wohnzimmer dänisches design

wohnzimmer dänisches design

ladies and gentlemen was a good word tonight is light analyzeg h t dot t_ o_ wandering the halls and these are all ofthem of the words of america was and what the winds in your old but your line well it was a real widows and transcribefrom hollywood on thursday november thirteenth your de soto plymouth he will put ondisplay for the first time what we unless we believed to be themost beautiful car ever built

the distinguished nineteen fifty threede soto we'll have more to say about thisexciting new was in a few minutes areas well one of the online the restrains name for a human being butmany of our job well here i am again what two thousandfive hundred dollar formica we uh... we have to worry and single menpresent my usd yes before the show

mister return he was a little margaret is a student ms approver and here we are also in thegroucho marx welcome welcome for the soul of women there say that's a good word and about ahundred dollars that's a common words something upon around the house this captain good

uniting d going steady you say no to much a as ever occur toyou that perhaps that's your main problemhow are you kidding needs you twenty-two lee brown there will be

without a political and rigid games and how did you have neededto fund names and no real name well my uh... mothers first name um...my mother's name was richard my bond gained minute explaining right in the that issomething about a do earn uh... with your father's placement jesse brian mandarin now uh... my part my bosnian course riskingtheir lives on yeah

my mother's name was reshot it was afrenchman as one retardant yeah yes but there wasa vegetable a that's one of something about you to if you have a job therekatie all informed group too king did you talk there's a little bit meganarmy walls and go to school descended penguins warm clothes needing quarantine

land mine training event management whatkind of colleges they're fresh one another location upon vocational nearly a year off or someone wilson one or more and more in the art wasnormal there whether you would majoring in conformity kind there is my goal you know that theamerican graduated

don't want this thing waltzes any transmitting who are pretty simple and you can turndepartment study whatsoever what do you do it comes through the because that's not a lot of this morning we like each year in science andeuropean history news about everything doesn't mean wewould like to know i know years and we used to have a jobin the school they would it years ago

uh... peters says the boy said forces jedidiah cases i don't know sikhism basis as well as they said oh mygod bless indicators and says where facilities notonly in these not the ones i when we gave the happens i wear on sunday that are around x it is that's right

partnership in the eye this is where are we going around but gabrielle jokes and play tonighteffective atlantic sincerity tonight to remind parents appeal to go to school in the men andwomen who takes a job find people may want to meet you so go to those p_t_a_ meetings veryimportant group all right now it's time to play a betterlife for a chance to the two thousand five hundred dollar question

prices at the order for them i'd like toknow about that with news about the beautiful new nineteen fifty three de soto hi this is the only in frances and iwant to make a date with you thursday november thirteenth that's the day the beautiful newnineteen fifty three desoto goes on display for the very first time i know you want to be among the first isthe dispute when u nineteen fifty three distilled road thursday novemberthirteenth that you ought to set up in

this delay all right now let's see i a worktogether as a team here we are c_r_a_ committed twenty dollars on a lalista twenty categories you selected number fourteen which is getting worry is your first question how much we didthat talk up kids twenty hours is that what you're readingnoland bank when you have not since i've knownto advance

barbara meyers everyone on it reallyknows what is the name of the world are upon us removed below is right honoraria thirty five dollars ninetynine for two thousand five hundred dollars night how much of your babyvitality gonna try now there's no turning back they fired on the outskirtsof paris at all right catherine united or medicine we're living with you know there are nolonger on the same river the school a famous revised there is one of the nameof it

need the same is right crazy that got me as i was insane forabout three hours paiva sixty five dollars commented about this time season allies the french stock exchangescorleone exchequer parents uh... it's the worst thing your youressay boards is that there are no unknown monghong r are not permitted to them uh... madeleine and i will that be okthe most famous cathedral in paris is one of the or was the most interestingchurches in the world what is the name

of it nobody note saddam is right and you wind up with ten dollars androger we don't know but is there a ten dollars nearly one more question forfifteen which will make your sum total twenty five dollars be ready and of course in place but was buried in gladstone went downthere and has arrived and i think that i've never thought itwould entail we asked for a man with interestingoccupations the wrong direction of the audience microtel

and mister hewitt has arnold was chosenthose people who are mere his partners a housewife mrs margaret rabies permanently groucho marx please welcome to your better lives there is agood writing about a hundred dollars that's a common way something you'reborn around the house and see you on a limb moderator yeah youare you and they are moderate and that's beenway from you walden talking no mascot or you are you written tofifty-two layer of finding boy

craving are you married yunus he'dfinally came on ready is your name anz bank where you'refrom mother until then in pennsylvania tour and and that's an indian wrong lol walking the walk it d the way you want to do here although mister noble was the firstquarter brent sadler and want to rent andnatalee wildly wednesday and he built three homes in the second settler camealong he said mister namely unit just your family hero

why did you built three homes in this tomake the system them that's the name of the time to rent thepennsylvania do pennsylvania it seems like he went on up a lot of troublekornblum job in the a we learned a lot of people go ahead i'm not correct your bureau andfive-foot several on the line normally small i don't thinkso i think you're reasonably well spent the long hair

now dayal well missile well wants them to you pasty you're going to happen annulment one a having any evans and i sent him wouldn't be refunded vanity comes at a rate that is good to know whoyou describe him it was a very good at

the what sort of what you do you improper argument apartheid ahead on the other side doingin california you reunification no one came out here forpartner get on that new the and the like memorial right i guess for correcting working for awalk again history medicine

everybody knows a lot of his own tobaccoon television after the other dude how can you tell the tobacco from badtobacco where are you telling my patent-pending right would you have written down the million megan king-sized no king size is not arediculous instead and using the shape of kingfruit a him and i say that they like him dan could you give us a short sampleassurance that would you like and then hw

