schwarz weiße wohnzimmermöbel

lord to goodness.not again. - howdy, drago.- morning, curly. makes seven times this monthhe come home swaggled. - six.- seven. six. once was his birthday.that don't count. give me my buggy whip. didn't have anything for breakfastbut two raw eggs and a mug of honey. - no!- curly! yes, boss?
don't say it's a fine morning,or i'll shoot you. get out of here, bunyan. - good morning.- good morning. carlos, what are youdoing up there? i hope i get itthis time, mr. mclintock. my brothers... they gotthe big hats already. all right. let 'em have at it. get over. did you want to let me drive?you promised me you would sometime.
no! ya! boss, you betterwatch that turn on the road! you're gonna killboth of us one of these days. thank you, mr. boss! you got cattlein the bank, boss. ya! giddyap. ya! keep 'em going. 15 cents a poundall the way to kansas city.
ya! ya! now, boss, there'sone old pensioner... i wish you'd pass up. - bunny?- yeah. wish i knew wherei'd seen his face before. he ain't an old timer. he's just been around towna couple of years. aw, you have no milkof human kindness. morning, mr. mclintock.
- morning, bunny.- well, i can see you're in good health. never felt better,contrary to what you may hear. my kidneys ain'twhat they used to be, and my liver's been leaving me bilious.- drago! eh. - hello, ben.- hey, mclintock. - drago, throw that in the buggy.- yes, sir. - that's a scrubby bunch of sooners, huh?- they are at that. that ought to make douglashappy, lining his pockets with land fees.
what are we going to do? i don't know what you're gonna do, i do nothing. 200 families. quarter of beefa week per family. lf they last two years,that can be a sizable number. i got 20 head to one of any... other brand on the mesa verde.i'm not hollering. some of us haven't gotall the money in the world. some of us ain't old and tiredand feel like being put upon. you interest me, young ben.go on.
the first time i find one ofour hides wearing our brand... hung on one of them settler's fences,i aim to kill me a plow boy. you do what you want, mclintock.we'll do what we want. fellas my age generallycall me "g.w." or "mclintock". youngsters call me"mr. mclintock". all right, "mr. mclintock", not because i'm afraid of're the big yeast out of this country, and i reckon a fella my ageshould call you "mister". he's full grown now, g.w.he's a half-owner of the spread.
i made him a full partner,the day the doc gave me the long face. well, you want him to vote... the first time this territorybecomes a state, don't you? of course, i do. these settlers get burned out,there'll be a lot of hollering... that this country's too wildto be a state, and we'll go on beinga territory some more, with a lot of politicalappointees running it... according to what they learnedin some college...
where they think that cowsare something you milk, and lndians are somethingin front of a cigar store. i'm looking to youto hold young ben down. i'll do what i can. come on over to the house once in a while.we'll rack up a few hands of stud. g.w., that'll be just fine. it's a nice morning,ain't it, boss? everybody's entitledto their own opinion. like that again, eh?here's something that'll cheer you up.
about 1,000 head. l figurethey'll bring about $1,250. they're not as fatas i'd like to ship. - they all off the north range?- yes, sir. settlers. every one of themwith a plow and a bible, not the slightest ideaof what the range is for. drago! - drag out that hog-legg.- yes, sir. get me some attention. hee ya!
people, people, people! people! come on, all of you! gather around. people, come on! gather around. l'm mclintock. you people planned a homesteadand farmed the mesa verde. yes, sir. the governmentgive us each 160 acres. the government never gaveanybody anything. some years back,a lot like you came in.
they had a pretty good first yeargood summer, easy winter. but the next year,the last rain was in february, and by june, even the jackrabbits hadsense enough to get off the mesa. folks, do you know who that is? that's mclintock... "george washington mclintock." i told them that, douglas. he controls the water rights,on 200 square miles of range. you know that lumber you got?that came from his land. cut by his loggersand milled in his mills.
douglas, i come close to killing you acouple of times, when we were younger. saddens me i didn't. can you imaginea man who owns all that... oh, and mines, too.i forgot to mention them... all that, and he's begrudgingpoor people a measly... a measly, 160 acres. that right, mr. mclintock? - you begrudge us a little free land?- there's no such thing as free land. if you make these homesteads go,you'll have earned every acre of it,
but you just can't make 'em goon the mesa verde. god made that country for serves pretty well for cattle, but it hates the plow. and even the governmentshould know... that you can't farm 6,000 feetabove sea level. - any trouble, mr. mclintock?- no trouble, sheriff. - how about you, douglas?- "douglas?" just plain "douglas," eh?and you call him "mr. mclintock". why?
well, "douglas," i guessit's because he earned it. - mr. mclintock?- yeah? i'm a good hand with cattle, mr. mclintock.i'd like a job. well, you look strong come in with those sooners? well, yes, sir, but we don'thave a homestead. can't use you. tough life, ain't it, sonny? well, ain't much future in beinga farmer around these parts. ladies, this is the finest chantilly lace,available anywhere.
"chantilly", mr. birnbaum.- well, believe me, it's the best. oh, excuse me. please, look around.take your time. drago, i got 1,000 havana cigars,and 12 of those hats for you over there. them big hats ain't going tolast long the way some folks... have been dippinginto that redeye these days. uh-oh. good morning, g.w. good morning.i stole some stick candy. please. help yourself.come on in.
davey! you can forget aboutsaddling up the horse! come in here! - problem?- yes. well, if i were blacks, i'd movequeen's bishop to king 4. yeah. you might be right. you know, i was just starting to work this outwhen the letter came. letter? - it was...- what happened? don't you want... - morning, mr. mclintock.- morning, davey.
you being heresaved me a trip. oh, that hat and suit of clothesyou picked out for my birthday... well, instead ofthis cowboy hat, i'd like to have this one, if it's,uh, all right with you, sir. well, it's all rightwith me, davey. of course, that looks likethe kind of a hat... a fella'd wear down main streetto start a fight oh, l don't needa city hat for that. all l have to dois walk down the street,
and some wiseacre will call me an "indian",and, just like that, the fight's on. davey, the letter. it's for you.and you are an indian. yes, l know i'm an indian,but i'm also the fastest runner in town. i've got a college education,and i'm the railroad telegrapher, but does anybody say, "hello, college man"or "hello, runner"... or "hello, telegrapher"? no!not even "hello, knothead..." davey. it's always,"let the indian do it." will you go out inthe store and help the ladies?
all right. i'm alsoa bookkeeper, part-time clerk. always, "let the indian do it." a lady brought thatout here this morning, asked for it to be taken outto the home ranch for you. handsome lady.kind of tall with red hair. called me "mr. birnbaum", just asif she'd never seen me before... and as if that veil that covered her facecould keep me from recognizing her. i thought she was in new yorkor europe or someplace. so did l.
jake, you better throw on a coupleextra cases of the bosses favorite bourbon. that stuff sure gets used upfast out at our place. which reminds me,you better start tapering off. huh! - katherine's in town.- katie?! ladies. good morning. morning, mr. mclintock.morning, mr. mclintock. - morning.- good morning.
- morning.- fauntleroy. morning, g.w. what are you doing in here?why aren't you out at the desk? helping out the bartender. yeah, i see. a busy day.give me the key to room 17. what? 17, and don't advertise it. here they come,mr. mclintock. set 'em up.
