arbeitsplatz im wohnzimmer oder schlafzimmer

arbeitsplatz im wohnzimmer oder schlafzimmer

safiya: this is just absolute nonsense i don't know how we did this candace: it looks like we just wrecked a sephora s: we just ruined everything s: hello friends, and welcome to another video today i'm here with candace-- c: hey! s: and we're going to be trying peel off eyeshadow s: i feel like i heard of peel off eyeshadow, i've definitely seen some other youtubers do videos maybe not on this exact product - but on peel off eyeshadow in general

basically, i ordered these peel off eye shadow things from color on pro and they send you, basically like, a packet full of eye shadows s: we're gonna try it out today. and then if all goes well, we're gonna try it out tomorrow as part of our routine to see how long it lasts how much time do you usually spend on eye shadow when you do it? uhm...probably like 5 minutes but you don't do it every day? no i use very, like, neutral tones i'm into that... um, and a lot of, like, eyeliner?

i don't do a lot of eyeshadow, but i love when i do it -yeah.sometimes, if i feel like doing it i'll put like a little bit of like my contour color. even just like in my crease or like in the corner just to kind of like add some definition for a true eyeshadow look, it takes me a little while because i am very, very nervous about being unblended - rightso i will, like... if these things work, it could save you a ton of time- mhmm i got two packs i think one is more like neutrals and these ones were like tropical s: and it definitely does look a little bit like a powerpoint presentation

c: oh yeah it does look like 90's like word art i'm gonna open my pack too but it looks like candice's pack of the tropicals are just more fun in general i am interested to see how long it stays on s: they give you a few sets of the eyeshadow peel offs and then like a little setting powder and a little baby brush okay also my brush wasn't cut all the way do you see that?! it's like a little mustache - yeah, he's kinda having a good time

okay, i have... ohhh-like, eleven? i don't really know i think i might go for this purple and brown i got like a, uh a bulbasaur color? a brown and teal color? and a brown and sky blue color - they feel very...- blastoise maybe i'll try this like deep green? i'm not really a green eyeshadow type of person so we shall see!

s: is it wet? c:i dunno... ew! it's like goopy! it's feels like foundation kind oflike a really gummy foundation it says to put it above our eyelid wait i'm nervous uh oh i'm... i'm so nervous that this isn't going to look good oh don't mind me i'm just putting on my makeup alrightand then it says from the inside out peel

oh my god... oh my god! woah! aye caramba! it worked! it is way more intense than i thought it would be okay, so it says though to blend with your finger oh it is blending actually very nicely alright so, we're just going to take our little translucent powder c: so i guess this just mattifies

it's all falling into my eyelashes i will say though, i'm looking at saf's little work station over here this is a lot messier than just applying eyeshadow yeah right here. i did something bad right here it's just a little too brown like, i wish it were more purple you know oh, ohhhhh, 80's princess! i wanna change my *sticker* - you should do...- can i have that one?

you know, i'll try the blue mom spaghetti candace mine's like pretty stuck on s: gimme all your pigment alright, okay! ohhhhhh that's what happened to me woahhh c: i don't know how you did that

i'm gonna try and fold this up and see if i can use this as a paint brush kind of i think this is one of those things, like with all makeup is that it's like practice makes perfect - yeah because you have to place it. it's like you got one shot! if you place it wrong like you're not having a good day s:i think the mermaid color is the clear winner of today this is definitely very pigmented. it blended very well i have like more of an oily lid

so it'll get like stuck in those creases and i wonder if this would do that because that it has that kind of oiliness to it this...i'm a little disappointed. i'm getting some crease already okay so, here is south beach and here is elle i don't know if it was me or if it was the stencil i think that came out like poop like i think that this, the bright colors come out well with these- they did and the neutral colors can just come out a little muddy

so candace is gonna take the black smokey eye and i'm gonna take my, uh, south beach.which is this look, and we're gonna try and do this like it's part of our regular makeup routine and wear it for a full day and see if it lasts i am very, like, pleasantly surprised with how...well it doesn't look like it went on smoothly...but it did go very smoothly it could've been worse!- yes! good morning friends! so the one that i'm going to put on is this one south beach this is...this is the real world, you know the table in my living room, that's the studio

