badezimmer modern design

hi guys! i’m in budapest, hungaryand i wanted to show you my airbnb because i thought, as i’m travelling around the worldstaying in so many airbnbs, it might be useful to show youwhat your money gets in different cities. so this airbnb right now cost $42.25 canadian and in us dollars that’s $33 a night and this place is huge. there’s also two bedroomsand enough seating for six people and a cot so you’ll see that you can get a lot hereso i’m going to show you around.
note three chandeliers when you walk in. ahh! huge, huge, enormous room. tall ceilings. it’s really bright in here. it looks out onto this nice buildingacross the street so there’s a lot of light. there’s two big comfy sofas. a fire place - doesn’t give you heatbut it looks nice - and a big open kitchen,
a huge table for eating and working and, like i said, there’s two bedroomsand three bathrooms. so there is no lack of space in here. i’ll show you more. the kitchen has everything that you can need. it’s pretty well equipped. there’s tons of cupboards and things that you can use but i love having a dishwasher. it’s so nice to not have to wash dishes
when you just want to, like,work or get out and see the city. hardwood floors. it just has that nice old feeling of,you know, an old construction building but they’ve really renovated it nicely so it feels nice and light and bright when you’re in here. and i love the view from across the street. and the courtyard - oh my god, when we first walked inand our airbnb host was taking us up the stairs i was really excited to get inside because the courtyard has this gorgeous, like,old world feeling with stone steps
and balconies and geraniums dripping off of balconies and it just is really, really beautiful. this place is actually called the queen’s chamber and i feel like you’ll see whywhen you see the master bedroom. [angel choirs sing ahhh] there’s a king sized bed in hereand i can vouch that it’s comfortable. obviously the wallpaper really takes your attention and then these gorgeous pink drapesthat go floor to ceiling. two more big windows. it just feels light and bright like the rest of the place.
that’s it. that’s the tour: two bedroom,three bath in budapest in a great area for $33 us dollars a night. i’ve loved staying here. if you guys enjoyed this video give it a thumbs up and let me know if you want to seemore kind of airbnb-inspired videos: how i go about finding them,what i look for, negotiating, things like that or if you just want to seemore videos like this where i give you a quick tour and let you knowwhat the cost is in each city
‘cause i really like doing this. so i hope that you enjoyed it! subscribe to the channel if you haven’t alreadyand i’ll see you in my next video! bye!