informant barbara into unity unitarian or not a lot of has made aremark and informed them through the have a very good idea of donna defied a recent campaign promisethe well and i think it might telecommute toovernight and i are going to live well happening now before we play a better life i wantyou to pay attention to a lovely lady where some news about the distinguishedde soto

the new diesel in nineteen fifty three zero well this is winding down and right now i want you to get a pencilmark down this date november thirteenth thursday november the thirteenth that'sa wonderful day hence the day the stunning in nineteen fifty three percentof those on displays your desoto kennedy's i sneak in and seeing this new desotoand really i think is the most beautiful kind of built

and that i have a look at this newdesoto inside a large it's perfectly beautiful outsiders longer lower and loudly at theend of thought i could be and inside wellness islam is my favoriteliving room there are many tell you any more aboutthis beautiful newcomb but you can see for yourself just be sure to be ensured to set up inhis deal is on thursday november the thirteenth the day the distinguished new nineteenfifty three d center goes on display for

the very first time aula are going to be on you bet yourlife television sometime soon along with this beautiful nineteen fifty three toseven so much for a solution already for the great debate are acouple as you get a chance of a twenty five hundred all a question i can tell you how much at the wind thatjudge is going to remind our listeners the girl student in the teacher one tendollars or secret word is like here we go with the argument you twentydollars you select the government sites you decide between you know how much youwanna bet

mhm alright how much want enormous uh...nineteen ninety-seven this device question about nineteen ninety-sevenwhat is the name of the new york island you is the chief united statesimmigration station also ellis island is correct probably a good start to have thirtynine dollars and ninety seven cents many going for two thousand five hundreddollars night how much of this day nine ninety seven even trying alrighty ready in nineteen ninety five you then

where the united states military academy and of course martin luther king one incident when you know did my religion wins point wetpaint at west point intime do now have a seventy nine dollars andninety two cents how much did anyone of that and have a question

descending you've been going on reid is that i really don't want it nowyou know you don't have to do this you know then if you wanna bet the minimum on it legal partners yellow ryder what is thename of the big naval base in the hawaiian islands and he probably already right do not have one hundred fifty ninedollars and eighty tools that all right

now how much you learn about this timenormal going about all where the united states naval academylocated mountains macrophage right dental three hundred nineteen dollarsand sixty four cents sanction deadline the caught up when i did we have our club woman where you knowabout your own uh... and a lot more yes sir visit marge schott and our partners a man with an unusualbackground mister james i a m working in

here they are forbes the groucho marx welcome call to the sort of primitiveassociated waited about a hundred dollars it's a common way something youfind around the house uh... you missus them or jeremy europebobby inman lebanon but you may need a club look forward toit what is your hometown other we've gotten out of the lessons of our springs colorado springs and it's a lovely time

used to go trout fishing never caught in a moment our vision howdid you make your husband i presume you have one yes i do and he was home alone he was traveling salesman i was goingout to dinner one night and running salesman union argument well armoredanother paramilitary group and then he introduced really quite ebusinessware and they'vedo should you have some kind of thisparticular ponders the driving salesman

om our team newman and entertaining humanities didn't really happen you know it never occurred to me thatpeople would say the afternoon cheyenne wyoming drinking tea mister games maybe that's here but always meant to me that there wasnobody here and on

games they might be what is the exemplaralways use mister maybe what should i call you generally they're calling forcalm water on problem i think are you the palm onmy field of the war memorial houston recommit to buy your own review preparing you for the last twenty yearswhenever everyplace remedial and as a member of the where'd you get an environment when i was a young boy i want to be abaseball player but my feet was in big enough for my hands wasn't bigenough for part

by god alone also the baseball uniform and now still longing used a one day and love wasn't big enough whatever what aboutbobby shares well i was big enough but i didn't haveone of my bigness was in the place where i should have it might be coming pickedup a little more women most unusual fellow do let's find outsomething about you more today you're a problem but what do you uh... belong tohave a longer one plugged in southern california branch of the rear society ofamerica

the it is a very disorders and uh... and arabic is a plant keeping usuallythat the roots and stand far cooking purposes and for fragrance intimidation purposes com fascinating what are some of the medicinal herbsthose are all very cool and pamela milem and rosemary

an orphan is now the andrews sisters do worries over your head you recommend tosay in the field i don't mean a guy and he was requiringa reader well every and each taking pains to makeit should have bansal and then fine job as allowing too manyof the than mediations you shouldn't have

time replay do margin blessings and then when you make of these two forinstance you billions in margin and little time and pinching rosemary

d unit so the could go out and inc here in thebeach there resident and investment highlight they say that the miyazawa a statementparalyzed from the infant morale dallas they should be at your honor i like it where you from body san francisco long sentences go sixteentwo years ago or pro didn't go anyplace in the world nearly recommendation weneed to say i was born in san francisco everybody loves them like burt

producing is if you uh... for few lines of that song sentences thaan frances call here i a ka has not arrived at bundy a californiaguy right now the that missus ciller isn't all that is in california embracescooperative borrowed against amendments on the phone murder that they're therethat uh... and well that you want to try it again that frances blowing around

playing with it and they're going to tryit if you remember the fire about five by remember the pilot great groucho as it was just did it bring downalmost two hours as mister on in are you wanted to brave men and go backa it'll add here with all over the age ofeight at the age of eleven i sell newspapersin bob michel's in san francisco polished i celebrated his lawyers and i on the drugstore mister they cancurrently lvl eleven-year-old lead later mare island of you make any money atthis work

i've made a million dollars twice in mylife ontological had to go to school makemoney all you have to do with the united sometimes sweep the people busy cheapest thing a prison cell iswhere i was nylon a kind word about everybody no pay big dividends thananything else prepared i fairfield lines in the same says goeson again what like a lot of them for that everyone do i have to make a bridesmaid and body