- beer.- whiskey. day off? off day. wonder what he'sso preoccupied about. - haven't you heard?- no. what? - katie's back in town.- katie? yes, dear.the social arbiter. - well, hi, sonny.- good morning. oh! he sure is a polite one.
mr. mclintock, l don'twant to bother you... i'm sorry, boy.l told you, no job. katherine. george washington mclintock. i thought you'd want this. first dig of the spur, but who am ito upset your plans? - don't you feel kind of silly?- i never feel silly. it's because you haveno sense of humor.
why couldn't we sit downin the hotel dining room... and talk about whatever it isyou want to talk about? or why couldn't you just comeover to the house? and have everybody knowthat we're meeting? everybody knows, and what'sthe difference? we're married. that is somethingi should like to change. you know the answer, katie. that isn't why you sent for me. let's get to the rat killing.
that's just the kind of remarkthat's always endeared you to me. let us open the discussion. very well. our daughter is coming home in afew days, or, rather, she's coming here. it was just a slip of the tongue that made merefer to this ugly hamlet as home. "our daughter?" ls it so hardto say her name? it's becky. rebecca! l hate that name. anyway, she's coming home, and l hoped to persuade youto let her live with me... part of the time in the capital,part of the time in new york,
and, of course,newport during the season. you're whistlingin the wind, katie. if she stays here, she'll become just as crude and as vulgar,as all of this country. and if she goes your way,she'll be all show and no stay. oh. no go, kate. l hate you.oh, how l hate you! half the peoplein the world are women.
why does it have to be youthat stirs me? - you animal.- that's the story. l saw your picture in the paperat the governor's ball. you were dancingwith the governor. at least he's a gentleman. l doubt that. you have to be a man firstbefore you're a gentleman. he misses on both counts. - hey, sonny, you gonna ask him again?- nope.
hey, boy, you got to pocket your got to beg. you better listen to an expert, sonny. i'm telling you. you got to grovel.human nature. gets 'em every time. mister, leave me alone. everybody does itone way or another. heh heh heh! about that job,mr. mclintock. l already told you, son,i've got no need for farmers... - or use for 'em.- just one minute, mr. mclintock.
my father died last month.that's how come we lost our homestead. i've got a mother and a little sister to feed.i need that job badly. - what's your name?- devlin warren. well, you got a job, son. see my home ranch foreman.he's over at the corral. step down off ofthat carriage, mister. hold that hog-legg. i've been punched many a time in my life,but never for hiring anybody. aw, i don't know what to say.
l never begged turned my stomach. i suppose i should have beengrateful you gave me the job. "gave?"boy, you got it all wrong. i don't "give" jobs.i hire men. you intend to give this man a full day's work,don't you, boy? you mean you're stillhiring me, mr. mclintock? well, yes, sir. i mean,i'll certainly deliver a fair day's work. for that,i'll pay you a fair day's wage. you won't "give" me anything,and i won't "give" you anything.
we both hold up our heads.where do you live? the settler's encampmentdown by the mine. - that your plug?- yes, sir. well, hop on him,and we'll go get your gear. ya... ya! - morning, mr. mclintock.- morning. l am sure that all youfine people are interested... in knowing just what portion of this new landwill be your new home. oh, uh... jones and mccallister, since you'vebeen more or less the leaders of our group,
i'd like to have you come upand check the exact location. won't be a minute, sir. go after that boyand give him $30. tell him mclintock payshis riders a month in advance. from the looks of thingsthey could sure use it, too. oh, ma,this is mr. drago. well, and to what do weowe this visit from the cattle baron? i've got a touch of hangover,bureaucrat. don't push me. whoa-ho, mclin!
say, those are indians. are there indiansin this homestead land? friendly indians, my boy. - whoa-ho, mclin.- whoa-ho, running buffalo. ho, mclin. long time we don'tget drunk together. and it's going to bea lot longer time... because it's against the law,and you're with the sheriff. and have i got my hands full. they came into town to meet the train.the old indian chiefs are coming home.
l heard they'd been pardoned. they don't know when it's arriving,this week, next week, or next month, so, in the meantime, i've got todo something with them. could i cut out a couple of headof your steers to feed them? otherwise, some of these settler'smilk cows are going to disappear. - that's right, mclin.- ha ha ha! cut out whatever you need. sheriff, are you going to encamp thesesavages with all these settlers? you're asking for trouble. mr. douglas, i already haveplenty of trouble.
please stay off my back. running buffalo, bring yourpeople over to the clay slide. hello, mr. mclin. tiny mouth, it's nice to see you! you wouldn't believe it now, but 20 years ago, she wasa mighty handsome maid. 20 years ago, youthought so, too, mr. douglas. ahem. it was just like this. i had adead bead on old running buffalo,
and my sharp .50 caliber misfired. that was back in that troublein the forties, remember? i remember. you want to taste somethingcome directly from heaven? no. - where'd you get this?- that boy's mama baked 'em. you thinking the same thing i am? she's a widow woman, boss,and she's got a long, hard road to hoe. hire her.
i always said you hada heap of sense. mr. mclintock,this is my mother. - your mother?- and my sister. - pleased to meet you, mr. mclintock.- ma'am, this here's my boss, and he has a few choice wordsto say about your biscuits. yes, mr. mclintock? well... they're great. well, you old cantonese reprobate,how about it? you fire me,l kill myself.
i'm not talking about firing you.i'm retiring you. you been rustling foodfor us for 30 years. we're going to put youout to pasture. all you'll have to do is give advice,be one of the family. - l kill myself.- l may save you the trouble. hey, ching, you kill yourself, i'll cut off your pigtail,and you ain't never going to get to heaven. - i'll be one of the family?- l give you my solemn word. pretty crummy family...
drink too much, get in fight,yell all time. cut off his pigtail. all right. all right.i'll be one of the family. i hope everything is satisfactory? this is such a big house, it'll take mea while to get used to things. now, please don't hesitateto tell me if anything is wrong. no bird's-nest soup? otherwise, just fine.everything nice and fine. food's heavenly, ma'am.
best apple pie l ever ate. curly's right, ma'am.hated to leave that last bite. shall we celebrate with a drink? carlos, comeand help me with the dishes. alice, you want to help, too? - yes, drago.- all right. pitch in. i'll wash, and you kids can that good? whoa. don't seem possible one womancould use all them clothes.
you keep a civil tonguein your unprepossessing face. - yes, ma'am.- and unload my baggage, please. yes, ma'am. by the way, what does that word,"unprepossessing," mean? - mrs. mclintock!- oh, hello, carlos. run and help the driverwith my luggage. l couldn't trust anyone else in this houseto do anything correctly. - luggage? give him a hand, curly.- yes, boss. - mr. mclintock.- are you moving back in?
yes, but nothing has changedexcept my place of residence, and i'd be willingto put up with savages... rather than be deniedthe company of my daughter, and i'm proving thatby moving in here. mr. mclintock, since it's my first day,would you excuse me if l, uh... go ahead.oh, katherine, this is dev warren. he joined the outfit today. - pleased, ma'am.- thank you. well, how refreshinga polite young man here.
