moderne wohnzimmer schrankwände

moderne wohnzimmer schrankwände

the struggles the world we know is undergoing major changes in technology and science are transforming our appointments with great speed and sometimes the pace of change can disorient us innovations used sensibly can open it the door to an era of extraordinary opportunities:

such a revolution encourages creativity of men and women by whole globe these visionaries invent and implement new solutions there will be eyes and prepare for a surprising journey until 2050 prepare to dream the future music

to find a nest a chrysalis for we and our families a place to rest and take refuge in of bad weather is a human need fundamental, housing is an issue that worries everyone and today we are facing a serious problem there have never been so many people on earth for those who dream the future the house

of tomorrow presents challenges significant we have to face the problem of energy we have to face change solutions in many countries. cases a resident in finding a new model in the year 2050 population world will exceed nine million

of people the majority of us will live in more and more cities large worst possible scenarios predict a future in which pollution will have conquered nature but it's time to find alternative we lived very complex times but very

exciting there are an increasing number of problems but also an increasing number of the tools needed to resolving them in 2050 technologies could allow us to break the borders of the possible and conquer new territories we will live on other planets

may sound illusory said so but to the long will have to find out if we can live somewhere else we have to look for it sometime people keep saying it's stupid there is no hurry but someone has to start at some point in agreement with science fiction the home of future is divided into two categories

on the one hand director terry gilliam imagine endless skyscrapers with apartments of the size of the cells and a prison on the other walt studies disney predict beautiful cities and greens that really await us in the future to answer this question we can count on dreamers and inventors in advance of their time

more crazy projects include convert paris into a tropical forest transform our apartments with smart furniture build houses self-sufficient or houses printed in 3d not to mention live in the background ocean or even on the moon guided by their visions these pioneers follow the steps of innovators who

since the dawn of mankind they dreamed our future when they they were sleeping under the stars our nomadic ancestors were looking for shelter in makeshift accommodation and in tests but dreamed of something better 500,000 years ago began to organize their caves and build cabins with branches and skins

animals in other words they looked for comfort about the year 12 thousand before christ gradually began to establish found innovative ways to adapt their houses to the surroundings of their houses were made of adobe wood or brick on the 4 thousand before christ in mesopotamia the villages are

turned into cities that had to be organized urban planning was born in the first century before christ the roman villas improved comfort and functionality as described architect vitruvium combined benefits of human life and charm of domesticated nature

over the centuries the houses were becoming symbols of power the palaces and mansions of exceeded the fumes to the others to the time to display wealth its owners in the 15th century golden ratio defined by friar and mathematician luca pacioli regularity symmetry and proportions

ideal these rules still influence architects from around the world in the 19 due to the industrial revolution the big cities become centers of economic activity attracting an increasing amount of people the space had to be optimized

is exactly what the male josman made in paris in 1884 in chicago juliã¡n le barã³n cheney built the first skyscraper home insurance and link that measured 42 meters in height at the beginning of the 20th century, water electricity and gas are they became the norm in houses urban symbols of comfort and

modernity cities began to drain the population of the areas rural areas in 1952 to house the le corbusier world and launched the concept of the public accommodation the city has ten at the dawn of the 21st century things have begun to crumble with too much population too polluted and excessively

expensive the city has become the symbol of a society in crisis is necessary to rethink the accommodation in 2008 for the first time in history there were more people living in areas urban areas and in rural areas cities have become our primary habitat seems to the world

whole has become urban in 2050 goal number by cities overlapping housing that millions of people soar cities like new delhi mexico or cairo could very well exceed the mark of 30 million of people the population hall of tokyo

the most populous city on earth could reach 50 million it's incredibly exciting facing the conditions before us because the planet is going through a period of extreme and rapid urbanization i think this is the great challenge of our time a challenge that

multiplies the number of problems cities are still attracting a increasing number of people because become the center of society but its spectacular growth pays a price to pollution though only cover 2% of the surface world cities consume 75 per cent of the energy produced in all