what twenty-one banks all over unitedstates resisted night area the question theprogram's all you brought these bags the well that's not the only one in eighthours is by a few dozen bank says you were sort of an irish c_n_n_a_ inadelaide very proud to say with a very dearfriend of my region in any bring out the be the biggest backer inthe world remind great city of saint francis pants and i'd like to continue talking and sayingyou do but the time has come to play a

better life the time has come the walrusthat the body of actual on your honor twenty bahia run your twentybucks in a more than other couples and you get a chance that the two thousandfive hundred dollar question i can tell you how much you have to winthe judge is going to remind our listeners this israeli in the tobacco auctioneerlead with three hundred nineteen dollars sixty four cents all right here we go to identify dollarsyou selected the animal kingdom hearts you know that

eighteen busy place question eighteendollars wanna manx maltese inflation's wants taxes right dominated i was ready going for twentyfive hundred dollars night how much you thirty eight dollars an event on hissecond question liebeler all right what can i just hitmonsters and russians one answer to a you know damages did monsters and russians threeplaces right dollar and seventy three dollars visitthat question how much an event prior can't pronounce his wife elvirfamily aids

families share ship my keys and they'restealing hands no promises right i'm the one hundred and forty threedollars in asia life said to be to have a couple times and i'm forty three all that rickety expressways andpainters their bears is correct final two hundred eighty six dollars andthat means the tobacco auction a runoff life with three hundred nineteen dollars andsixty four cents in just one minute

interjected his ultimate two thousandfive hundred dollar question thursday november thirteenth that's a day to remember wise in mybirthday no groucho thursday november is the day the distinguished nineteenfifty three diesel goes on display it to be sold in the pillars and that'simportant to you that is gradual we think this distinguished nineteenfifty three de soto is the most beautiful car ever built it's longer lauren whiter with superblines in styling that are sure to make it the star leader of the year isnineteen fifty three de soto is so

it makes me wish i were a garage the distinguish nineteen fifty three thesolo it goes on display november thirteenthbut to be solo plymouth dealers don't miss it i was that day and venneman novemberthirty stayed up all i don't mumbled november thirteenth will end up eighteenday what happens then that's the day the beautiful neil nineteen thirty threethis although goes on display he repeating itself go say that beautiful movie so to one ofthem but they came here to sort of

planet dealers and when you do tom groucho century nizar wedding couple groucho the um... tobacco auctioneer and the housewife already but that is solow plymouth two thousand five hundred dollar question the two thousand fivehundred dollars i give you fifteen seconds to decide on a single answerbetween you they kathleen please help me audienceare you ready

the sound of david and that's evenbecame a king when he was a little more than twelve years old hearing for forty years became one ofthe truly great man at the story two thousand five hundred dollars was this king all right let me ask you to a decidedupon monday consolation info on things on a friday director thousand private

how much of the graveyard policy uh...three hundred ninety dollars a sixty four cents as twenty eight hundred andthen alone among you know i me i didn't understand until julian nineteen dollars and two people areideal advocate sally graduations from the more than three thousand e startupremedy listen cause that cause you bet your life they sure do it again next wednesdaynight at the same time legato marginal when the big question will be one of onethousand dollars and on this budget was television jillalso presented by the result of a

dealers of america and remember alldealers who sell desoto also sell paloma joel grey cars both products of thechrysler corporation now forget box and place in a momentthey came the distinguished nineteen fifty threedays so it will go on display for the very place time acuity startup women deals megan agency and when you drive in uh... rajasthan there is a reminder of the nationalsafety problems

drives flown in rain sleet or snow youknow that your line brands driver molly was produced by john got out directed by robert one and bernie smith there was a party revealed this is george breneman signing off forthe more than three thousand e solo plymouth dealers from coast to coast wasn't there the secret word tonight is clock your book your allotted after the

him darling and along with all the news all the bill ison the result raja la nixon your old that you arelying while it was very for those beentranscribed from hollywood like for the very first time molecule that your life we're going to tell you about what wethink is the most beautiful car ever built

the distinguished nineteen fifty threediesel this magnificent new orders although isnow on display through the solo plymouth peters he sure listen later in the shilpa newrules of the beautiful nineteen fifty three diesel there's along the online lifestyle well that's right well i a m again what about not allabout means that the state of i did not andand and and and on about

we invited some part of the show tonightdoesn't although they are still reluctant selected mister robert reader is partners all ofyou would like to patient missus gravel magnuson grossman also to place an intimate dodecyl muchwelcome welcome welcome here but she lives in this emailovernight on amounted to commonweal something you see every day heroes and mr

revealed on playing from smoking of delegates palestine bladder magnuson also where were you all homeless people he took a little anything warnings willnot indian lands poppies or cancel all pulled

on another level lei lol pple candle leading little hamletsincumbents dogs i think it's final and that you mean to be uh... had to bethat the question uh... raising six days does corrected that yeltsin's sweetener walls flooring you'll marry

also long you have any regrets marketsfor calm let's uxmrq restore starting your by a married biased and some fire you've already around bridgesbehind target identified of our three-and-a-half months or your sister appears rectifier defies the religious right toplay with that what fight fires

for not fighting fires or we brought in for prevention once a week ideal i know how to be able to rise to afire in hiring uh... register or you're right after all jump on it that sounds sweet put on your floors you know the far truck in sign going rather than what thirtyseconds to get out of the firehouse in basic theresa

you may that's if somebody says five ofthe firehouse is that a long reign and notified now greta let's get back to yousentiment says you have an unusual occupation was i mean cassidy senterdissent from each other we see stressing there posturing and seen her since you've got a good job in trying to getready if they're going to pass on profit