- where did he come from?- he's a farmer. - a farmer?- well, i'll be doggone! kate, welcome home. what on earth are you doingin that idiotic-looking outfit? - and don't you dare call me "kate".- that's my butling suit. i'm butling for the boss.and i'm sorry, katherine. that "kate" kind of slipped out,from the times l remembered... you as being nice peop... people. oh!
are you going to stand therewith that stupid look on your face... while the hired help insults your wife? he's just ignorant. he doesn't know any betterthan to tell the truth. and i can't help this stupid look. i started acquiring it as yougained in social prominence. mrs. mclintock, where doyou want i should put... put them in the master bedroom. yes, but move mr. mclintock'sthings into another room.
oh, the one back of the stairswould be best... so that he can't wake upthe entire household... when he comes home every night... ...just before daybreak.- yes, ma'am. oh, excuse me. - here's your cigars, mr. mclintock.- i am mrs. mclintock. kate... i mean katherine... this is the cook, this is the ladythat does the cooking for us. mrs. warren,mrs. mclintock.
how do you do. very pleased to meet you,mrs. mclintock. - very pleased.- likewise. you see,i just came to work here today, and i guess i jumped to the conclusion... that this was a bachelor's household. it is, and then again,it isn't. i will explain so everything will bequite clear, mrs. wallace... "mrs. warren."
it has been a bachelor'shousehold for quite some time, and it will be againjust as soon as i'm out of here, which will be as quicklyas i can make arrangements.. to take my daughterback east with me. you see, she's coming homefrom school in a few days, and then we'll be off together,and you can return to conducting yourself... as you consider properin a bachelor's household. - katie!- shut up! until then, i am mistressin this house,
and i will give the orders. - you gonna let her? ain't yougonna say nothing, boss? no! i want one poached egg, toast... oh, g.w., as soon asmy things are put away, i want to talk to youabout rebecca. yes, mrs. mclintock.indeed, mrs. mclintock. of course, mrs. mclintock. the toast... lightly brownedand unbuttered.
of course, ma'am. wait a minute now, boss, wheredo you think you're going? i just rememberedi got a date. but she said she want tohave a talk with you. i heard. - good evening, lem.- good evening, mr. mac. say, mr. mac, what does"unprepossessing" mean? i was called that once, lem.looked it up in the dictionary. - it's best you don't know what it means.- uh-huh. thank you. giddyap.
hey, what am i going to tell herwhen she asks where you went? when in doubt,tell the truth. she wouldn't expect thatfrom you anyway. - where's mr. mclintock going?- there he goes, burning his last bridge. you see a yellow streakabout a foot wide... running up and downhis backbone? on mr. mclintock? uh-huh. - he ain't afraid of nothing.- i once thought that.
- drago?- yes, ma'am? - was that, uh...- he took off. lit out. - i told him i wanted to talk to him.- yes, ma'am. i was standing right over herewhen you said it, and i was standing right onthose front steps... when he walked up to a horse,grabbed a hunk of mane, - stepped up on him, and sunk spur.- where did he go? last time i saw him, he wasgoing east, but you know him. he's liable to gonorth, south, or west.
get me a carriage. - yes, ma'am, but...- but what? maybe you shouldn't follow himinto maybe where he's going into. what does that mean? i don't know,but i wish i hadn't-a said it. - well, just get the carriage.- yes, ma'am. - what happened?- get the barouche. - barouche?- hitch it up. she wants to go to town. but mr. mclintock neversaid anything to me about it.
look, young fella, i'mthe ramrod around this place, the ramrod around this place, andyou better start giving me a "yes, sir," or you're going to get the roof of this housepulled down on your head. yes, sir. - hello, davey.- hi, mr. mclintock. - new broom, eh?- sweeps clean. - hello, bunny. how is everything?- oh, fine, fine, mr. mclintock. i'll get you next time. two more, elmer.
well, look who's here. what'll it be, mac?same as usual? - evening, g.w.- jake. - wrong move.- what? the chess problem.queen's in danger. whoa. whoa. i suppose you can do that. camille,you're on your own. mrs. mclintock.
i'm camille...camille reedbottom. i... i'm, uh, learningthe game of chess. thought it would give mesomething to pass the time. see, i have nothingto do all day long. i... uh... i just remembered something. katherine! i didn'thear you come in. mr. mclintock, i told youthat i wanted to talk to you. not now. uh, could i get youa glass of sherry, katherine?
oh, thank you,mr. birnbaum. i could use one. i came into townbehind a runaway team! drago nevercould handle horses. it was that young man whosemother pretends to be your cook! - katherine, your wine.- oh, thank you, mr. birnbaum. now, mr. mclintock, we havean awful lot to talk over. first thing i learned about indian fightingwas to wait for daylight. and what does our conversationgot to do with indian fighting? indian fighting is good experiencefor our kind of conversations.
it'll wait, katherine. evening, sheriff, mr. mclintock.we had quite a ride out here. - oh, i finally got that team settled down.- it's your move. - no, it's your move. i just canceled it.- now, look here. you're not going to sit hereall night long and play chess... when the matter of our daughterremains unsettled. i am going toremain here and play chess, and the matter of our daughteris settled. - she stays.- oh, such stubbornness!
katherine, your hair. oh, it must look a messafter that awful ride. no, no. it's just that i haven'tseen you in a long time. it seems to me that the last time i saw you... that your hair was a little darker, no? - ha, ha, ha, ha.- ha, ha, ha, ha. it's a funny thing the tricksa man's memory will play, uh? mr. birnbaum, i think that you'vecompletely lost your mind. - you have done something to your hair.- i have not!
ha, ha, ha, ah! if i had, it would benone of your business. i'm certainly not going to put myself in theplace of those blondene trollops that you seem to prefer. - take it.- oh. - fill it.- oh. - you fellas still at it all night?- a mclintock never quits, but a birnbaum has to.besides, the game is over. you got me. oh, no, mr. still got a good game.
oh, you play chess? please, take over. - pretty good?- fair. well, looks like i won't have to come intotown always to get a game. remember, i'm a bad loser. - it's your move.- yes, sir. is it morning already? hmm-mm. cup of coffee?
oh, yes. thanks, jake. you're welcome, katherine. - got any cream?- canned cow's milk. that'll do. good old condensed milk. that reminds me... i was cleaning out my deskthe other day, and i found somethingi wanted to return to you. here it is.
it is a medal, do you remember? "from the president of theunited states of america..." "to first sergeantmichael patrick gilhooly..." "for bravery aboveand beyond the call of duty." it's your papa's. reminds me of the first timei ever saw you. it was over 17 years ago. you walked into my store... not much bigger thanthe bundle you were carrying.
and in the bundle was the mostbeautiful baby i ever saw. and was she hungry! you walked all the wayfrom superstition creek... just to trade me that medalfor a case of canned milk. g.w. was off somewhere, as usual, fighting indians. sheriff! sheriff lord! well, have youseen the sheriff? kind of earlyfor him. did you try his house?