the planet and are responsible for more 70 per cent of emissions from carbon dioxide the gas that is causing climate change are being making enormous efforts throughout the world including europe to attract the nature and agriculture in the interior of cities has been trying to combine urban life with nature

a french architect has decided completely rethink our models your project to convert paris from greenest city in the world in 2050 music they often consider me a football erratic but i have noticed that people desperately want to live among the names van sant bald dream

is to live in a city where there is no longer contamination and do not my first mission in paris was a lithograph hanging on my bed when i was a child it was a gift from me grandmother and that day i thought when i want to live in paris the current one urban model has stayed completely obsolete because it is based on

the importation of raw materials and natural resources and export pollution and waste contemporary cities are mostly made of steel and cement materials that emit a large amount of carbon dioxide during its production in its place

we could use a material and bamboo that capture carbon dioxide while they grow we end up reversing the process and returning to the old techniques to create an architecture ecological back to personally wanted to fight against the trauma against anxiety constant that causes change

is a player now that we have built cities above the nature we could bring it back to the areas and perhaps imagine that tomorrow paris might look a bit like the amazon jungle play my dreams that the city of tomorrow will become a natural ecosystem access each neighborhood

would become a table forest and each building in a tree life me this type of hyper is very interesting hybridization even in cities decided by its history and heritage anything is possible that everything can reinvent and return to east china charm will have the cities one completely different appearance in

2050 spaces will have to conquer to accommodate a number of always increasing inhabitants as they will grow when you need it the space that always vertical vertical authors are spaces you can raise them all may be commercial or residential and allow you a

parametric development you can increase population density to an optimum point that otis invented the elevator in the 19th century architects have been thinking about accommodation in three dimensions currently more than 9 thousand buildings per everyone exceeds 100 meters of heights the last few years the rich are

have broken down relegating to empire state building to the rank of ordinary houses but with its glass faã§ades and its elegant ways these ambitious projects require huge investments in the order of millions of euros reserved for the super rich is very unlikely to accommodate people normal as we will find new

space for our cities can grow what would happen if we stopped looking upward looking for development and we will change our perspective. capital cities tend to be along the water because for centuries its economic power came from the trade - maritime

but today water also seems to be a obstacle to growth a dutch architect could have found a solution to win this obstacle suggests that we build on water next next place to build cities will be the water will cease to be a natural border where the city is

stops to become another place to go with the club called me cãºa news my dream is to start using water to create better cities and to improve the world acts as i am and one on the double crochet i was born here when you grow up in these these fields and everything is

you really end up considering it normal but is not this is a very low country and it is about a country that is below the level from sea we saw about 45 meters below the indicate that we can conquer the nature that we can make dikes to be completely at

except go but that false idea of ​​the nature is tremendously powerful so suddenly it was as if he felt a click and i said this we have hit stop fighting against water and see if we can live with her since then building buildings voters are on the water and are almost

the safest way to build and to live in this country and then we understood that the problem we have in holland this fight against water is also present in other cities as new york london or tokyo it's the same problem all cities need to grow and need space

they ask where we can grow in water you have to make a pond here at the end they do not have enough species weight is currently supporting because i think we would be right now talking about 15 tonnes is to say 15,000 kilos of gas and if it goes up and down a few meters then if that type people wonder how they can

the good thing is to build on the water not it is so difficult a house on the water it's like a boat has its foundations hold it so it does not move and its -helmet but that's not all because if you build on water also built on other places where you do not expect house floats in certain rising waters and

so the house will have to go up and get off with it so you need placing steel guides near the house line so you can move vertically face up and down but not horizontally and then there is install the sewage system made from gas and water or to

all that we use flexible tubes that can move when the house moves percent more than dozens of small things simple technologies which make it possible for houses floating or are exactly the same that normal houses he agreed as an architect to enter water and studying cities in

overall i realized that we built static cities for communities dynamics because in the communities things are happening continuously increases the number of children or people wants or has different kinds of jobs we do the things of a different mode if we start building on water

we can build dynamic cities for dynamic communities that can to have to move for you change city job you usually sell your house to change town and buy another house but imagine that i could transfer your home from amsterdam to barcelona from barcelona to new york