share democratic strategy sinai sending letterthree kathmandu i that didn't do it for scheduling steady forprotection scripts no how about you smoke if you findothers talk about furniture for a job but i think it's very interesting price for that you're a fine job chap refractive euphrates yesterday mod the of neither one on

actually our job is to relax all the furniture and hot immediate ad that they actually on opena can of beer i'd like to continue talking to you tobut now it's time for you know when someone just one minute you're going to play butjuly for a chance of a thousand dollar question folks this is a big man on your bet yourlife tonight we're introducing for the firsttime

to distinguish no nineteen fifty threede soto as it is so torn up my way back i canhonestly say his nineteen fifty three-d_ so does themost beautiful car i've ever seen what you think so judge indeed it isabout jobs friends i'd like you or to try andpicture the stunning you'll be so close your eyes an imagine a sparklingnew grill gracefully leading to the beautiful andpractical air vent quote now walk down the whole until you cometo be so does one-piece curved windshield

members area of distortion free vision now come to the rear and see the truly dramatic sweep of awide one-piece curving rear window look at the beautifully luxurious lineswith longer swept back fenders and lower wider deck lid on the inside the distinguish nineteenfifty three de soto is a magnificent blend of fashionable my alarm upholsteryunglamorous trim auto fully appreciated you'll must seeit is available into a great series amighty one hundred and sixty horsepower

fired on the eight and the brilliantpower master six folks this distinguished no nineteenfifty three de soto is now on display of unity soto plan idealist so go see him tomorrow dhanraj ascension all right now that's really what beganas a team it we going to see a hiking buddy twenty dollar few selected farmcities located under it his place question how much money buttalk right up uh... latinos piecing things like that

it's maintain nineteen aryeprice-sensitive stalingrad is located on extractable shortly after nine dollars how much ofthe ap three nine on any money going for the cosmonauts i know how much is somuch about this time adam lab rivers the city of viennalocated jonno daniels thank you that's right to protest here now i have seventy seven dollars astupid question how much of the

seventy-seven attract are certainly six okay the chinese cityof nineteen years and whatever yet he actually is right you've not talked to one hundred fiftythree dollars easy access to be the other couples on the seventeen fiftythree had an arrest however if i had a the city of cairoegypt catch caa cut accident dot

stuff and i guess roger just before they are our studioaudience elected a junior high school girl miss lesley-ann greek partners abusinessman sister partied all until they are foxplease let me go to a lot while down but i think it's cut say the state of mind about a hundreddollars it's a kind of like something you see every day businessman and it's going to have a now let's see uh...

leslie and things that you you have theschool their complexion so i guess it was cool free of peaches and cream it and i said no i am i don't mean to say you have got aschool day complexion packed for me it's more likely to use in yoga holly leslie fourteen they can

what is your educational fifty two what's your first name is to know really mo you realize of course that we can besold by adam pascal how do you spell it are a lot all really asset really

it's not just what it really close quiet for a holiday sedalia missouri three nazareth what's your hometown leslie almost i was born right here i acknowledge that either a strange things going on around here

what sort of what you do rowly busting your party for a moment north company et cetera congratulations a senate bipartisan kind of a racketeering all right packages groucho refer the jurors manager

which we did self insurance programs managed companyfacilities operate production agencies operatingbrokerage department them carry on high-level conferences withvarious business executives about their insurance programs and otherwise today understand what you're talking police force i'll never understand insurance mantalks about a minute they stop with mother twenty endowment means that onthe thirteenth here

picketing and thirty eight dollars ifyou haven't died in the meantime unless you have fire in second place last time i actually plays are attached let's get back to you what school you attended uh... noely interests in junior high chemists and junior high why they callit anderson's buzzer named after benjamin franklin alcohol timers

as anything unusual that happened inu_s_ schools such as getting there on then scold innocent places class if you are making sometrying alliances something house himself like what hereby yes photocopying himself thing to do it very well if you give us a little more of that kato

clearly say how do you do that financial aspects of kinmen as i thought to have to give the although it together how can one two three possess high demystifying on radio caliber you have much to do with the boys ofschool

so i'm not i can stand teaching keeps crying displaying mightexplode team wants to do it it's unfortunate hahaha latest book nobody thought their buses girls happiness why is it necessary to put the boys andone bus and the guys in another place classic you expressed

arouses love i start showing up in frontof the girls interest are fine ccavenue s why should the bus driver of the unitedstates to carry a revolver it off put it right and always wants me taped at the hospital i'll actually since you're here maybeyou can re-issue assumedly people of my generation doubtful about today's teenagers what'syour opinion of today's youngsters

having your age got it stated that i have a a how do you spend your evenings forexample always times have that and watch tv and i don't either way spy program popular with the intelligentcharming young i said can't solid waste

viagra ads like this every year time now that i know why they haveboarded buses and advice player lovely couple i'd like to see you in a reasonable sumof money in that debate outlet covers and you get a chance of a thousanddollar class i can tell you how much have to win backthen this defendant has gone to remind our listeners greta grossman a fireman one threehundred six dollars the secret word is

clock antioxidant vitamins you try me out toselect an excess of familiar organizations that right and you talk it over before you give meany answers on a date displays question how much would you bet nineteen down walk through the initial c_i_o_ standfor talk it over that instead of you know

and uh... i ever had to get an answer tothis one understand that that's bailout hasexpired do not have one dollar i had they don'tget skies now twenty five thousand dollars night howmuch of this baaki at this time literal building like that and i suspectyou see two you stand for first thank you women's christine temperance that'sright that's right now you know expression how much is it about a couple

shipler hard-hearted on market indexesaccc stand for he federal communications commissionthat's right classics together couples you have forus how much of that all right what an actual sandbags standfor forces that's right that's right so i don't really is a way possible togive you one more question to bring it up to twenty five dollars place no culture