- now, why didn't i think of that?- looks like birnbaum's is open. maybe somebodyin here knows. so there you are, sheriff. i told you you were headed for trouble. trouble? i want to know by whose authorityyou let those indians stay in town. those savages are wardsof the government, and i am the representativeof that government... i told sheriff lord that he couldput them up down by the clay slide.
because the town's named afterhim, he thinks he owns it. well, you check the books inthe recorder's office, and you'll find i doown a fair piece of it. agard, if you knew anythingabout indians, you'd know that they're doingtheir level best... to put up with our so-called"benevolent" patronage... in spite of the nincompoops thathave been put in charge of it. those indians need my permissionto leave the reservation. those chiefs have been givingorders all their lives.
it's pretty hardfor them to understand... that they have to hold up their handlike a schoolboy in a classroom. the law is very clear. i told you you'd get nosatisfaction from these people. - we'll get the girl back.- girl? the girl the indianskidnapped, but don't worry. i armed the settlers and set themto rounding up those red devils. what is this about a "girl"? millie jones... one ofthe settler's daughters.
- the indians kidnapped her.- that's ridiculous and you turned loose a lot offarmers with shotguns? - i certainly did.- you're insane. let's go, sheriff. - mr. douglas.- oh, mrs. mclintock. much as i hate to agreewith g.w. about anything, you haven't changed a're still an hysterical fool. - come into town. i got worried.- what about? - thought maybe katie shot you.- not yet, drago, but it took restraint. wait a minute. you better take agard along,
not that he'll be much help.- drago, help him on the horse. just a minute. - i'll drive.- yes, ma'am. - agard, what are you doing?- snatch him, agard! agard,this is serious. stay with him, agard.stay with him. agard, will you stop showing offand get in this buggy! mercy. that horse is a little green.
let's go.ya! just wheredo you think you're going? don't use that range bosstone of voice with me! carter! we're headedfor mr. poorboy's mine. mount up some riders. right, heard the man! i don't like it, mr. mclintock.i don't like it one bit. - what don't you like?- they're planning to hang an indian!
oh ho, sheriff very funny.where's the whiskey? ha ha! hold it! not so fast,mr. boss of the whole country, unless you want to weara big hole in your middle. how long is g.w. going to letthat cheechako push him around? that cheechakohas a sawed-off shotgun. how do you know she didn'twander off someplace, - or meet some fella, or something?- what are you saying?
that i didn't raise my girl right? that she'd wander offall night with some man? there's a lot of thingsi'm not saying to you, mister, while you got a sawed-offshotgun in my middle. but how do you know this indianhad anything to do with it? she's gone, ain't she?she's gone! pa!pa, i'm over here! pa! - been looking for me, pa?- where you been, gal?
young ben took me for a sunrise ride,and the horse wandered away. - you come down off of there!- but, pa! she's telling the truth, mr. mclintock.we wasn't doing nothing. well, that's not important right now. the important thing is thatyou don't draw that hog-legg, or this'll be worse thandodge city on saturday night. you get on back to the wagon!i'll tend to you later. - now for this young whippersnapper!- now, no harm has been done, and young ben here is one of thenicest boys in the territory.
so just put down that shotgun,and let's forget it. i'll teach him to fool with my... now...we'll all calm down. - boss, he's just a little excited.- i know, i know. i'm going to use good judgment.i haven't lost my temper in 40 years. but, pilgrim, you causeda lot of trouble this morning. might have got somebody killed. and somebody oughtto belt you in the mouth! but i won't.i won't...
the hell i won't! oomf! mclintock rider! yee-ha! ha haa! oh, mclin! hey, buster...remember me? aah! well, sir... nice party.
- do you think you ought to?- i "ought to" what? why, you big... yeeow! aaah! good morning, good party!great party! hey! wait! i want a word with you.hey, just a minute! what... what are you... my glasses! hey, now, stop this,or you'll be sorry! oh, for heaven's sake!
- stay out of this, jake.- it's everybody's war! run, old paint! where's the whiskey? good fight, good fight! - ha, ha, ha!- oh, sorry, mclintock. - oh ho, mclin!- thanks - ha ha! very funny!- yeah. very funny. ohhh! gosh, mr. douglas,i'm sorry!
ha! ha! ha! bon voyage, drago! aahhhh! are you still down here? hey! horse wandered away, huh? honest, mr. jones.honest... oh... get out of my way! - nice left.- thanks! - i went to college!- for this, you don't need college! you're notgetting me down there!
owwww! you beast!you did this on purpose! why, mclintock, you big... good morning to you, mrs. mclintock.bunny, you big... oaf! yeeoowie! oh, no! g.w. mclintock, you big...great big clumsy... well, it's prettyhard to control yourself... ohhh... oh, mclin, good party! but no whiskey.we go home.
- you and your friends!- well, we at least saved your hat. where is everybody? oh, for heaven's sakes! whoa! whoa! drago, will you neverlearn how to handle a team? yes, ma'am, i'll sure try.i'll tell you that, now. - crummy family!- you want to lose your pigtail? i lose face! - lousy leathertips!- you'll lose more than that!
- kate.- yes? we could be a big helpto one another. like what, may i ask? well, we could wash the mudoff of each other. we used to have quite good timesdoing that sort of thing. there are a lot of things we used to do.good night, mr. mclintock! - any luck?- what are you talking about? - i mean divorce! she still want it?- yeah. you know something,women are funny.
she fought like a wildcat on your sideout there this afternoon. come home... she slamsthe door in your face. that divorce business... is that what you get when you paya woman not to live with you? that's about it. some women i've knowed,it'd be worth it. you know, if we hadany moral character, we wouldn't be standing here,covered with mud, drinking... - when we should be washing.- g.w.
drago. mrs. warren,these biscuits... mmmm! why, thank you, drago. - good morning, mrs. warren.- good morning, mr. mclintock. breakfast for the boss? if that's the way you want it, mr. mclintock. one poached egg, tea,toast, lightly browned and un... why, mrs. have a black eye! i do? oooh!
- oh! ohh... and becky's coming home today.- and that's not all.. there's a little somethingwe'd better get settled. hmm? there are no men listening now,so we can be ourselves. oh, sure, i let you get awaywith all that guff the other night,... but now that we're alone... when i want the opinion ofthe hired help, i'll ask for it. you know, you could wind upwith two black eyes. oh... i realize you hadto put on that big act.
we always have to, just beforewe get ready to forgive them... generally for somethingthey haven't done. but you and i both know, that's just tokeep them from getting the idea they, uh... run things. - mclintock give you that black eye?- no! nobody gave it to me.i won it. - morning, davey.- morning, mrs. beech. mr. beech. - why, miss becky, welcome home!- mr. douglas! hi, dad!
- my boy! ha ha ha!- it's good to see you again! daddy! daddy! oh! it's been two long years! i guess i'm going to have tostop calling you "tomboy"! - becky.- mama! - oh, mama! i wasn't sure you'd be here.- oh, i've been here a few days. oh, becky, i've bought you threeof the most beautiful dresses! becky!
uncle drago!ohh! did you bring your old unclea coming-home present? - sure did!- what is it? a mustache cup!and what did you get me? prettiest palomino pony thatever packed a saddle. broke to stand ground-tiedin the county. uncle jake! ohh! what are you doingwith mr. douglas' tuba? oh, mr. douglas has a fat...
had a little accident. you know, i brought you a wholeshipment of licorice sticks! but now that i've seenhow much you've grown, i think we better exchange them for acouple of bolts of dress goods, huh? - thank you!- oh, the mayor was going to be here, but he had to go to the territorial capitalon a horse theft matter. but i'm going to give his speech. oh, and don't worry about the mayor. i'm sure that he can findthe bill of sale for the horse.
