wohnzimmer esszimmer küche grundriss

wohnzimmer esszimmer küche grundriss

ok, let's start with the first wibutler tutorial. it is now important to check the settings and make sure that tablet or smartphone and wibutler gateway are connected to the same network. this can be guaranteed. i can now open the app. the connected wibutler will be displayed immediately. i can now select the wibutler to

initially connect to it. lateron, i will enter the user name "admin" and the password that can be found on the bottom of the wibutler pro. in this case i will log in with "wibutler" / "wibutler" once and will now have the opportunity to create a user. i will name this user "user" and the passwort will be "user" as well. that's easy. now i have to repeat it to guarantee its validity. i can now complete this process

and will receive a notification that the setup was completed successfully. now i can log in with my recently created user "user" / "user" and receive the notification that i can now also name the building. let's call it "wibutler home". the arrow on the right upper corner is now shaded in blue, which means that i can proceed with the next page. i can now enter all floors that belong to building. my building consists of a ground-floor with the following room selection: there is a store room, a

bathroom, a dining room, a living room and a kitchen. i can enter the name "kitchen" manually, since it is not on the list. i could also name it "play room" for example. i selected all rooms by setting the blue tickmarks and thus the floor "ground floor" was created successfully. if i would like to add another floor, i can easily add the upper floor or top floor or create and select an own name. i will select the upper floor with a children's room a store room, a bathroom and i will add an additional room, for example "bedroom". now

i also integrated this floor successfully. i confirm by pressing the green tickmark and receive a message saying "welcome to your new smart home!". now i get a short overwiew on the possibilities i have and on how i can optimise and visualise my energy consumptions. i also learn that wibutler is a trade-spanning and manufacturer independent system. after this short introduction i have to press the "let's go" button and find myself directly on the device that offers various possibiliies.

i can open the sidebar menu by pressing the three bars on the upper left. here i will have additional possibilites, such as displaying the current profile that i would like to talk about later, the building control, the floor plan view...but let's start with the device management. the device management gives an overview of all devices that were added to the wibutler gateway. as i said the wibutler has already been added automatically. it is the first device that is visible here. as soon as

i press the plus button, i can start adding devices from various manufacturers. the manufacturer list opens up. now i want to add this small wireless button, also known as remote control. i can see on its back that this device was made by eltako, which means that i also have to select "eltako" as manufacturer. now i have to select the category that my device belongs to. i can choose from the following categories: "lighting", "air conditioning", "switches & buttons", "security", "doors and windows" and others. these categories will be generated automatically,

depending on the products that the manufacturer has to offer. since i would like to add a switch/button, i select this menu item. this is the fmh2 module. i can easily see that on the back of the device. i select it. now i can check, if i selected the right device by comparing it to the image in my app. if i was right, i can now start the adding process. first, i receive a safety note, explaining which installations i am allowed to perform myself

and for which installations an electrically skilled person is needed. as soon as i press "next" i receive an instruction, saying "press the upper button of the switch of your choice several times, until the device adding was success." i'll do that now and receive feedback that a new device was found. the name of the device will also be displayed. the adding process has now almost been completed. now i can go on with naming my

device. let's call this device "remote control" and name it like this. i can now place the device into a room. we already did that, which means that we just created the builing topology as well as different rooms. i want to place the device now and select the option "place device into an existing room". i also have the possibility to create a new room. since we have already created rooms, i can select the first option,

saying "alright, i want to put this remote control in my living room that is located on the ground floor." now the device also appears in my building control, where a small green tickmark signalises that the device has been added recently and that is has not been used. when you push the buttons of your device, the app visualises that a device is being used, by flashing the corresonding icon shortly. i can of course also select the device, rename the buttons, rotate the entire button, rename the device and much more that

i would like to show you lateron. let's add the permundo smart plug as a second device, by pressing the plus button on the top of the page. now i can select the manufacturer, "permundo" in this case. i can choose between three different devices. this one is called permundo smart plug psc234. the product label on the adapter plug tells me, which device i selected. the image of the device in my app makes it easy to compare it to the actual device, so that i can make sure that the devices match. this is the case. i can now press

"add". i am told, that i have to plug my device into a free wall socket, which i did. i also plug in a lamp and prove that the lamp is switched on. now i have to plug the lamp in my permundo smart plug to start adding it to the wibutler system. in order to completely reset the device and to restore factory settings, i have to press the sensor for 20 seconds, until the red led emits a steady light. let's do this.