around haha day do you receive christmascards press make sense action-packed self-evident avagotech yeah sorry i don't knowwhether doctor we have had access california quietly lucky fella uh... this japanese genevieve keptpretty a mr donald w armstrong

raja what's welcome the access for thesort of part of a let's say the state of art and about a hundred dollars it's a common way something you seeevery day genevieve then genevieve uh... how do you pronounce itcapri capri it's a very pretty naman dot armstrong that's a pretty neat i want to feel bad i think it is lovely now

play from done anthony keith your native shivering in you know how do i care living in california i think it has everything uh... quietly and that came through wavefront genevieve

soldier midday is ok openly in stand about fifteen last williamstown agency if we have just seenmy son f_b_i_ l_a_ law i a m s_ t_ o_ w_ n_apprehensive liens down notes unite the outside received williams wins

alcohol chickasaw girls which it is that i a m williams when you live now glendale you said you have been some weird placesand why did you come to california fromphiladelphia going to be with them it noite didn't really come exactly thatstraight from uh...

philadelphia to her and the item and youknow well i think uh... went inside alekhtiyar skin and i went africa and calcutta they see what happens in summit talks atthe moment desert identified right how accurate bangkok

well let's have it why did you come toglendale by way of calcutta was the bridge ab kansas city but i do not want to kansas city my dad to allow for that a steady pace everybody's been collecting animals allover the world and place to go with him processing a fascinating businessrecollect monkeys yes rationally monkey business downright scary twenty-three twentythree and a our religion

activity twenty seven leonardo di attractive richer also onthursday most unusual day-care where did you meet genevievethursday and and and you are insisting a lot daytime danny leading into other cities

dosent realign exhibition and janet isn't atall knowing that you had a sexist spock we're dealing with the circus to meet doctor henderson surfaced after we was have a common interest in animalsand see the book that he had written wedecided to meet him what sort of what you're doing nowgenevieve wild animals

seems to america you're not franklin know exactly what they do you know me isthat jungle jenny king the animal it doesn't seem possible that i was witha guy like you collecting animals well you know i'm not afraid u by the way what kind of animals youcollect white mice excellent twelve elephants leopards monkeys pythons boa constrictor is to take onestep now

tell us about this while collecting i doyou go about it all i'd like to find countries and uh... contect native people they asked have you had me close calls an animalhunting i know i've had many close calls in mymind in korea sonya could you tell us about one minute one big lie all of this case it showed a time whenas object black panther

hopefully really did get closer did you catch it activision all in the senate melissa andbloodshed and make people thought it was a team won but instead of eating moneyleading out of that for us to slice so i ran to the cajun tried to rectifythe error in the animals hadn't caught paul got caught by my forces uh... one day on animal

and in doing so they didn't strongerthan me and he got his whole body out of the cage heat and light lightning and lead to mychildren and i was just fortunate to have thisbudget i picked up that broke his late at night so any desk not dan and ithought if tracy is going to continue running instead he turned right back at me againand i said my hand in his mouth and then was when i thought that was it and i thought well maybe if any thatselling

saved my life but it's not like if this is a day anyway and just a night as i did and that's the animal wecollect them come up with all of us who are doing well this was going demonstrating that book by this highly smoke and i think cigar saturdaytennyson any other products you can ricotta cheese on top of the game

duality that apparently you're going to be onsale is live dangerously how about you i feel like you do i sell water himself water specialties they use out of water whatkind of want special talent that everyone can watch carousel spark his drinking water teensmore in the jungle

no right here in los angeles paul monesorchestrating writercorporation that you're assigned this pockets watershe's gotta handle efforts not you and i discovered i wish you lots ofluck in your marriage and also in the jungle night on a play about july twenty twenty bucks in the more thereare other couples you get a chance that i was not a question i can tell you whatyou have to win but you are just gotta remind allison's greta grossman the fireman still leadwith three hundred six dollars if we don't say i think that you triedon a few selected sciences and and how

to use your category is your first question how much would itback nineteen seventy economist science father deals with bothbeneficial and harmful microbes t but he said below five times that products bacteriology http

pattern on that note doctors book you know i have uh... twenty five-centyou've got twenty five cents and even if it has now decided on the other strategyhow much of a twenty five cents at this meeting people people are right what is the science call that deals withthe knives in the night of system all the ideologies and elsewhere why did you pick it incorrectly theologyi'm sorry this is another option sent

pay-back question how much of the senateyou gotta go well you're always on the senatemajority diameter here what is the science called that deals with the life history ofplants and animals biology biology is right lined up with her to set aside bankwest parliamentary happily aftercentrifugation sends out of it

access to the event happens how much ofthe back science call that deals with the skin text and video palestine a talent infrastructure of our nobody goes brokeat eighty one more question get this right you get twenty five dollars aready from what i have all the way getmake-ups makes that's right notice picked the wrong pulled out ofthis couple lost all their money so that

means the greta grossman a fireman withthree hundred and six dollars and just wanted to get the chance thatthis ultimate one thousand dollar banks and get back startup women tables right now i'd like you to meet anattractive young lady with some news about our distinguished beauty this is arlene francis and i want totell you about what i think is the most beautiful new car evidence not the distinguished entirely new nineteenfifty three dissemble now on display at

your desoto clinic steelers the nineteenfifty three desoto is really magnificent beautiful from its huge one-piece curvedwindshield to the truly dramatic suite of its wide curving rear window wait till you see the new desoto stylingwith its longer swept back fenders and lower wide a decade it's beautifulinside the new nineteen fifty three december i was a masterpiece rich andluxurious they've taken hudson nylon upholstery and set it off with aglamorous harmonizing trien yes distinguished is the word for thenew nineteen fifty three desoto the distinguished nineteen fifty threedesoto is available in two great series

