design wohnzimmer garnitur
hair story or here who'd on the the names came who n_b_c_ brings you right neuro detective sergeant you're assigned a homicide somewhere in the tangled web of yourcity there's a killer on the move young woman has been brutally murderedeleven as field bludgeon
your job is to get him fragments the documented drama of an actual crimeinvestigated installed by the man who unrelenting leased and walked on thesecurity of your home your family and to align well the next thirty minutes and whatwere some of the los angeles police department you'll preval step-by-step onthe side of the law through an act paint from official police files
from beginning to end from client apunishment magnet has the story of your restoresinaction was will was foggy in los angeles we were working in a quarter website youknow my partners than romero the boxes etcbaxter and he could be taken lines fraud it was nine fourteen pm when i got todeal central jail building third floor the crime lab
ideologue a commonly costanospectrograph that's fine the paint blatantly victims had much ofthat pain on the hunt the pipe indifference uh... type was clean no latent printswith that you know not those blood test reports coupleslides for a look at under the comparison michael thankfully apart youknow when you're coming was looked like them thing is blood test report this was blood found on pieces packedbut i think
systems but know that fretboard doesn't mean too much though if you look at these slides under themicroscope fellowship now this is your country lately at the light okay take a look mhm yeah going on well this slide here on the right
that's a slice of hair from the victimshad on the other sliders hair found on thesteel pipe yeah she had to be here both statement of flat standard room got anything on that piece of flatteryknuckles uh... corner steel pipe fourteen inches long well she got the plaster impression sandalsfootprints we found the body you down great so
ten issues no one size nine goodimpression round the soft man about a hundred andfifty pounds according to the length of stratton roughly about five feet teninches tall and knew she was all right you can still read the manufacturedlehman dr made by the sport keen company write something to follow-up yeah sureyou could start with the tennis courts only about a thousand a soul in l_a_ it you know that these particular ten issues of thebiggest over the country no they'd like to start minneapolis orpullman washington what about that
yeah and i look for a missing glove gal they go well with issues as far ascommon white cotton work gloves of the blue top here's the right glove you find the left but i don't know i think was good evidence jones but where is thelead look i don't ask you to pay my parking tickets you want to be blow-ups helping rightover here
this is a vacant lot where they foundthe body yeah that's right here's a close-up of her showing thelocation of the murder weapon the glove in the footprints relative to theposition of the body upset that yesterday sordid worker overdid there after these are more chill uh... check them this morning which isan awfully and i want to do it you want to go over the stuff in thepress again you find anything wrong no nothing you haven't seen already theusual
hair clip eugene stones in it loose change according to a few pennies reidy cup and coordinate thirty-three naomi please age twenty one forty one that's not very old as italy not to diein phenomenon helen cody who could in or do you liveyou say that mister meyer that
goodpeople came from and he's reallycute one him and what they did not know if the nobullet point the piano she was a good way aka fight him when they die says the uniontwenty one months flight that the union's intelligent sure so are thegirls come from the union but none like a lab commercially on this creditors masterminded you know anything about herpersonal act who knew that she was a good mood servicing and she took home isn't onthis please did you ever mentioning
mandy you anyone at all knowledge and managua them like mindedto make here uh... paid had lunatics donna citizensimmediately to steve live lives that it was a much work butdips a very good myself this her home address thirty-three naomiplace city to reno that's right now thank you very much mister my free time when the what kind of that this doesthings like that one
nobody like him cartier uh... thank you lining up lloydmorgan or app will you the head of the union duitminimalist escorting colonel obviously let you looklike marlboro net not flattering here's a pic yeah
villages g all issuer like your if i said it best seller i my assets are he seemed to think quitea lot of her uh... i want it uh... or always write if well enough i dot i didn't
him that year place right away you know anything abouta personal life well in a minute all these questions and in court date was murdered you know anything about it personally secrecy side drove undergrowth take a raincheck amount
uh... his name to me that i see apicture of him you would not see any boyfriends union waiters busboys that i wouldn't know identity certain iwouldn't know how they go again parable dot like nike and pepsi yeah and what about paintings and how longyou been jumping in here today moms and brown clean defined helen's landlady we talked to heryesterday he told us to work it has been