"ladies and gentlemen,we are here to welcome the fairest..." what am i doing? we are here to welcome back... the prettiest girlthat was ever born in mclintock, or in any part of the territory. now, this... - hey, davey!- yeah? got something for you! yard manager up at the junction...
told me to let them ride,so i locked them in here. i've had my scalpa long time, and i aim to keep it! yatahe. and now she's come back to us.gone are the pigtails.... but the freckles are still on the prettiest facethat was ever born in mclintock. hey, that's puma. then it's true. the governmentdid turn them loose. good old puma.
i'll never forgetwhen he brought g.w. home. your father had a holein his chest and a 104 fever. of course, they weren'tvery mannerly about it. he came past the house at a high lopeand threw him on the doorstep. then you do remember themgood old days, don't you, katie? "katherine." - yatahe, my friends.- yatahe. puma, honored enemy. does big mclintock forget,also blood brothers?
no, i'll never forget that. old wound...does it hurt still? i feel it when it comes on to rain. an inch higher, and i wouldn'thave had to worry. aw, big mclintock,that was remembered fight. we return with news.our people have more trouble. you see, i learn good englishnow, big mclintock. learned in white man's jail. but we would have you talkour cause at government hearing.
i understand that governor humphreysis going to preside at that meeting. yes, puma,i'll translate your wishes. mr. mclintock, uh... could i impose upon you to use yourcomanche to tell these chiefs that... puma is chief of the comanches,and he speaks english very well. ah, well... your people will have to followmy instructions to the letter. - it is the law of the land...- we go. well, now, just a minute...
well, for heaven's sakes! you wait here, honey.i'll get the buggy. - are you going to the mclintock party?- surely. will i see you there, beth? of course, davey, and youcan have the first dance. sis! come on. i don't want any sister of minetalking to strangers. davey's not a stranger.he clerks in birnbaum's. he's an indian.
darn you, drago! now look what you've done. baby, this is devlin warren.he works for your papa. dev, this ismiss becky mclintock. those are my things. aw, i'd have known youanywhere, miss becky. what do you mean? oh! i mean, you look so much likeyour mother. well, even prettier! well, mr. warren,mother's much prettier than i am.
many a fight's started with words like that.come on, get in the buggy. hello, ching! - we got jelly pie for dinner?- i'm not cooking! no, he's not. - junior!- yes, miss becky! - you remember junior douglas, mama.- oh, of course. how's college? - valedictorian. 95.- oh, congratulations! oh, mr. and mrs. douglas,we will see you at the party, of course? oh, delighted!
well, it'll be pretty hardto keep young matt away. yes, sir! - drago!- yes, boss, baggage all loaded. g.w.!you remember young junior? oh, father, like son. oh, uh, mr. mclintock, uh, i hopeyou don't think i'm being presumptuous in asking for the honorof calling on miss rebecca. - well, there she is. ask her yourself.- well, thank you, sir! ching, now i'm gonna get fired.giddyap out of here!
thank you, sir.thank you! - have you no manners?- see you at the party, junior! - yeah. yeap.- yeah what? like father,like son. what did he mean, matthew? come on, ching,grab a root and growl. well, you're doinga good job, miss mclintock. thank you, mrs. warren. dev, when you're finished there,go over and help drago with the beer kegs.
yes, mom. uh, dev... could you comeand help me a minute? i certainly was surprisedto hear you went to college. - why?- i don't know. junior says purdue's a good collegefor a backwater place like indiana. well, he did, indeed. oh, could you do this?i can't reach it. - why didn't you finish college?- lack of funds. my father got sick,and he had to come out west.
so he took out a homestead. you know, your mom's sure's, uh, too bad you didn't inherit her eyes. well, you'd been lucky, if you'd inheriteda few things from your father. oh, really?for instance? - his common sense, for instance.- common sense? yeah. you don't see him being fooledby some dude like junior douglas. junior's not a dude! he's nifty. this needs a woman's touch. - and besides, he got a letter at college.- what sport?
- glee club.- very strenuous. hmmph! oooh! oh! don't you dare hug me! i have no intentionof hugging you. oooh! ladies all looklovely, katherine. you know, this is a real fine party. oh, thank you, ben. of course, we hadto invite everybody. just everybody.
sorry, g.w.,this one's mine. well, thank you, mrs. warren. i guess i'll haveto be a good host in my own home. - well, the next one's yours, mr. mclintock.- thank you. - drago, go and do what i told you to do.- oh, katie! "katherine!"and do as you're told! "ohh, drago do this,drago do that!" yee-ha!people, people, people! - this douglas feller...- drago! matt douglas, junior...
is going to bring you folks some of thelatest terpsichorean dance steps... brand-new, brought by himdirectly from new york city. all right, mr. fiddler. give me a whiskey! - what?- this turn a ten-gallon party, boss. - we are run out of whiskey.- well, i can take care of that, ching. indian! and you still got any ideasabout asking my sister to dance, get up, and we can do thisall over again.
yes! - that's enough! you fought it! it's all over!- quit butting in, birnbaum! - he's a hired man, not your son!- look, you fought him fair and square! i don't thinkit was so fair and square. well, you want to take upwhere he left off? if i did, you wouldn'tfind it so easy. now, we've hadenough of this! when are you goingto quit walking away? just as soon as we'reout of sight of the party.
"don't fight in front of women." - well, we're out of sight now.- so we are. such vulgarity.someone should do something about it. you're right. absolutely right. you all right, young ben? i'm all right,mr. mclintock. pretty fancy fightingfor a country boy. two years at purdue, mr. mclintock,on the boxing team.
i never thoughtany farmer could whip me, but you sure did. better get him cleaned up.get him some water, jake. yeap. well, get yourself cleaned up.go ask that girl for a dance. who? did i miss one? where is he? i'll find him,that young whippersnapper! trouble.
where isthat farmer boy? where is he? where is he, g.w.? oh, so you're the young farmer boy,that whipped my nephew! well, i'm fauntleroy sage,young ben's uncle. well, i'm no farmer,but if you're young ben's uncle, yes, i whipped him,and you're intruding. - what's "intruding" mean?- butting in. oh, so he's insulting me! well, then i got anotherreason for walloping him,
besides on account of himthrashing my nephew young ben. fauntleroy, you can't get mixedup in these youngsters' quarrel. family honor. i can't have it saida farmer whipped a sage! you're twice his size. don't let thatbother you, mr. mclintock. if mr. fauntleroy insists, i'll just have toteach him the same lesson. say! sorry, young feller.
hate to have to do that,young fella. no hard feelings. not yet. - not yet, what?- i mean, that isn't all. now, wait a minute. fauntleroy, we're gonnamake this a fair fight. course we are. course we are, g.w.there'll be none of this. i wouldn't do that, g.w. - you wouldn't do...- nooo, i wouldn't do that! and, dev, i don't want you kickingfauntleroy in the knee.
he didn't do no such thing! and none of this nose-twisting. he's all yours. where are my glasses? you all right, young feller? ouch! i'm all right, if this indian agentwill stop stepping all over me. g.w, you was just funning me, but i want you to know that boyfought me a fair fight. well, i'm glad to hear that, fauntleroy.
where's my uncle? fauntleroy, what have you been doing? - i hope my uncle didn't bother anybody.- no bother. i think we'd better join the ladies,before they get curious. drago! fauntleroy, let'sline them all up for a do-si-do. jake. you think tincture of arnica would help? could be.used to help you. gentlemen,to the medicine cabinet.