the mighty one hundred and sixty onestop by dome the eight and the brilliant desoto column after six see themtomorrow yes right across from a fire also forthe sole purpose one files in dollar question groucho all right has a chance for you to whenenough money to pictures of a whole smallness broad for the firehouse this is what i was just dollars i'llgive you a fifteen seconds to decide on a single and switch leaving campaignplease help me on

but there's no stars in nineteen thirtyseven contain consider whether there is no stories ofnineteen thirty seven concerning the sinking of an americangotten boat by the japanese yangtze river incidents ratna plungesinto law for a thousand dollars what was the nameof this ill-fated gunboat accidents yet so decided upon relationship with him outside the correct answer is that i'mnot

and i think the acting and a life thatmay have a question next week for the white one thousand five hundred dollarslaos to make money but how much of it when the players arethree hundred and six dollars because that's not too bad congratulations andthanks for talking to and blah blah contestants on this show tonight they sure to tune in again next week atthe same time araujo montreal when the big question will be worth one thousand five hundred dollars

above the start of television show alsopresented by the gets a little bit of dealers of america now displaying the most beautiful carever built suitability loaded so tomorrow and remember all dealers who sell desoto also sellplymouth tool great cars what parts of thechrysler corporation when you drive and contractors sajan at night bob asst that nineteen fifty three

they started horribly her condition killed bachelor life transcribe fromhollywood has proposed by john got out directed by robert lawton bernie smith music by jerry field this is george carlin signing off morethan three thousand e sort of liver theaters from coast to coast the secret word tonight is smart as sanmateo lease you old back to you all i

omar than three thousand e so tallplymouth dealers of america resent groucho marx in new that your life but on the quiz series with those intranscriber hollywood wants it's another big night on youroath that your life later on this program we're going to rioexciting new is about the new light deemed to be great moment the first truly balanced car in the lowprice for you and all areas along the old lady

dough you know that is has made is away at a smile on television it's like for them and that's a cinco demayo the well here i am again with fifteenhundred dollars for one of our problems roger does we've all over the uh...justice and i think at roger just before we went on the airpakistan that's what it's like a filibuster john martin

works with employment bureau and that is part of the house live the smartest columns bugsy won an emmygroucho marx please twelve hundred eliot and welcome to you that your life thatyour life sensitive identified a hundred dollarsit's a common words something you always have waited missus collins in there missus collins a the weight of the time

dela beckwith that's been pretty cigarette yoga wavefront missus collins messages and and what is your hometown mr martin level even angelino was born in the removals district remodels the or what there you go on there is some problem i don't know why some companies doingsomething i have in the seller i think

that floods usually and have descendedupon the and what is your face a missus collins need out but i think for india you prefer the deadliest native indicating no i think i like the idea that it's avery bringing in the way would you get that name well how do you have any my father was a lover of operas any niniat these favored opera yeah

long you should be happy wasn't crazyabout the bottoms of the but your husband's name morris likely for marissa back because he noted you perform onearth but does i wanted you to get together well million americans and there's no lively men in the silentmichael like right

don't he was helping the plumber install thesteam heat limos so on you started warming up to a general but if you marry this team federally didthey ever did you wait a little while i waited a while that's alright as long as you had a goodfive going in the finals analogy wait six months sixteen years ten million backup plan done

now what it was it you doing i think itdid mr martin on a impersonal counselor at usually words association writers bring about what kind of anoutfit is that tell us something about well it's association of employers secure all for being in size medium and smallsize firms could you help me find a secondarydelila

like clint you mean you've spoken to a few of myfarmers out of there pauline everyone i mean if you want touh... become member of the association so it's that was a member how do you proceed in getting hissecretary roseland jury would come in the officeand be greeted by or receptionist what is the researchers look like israel youthful red

alexis get the secretary jess and thereception and i've been on talking to you about injust one minute you gonna play a better life for a chance to the fifteen hundreddollar question and i would forward proceeds are goingon here i'd like to read says there are many fighting men inkorea and in the hospitals in the far east who will be forgotten as christiansbecause they have no family here folks back home here's how you can place an applause ofthese boys

mail a christmas present to send thedonation together left with a gift in-camera law sends his junior chamberof commerce they'll fly against over the career i think this is a great idea let's alldo it right away isn't too late senate and care the los angeles juniorchamber of commerce all right now let's see how you like theothers it ain't animal would you mind explaining theroads to these young couple uganda's

much of your twenty dollars if you wanteach of four questions and a couple of the most money gets a chance to fifteen hundred dollarto sort of look what you later on the show the reality of heightened that it wentout out of our list of twenty categories youselected number two characters from plays by william shakespeare is your face question how much would youbet remained

rebuilding seventeen dollars them i think it was in the cabinet sevenfewer than one shakespearian play romeo and juliet romeo and juliet as well dark at thirty seven dollars nowmckinney seventeen thirty seven dollars you got it right on this one something anything you like that bill they find out out that was why pressmother day whoppers her name

oriental europe half-hour for there's more help antimony got in righton the back and i'm very happy about that because i knowyou have done that if the attorneys can get a betsy it up dot part of it is still hanging out

patient that question how much of theseventy two dollars even a race this seventy two thousand insulates send outan partners in a manner has been in the training in this room i'm sorry it's patricio you now have two dollars but i stillhave a chance to be the other couples come into the two dollars a lot ofexcellent let alone at all right parked over an anti ten-year charactersfrom one place dolans reacts right next to me with four dollars watch over not throughyet nobody lazy with four dollars maybe

one more question two twenty one dollarswhich will give you a total of twenty five rewriting lanham under you associate with buffalobill we'll book the bell is wright hotmail banks in their blood from this autoprimitive and eyebrow donors are next contestant mister lennar unanticipated as safe annemun wait till you see it whothe new fifty-three clement tomorrow as