a star money what heat festivities i fell attempting to them you want to go on the deal didn't giveno one can repeatedly happen thinking and beat them villanova around us listening to me who gave everything amassive mitchell he took them out and problems and idon't know
not a movie people need to continue what do you know about our personal lifecoming given a boyfriend you don't think your mitchell worked outthat i don't know never asked helen but she did have a few dates of boston i do confused here about our standard
kia attn woodland bob anybody you're running up atime to get a dog went if you're thinking pollack indicated no i'm surehe didn't kill me the assault with a victoria no gentlemen i did not kill him into aday you gave resources mistrust and renowere pretty well if i gave her voice coaching buddy you know how
japan is the promises not to gratefulisn't bad girl you're pretty well august visit that uh... strandedinjuries to take her out with nora well flooding the heavens socially at all weknow we have been so that that's not true on it and that's all this but you canget to the security of the you that the other two have missed us then we can prove that you've been out with for the publicity zag
fitness successful business units that he hasbeen delayed i think that's the ruling then you havebeen out with a only a few poppy nothing scary if i had nothing to do what i amnot a lot of the programs you know that withholding information that they mightbe a single kinda hard for you as i know that will provide you with your estimate issomewhere in the city right now there's a guy obedient girl to death he crushedher skull piece of steel pipe we need every bit of information we can get thetracking down i don't think so i could
have come to us we would run to thenewspapers would informations confidential at the way we treated mostof the time of the people read the newspapers first then they come to usthat's right mr oscar before their own press agents docket i'd like to knowwhat brought you have to invade my privacy lectured me on my you are absolutelyright after we want them in order to helen corti i kind of my friends he hada call fourteen this morning some of you thanks mister sorry about big surprise
detector dollars talent noms on them uh... extension try to five one one welcome that but i didn't know he's been looking for you in mine come on you know and job then
then her notebook full notes crime lab full of evidence nothing thetime together movies and the people you interviewed yeah those in about a dozen why wouldn'ttake notes on privately infirm everybody sing the electives yeah and into a day no no no into single unattached girlliving alone in the city few friends and no enemies and we can't find any way
new standards and all the people youinterviewed her in the clinton i was gonna stick to the sample robberymoldova and money and coordinate with him athirty how you doing outside displaying one holds something anythingright now well ample evidence across the street you've got a book full of names here you've got the pieces have been together figures no-name wellgold romantic normal room until aidid anything from the informant jonathan'srhino tips on anybody that's been
deliberately nobody shooting up theirmouth the guy we want won't advertise aidid himself pretty smooth operator you've probably made a mistake somewherealong the line aka amp uh... moment alcohol attack and planning you and then run it down call anatomy equivocal damn little the name was mrs lillian or
for the past five years mister horn havebeen paid regularly on wednesdays he spent all day thursday digging up hispaycheck and beating his wife the caller is no connection withaccordingly we made the usual call in the community unity can control on a key tocontrolling on that probable attack but he justwanted to know code for katie katie control one cm eight threesix m paul that was the beginning
for the next three days we followed upevery lead and every call but they were all born lawyers were loaded and they had as muchinformation on the killer of helen forty as we get then i cruised throughout the entirerecovered every probable calling some connection with the murder through part of the ordering nearly twenty fourhours so private limited mistake women in theplanet
courtney was on monday they were all there with future options girlfriend wheels lengthening eduardo but nobody else we had here was monday afternoon monday night was back to the older alongduring the night of his life
small president let no three more days of the same there'll be more than one week afterweek on helen courting body we got an anonymous phone had had havent couple had what you're doing well and winnable saturday night than an hour that onedozens of saturday night at the nato flight indianwomen know for various
dot but no unity in poland a_k_a_ control one can't on your property more tower roadpalm earlier in the vicinity we will have b it'll any do and weird
how had it's where but political but i have an explorer moved animal and w
darren development if ultimately florida capital of colombo and retire part one kill involvement that i will get overthat omega right common they can dot activity here we are going to go on uh...
was work fashion and michael at the gas chamber yet theyhave admin for drug treatment for speeding right come on you akin olympic committee child we let that be ok what uh... it honoring respect of uh...