- good morning, drago.- morning, becky. you seen daddy? took off early this morning witha scatter gun over his arm. went hunting. - morning, daddy.- good afternoon. what gets you out so early? it's something i haveto get straight in my mind. yeah? mama.
why did you and mamastop living together, daddy? why did you separate? - aren't you going to answer me?- nope. - it's sort of my business, i think..- i don't. is it another woman?usually is. at your age,you always know what's usual. it's mrs. warren! becky, i don't want to start laying thelaw down your first day back home, but i'll have no more such talk.
the first time i ever sawmrs. warren was last week. she has a job hereat which she's very good, and i hope you'll havethe good manners... to not pry intoother people's business... your mother's and mine. pretty good shot, daddy. oh, i can understand your trouble. mama's often so, well,so petulant. petulant?
you learned a lot of wordsback east, becky. i wished to god they would havetaught you some meanings. you were onlyabout six months old when your mother stayed alone with you in asod hut under eight foot of snow... while i moved the herd 300 milessouth to try and save it. saved about half of it. you were a little more than a year oldat the time of the great comanche raids. we stood off 500plains indians for nine days. petulant, becky?
i think you better go on home. see that ching gets those birds. come here. there's something i ought to tell you. guess now is as good a time as any. you're going to have every young buckwest of the missouri... around here trying to marry you. mostly becauseyou're a handsome filly, but partly because i own everything inthis country from here to there.
they'll think you're going to inherit it.well, you're not. i'm going to leave most of it to... well, to the nation, really, for a park... where no lumbermill will cut down all thetrees for houses with leaky roofs. nobody will kill all the beaverfor hats for dudes... nor murder the buffalo for robes. what i'm going to give you... is a 500-cow spread on the upper green river. now, that may not seemlike much,
but it's more than we had,your mother and i. some folks are goingto say i'm doing all this... so i can sit up in the hereafter andlook down on a park named after me, or that i was disappointed in you,didn't want you to get all that money. but the real reason, becky,is because i love you, and i want you and someyoung man to have what i had, because all the goldin the united states treasury... and all the harp music in heaven... can't equal what happensbetween a man and a woman...
with all that growing together. i can't explain it any better than that. all right, daddy. when you're as old as i am,you'll thank me for this. daddy, i'm full-grown. i wasn't worrying about me. i was thinkingabout you and mama. well, all three of them fellright out of the carriage. well, it's getting rather late,'s bedtime.
oh, mother, he brought this.he must have intended to use it. - oh, well....- sing us a song! well, if you really want me to.gosh, i haven't played... - you know "just right for me?"- sure. it's the rage now. dev, what are you doing? oh, i, uh... i just thoughti'd get another cigar.
well, you've got one in your mouthand two burning in the tray. and that move. the fellas want meto play all the time. you're cuter thana baby steer and softer thana mouse's ear i want the whole wide world to hear you're just right for me you're sweeter than... oh, no, not that rhythm, it the way they do it at the plaza.
- i know the words.- sure, becky. will you sing with me? - of course.- alright. i love a man who's witty and smart,and clever it's your move. my heart forever oh, dev, you're playinglike an amateur. let's call it an evening.i'd like to know where your mind is tonight. you're sweeter than the early stars... or bluebells when they start to...
pretty good,voice like her father. sweeter than honey,finer than wine i'm sure they found you,on that honeysuckle vine i would meltin your embrace you'd disappearwithout a trace to die like thisis no disgrace this is the time,this is the place, for you're just right for me! well, it's so good, i kind ofhate to break this up,
but we're going to havethat indian hearing tomorrow morning... sir, about our conversationearlier this evening, - i believe i'd better apologize.- yeah? yes, sir, i've been thinking it over,and when i called you a "reactionary", well, that's merely my generation'sterm for your generation. - nothing personal, you understand.- oh, really? well, good night, sir. - good night, mrs. mclintock.- good night, and do come again. - good night, drago.- good night.
boss... what does "reactionary" mean? me, i guess. he says that anyone that wanted to sellat a profit was a "reactionary". was we "reactionaries" back in them dayswhen you was selling beef cattle... for six cents a pound on the hoof? well, no use arguing with boy. devlin warren,if you was my kind of man, you wouldn't let some dude walk off withthe prettiest girl west of denver... - without putting up some kind of fight.- does it show?
what can i do? i'm just one ofher father's employees. i'm just a hired handaround here. every so often, dev... you spill the strangest ideas. everybody works for somebody. me, i work for everybodyin these united states... that steps into a butcher'sshop for a t-bone steak, and you work for me.there's not much difference. daddy, the most terriblething just happened!
junior's horse ran away,the one he rented at the livery stable. you tied up a rented horse by the reins?he's probably back in the stall by now. i think we can get juniorsomething that he can ride. what i'd rather do, daddy,is drive junior home in our barouche. it's a lovely evening, and i'm sureuncle drago wouldn't mind driving. i would, and i got the kind of mannersdon't keep me from saying so... just to be polite. i'll drive him home,mr. mclintock, and you don't have to come, miss becky.i'll see that he gets home safely.
- i can take care of myself.- you got yourself a foot, didn't you? - dev, get the carriage. drago.- i'm going with them. now you got mewrangling dudes. you make a manfeel like a king miss becky, somebody betterhelp me watch the road. you know, i'm new around here.might take the wrong turnoff. devlin warren, you know there isn'ta turnoff between here, and town. you disappearwithout a trace - this is the time- this is the place
yah! yah! devlin warren, what areyou trying to do, kill us? would you ratherhave your friend drive? yah! daddy! daddy! i have never beenso humiliated in my entire life! i said what i said, and i'llstand by it to the death. shoot him, daddy.shoot him at once. - well, why?- my honor is at stake.
- well, now, your honor- absolutely. he impugned my honor. - "impugned?"what does that mean? - slander! he slandered my honor!- he did? he admits it! see?shoot him! - well, what is he admitting to?- why, he called me a... i won't even repeat the word. i didn't necessarilycall you anything, but i said what i said, and i'llstand by it to the death. well, just for the tally books,what did you say?
i said that "any girl who wouldpermit a man to kiss her... "before they're formally engagedis a trollop." he said it again! shoot him! - now, hold on.- no, don't hold on! if you're my father, if youlove me, you'll shoot him. well, i'm your father, and i sure love you... so... oh, you shot him!you really shot him! - hey!- if he dies...
if he dies, he'll be the first man everkilled with a blank cartridge. we use this to startthe races on the fourth. hey, i'm on fire! - oh, you poor dear!- poor dear! - you'd have had me shot in cold blood!- but it didn't happen. yelling i insulted you, and all!what you need is a good spanking! oh, dev! daddy! leave me out of this! - oh, i think i'll give you what you deserve.- you wouldn't dare!
oh, wouldn't i? you'll think next timebefore you have someone shot! this kicking and yellingisn't going to help! don't! daddy, waita second! daddy! ow! daddy, help me! don't! devlin warren, i hate you!i hate you! mommy! mommy! g.w, was that a shot?
ohh! - becky, what happened?- he spanked me! you spanked my daughter? dev. you mean you stood there whilethat brute beat our daughter? g.w, what's happened to youin the last three years? better part of valor, son. isn't it enough that you've alwaystreated me like a squaw... without subjecting dear, sweet beckyto this crude, vulgar...
katherine, you women are alwaysraising hell about one thing... when it's something elseyou're really sore about. don't you think it'sabout time you told me... what put the burrunder your saddle about me? i don't intend to stand hereand hold a midnight conversation... with an intoxicated man. and i am not intoxicated... yet! - hello, governor!- hello, governor!