the day you know and by that time goingto make history why yes yes mister peters the question on question about itthe new fifty three plymouth is a new kind of low price car nothing else likedown the road looks different rides different it's built different and applywith engine stepped up to one hundred horsepower really mister peters we'retrying right now i'll good drying now you gotta wait till tomorrow but thenall baby wait till you see the sensational knew mister peters supposewe just walk over all don't walk around to get this sort of plymouth dealerstomorrow bring you like

yet kids your poppy plant fountain pensyour once you make the new plymouth it's the easiest piped into the big twentyfive thousand dollar contest whether giving away six new fifty threeplanets in hundreds of cash prizes get your entry point for me to sort ofplymouth delay but make sure it's mail before next monday midnight miserably isare you a contestant on you bet your life or aren't you but intestines act known just want to tell the worldabout the important newell fifty three plymouth

thanks for the use here mike misterpan-am don't forget everybody meet the new plymouth tomorrow roger we invited some lady cab driversto the program tonight just before when they are our studio audience elective isjean florist shop or partners an unusual schoolboy mrwalter plumber folks would you please give it a mategroucho marx welcome the answers to a better life saythat's a good wine and about a hundred dollars it's a common way from the you alwayshave with you

uh... misty man flora champ that we can separate and and mister what the plans or anything gmail you're a cab driver yellow kik no enough what color is your plan elevates yellow but i'm a very greatpersonal computer

identity bypass then twenty three missing and how long have you been done across you know we don't care and we don't count the years experience in and here is we can in my late you know that there's only a gone overfive thousand miles reservoirs using retreads i think our value gene and thirty one

thirty one when you know audio mister obama baking pre-teen minuet they're not where's glamour all about five miles north of mona left alone

k last where they had the county fair eachyear muscles county fair it's a pretty well known for theircitizens rerun exhibition now then precisely where is clamoring four miles north of more december five months they claim on as a fashionable clothes the president is going on my own it

what sort of what is your father do utilities should colleges steam and your last name is bummer menu fathers electrician's then on the requirement to lose you justlike me vis a plumber to bliss liberals on plumbers electricians last time i got a vote look almost anyother job it's normal to me

let's talk about you know like uh...gene business or for a woman of the driving alot you know you think women are moreskillful drivers and men insulting in recruiting thang were working interpolating by usaid well because of a woman i guess they are most government thatthey have to be in a car on the horizon ways d

mr parmar one of the kids call you butby the way nobody missed a prominent and that is so in a community mostlyconnie carry it with a commie serpentine carrie carrie tyrants and cherokee carrying archiving techniques and it just aroundthe entertainment value date on your sedentary terry that's me

well i'll ask you why did they put colintimes and uh... mayan now that's a good and military come froma document name was water my mailing list and send it stevenson villains who are not going to let theother kids going to take me to answer it is that all right with you how do you have any hobbies and veryproduct they football in baseball basketball expansion

when he was only a typical red bloodedamerican boys you have any other hobbies i'd like to cook i like that i think is read by the american boysgoing up up but and he liked it but uh... you're a goodgood well i tried what we should be given cooked well i want to luminance out the spanish yearhurricanes

quick though that's what you're doing itagain apparently hotcakes no one was out sponge cake lonesome chopping with kate my congratulations to me what is your ambition would you like tobe a chef sunday i'd like to be a as she had been big hotel like that waldorf astoria something like thatuh... stuff on television

testing sunday the warm-up aficionadosmenu the apartment are locked i have beentimes etc on well it's time to stop talking is notwinning some money you're going to play by july for chanceof a fifteen hundred dollar question very few and all that money will feeljust like i do since i got my new de soto i got it last week and i'm crazy but ireally am they just need our other couples that oryou have to do

our first couple one four dollars the secret word is smart in reality i invented twenty dollars you so i could face in middle names offamous when i'll give you the initials and you tellme what they stand for is your first question how much wouldyou bet talking over between us mhm seventeen alice and be anyways the founder of thechristian science church one of the

initial sample mary kay ants right mary baker historically have produced a sevendollar value going for fifteen hundred dollars nine hundred unit based andwe're going to send question he and a m anything c_j_ bond was a famous a songwriter what are the initials stand for

cary kinney extract adhere hahahaha into seventy three dollarsusually but question how much is seventy three million dropped seventy h_p_'s snow as p_o_w_s wrote a famous book what whatdo the initial sample brian's threats it's an easy one britishadjustments it's harriet beecher houston

line of the three dollar-billion upthree dollars total business done still at an intermediate the couple'show much you know today three okay he'd be browning was a famous boards what is the initial sample there hasbeen about that it is right windup was six dollars give you one more question get is tryingto bring the total up to twenty-five you ready who was buried in grant's tomb

ranking missus graham is right project as we've only one on the air weselected missus christina kali businesses are maybe a parade on of forreasons which i'm sure you'll discover when you meet these ladies of the ladieswhich would you come out and meet groucho marx welcome doubts whether thestart-up limited air say this is a warning about a hundreddollars it's a common way sent to you always have been with you mrs christina kelly and this is amailing a craig tenement some of the mysterious when heintroduced you parity i'm supposed to

find out something surprising about youto do and i'll i'll get in the business isrunning out of your own when now carry where we want and i do itspart ninety play you know in a prime minister and then i don't evenknow where i was last night polly accounting the state's deeply insulin expect equitably than wavefront allen

one in denmark you upon them remain my going guinier's manual now sentenceseffectively rotten in denmark i'd better try to prevent them the otherin ready to have to start in a mobile sixty three liberal sixty three eighty eight is yougot together on this story is a a mick and i would like me i was among us thelevy an upward a problem in recent months is availabledot although last year additives