that would give us a freedom that never before have we experienced in our cities my father asked me on one occasion because it does not build on solid ground you could do many things and i told you because it was built on dry land almost all the things that i have done will be demolished in 50 60 or in 100 years

because there will be no room for more while it was built on water the thing will not have so much to do with the building as with the change of mentality that supposes and we create cities over the sea we will start to see the things of another way are the changes in the mentality which made it possible for the lord

otis make us grow into the air with your lift on your skin are the mentality changes that will make we may start using the waters as part of a city in 2050 thanks daring projects architectural cities reinvented could be a core of creativity and growth

unfortunately this idyllic vision is facing a big problem the prices of housing in the future will become our metropolis in something so attractive that will exclude a large part of the population if we want to increase the diversity of the community

we have to solve the problem of housing to attract vital blood of the city type to subtract those people young person who could related companies with the arts that works at night and that exchanged ideas in bars and clubs and that they can not pay the prices of market can live the creative contribution of the city has to solve that matter

and create affordable homes for this young woman social class that we call creative for solve this problem a new generation of architects and engineers is rethinking the very design of the apartments urban asier the real and not from spain will study the united states imagine

which in 2050 we will be able to do rooms even in the smallest of spaces and not what happens currently 2012-2013 especially with space is that we can not continue to build buildings in the same way as the romans and two thousand years ago my name is

and my dream is that the spaces that we surrounds have superpowers and put the light here have been many innovations in architecture and not i'm criticizing what i mean that the basic lines tell us that yes you need a sleeping space i need a bedroom a room and need a space to work

i need an office like that needed a space to relax i need a room to relax and what happens is that i can not do all those activities at the same time so that the most rooms are not used most of the time and if we think of its architecture in the furniture on the walls in beds in

the tables in the closets we are talking about things that are number one static and 'number two' nonsense nonsense so what if robotized those things and we convert objects static and stupid in architecture dynamic intelligent field one of the examples of how to use these

robotic components to solve these challenges and take the hyper functionality to spaces today is to think of how big it is a cupboard a wall and do not fall into it you can not afford a big room to be imagine now that you have to go to the bed and that transforms with a finger or

with the voice or with a gesture it transforms the space in a bedroom when you you need so we think of spaces without compromise in small apartments with huge beds in a dining room for eight persons all with cabinets completely functional we think of all those

spaces and we think that doing these things we can get a space very small run like two or even three times larger in the end my dream also has to see how we can democratize these tools i mean what would happen if everyone these complex mechanical devices

electronic devices were within reach of any designer and architect in everyone and that all of us we could create new systems not we can not even imagine so what if we create more tools for the environment of buildings so that architects and designers all of us do not

we need to think about the complexities software flexibilized the mechanics and electronics, but these tools are calculated in by us to be able to dedicate ourselves to create things like him came to create new systems that no one could imagine so that here they will have the interiors of the future

today thanks to the automation of the houses we can control a certain number of objects with a simple word or a wave only came two robots will invade our vacuum cleaners to furniture intelligent our discomfort and connectivity but where does it lead to this

revolution as we are right now witnessing an increase in production of connected objects because every time an innovation occurs technological automatically translates to objects to buy and to consume i do not think anyone wants to live in a smart house

i would rather live in the arms of someone to do it in your head i personally believe in a technology that is reactive and that is to me service without me controlling it i do not want to live in a house where i have to control everything from a computer i dream of a house capable of feeling my needs without giving orders from the

wildcard will come the next revolution of famous technological institute of massachusetts daily in this nursery of innovation thousands of students and researchers are inventing the technologies of tomorrow in the architecture department a team is doing experiments aimed at

to design the materials of the future are technologies do not come from just one increase our development but that come from radical ideas that will fundamentally change the way that we live and the way in which today we developed things called skylar cibils and my vision for the future are the materials programmed to be

can adapt to our needs already our surroundings e there are certain aspects in building houses in the construction industry they consume a lot of energy a lot of work human or mechanical involved in it is a brute force process so we have to rethink how to unite