this is the bedroom where things get real oh...i just got some on my fingers i put a little bit of primer potion on usually, when i do my eyeshadow i do it before any of like my face makeup so now would be the time so i'm putting it on the problem a little bit is that the shape of the eyelid is not the same as my shape! wait!that one's actually really pigmented maybe i just forgot how pigmented these were it doesn't really get all the way to the end of my just gets kind of like to here so i'm gonna just use a little broosh (brush)

and see if we can just like kind of like manipulate it a little bit so...that's number one alright, this is what the first one looks like's a little grey to me but i messed up and applied it too deep into my corner but i'm gonna clean it up and blend it out and see what it looks like oh, getting a little sultry tonight eye number two! putting the brown part at the bottom once more

oh my god it's coming off on its own peel it off from the inside out why do i feel like that one was worse? i was too busy trying to take thumbnail faces...ah...god but, i do my eyeshadow before my foundation for a reason, so that's easily fixable it's actually better to take the paint off of this to fix your mistakes i just set it using this get set powder where i just take the broosh, i don't actually pronounce brush "broosh" it's just kind of sort of coming out like maybe i want some bruschetta

and hopefully this will keep it from creasing throughout the day i'm gonna finish my makeup now, and just try and clean up this little...poop well it looks like i just tried to kill the grim reaper here...uhm...that's a problem! i''s all over my hands and it's so sticky buth uh...i look good okay so i'm done with my makeup i actually have to run i actually really do like the way the eyeshadow looks right now we'll see in a couple of hours how it turns out, but in my bedroom it looked kind of like merpy

and outside like you can really see the blues once this stuff is on your face and doing its thing, it's acting pretty much like normal eyeshadow so this is the final look it's actually a little bluer that i thought i thought it would be super dark black i..i'm not positive this will stay on all day, but we'll see we are a couple hours in and i think i'm doing pretty well i am noticing though that this eye is bluer than this eye whatchu really gonna do about that...

so i've had the makeup on for like 8 hours at this point and i honestly think that the rest of my makeup is doing worse than my eyeshadow i went snacking so the butthole lip is out my face is getting a little shiny, so you know honestly the eyeshadow is really holding up quite well i will say a couple things...i'm not naked... uhm...but i was complimented today people were like "you look so nice, like what did you do for your eye makeup" and i was like it's a stamp so it's been like 10 hours since i've put on my eyeshadow

and there is a tiny amount of creasing but not much...barely noticeable! i was gonna say when i first saw it tonight that looked pretty cute thanks babe! yeah...*burps* is that gonna be in the vlog? yeah i did get some creasing if you can see

which was my main concern but i think that's because i have an oily lid that might be a personal problem auto focus damn it! there you go honestly the worse thing you could say about it is that it maybe has faded throughout the day like i am actually incredibly impressed by the longevity of this eyeshadow i came into this thinking that they might be quick to apply, but quick to fade and they're actually a little bit more difficult to apply or at least more time consuming to apply than one might think

but they last a fricken long time! i would say that i would maybe do this again i am impressed by how long it lasts and i would feel actually pretty comfortable wearing this pretty much anywhere i didn't run a mile in it, but i did eat some spicy curry in it thank you guys so much for watching! if you enjoyed this video, please smash that like button and if you wanna see more videos like this go ahead and also smash that subscribe button while you're at it, you can click that little bell in between

it'll turn on post notifications so you get a notification every time i post here are candace's social handles and candace's youtube channel! go ahead and subscribe to her she does a lot of cool fun stuff about like fitness, healthy eating... also just like, general nonesense also just like i'm trying here are my social media handles check out my nextbeat i do a lot of daily vlogging and q&a's on there! and i hope you guys have a great week!

apply responsibly! once again something that i would try at slumber party for sure! i wish i had this in like 5th grade yeah! you guys have so many cool things now like i was just painting my face with like led i was using led and eating lunchables

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