- chief puma.- yes, sergeant. big mclintock, we knowyou'll get us fair judgment. you gentlemen, follow me. - well, jake?- g.w. - well, g.w., it's been a long time.- not long enough... cuthbert. - your husband is a rude man.- yes, cuthbert, i know. where you want the indians,mr. mclintock? mr. mclintock is notrunning this hearing. - sergeant, seat those indians.- yes, sir.
gentlemen, be seated. their whole tribe herewanted to come into town. proceed, lieutenant. this hearing is now in session, governor cuthbert humphreyspresiding. good luck, daddy. i'm afraidit's a packed court. government edict number 826. "as ordered that the comanchenation be transferred..."
"from their present reservationto fort sill," "it is the government's claim asfiled by indian agent agard..." "that these chiefs, after being releasedfrom prison by a kindly government..." "did then rouse and incite defianceamong the tribe against said order." it seems, gentlemen, that although someof these chiefs speak english... chief puma is quite at homein our language... they have chosen mr. mclintockto be their spokesman. i speak for the comanche,or rather i offer this translation. proceed, mr. mclintock.
the comanches says... "we are an old people,and a proud people. "when the white manfirst came among us, "we were as many asthe grasses of the prairie. "now we are few,but we are still proud. "for if a man lose his prideand manhood, he is nothing. "you tell us now that if we willlet you send us away... "to this place called fort sill, "you will feed usand care for us.
"let us tell you this: "it is a comanche lawthat no chief ever eats... "unless first he sees thatthe pots are full of meat... "in the lodges ofthe widows and orphans. "it is the comanche way of life. "this that the white man calls 'charity'is a fine thing for widows and orphans, "but no warrior can accept it,for if he does, he is no longer a man... "and when he is no longer a man,he is nothing... "and better off dead.
"you say to the comanche: 'you are widowsand orphans. you are not men.' "and we the comanches say:'we would rather be dead'. "it will not be a rememberedfight when you kill us, "because we are few now,and have few weapons, "but we will fight,and we will die comanche." thank you, big mclintock. am i to gather the comanche defythe government of the united states? yes, you may gather that the comanchedefy the united states government... - or at least this commission.- gentlemen.
it is the order of this court, that these chiefsbe incarcerated until such time... as the detachmentof united states cavalry... be made avaible... to escort themand the comanche nation to fort sill. this court is adjourned. mclintock, you are important chief amongst these white people. sway them. have them give us few gunsto make the fight worthwhile.
let us have one last rememberedfight for end of comanche. i almost wishi could arrange that, puma. aha loni cha! - sergent.- yes? left, right, carry on. gentlemen! it's sad, these changing times. it isn't the timesthat are changing, mama. hi, g.w.
hello, lem. bunny. oh, howdy, mclintock. figured you'd bebelly-down drunk by now. i've been doing somethinking drinking, bunny. is that boxcar still on the siding? - well, sure, but...- but what? - i don't like it.- you don't, eh? you figure ifthem indians get out of there...
and lead the cavalryon a wild goose chase, that great white father'sgoing to get nosy. get nosy,and he'll investigate, and when they find out,how that sidesaddle governor's... been messing things up, they'll give those indiansa fair trial. that's live ammunitionin that boxcar. you know what will happen, if them indiansget some guns in their hands? somebody is going to get hurt.
- is puma's word good enough for you?- well, i don't... mclintock, you got yourself a partner. leave me out of this. hey, mclintock... ha ha ha.good night, bunny. good night, governor. governor! where is the katie with her light red hair?
sweet as the roses on the summer air i'll find her somewhere while the moon is high and tell herthat i love her and i'll love her till i die katie! katherine gilhooly mclintock!the master's home! katie!katie!
"katherine gilhooly mclintock." where's the woman of the house? uh, mr. mclintock. oh, there you... mrs. warren!oh, good evening. - i waited up for you, mr. mclintock.- oh, how nice. - i want to talk to you about something.- delighted, delighted. - 309 times straight.- i beg your pardon? 309 times straight, without a to be a record.
i suppose so. now,mr. mclintock, what i wanted to say... two-pound stetson with6-inch brim, 53 feet in the air,it's got to be a record. i'm sure it is,but the reason i waited... dagnammit, woman,can't you hold that glass still? of course, sir. now... down the hatchto my world's record. down the hatch!
and the governor of our territory. t-t-the governorof the territory, sir? now, don't you stick up for him,mrs. warren. you're a fine woman,mrs. warren, but you'll certainly go downin my estimation... if you stick up for cuthbert h. humphreys,governor of this territory. - i don't mean to change the...- down the hatch. aw... yes sir.down the hatch. cuthbert h. humphreys, governorof our territory,
is a cull. do you knowwhat a "cull" is, ma'am? a "cull" is a specimenthat is so worthless... that you have to cut himout of the herd. now, if all the people in theworld were put in one herd, cuthbert is the onei would throw my rope at. at whom, at whom i would throwmy rope at. natural born "cull". - another touch, ma'am?- oh, no, sir, no.
- well, i, i don't mind if i do.- good. you can't walk on one leg. oh, i didn't mean to be vulgar, ma'am.can't walk on one limb. it's all right. sounds silly.only a bird can walk on a limb. you know my wife?her name's "katie". she insists on being called "katherine".do you know her? of course, mr. mclintock, andthat's what i wanted to talk... well, she thinks that cuthbert h. humphreys...
is panting for her like a bull buffaloat the first green-up of spring. but what cuthbert is panting foris my money. don't make me feellike i'm drinking alone, ma'am. very well, mr. mclintock,if you insist. - down the hatch!- good! mr. mclintock... i have something very importantto say to you. very important. guess it'll have to waittill the morning.
toodles. no, it's all's all right. beddy bye-bye. whoops... oh! mrs. warren,let me assist you. very kind. ooop... ooop... oop! whoops! what's going on here?
now, katherine, are you goingto believe what you see... or what i tell you? uh, mrs. mclintock,hope you won't misunderstand. it's the first hundred women sittingon his lap that i misunderstood. number 101 is quite simple. now, g.w. mclintock,i have something... he's gone to sleep. just when i know exactly what iwant to say to him, he goes to sleep.
i waited upto talk to mr. mclintock. i wanted to tell himi was quitting. you see, sheriff lord has askedme to marry him, and... oh, oh, congratulations! i don't want to seem prudish, but if youare going to marry sheriff lord, it seems to me that you'resitting on the wrong man's lap. come on, i'll help you upstairs, and we'll have a long talkabout men in general. ladies...
