wohnzimmer couch preisvergleich

wohnzimmer couch preisvergleich

hello friends! welcome to another episode of "let's talk" and today we're gonna talk about an issue i had to hear often in the last days: pc versus console. you know, actually i can't stand this discussion any more ... if you play on the console or on the pc is basically all the same and shouldn't really interest anyone. if only this petty-minded cat fights wouldn't lead to bursting commentary fields i wouldn't have come forward to do a video on this topic.

so beforehand: internet, thank you very much. per se, spats about nullities upset me. especially when two sides caterwaul at each other, that in fact benefit from each other. the thing is: they don't even know that. because consoleros and pcler are in fact standing on the same side and together facing a foe that will take both hardware and software away from them. you might have heard of it before - yes exactly - the talk is of cloud gaming and streaming.

as soon as this technology asserts itself, there will be no more hardware on site that we can argue about but instead you'll get other awesome stuff! small image signal receivers, a latency that makes you think you're still on drugs from the day before, and when the producer has his hands alone on the hardware he can also decide things like 'hey, starting today you'll only get 30 fps, and the customer can *flip* themself. but this is a future nightmare, now let's talk about the present.

gamers, no matter if on pc or console, have one super power. indeed, just one. they're customers and can determine what hardware comes on the market and if a gaming industry allows itself to make a mistake *cough cough kinect cough rattle gasp* - then we can use the shitstorm of the internet for something good for once and limit them in their actions. respectively we get to decide what's "hip". however there are no compulsive arguments for the games of either party.

aside from that the pc gamer butters himself up: "why not just buy a pc, this thing is much more efficient than your toy there." this question can be reversed easily: "why not just buy a console? it carries much more comfort with it!" what we experience here is the encounter of two complete opposite gaming philosophies. on the one side the performance junkies - let them be granted to have their completely optimized graphics! honestly, consoleros! admit it how your mouths are watering when you witness what witcher 3 can look like on the pc

when you tickle the last bit out of the hardware. in addition to that comes a variety of input options, be it controller, steering wheel, or a completely equipped interior of a mech! oh my god, i know why you're hot for pcs ... on pc you can really configurarte everything. damm, i could tell my videocard wich game can make use of it and wich can't. the argumet that you have to upgrade your computer quickly when the next console generation comes into the market is completely exaggerated. especially when you throw a big clump of money in your tower,

that'll last for years. but over time you'll have to get more and more modest about the graphic settings. undeniable fact is: pcs bring a higher entry level price for higher performance. oh my gawd, we haven't heard that argument before ... the connection with the tv through the hdmi cable sadly doesn't bring the usual console-comfort. why? simple as that: many pc games aren't primarily concipied for the tv. where i'm perfectly capable of reading the item description on the pc, i have to ask myself on the tv if i just picked up the two-handed sword +3

or the customary in tavern dildo +8. when i have to deal with pcs at work all the time and i'm sick and tired of the thought of technics, then the plug-and-play mindset is more up my alley. of course i can plug the gamepad into the pc, but it's arguable whether there is a controller support or not. assuming that there is not, i have to search for a third party software, install it and probably configure it first. there are even games like diablo 3 where the movements of the mobs are changed for the console verson of the game to compensate the input speed of the gamepad. adopting something like this on the pc wouldn't only steal time but also be suboptimal for the gaming experience.

as far as i know that's the reason why there is no official confirmed gamepad support by blizzard - if i'm wrong please write it in the comments, i'd be really interested. now be honest! any of you plays witcher 3 not with the gamepad? huh? who plays starcraft - a moba - on the couch? that just says it all! on the other side there are the consoles, with them you sit on the couch of course, it's not designed for anything else, so with your 400-600€ you are quite safe, you have got your controller in a bundle with your game, at least i hope so for you -

i really hope that never in your life you will buy a console separately without a bundle - cause for the games on the console you pay 20€ more at first go and this price wont change much for years after. with the console all you have to do is insert the game and you can enjoy it in relatively good quality. and your only responsibility to make the game run is downloading the update. and then you can enjoy your hardware till such time as the next generation supersedes it. or you do it like i do: get your nintendo 64 out, play ocarina of time and mario kart with the original gamepad with friends and have a good time. to be honest, i have to say i'm not a fan of emulators and i'm also not keen on all these remakes ...

