badezimmer mit eckbadewanne bilder

badezimmer mit eckbadewanne bilder

i am stuck! i am stuck! but if i can getunstuck, we are going to check out a ten million dollar ultra house... here on kidsource. hey everybody, it is old dad back with kidsource. today we are checkingout a new map called ten million dollar ultra house. here is the creator. that is their twitter account. i have put links to all their stuff in thedescription. the creator is m7mogamer... and the creator of the custom terrain isredpenguin. you can see all that stuff right here on the signs when you start.make sure you grab this key... alright. we have got the key from the littlelobby area here. i walk out through the doorway and i see some arrows pointingthis way. so i think we are going to go this

way. there is also some gravel orcobblestone in the grass here. so that we kind of know... 'okay this is a pathway'since we are playing in creative, i am just going to fly on over here. this is the lasergate! now there are custom textures. a custom know... pack that you download when youdownload this map. as you can see, i cannot go through the laser encrustedgate here. the lasers are shooting all the way up to the sky. that is telling methere has got to be some use of the beacon. i go over here and drop my key intothis hopper. i has got a nice sign there that says 'key here'. we expect that...well the key popped out over there...... but we expect that the lasers.... and there wego. the lasers have turned green,

indicating to me that i may now safelypass through the dangerous laser gate. i am going to go ahead and lock it backso i do not have any pesky salespeople or anything like that come through the gate.approach me at my ten million dollar ultra house... you know... mansion. that is what we call it around here. here it is a mansion... when somebody has a ten million dollarultra house. but i think this is may be a step above a mansion. i mean obviouslyit is a big huge house. but, there is a lot of redstone in here.there is a lot of cool stuff on the outside. it is an ultra house. it is anultra house. so we are looking at the fountain out front here. it is prettysweet. i am going to give you a look down at

the inside.the water is kind of flowingthere, in a very specific pattern. that is really neat. it looks like the creatorpaid attention to detail here. a lot of attention to detail! we are going to go on out here. this looks like the dock. it looks a little rotten out here. i do not know. you would think with all that money... i think that is done on purpose for design.we are checking out the dock here, as you can see. we are out here on the ocean...pier... dock whatever you want to call it. it looks like we got a couple of yachts outhere... which is pretty nice i think. i may jump on board that yacht and maybe gofishing for some marlin. maybe catch some red snapper. i do not know. we will have afish fry! we will have a big fish fry

whenever i get back. so let us just take alook around on the yacht here. again, a lot of detail on this map. let us justfly around here and give you a good look. this looks like a real yacht. i meanobviously somebody with a 10 million dollar ultra house would probably have ayacht parked out back too. at their own private pier. now let us... i thought thosewere stairs but it is just decoration. let us go! push the old button here. goinside and check out the cabins. i am going to go straight up to the front here.this looks like the bridge. got some controls up here to control the yachtwhen you are out at sea. then we are going to go on down these little stairsright here. itlooks like we have got some

living quarters. this looks like maybe agalley or the kitchen. you know this looks like maybe the master bedroomsuite in here. it has got some pretty nice sunken beds there. that looks like aking-size bed to me. i do not know. got the laptop over here. there is buttons andswitches around everywhere. you know, some of them do stuff that is quite apparent,some of them may do hidden stuff that i do not know about. what the french calla certain... 'i do not know what.' then i think someof the buttons probably do not do anything. so i just try to push anybuttons that i see. flip any switches i come by... and just see if i can seeanything happen. if nothing happens then

i usually just kind of move on. i am mainlyjust reviewing the map here. showing you what an awesome map it is. we are notreally trying to solve any puzzles here. when you get on here, you are going towant to explore and check out all the redstone stuff for yourself. becausethere is a lot of stuff... you know... involving redstone mechanisms and stuffthat we are just going to gloss over here on the video. i am really just trying to giveyou a good tour of the map and show you that it is well worth the download.there is a lot of detail. a lot of awesome stuff. custom textures... the list goes onand on. we have looked at the pier. we have looked at the yachts. we are going to lookaround the yard a little bit. now... looks

like there is a helicopter back theresomewhere, so we are definitely going to have to check that out here in a little is a nice compound. it is surrounded by fences. a lot of lighting... maybe we will getto take a look at it in the dark. who knows? but right now i am just trying tofind the front door. i do not know. lt looks like maybe there is a side entranceover here. maybe this is the front. who knows? i am not really used to being infancy houses, so maybe their front doors are on the side. maybe it is in the back. ido not know. i just do not know how it works. so as you can see, a pretty nicelittle redstone door right there when you come in the entrance. just greatdecorations. these look like a lot of

custom stuff in here. i am going to go ahead and lock the door. does that lock it? yeah, i think it didlock it. so now nobody can sneak in here on me... you know... when you are rich likethis... and you have a $10,000,000 ultra house. your friends will just stop will be down here, you know, in the lower level. maybe working out. hitting the gym. go upstairs.... you will have ten people in the kitchen. maybemaking popcorn. maybe in the living room watching some videos and eating thatpopcorn. making a mess. getting popcorn kernals everywhere. you do not want that!so you want to lock that front door. that is a nice looking fireplace rightthere. again, these custom paintings