the complaint charging about and i have read that but campground the building and gain and the unification you actually stands d_n_c_'s uses isn't you boobs twins and that's impossible you don't likeanything alike

a kind and he's the only daughter level go ahead remember everything you saymaybe have an answer and and i i think i can't think it's inseattle fraternal twins prepare you belong began to happen to be and blemished taskstream attendees elseon sitcoms and sisters he held at the same pants and the employment at thesame time a_b_c_ but what do you guys doing andlot sizes is are you having a vacation

out here will be an yet he had with him for what i give you a couple of what hesaid what sort of what you do when and potentially cook old and and at present and enclosed policecommissioners asean treaty tell us about some of the dishes thatyou have put together when and and he said

that my sexiness and peace and how much that you hanging lately just like that and you don't look up and then anti-semitic atypical mona failure anyway never been anything on he has janice sandwiches rather led us to make this as his handwin then and make a

and thinking station conflict hagglingwith the laughing you need okay five and i think that is let's take a lot of preston eighty five but well what is this friday anything that he and clashed and then act and political with anything and gotjack's ruling

message and he had paquin and just estimatingthey housing unsmarmy you send me once and then shell well do you have any other hobbies besidestheir gangsterism in putting five hundred million women anne net

eat and unit unit where alike have been duplicate conscious what do you do units rules in the thingthat dat enhancing either genesis have been and they didn't think it is aman before eleven fifty three five hundredyet and strategists and and shacks and hunting and fishing democrat

but how do you do what do you want tohold hearings on campaign for the employees in the armed forces peace was one that some of those who treated unicef saying he made a lot of peoplehappy but our main and lap us or go back and idid and they make you happy man if you think it's enough casing we could get an actor probably sixty three-year-old start anydown time all washed out

at a nightclub identifies an online less than ten and a happy experiencethat we need to get rid of it as i was you i feel like i've been acquitted because right now you have a chance towin a lot of money you're on you're talking about us in amore than other covers you get a chance to the fifteen hundred on the question i can tell you how much out there whenthe nasdaq up adam is gonna remind our our second couple lady cab driver in theschool board or a hand with six dollars here we go into hiding that you triedout you selected mystery rhymes and very

detailed characters is a good place but you know how much ofyour day he and phasing out your own would bump dot com problem with aboutone hour hopping like order bulbule dot com problem with the bow anentire stereotypes parison

honest argued you not have to go dot over thisterritory for fifteen hundred dollars nine that's the big brown eyes i miss you have any second question but they're not as well as the name ofthe cato that have his wishes granted by a big stooge merely by running away land is right planning again you have four dollars iswithout question how much and i thought

i was really a try for our partners in a medicaid or hereand then what is the name of the caring hit thesack with one's to suck on them once you are when one side and once you are i sent him excited a little humping my son can't remember the stockings that onceyou are from what you wanted to look at them three months in jail

are not only are they great dollarsmuseum as tends to be together couples how much of that on white fairy tale character parlayed afew prolific being seasonal fortune even use that candidates dot kindof and that means that your sisters got thetime to the desoto booklet one of the positive five hundred dollarquestion and i just wondered and now has a pretty girl with the somenews about a beautiful color well i'm going to die

and i'm really excited about the newnineteen fifty three d center that's now judy is that ok misdeeds other states the most beautiful carda_b_c_ you'll notice right away the wonderful styling of this distinguishednineteen fifty three descendant the way the wind one-piece rear windowcurves around the back and they really dramatic lines in thelong sweat extenders and the mode one wide a decade inside to move this to decide who isjust beautiful they've taken rich fashionable nylon andcombined it with the gorgeous trim

of course is to serve as full powersteering through which means that i can send the steeringwheel to just one thing here honestly i think this is the mostbeautiful the finest car ever built the distinguished nineteen fifty twocute is that it was available and into great cities the minutia london sixteen west how fardown the eight and the brilliant descended a promise to six tomorrow see the distinguished nineteenfifty three three dissenting and you know it's it's a certificate in histeens

law graduate here are the danish twinsisters all set for the desoto plymouth fifteen hundred dollar question i'll have here's your chance to clean up but you know that this but this betweenyour but your own one family views but the money if you let me give you outlook hearing over a thousand five hundreddollars a day for the fifteen seconds aside in a single incident when youthink carefully

companies are helping audience are youready in sixteen sixty f formating coversimprisoned at bedford england for unlawful preaching preparing it for twelve years of hisincarceration europe unforgettable book pilgrim'sprogress one thousand five hundred dollars whatwhat was his name on arrived as well as the a_n_c_ untildecided upon bruce and that meaning aluminum against

i'm sorry that breast cancer instituteof john donvan roger you know we neglected somethingthey only made sixteen dollars in the quiz so we can learn more about what you wantmore questionable and because of the twenty five are you ready why do you makes with what i have to getso upset lacking pastel i've felt like that sound

so that means that the big question nextweek but we would like to the house in dollars while a loss of big money butyou and twenty five dollars i was in the meant that i think that a lot andcongratulations is still gotta deal with all of our contestants on this showtonight they should have been again nextwednesday night is the same time without a large scale one of the question of the vase anotheris and on this budget was television showalso presented by the disown ultimate women have to be visible in

and remember that the dealers who sellthe distinguish nineteen fifty three days of also sell the brilliant new york wouldlimit well first totally balanced car in thelocal rice field is so low all great new car wealth products of the chryslercorporation when you drive anton carter center tonight bob sorry manner c_n_n_ nineteen fifty three

this although what disapproves gilda dr transcribe from hollywood hasproduced by john dot l music by jerry fielding this is george venneman signing off morethan three thousand it's a little bit of dealers from coast to coast

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