did you notive that many of the hd-remakes of older titles or trilogies contain a lot of flaws? i noticed in devil may cry 3, silent hill and god of war: the sound track is not in sync with the videos. that really annoyed me. in times past the graphical difference between pc and console was much bigger, that changed by now. probably the hardware component is responsible for this: compute unit, in short cu that caused an essential change in the matter of effects and ai performance on console games. and with a console you also get to enjoy console exclusive titles this might be the strongest and weakest argument for consoles.

because if the market hadn't developed in this way to buoy consoles up with exclusive titles, they would have gone extinct by now such as the ps vita. what?!? the ps vita is dead!?!? no one gives a damn. what is the last good title for the ps vita you can remember? when i read about the ps vita dying out i remembered: "oh right! this thing is still a thing!" if you want to come up with the argument: "this discussion will be obsolete anyway when the steam machine comes ...

oh, the steam machine! she will change everyting ... you're wrong. the thought behind it may be noble. the seperation of pc and console to two sides leads to pros and cons. on the one side you have an efficient power machine - expensive - and on the other side a cheaper comfort version for one's home in front of the tv. the combination of both sides now leads to more cons than pros. you can choose between steam machine variants from 500 to 1000€!! pc users who start buying parts for upgrades in anticipation will be bitterly desappointed.

because due to the steam machine's slim construction upgrades are not possible. so the developers get rid of both side's benefits. consoles are closed systems, in addition to developer's tools that'll simplify driving and rerouting of strenghts and weaknesses very much. this leads to really good software development. here is a picture of two games on the same console but with about seven years difference: god of war finagles in regard to resolution but you feel the time difference pretty much. you know what hardware is inside, but you are surprised what kind of games you get, you almost can't believe that they're running on the same console.

or current console titles like resistence: fall of men and the last of us. this are huge heaps in the matter of rendering and this hardware transparency can't be provided by the steam machine. because here is a huge range in supply for different varities of the same console therefore many different components, the developers don't work together on the same platform and can not guarantee that for every hardware version there will be a fitting software version on the market. the missing optimization leads to the feeling that you're playing on an swamped hardware wich you wouldn't experience on a console. while you would just install the next best display card on a pc, you'll have to go without upgrades on the steam machine, and you can't even defend the cpu because the cheapest device is still more expensive than a console but weaker than a good pc.

in both cases you'll have to exchange the steam machine earlier. this yells cycle model. and as i've read lately, for the steam machine game developers will have to port their games on linux. *slurp* but an important reason why many many gamers defend steam, is that they can download many games for little expensive euro. [the moment where i realize that my battery is dying]but an important reason why many many gamers defend steam, is that they can download many games for little expensive euro. [oh, the battery wasn't fully charged from the beginning ... where is the charger? finally fully charged...] on the other hand the same people ark up when game developers have to make content against charge to drive in the missing money. in the triangle x-box versus playstation versus wii u are stronger forces operating

although here too is the same product is offered. but you can't tell anyone! with this to say we reached the end, i hope you enjoyed it, please write in the comments if you are more of a consolero or pcler so i can orientate myself what topic i'll do next. please also don't hesitate to tell me your opinion, what do you think about this topic, did i left something out or did i just wibbled nonsense? if you still happen to have time i'd be glad about a like for this video or maybe a subscription.

[subscribe on my face!]a short while ago i made it to 30 subscribers (*yaaaay*) and i hope up until the upload of this video not everyone will have canceled it again. *please don't* if you're interested i'll link my last two videos here - would be topics like open world and glitches and how you can use them for your advantage. thank you very much for watching and we'll see each other in the commentaries. they are customers ... *honk hoot toot beep*

not irritating at all ... is the tog... what comfort we experience here ... oh my god ... *snort* oh my gawd ... sure i can plug the gamepad in the controller ... the gameplad ... gameplad in the controller ... yeah sure ... finally this guy stops talking ... now it's your turn.

choose the next video!

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