village. or shall we say, "in africa we pay himthat much that he can afford to eat"? no. he chooses to live in africa,he takes the harshness of time, maybe we have to pay him10,000 more than the guy in canada
with all the pleasuresand the comfort he has. malaria, the tax, the lack ofcleanliness, and everything else, how many of you would like tohave three diarrhea’s a week? most of the keshe foundation workers dobecause of the hygiene there. so, we have to pay them more. it's not paying more,it's giving the pleasure of comfort. now that we can produce a lot of thingsand then becomes more and more. one of my main targets inthe next 6 to 12 months is to make machineswhich makes gold.
that we can make fresh gold out of air,the way we make blood. so, we sell gold machines, for very little,something like 200-300 dollars each. and ... so, everybody can produce gold. i want to know what's thenext metal we're gonna choose. and then so we come to a agreement ofpaying per hour for a skill? so... is the sweeper has a bigger skill than thedoctor in the hospital, in the same hospital? without the sweeperand the cleaner he can't have his surgery to do his workor they do the heart operation.
so, he's as important as the cleaner,so how do we pay them? just because somebody read the book,or somebody who's a very good cleaner? or do we pay both that they bothhave the pleasure to live, they can both go out, take the children outfor a dinner or whatever? respecting life isthe backbone of the successful race. any other question? i think we better stop itor we can go whole day. next week andthe week after hopefully, we're gonna start pushingfor the ultimate goal. please don't stop,if you are awake and you have time,
and you can get the others,and explain to people, we're trying to do,we know what we're gonna do. i... i've taken a huge risk,but it's a risk worth doing it. we start it from the 2nd. we get one person signing next monthit's good, then we make two. and the we'll see the threethe four and the fifth. now we have to write tomr prime minister of australia. would you like us to move you,or can you cancel an appointment for a day? it's a funeral of death,of the war.
and send him a picture of it. that he can see he's under 'warmongers'.they don't like to see these things. they'll most probably bankeshe foundation from australia. any other question,or shall we call it a day? please while i'm talking,while your talking, while you're doing, try to cover as many embassies,ambassadors, presidents offices, don't go to majors on reverse,just ambassadors, and the presidents offices,these are the two places they ever listen to. and all the televisionand radio stations.
and please sendas many as you can to the president of iran. i support his soul. it's gonna be a huge,huge man who makes that step. (rc) thank you mr keshe, ithink we need to end now because we have, facebook is about to..(mk) to expire. (rc) yeah.(mk) we, you meet tomorrow morning, i will not be here,i'll be busy, so, carry on, please report on what you do,what you’ve done, next two, three, four days,
don't need anymore teaching,just try to concentrate who comes out with what solution,which organizations you're targeting, get this to as many thousandsand millions of people, all over the world. (rc) very good, will do.(mk) thank you very much. thank you indeed. (rc) ok, that come...(mk) have a nice time rick, thank you very much. (rc) thank you mr keshe. and thank you everybodyfor attending today’s workshop the 181st knowledge seekers workshopfor thursday, july 20th, 2017
this is the afternoon session. i believe we'll be combining themorning and afternoon session into ... a new releasefor this workshop ... together. okay, we'll see yer folkstomorrow at 10 am, for the blueprint for peace for humanityseries continues. okay i'll end the livestream for now. subtitles by the community