wie dekoriere ich mein wohnzimmer herbstlich

wie dekoriere ich mein wohnzimmer herbstlich

^hello, it's me again your mavie. today i want to show how i redecorate my room at fall because you want to have it at a fally mood. and i have here a lot of pink things. in my room well. we were in ikea. and we bought a lot of beautiful things. thats is a box from the rooftop and now i am going to show you how my room looks before here is my nightdesk

my window bank here is my gymnastics mat my mirror the side with the desk and my big shelf there you can see my closet with the shelf for my glubshis and here my bed so, first i put down everything from my bed

batman !! i think i have a lot of pillows so this also has to go the batman clothing is from h&m i will link it down in the info box now i have put the new pillows with the black cats on my bed and my favorite pillows had again on it and at the sweet orange fox with the baby i could not pass without taking it with me oh that is cozy

and now an little orange dot. i find that the bed-bag ist so practical now to the shelf first i need to put all glubschis down then i set up three brown baskets and with my favourite glubshis filled again while i tried to sort them by color and here you see again the finished side of the bed my bunny garland i have depended and the light-bulbs decorated over the blackboard

you can also use the black light chain that i have made in the halloween diy video in order to make a board itself, you only have to screw a thin wooden fence to the wall and then stick it with a sheet of foil or coated with blackboard paint its so fluffy!

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