materials and to investigate new assembly technologies and components that they assemble alone that collaborate with us to improve our structures for any industry you are interested in make smarter new things more futuristic but tend to be we robotize the houses

cars all things but us we are interested in investigating everyday materials such as wood metal, rubber or plastics and make them very active they have completely new properties that change their shape to become from flexible to solid move in various ways the three

main ingredients for programming materials are their same properties know how to respond to moisture at certain forces how they respond to the temperature or know that wood responds to moisture and metal at heat and so on the combination of different materials and of its different geometries creates

different mechanical effects so we have the materials mechanical transformations and finally an energy that activates them by combining these three factors we get new properties of the most common i am combining different types of flexibility and seeing the results in

the material patterns depending on it the circles are greater or less yes if we examine tables or other furniture for example we will see that their transport involves lots of large logistics volumes a lot of packaging materials a lot waste and a lot of assembly when you

you take them somewhere else are static objects that do not respond nothing we do now does is more interested in a material than to flatten it with a volume minimum that is mounted only for not involve human labor and be independent of the use we want to give can be a desk a desk

office can hold a lot of weight to withstand somewhat the temperature of the room we can sit up so that there are a lot of products in that this material can be transform the element of surprise is tremendously important we are always trying to surprise

. researchers are trying to develop prototypes and when they surprise you something again something unexpected happens and take advantage of this you can get results with which in principle no had you chase a reality something scientific like the vanguard of what is possible mixed with a

change of our reality a change of our perspective of a change of all what we know today that all this is a perfectly real universe is possible it's fundamental but strange the engineers and architects who design tomorrow's cities face enormous challenges such as to stop pollution and find

more spaces without excluding large portions of the population thanks to their innovations we will be able to to turn our cities into the paradise on earth there is never a definitive solution for nothing and the essence of any work architectural or town planning was that it is never finished

before what will happen if the future shows that our predictions they were wrong to happen if we decided to leave the city behind and live in nature what tools would we have for our disposition to rethink housing in such circumstances one by one part technology has become

increasingly prevalent and another in all there is a certain primitive desire to live in caves or at least in homes designed and built locally calmed concept i do not think both dynamics conflict the one with the other the first is focused on the future and the second to a past

ideal so i think there is a opportunity to combine these gold models of this model and to incorporate intelligent vernacular buildings today nobody knows what awaits us in the future in the middle of the desert of new mexico in the united states a small group

of dreamers has decided to ensure the survival of mankind away from the big cities and infrastructures has to design self-sufficient houses are my opinion a house or a home they are like a ship on this planet a ship that embodies the phenomena of the planet to take care of the

people called me michael reynolds and me hope for the future is that learn to live in harmony with the war i wondered when i started thinking about to make houses starting from nothing more than 40 years understand that observing the world around me and only and problems

nothing seemed correct the problem is we live apart from the planet we try to do everything with the technology and without any connection with the earth i have nothing against technology but we must use it together with the phenomena of the planet things must go parallel they must be

connected we know that it will not occur with architecture as it is we know it so we have created a profession new that is called biotech gauge as making today we are building these houses for the whole land so that they have to be built with materials

indigenous of the whole land the tires are indigenous glass bottles are indigenous to any country you go the cans aluminum cartoon network though we started to look at these materials thinking about how to use it for tires bank the land that i am structures resilient more than proven

the truth is that right now i know another better way to build if the earth vessel is shaped by the needs of mankind everyone needs a shelter comfortable everyone needs water everyone needs to take care of their sewer system everybody needs energy and everything

the world needs food buildings have to have windows in the direction of the sun must be oriented from east to west so that any room receives sunlight for those buildings are elongated in terms of water, normal buildings are made to spill these buildings collect it leaves store it

to a system that pressure and filter it so that you can take a shower with her and walk through a rubber tube all pots there are in the living room and grow the plants whose roots oxygen in the water and the clean can not drink but yes you can use it to pull the toilet flush so that

use the same 40 liters of water for four different things so we're making them all these things happen simply with knowledge of biology and physics primary level high technology level by no site only the biology and physics of school that provides us with a building