now the light is steady. i press next and receive the notification "press again for two seconds, until a green led implicates that the reset process was successful." to introduce the device to the system and to add it, i have to press the sensor button again for approximately five seonds, until the led starts blinking red. i press "next" and now i have to press the sensor for another two seconds. the app tells me that the device was added successfully, and so does my permundo smart plug, by emitting a green light.

i can now start to check the device functions: i can switch it on and off, which means that the device is working, i will call it "adapter plug". now i can start placing it into a room of my choice, like i did with the button earlier. i select an existing room and place the device in my livingroom, because i would like to control the adapter plug via remote control.

the greentick mark on my icon shows that the device is new. to connect the device to the remote control, i use the arrows next to the devices. i select the arrow next to the adapter plug. now, i can switch in on or off or control it via another device. i select this option. now i have the possibility to

control the device via another device or weekly schedule. since i would like to control it via remote control, i confirm "control via another device", and i say "ok, i would like to control the adapter plug via remote control." i select the remote control and confirm that i would like to select the corresponding device via rocker. now i can create an if/then rule: if selecting or using the remote control, the adapter plug will toggle ("then"). i can see that down here. i selected

the right devices and settings. afterwards i can check the rule i created and i can also change it or add additional devices. if i push the upper button, the adapter plug will turn off. if i push the lower button, the adapter plug will turn on. now i can connect this rule to different profiles. here i can decide on the rule's activity: day, night,

when i am away or on holiday. but let's talk about these profiles later. i want this rule to work indepentently from any profile: if i press the buttons, the adapter plug will turn on or off. we press "next" to name this rule. let's call it "toggle light" - that's easy. the app tells me that the rule was created successfully. i can now check if it really is working. and as you can see, it works properly that means that my created rule was implemented

correctly. i also have the possbility to see in the adapter plugs's menu, if the device is active or not. as soon as it is active i can see an orange circle around the icon. as soon as i switch it off, the orange circle disappears. this is how i instantly recognise appwise that the device is switched off. of course, i can also recall the rule in the menu of my remote control. by pressing on the rocker icon,

the recently created rule - that i called "toggle lights"- becomes visible. i can now check what is happening, when i press the upper button and what happens, when i press the lower button. additionally, i can select the adapter plug and switch it on or off directly via app. as soon as the device is switched on, a green icon visualises

its activity. if i switch the device off, i also receive a visual signal. for more information, i can have a look at the next page, by simply wiping over my display. here i get information on the total and current consumptions. if my adapter plug is switched on, i can see the consumption increasing. we currently have a 69 watt consumption referring to the connected lamp. the total consumption

equals zero kilowatt hours, since no complete kilowatt hour has been produced yet. i continue and can now select actions for i can also set the device's duty cycle. "remain switched on" means that the device stays active, until it is switched off via another device. i also have the possibility to keep the device switched on for a certain amoutn of time, e.g. 30 seconds - from one minute up to two hours. i can rename the device, delete it or change the room i put it into. i can also add it to a measurement/application category, in order

to improve control features within the building control. now we added two devices and connected them via automation rule. let's take a third device - a window contact. this device recognises, whether a window, a door, or even a drawer, depends on where i put the device, is currently open or closed. once again, we press the "plus" button to start adding. this time, my device is a window contact made by peha.

i select it and different categories are displayed. this window contact belongs to the category "doors and windows". my window contact is called easyclick window contact and looks exactly as the image in my wibutler app. now i can start to add it. at first i have to rotate the device through 90 degrees. since we installed it on a metal base, we did a small drilling on the back, to reach the button that is needed to add the device. image and text explain that i have to

take a sharp object to push the button. we use a screwdriver. the device is now part of the wibutler system. now i have to name it. i will call it "window contact". afterwards i can place it into a room. again, i select my livingroom, because all other devices were put there as well. the green tickmark confirms that the device is new. i select it and i am told that the window is closed. as soon as i open the window, this state changes

to "open". now i would like to connect the window contact to another device. i would like to connect it to an actuating drive that i have to add first. this is an actuating drive made by hora. i select "hora" as a manufacturer. i know that the device that i would like to add, is called "smart drive mx". the instruction says"remove the setting dial by pulling it gently." i remove it and press "next". now i have to open the battery compartment to insert two batteries. i have to take care of the polarity. the plus on my battery

and the plus on my device need to go together. i take another battery and insert it the other way round. i can now close the battery compartment and i directly receive a notification, saying that the valve is opening. this makes it easier for the installer, who can now install the actuating drive on the valve without experiencing any problems. i press "next". now i can put the setting dial back on. the app tells me to mount the actuating drive to

