alte badezimmer bilder

alte badezimmer bilder

one, two, three, four! rev up your engines! it's time for the scotty kilmer channel if your car's having a problem with itswiring, then stay tuned because today i'm going to show you how to fix bad wiringby splicing in a new wire, now it costs a small fortune if you're going to buy awhole wiring harness or even a sub wiring harness on a car, so when i find ashort in the wiring, rather than replace it i just cut out the bad parts and splicea new wire, and all you really need are two tools, a wire cutter that has groovesin it to cut the wire at the right

length, if you look closely it's got allthe gauges from 10 gauge all the way up to 20 gauge, the smaller the number thethicker the wire, so 20 gauge wires thin 10 gauge wires a lot thicker and youalso need a good wire crimper like this to crimp the terminals together andthese tools aren't that expensive this ratcheting crimper, i paid 25 bucks forthat and the wire stripper i paid about fourteen dollars and here's how easy itis to use, here's a piece of a wiring harness and it's got a bad wire here,so simply cut out the bad part, top and bottom, then we'll cut off the end of thebad wire to see what gauge wire it is and in this case it fits in the 14 gaugehole, so it's a 14 gauge wire, so get some

14 gauge wire and you'll strip a littlepiece off of the end, so the bare wires sticking out, then we'll get a package of thesebutt connectors, yes they are called butt connectors so laugh your ass off, thenyou take one end of the wire that you're splicing the two and cut a little pieceoff at the end of that, so it's got bare metal sticking out, then out comes acrimping tool, it's color-coded blue is for the 14 gauge wire, then you get oneend of a bare wire and stick it in the butt connector until it doesn't go anyfurther, there's a stop there, then carefully stick it into the blue one, sothat it's just on the edge and you crimp it, if you look closely here you can seethe crimp

it's nice and tight so the wire stays inplace, then you get the part of the wiring harness that your splicing it toand stick the other end of the butt connector in and push it until it hitsthe stop and then put the crimper on it so it's right at the edgeand crunch it, now it's got a super-tight connection, and you don't have toworry about electrical shorts, then of course you repeat the process at theother end, then you just get the crimper and crimp that one down and then it's allrepaired and if you notice i put on a longer wire, because in this case the oldwire was a little bit too short and it pulled apart, so by making it longerwon't do that anymore, because in many modern

cars, they save money when they build themby making the wires too short and you need to make them a little bit longer if theyhave problems and of course if you have wires that go bad that have differentkind of connectors, like this female terminal, you just buy a new femaleterminal, put it on, then get out the crimping tool, stick it in and now yougot another connector you can plug in, as you can see by my messy tool drawer,there's all kinds of different connectors you can buy to slice in, sothe next time your car's wiring system is blowing your fuse, why not fix ityourself, and remember if you have any car questions just visit scotty

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