that will take care of us no matter what occurs in the corporate world and p i have seen the potential of these jobs or orap in individual housing wonders for towns and cities there appeared a handful of visionaries decides to build the city of the future you will have to spend the first 10 years

building the infrastructure of services of this city in our case each building has its own infrastructure so i'm self-sufficient myself i can build a city tomorrow simply building the first building in the future we will be able to build our houses with almost nothing

our homes are increasingly comfortable and more and more equipped with technology and sometimes we forget that almost a trillion people around the world live in homes below the minimum standard had because i believe that the main role of architecture is to get the quality as many people as possible

dialogue and do not make ostentatious demonstrations of quality that go be unattainable for most of the over the next few decades housing needs soar in asia and in africa but in order to satisfy that demand we will have to overcome a serious obstacle to your rain family and the heat has been

become too expensive the matter does not make any sense because the way in which they are designed and the houses are built completely archaic see if you look at the price of a car although i do not like them we will see that they are admirable in terms quality technology and reliability in comparison a house costs ten times

more than a car industrialized production in the same scale the cost of a house could be reduced perfectly in ten or twenty thousand euros has admitted the water that would happen if the answer came from technology that is still recent but in 2050 will allow us to build houses a much lower cost in a small

village in northern italy a team engineers has been inspired by the animals to build the house of hundreds of millions of people around the world needs a home and only have a budget of 300 euros for to make her call me massimo moratti and my dream for the future is to design comfortable and low-cost houses

samus hispano we are as crazy as to think we can save the world but we are enough crazy like to try one day i thought i was asking how to build a house low cost when i saw a wasp building together the clay is kneaded

i saw how i let the mud dry in the sun building your mud house i just dry it, i immediately thought use any material that might have the place to a perfect approach to construction at zero cost in uruguay mud everywhere i thought to myself this wasp is the 3d supreme printer of maria moix

to create a printer that could print houses using local materials today we had done it with cement is a material with which it is very easy to print your wood and we are focusing on more modern materials and paradoxically in the mud why i say that mud is a modern material because cement has

catastrophic consequences for the environment a ton of cement produce one ton of carbon dioxide carbon the mud and straw are very good materials of course there are many technical challenges the biggest has always been change condition of materials if the material is too liquid

when it is deposited it will sell to collapse if your state changes too quickly could harden inside of the printer nozzle no doubt controlling the materials has been the more cumbersome part of this project a 3d printer is a device that stores data and replicates forms backgrounds air flows light effects

heating systems combination of materials structures everything fits in a document that can be share that can be with and in 2050 this collective consciousness will be even greater to share knowledge will become very widespread i really believe in the knowledge community service

when knowledge is shared is better for everyone what will happen if tomorrow thanks to evolution of 3d printing we could move to the moon since we started looking at the sky we have dreamed of conquering others worl for a long time this dream was

confined in the realm of science fiction but space exploration in the 20th century turned this dream into reality by allowing astronauts adventure in space even set foot on the moon but we could imagine living in an environment so hostile to the plague of human body is not only

incredibly capable of adapting if not that we also use technology to increase our adaptability in protect against solar radiation we take dietary supplements to minimize vitamin d deficiency we exercised two hours a day to simulate the push of gravity against any part of our body

combining human nature and technology we are able to visit places we are not made of to turn them into our that's what's so fascinating about exploration that's what i'm passionate about. space exploration even more there

that is the project of a team of architects of the foster study in london using a new type of 3d printer are hoping to to build a base on the the moon i hope to see along my run a lunar base in whose design we are working called him xavier de

study i'm an architect my dream is to make a lunar base printing the one between it took when i was small i asked my father in brussels that was all that there was in the sky last night there was a motorcycle and to date it is the most amazing thing i could see and i started to design to design

lunar seasons and i think what today i am not very different from what i i return to those visions their voices of my project that has structures as cabinets for human beings and above them another very thick dome printed in 3d and made of rebels in short, it is like making a

room in a cavern printer it should be as large as the building to print we would have to make a machine to print buildings and therefore would have to be bigger than the building print as that would not anyone like approach to the idea we have designed a pair of robot printers that