the valve. i already did that. now i have to press the button on my actuating drive, to start the adaption. that means that the actuating drive opens and closes the valve in order to recognise the valve's total stroke. lateron this will be important for various procedures that require the current position and the stroke capacity of the actuating drive, helping me to establish a demand-based heating control. as soon as this process is complete, the display goes off and

the meter stops. i can now press "next". in order to add the device, i have to press the button again, until two arrows appear on the display. now the app tells me that my device was added successfully. i call this device "actuating drive" and press "next", to put it into an existing room. let's again select the livingroom. now the device appears in the device management of my wibutler app. i can now use it to read and set

temperatures. if i change the temperature by rotating the setting dial of my acutating drive, the app will adopt to the value and will visualise the changes as well. this also works the other way round. now i would like to connect the actuating drive to a window contact. as soon as the window is opened, i want the actuating drive to recall a setback temperature of 10 degrees. i start configuring the automation rule by selecting the window contact or the actuating drive. let's start with the window contact. i say that i would like to connect it

to an actuating drive that i select afterwards. i would like to access the set temperature, meaning the temperature that is set by the actuating drive. if the window is closed, i would like a comfort temperature of 22 degrees. if the window is open, i want to set the temperature back to 10 degrees, in order to save energy. we continue as usual: in my building profiles i can easily remove

this rule for the night time, in order to realise a night setback. we continue and call this rule "saving energy". the rule was created successfully. in my actuating drive's menu, i can find the rule i created under "set temperature". when i click on the actuating drive, i see that it is still set to 25 degrees. as soon as i open the window, the set temperature lowers to 10 degrees. when i close the window, temperature sets to 22 degrees or to whatever temperature i entered before.

additionally i receive information on the current stroke, that stands at 9% and on the current temperature of 28,98 degrees, currently already 29,6 degrees. the high temperature is due to the fact that i am holding the device in my hands and also to the surrounding spotlights. on the next page, i get information on, for example, errors - there are currently no errors - and i also learn, when the last telegram was sent. i get information on

manufacturer, product name and product type. i can also assign different profiles and corresponding actions to my actuating drive. this actuating drive offers the possibility to activate key lock. as soon as the device is placed in a children's room, the child will not be able to change the temperature by rotating the setting dial. this is also possible for schools. students will not be able to change temperatures to annoy their teacher, by rotating the setting dial.

i can also select a wake up cycle for my device, ranging from ten seconds min to 42 hours max. the longer the selected time, the longer the life expectancy of my batteries. i can open and close the valve, control temporary sensors and rotate the display. as soon as i installed the device the other way round, i have the possibility to virtually rotate the display. this means that the numbers will become easily legible.

i can also change the room that i put my device into. the device was automatically added to the application category "air conditioning". i could easily add it to another category, but since it has been added to "air conditioning", i will also receive corresponding feedback in my buidling control section under "air conditioning", which means that i can even control my actuating drive directly from there. in my consumptions section, i can also select the measurement category "air conditioning".

additionally, i can control the actuating drive via weekly schedule and not exclusively via app or window contact. this is really easy. i say that i would like to control my device via weekly schedule, starting with monday, of course. i define that i would like to have a setback temperature of 10 degrees at midnight, because i am likely to be asleep at that time. i get up at 6am, which means i would then like to enjoy my comfort temperature of 22 degrees, until i

leave the house at 7am. i will be back home at 7pm, which means that the temperature can remain at 15 degrees, until i get back. at 7pm i would like to enjoy my comfort temperature, which is 22 degrees, until i go to bed at 11pm. the night setback will reduce my temperature to ten degrees. i can do that manually for each weekday. but i can also use the menu and select all weekdays on which i want to run my created schedule.

i adopt the schedule for monday to friday. i can enter a second schedule for the weekend, since i will not be working then. but at first i want to confirm it. i set the days from monday to friday, but the weekend is still missing. i jump to saturday, where i am asleep from 12am to 8am. when i get up, i want my temperature to rise to 22 degrees - until 12pm.

then i want it to set back, until 7pm, because that is, when i get home. i go to bed at 11pm or 12am. on sunday, the course of my day is similar. i want 22 degress at 9am, i leave the house at 3pm and come back at 6pm. i go to bed at 11 pm. then i would like a set back temperature of 10 degrees. now i created my individual weekly schedule that i can also connect to different profiles. i will call this rule "heating plan", since i created all temperatures and temperature profiles for the week.

i will find the schedule in my app under the device "actuating drive".

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