are really cool. that just kind of setsit off and makes it look unique. the custom textures. all of it. but thepaintings really kind of caught my attention right away. because it is notthe typical paintings that you see in minecraft. it is definitely some customstuff. that is a nice looking sink right there. this whole kitchen looks nice. imean they spent a lot of time.... the creators spent a lot of time working onthis. just making sure that every little thing looks just perfect. this must bethe refrigerator. give me some ice. give me some ice.... no? guess the ice maker isprobably broken right now. all right, let us go on and check out the rest ofthe house. here we go, here we go. as you

can see, lots of colors being used here.lots of different rooms. you got, like.... offices, living rooms, dens,dining rooms, a nice kitchen. i am sure we are going to run across abathroom or two in here. bedrooms.... you have got everything you could think of, youknow. it is just like a real house. yeah here is a bathroom right here. so you gota sweet corner tub, and this thing. here are some buttons. again, i do not really know if the buttons do anything. i need.... i usually just flip a few. push a few. flipa few levers, push a few buttons, whatever the case may be. whenever i come acrossthem. i do not see anything happening, so i am going to move on. oh, the toilet room! i assume that would have flushed the

toilet if there would have been amassive poo in there. but i did not really see anything happening with that buttoneither. there is a lot of redstone stuff on this map. if you look aroundyou are going to find a lot of stuff that... when you push a button... it does dosomething. and it does something cool! okay, there are a lot of little surprisesin here. i am not going to show you all of them, but there is a good one there. i pushthe button over there... the garage door comes up. and we got a race car sitting inhere. i mean look at this thing! pretty awesome. i wish i had this thing so icould kind of cruise around my neighborhood here at my real house... in real life, you know....

and wave at everybody. then kind ofrev up the engine and squall the tires up and down the road. man my neighborswould truly love me. here is a hot tub. we are going to jump in this hot tub. youknow i think it might be a whirlpool. this is kind of making me dizzy.we are going to go ahead and get out. i thought it was a hot tub. turns out itwas a whirlpool. but still, a sweet little build. you kind of got, like, a littlecourtyard back here. a little private courtyard so you can enjoy the hot a lot of that. you know when you are chilling in a hot tub, you do not reallywant a lot of extra people... you know... walking by. 'hey what are you doing?' i amtrying to relax in a hot tub. you will not

have that problem here at the$10,000,000 ultra house. the hot tub is completely private. completely enclosedin a small courtyard. alright, let us go outside. huh... okay well the door isapparently... oh there we go. okay. i thought something was amiss, but ithink it just takes a minute for that front door to open. that is all... whenyou are pushing the button. if it does not open immediately, just wait asecond.... on all the redstone stuff, really. some ofit is kind of delayed, you know, because it has to go through all the commandblocks and the redstone mechanisms and do its thing. here is a beautiful shotof the helicopter on the helicopter pad

with the sun setting in the background.that looks pretty nice. that is a really nice helicopter, andi love the helicopter pad being kind of elevated up like that. so that, kind of, nomatter where you are at in the compound, you can look over there and see if thatchopper is there. you will always know you have got a way to escape when the going getstough. we have landed on the patio here at thetop floor. i think this is probably the master bedroom. it looks pretty has got a huge bed over there... and just a lot of neat little things. well, i think thisswitch is turning on the lights... or something in guys can check it all out.

you are going to discover tons of stuff that i did not even look at... because we are just running through here trying to give youa good look at the whole map. you do not want to download a piece of junk, right?so that is why kidsource is here. that is what old dad is going to do for you. if it isa piece of junk... folks, i am not making a video about it.i only make videos about awesome maps. because i know that is what you want tosee. you do not want to see a video of me saying this map is not get it... right? you want to see the good maps that you should download. and this is definitelyone of them. the $10,000,000 ultra house by creator m7mogamer... and the terrainby redpenguin is really great. it is truly one

of the best custom creation houses ihave ever seen in minecraft. here is a little hidden fire pit. you can gatheraround that... roast some marshmallows... maybe sing some songs with your know with your rich friends at your $10,000,000 ultra house. whenever you allare hanging out. what is this? maybe a wine cellar or... oh it looks like maybe anunderground kind of grotto... bathroom type deal. you know? where you can go and chill out. i do not even know what that is back there. look, you guys are going to have to discover some of this stuff for yourself. i am not going to reveal all thesecrets. nobody wants me to do that. i am just showing you. this is awesome. you are going to come in here and find all the

secrets and say 'i bet old dad did notknow about this.' now you are probably right. old dad probably did not know about that when he made the video. i am going tokeep playing this map for weeks to come. because it is so awesome. now this is thetree house out back. as you can see there is a lot of coolstuff up here too. so be sure and check out the tree house. that is all the time wehave for this video today. be sure and smash that like button if you liked thevideo... and hey be sure and subscribe to kidsource channel if you have not donethat already. become a part of the kidsource force. this map was built bycreator m7mogamer. there is a link in

the description so go check him out. there is also a link where you can download the map and play it foryourself. thanks for watching our $10,000,000 ultra house video, we willsee you next time!

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