will print the structure of the building each material each piece is made of same material so the whole building is nothing more than a large assembly of different parts final if you think about these robots printers with the disfigurement of fabrics as organisms that are creating the

structures in a manner similar to the nature as headquarters in moron do it like them working little by little when we plan a building but we do not we really set the structures individual but in the structure produced in the long run really find out what the conditions of life in space

to improve the type design of there will be pressure there is something than to be clear in order to how the materials will react something equally important but there is a problem common to all structures and it seems that too much space in these corridors and if there is something scarce in space is

precisely space so that we go to connect these corridors with each other to give more space to the areas habitable or that is what we want face if we lived on a lunar base we could also colonize other planets and make movies of ridley scott a reality

now that the thing can talk to me, i do not know they will want constant data from the have a full moon of people trying micro manage my reap what is amazing i do not want to appear arrogant or anything for the style but i am the best botanist of this planet so a mission manned by mars is immense

challenges an unbreakable atmosphere temperatures ranging from 25 degrees up to 145 below zero and a radiation if we want to establish a base on the red planet there are many problems to solve the further we go if we do more difficult will be that we will have to protect us from a hostile environment and use

anything we have on hand only we will have to make fuel to base the soil and the martian atmosphere we have to resign our atmosphere to recycle water and use as little as possible let's add up is an interesting interaction we will have to protect ourselves against environment and at the same time explore

preserve and use it also in our own profit at least that's how we see it what would happen if one day all technical challenges were resolved and scientists were able to create a martian colony we would like to call it our home iii we would leave the land quietly

and the derby he seriously imputed interesting in space exploration when we get past the astronauts professionals to the second generation how will the children grow on mars i think in the end if humans we will become martians and we will begin to appreciate the beauty of mars as we saw it here in

the land although some of ours they dream of leaving the earth there is still a huge untapped habitat in this planeta. the ocean in the future we will be able of living under water like the zetas i think the oceans are spaces fundament today we perceive them as enormous zones

gray grand hall of the headquarters in 2050 a i hope we have a more human approach establish a positive relationship and fertile with these gigantic spaces oceanic the truth is that they are the most of the land the seas and oceans represent more than 70 per

cent of the earth's surface fact that has earned him the nickname of blue planet nevertheless to live under water still considers a chimera but does not for this australian engineer who has been doing amazing experiments to understand how we could build real houses

underwater in the next few years the most attractive thing about living in the water is make new discoveries possibility of seeing new things that nobody has seen before my name is gotzon and soy and how high on a marine adventure in australia a car is a person who goes under sea ​​directly 24 hours a day

i have been together for 30 days living underwater when i was under the water the first night reading all those noises strangers late three nights without sleep well and getting used to living in that new space and also the echoes that could be heard and experienced made me realize that this did not

it was safe for me so i left that habitat a couple of days before i expected but i learned many things of that experience and now i am working in my third habitat submarine and has incorporated improvements to my first prototype for my current project. i have put a lot more energy into the

design and in this particular case and integrated all within one capsule instead of ballast apart i have made a habitat more simple because it is a single structure as there is not much space here i think that what i'm going to do is set up some shelves here to be able put things there has been a lot of work

design to make this habitat in a short period of time. time and i think the main reason for all this is to disconnect from the surface part of my experiment consists of completely eliminating that connection and having a habitat self-sufficient underwater we have the technology to

exploit the underwater habitat and technological requirements to stay underwater so i think it is important to achieve self-sufficiency and not depend on people on the surface to survive but what lies behind all this project is to be able to work

child i love having children get involved in studies and projects because they will be the scientific engineers and explorers of the future and i want to create a platform to see that everything this is possible for them to expand their imagination and creativity there are many lessons to learn about

underwater construction that can also be applied to improving life in mainland humans have always been able to colonize even the places more remote and thrive wherever they wanted in 2050 to turn our houses buildings and cities in small pieces of paradise

we will have to continue combining imagination technological innovation and sustainable development if we want to preserve our more beautiful home the earth after

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