one moment! watch out!you'll get us all killed! wait a minute, ladies,till i catch my breath, then i'll get youup those stairs, as sure as my name is"george washington mclintoooock". - you may be quitting, mrs. wallace...- mrs. warren. but not tomorrow. i want my breakfast in bed.i want... i know.toast, lightly browned...
somebody sure put a knobon my skull. - it was katie.- katie? why? mrs. warren was there... ooh... and there you was, there,and there the whiskey bottle was, there. and katie's temper being what katie'stemper is, well... there you are. drago, old friend, my wife does not understand me. why should she beany different than any other?
come on,l got to get you up the stairs. get you ready forthat big celebration tomorrow. watch it! drago...i am sleeping in the den. hooligans! ain't got no respectfor your elders. bunny lost his temper! bunny lost his temper!bunny lost his temper! scallywags! little imps!i hope you get the measles!
come on,get him aboard. is everybody ready? uh, number fiveneeds a flank cinch. get him one. let us know when you're ready. ladies and gentlemen... it is my honor to present to you... the governor of our territory, cuthbert h. humphrey.
thank you, mayor. my friends and citizens of thisgreat territory, this is the ninthconsecutive year... it has been my privilegeand my pleasure... to inaugurate the mclintockfourth of july celebration. now, the first event will bethe wild horse race. but before i fire the shot tostart the event, i would like to saya few modest words... regarding my stewardshipof this great territory.
ride it, ben!crush him! crush him! whoo-hoo! - all right, professor birnbaum.- gentlemen. sheriff, here's your horse. come on, get them all lined up.come here, ching. now, boys,you all know the rules. it's twice around the insideand once around the outside. first cowboy that hits that finish linewithout busting that egg is a winner. and i caution you boys aboutsome of them eggs,
'cause some of them eggsare last year's holdovers. all right, mount up. katherine, my dear, youseem to be enjoying yourself. oh, yes.this is wonderful. it's is the only thing l really do enjoyabout this barbaric country: the fourth of july celebration. well, katherine, i've been here for three days.i haven't heard from you. - is anything wrong?- wrong? well, i just hope that it hasn't beennecessary for you to say anything... g.w. what are you talking about? well, katherine, you see, i'min a rather delicate position, being governor of the territoryand all. i just hope you haven't found it necessaryto say anything about... about... what? about you and me. why, you pompous windbag. do you think that you're the only man,who's ever tried to play pattyfingers with me?
who's ever triedto lure me into the moonlight? well, no, but i... well, i'm a big girl,and i can take care of myself. my husband knows it. i can assure you, governor, thatyour reputation is untarnished. now get out of my way. folks, we got ourselves a winner.curly fletcher! mazel tov, curly! give me the egg.
disqualified! here you go, curly. g.w, g.w, you'll never believewhat happened over there. - you smell of beer.- well, naturally, i'm drinking beer. ladies and gentlemen, the next eventwill be a contest... between the two bronco-bustingchampions of .... our territory you remember the yeari rode in that event?
wore your gartersto hold up my sleeves? shhh! we had a bet, and i won it. george washington mclintock,you are a very crude man. well, i guess so, but that was a rough horse,like to jarred my insides loose. but it was worth it. free beers! one... two... three...go! pull him, devpull him! pull him!
- dev, dev, are you all right?- i guess so. nothing busted but my pride. well, that ought toeven things up, farmer. for what? for that sore nose you gave methe other day. well, that ain'twhat's sore on him. the closing eventis the cow pony race.. the finish lineis at the barbecue. so, start meandering.
come on! now, what is that?false courage? why, you know a douglas doesn'tever use a thing like that. i want you to get on that horse, get outin front and stay out in front. i'll be out in front, dad, - all the way.- aw, good boy. now, remember, stay out in front.that agamemnon's a good horse. whoah, agamemnon. 11:40, and she's on time.
whoah, boy! dad! whoah! oh, mclin... big party.where's your whiskey? - whose idea was this stunt?- duck, doggone it, them are real bullets. reckon that's aboutall the excitement you'd want... for one fourth of july, eh? old puma finally got his way. but i reckon he's riding outhis last war party.
well, he won't get very far. but one thing still has me puzzled.where did they get the guns? i was wondering the same thing. - my kidney's been bothering me...- bunny... g.w.! psst! pssst! what an idiotic joke! - joke! do you think that was a joke?- well, shut up! do you want everybody in townto see me? you look good in feathers.
- dev, i think they've gone.- yeah! what are yougoing to do about it? - what can i do?- nothing! just like you've always done! how long, g.w.? - how long, what?- katherine. she's been riding herdon you for two years now. i'm a peaceable man, "you raise your voice,"
"it doesn't do any good," "it's time to raise your hand." well, i've been planning to dosomething about it. i'll, uh... - i'll have another talk with her.- talk to her? talk to her!talking won't do any good. becky, have you seen your m... what's been happeningaround here? you've got hay all over you. been some mighty sneaky goings-on hereduring that raid, mr. mclintock.
who was it said only a trollop would kissa man before... they were formally engaged? - oh, but we are engaged, sir.- you are? that is, with your permission. well, you've got it.oh, mrs. warren? i think it's wonderful. i guess this is the only engagement,that ever started off of a spanking. mm-hmm,i reckon birnbaum was right. all right.
lord bless us,this is gonna be a great day. doggone it, folks, let's don't let a little old indian raidbreak up a good barbecue and a rodeo. - the meat's on!- let's go! you contestants get readyfor the cow pony race. "shave and a haircut, two bits" - who is it?- it's me. let me in. right now! - are you insane?- i want to talk to you.
it'll have to wait. oh, g.w.! - i've taken all i'm going to take from you.- you are insane. you are going to tell me why youpacked up, picked up, and walked out on me. two years ago... you came home from denver... with lipstick all over your... lipstick on my collar. - i've got the shirt to prove it.- who cares!
ah! katherine! g.w., you are a ruffian. cuthbert, you are right. well, what kind of a familyis that? the best! and dangerous, fella. well, what happened?who won the race? who cares, agard?history's being made.
yes, rufus? i regret to inform you i've changedmy mind about matrimony. rufus! hey! mrs. mclintock! kath... - keep them out of here.- everybody out! looks like g.w.'s buying outthe whole store. i'm afraid you're right. crummy family! crummy family!
g.w! oh, g.w, g.w! oh, oh, g.w, g.w! oh, mrs. mclintock, you're all wet!- am i? try it! wrong woman, g.w. oh, pardon me. mrs. mclintock,you setting a new style? uh! mr. mclintock! in here!
if i ever get through this humiliation,you will rue the day you ever met me! oh, bellyache and fight all you won't do you any good. you've been digging those burrsinto me for two years. now, you're going to getyour comeuppance. thanks. my father would be proud of you! then i'll make him prouder. stop it!aah! keep may need it.
now get your divorce. - home! don't spare the horse.- home? are you... you heard me. don't think you're goingto get rid of me that easy. - no more living in the capital?- no. - no more newport in season?- nope. no more dancingat the governor's ball? no, g.w. happy days!
310 times,without a miss. that's a record.