last year's upon the goats when thegovernment but you've got to plan for over twentyyears of political eighteen right here on in life might ormight it over the admin usable the lapd uh... yeah had here it that little girl for life police officers okay
did he do grupo impacted it juditha old issue when i think the babysitter you for uh... with his way into the house peter about the mechan era but it was part of the growth of thefinal pat buchanan the money
don't know weekends with blackmun quote there are otheranimal the close of lead with revisionist or burned in company courting the hot spots that wereinvolved in the seventies with room needing to get the advancement of womenany usimanx rounded out their own did not learn about japan landfill nintendo small loose stones the rhythmrhythm rhythm granddad got it working on now
because the man of steel helen cordero abuse scraps of circumstantial evidenceand i've got much to go on marksman going out to the little scottgirl at the time was much of the time that we had to besure elected which i think my season ortizmurder we interviewed the personnel manager runs the company where you work we talked all the talk soon manager of the hotel relive without thateverything we could about five blocks
that night at ten o'clock with thepresident ought to be interrogation oh is finally for them lousy weather than slowly over time iwouldn't know that uh... how will you uh... thirty one cents alisting you ask where to go to school didn't was born smart yourself close dot we know you worked the parent companyremember you told us what israel is where you guys turn
that's one of the like sewing clothes you've got personal bright colors one blue shirt years your screen you know close o_j_ and some of them forfive years in economics and i'm in london that how your stocks in titlewasteful to man style books in but you always know the right things theway i don't see you wouldn't wear black shoes with abrown suit would thirty people meaningful
styles well with you wins was people deware branches of the time she died player here aguilar lockton nickel about would you ever wear brown shoes ofthe tax
nobody at the navy blue flag down there is no the concert from simpson it's a good view he'd like that flannel anyway you'd never wear ten issues about thelike it would be what do you think i think you did ithink you were on the right to kill helen courting through maybe you didn'thave the blue suit on the during ten
issues sporting size nine sell for five ninety five you pick themup at a discount cost you three court if you get that a houseboat burns incoming you would never shoes analogy we couldn't find a hotel room your book mister gregg used to thinkabout you uh... before you start drinking on the job youcommission you to run pretty high up the last couple of months what happened that keep ragged tilly youto return or surrounded you when you
gonna tell me what i eat for breakfast cornflakes cup of coffee sometimes two donuts when you're hungryelsie wi tung at the royal basic design kept you know someone that one effusivepresent cooper cold i'd like to where the tennis shoes wall in three weeks they'd be very good to me hw little elsewould you do with them
you figure we know you bought the dennyhughes we don't know where they are now finale adam batman three feet from the body helencordero if i want to size nine foot prints made by a pair of sportingtennessee's freedom and what about a hundred and fifty five you enteredfifty-eight about five foot pain your five eleven you come awfully close to being the samegoes a man who killed an encore dayton's uh... anywhere the same size ten issuessame brand name a lot of people winners the average size
so uh... sports teams to everybody wears we could find your career might make adifference doesn't mean your tennis shoes made the front with a binding doesn't prove it it didn't near but to do the rest of the from away student might make a difference ourdifference credit maker thrown away a strong how bout to make this villaanderson found his right hand glove but the bodyof employed a just an ordinary cotton work gloves
everybody wears an we could find a masonleft without were might make a bit size medium beverage to analyzing aninitial work closer with no nobody bought workflow seventy not opposed toenact this knowing she won't go along what kind of work was good about headedby name he decided that i never said i bought anew word reebok tennis shoes noted near i could have brought the tennis shoes and i tell you i don't know you didn'ttell us we told you find out who brings a company we work alright you told me ibought any and all that same kind of tennis shoes madefootprints but an encore days but it was
a major why would you tell us what youdid with my daughter to look after a long way they were only three weeks oldat the one out of i didn't say what they had to return toknow you told us they were not remember my side i remember what i told her but idon't know way no you don't have mellowed the filters think it's a very ride last yes issues that's what i said and i and idon't know how i haven't gotten a are not just for the record likes of whichwas filegate two thirty two the where operation before you said both before ishould or if you haven't gotten on me
but that little scott girl statementlast night she says you try to kill his line attorney should live at nine i wantto use the phone he said he had with the time began with an acknowledgment ofscare i didn't hear with any and had to get those marked ronan ekmanpolice dot this is an army that i don't care what your doctor says i didn't knowwhat do you mean laxmi didn't harriet inhale exhale one i just wanted to useup all night you know i can apply their knowledge and upon i just woke up i notto find out what i find out if i could use up all but she said you didn't knowshe had a phone i don't know when you were you pushed everything around
sucks they want the truth of a cigarette his lap budget where were you wednesday nightmarch eighteenth from the judge miscreants and questionjust wanna make sure we got it right attorney this morning which we showed up at about eleven ofthem went home but then again about eleven thirty did you stay high went tobed
what you see it this year i neverremember the names we are trying to remember this is pretty important and i was a deluxe figures spencertracy's what was on when you walked in and those are never going in the middleof a commuted the last bullet implement now has tried to go on the box officedoesn't remember seeing you go in and she knows key lawmakers have beencrafted you anything and everything about it to get prioritymember they give away a lot of money goes neighborhood theatre i wouldremember who it today but what you're doing dog you rememberif anybody when the judge told you know
but they haven't yet puppet show ideaswho do i don't know i know it with keno nike should not read it yet but maybethey had a jack but i don't know i will not personal use of the cartoon was only walked inwhat do you wish prescription i told you the news was on when i wentin member anything about community was ten days ago i know i resent it allen also knows relied so now iactually check your albina manager the theatre had a couple israel wednesdaynight at the show was running along with you know that you didn't go to killersmagick alright maybe i did not know
remember what's a definitive answers youcould've been unethical at the same night the night helen corny was mike i'msure you can provide it interrogation room right ideals your positive uh... yeah ok thanks lee carried on a calculated into thoseinitiate i'm not going to go back over all at i told you guys all uncommitted
you know the core digger was murderedpalatine illinois moaning about it fill our way home from work as usual but midnight because you were home inbed about that time mitigating but they still have not gotten our way home helenquite a always took a short cut across a vacant lot he was about half way through the latinamerica and a grabber curse she screamed instructor there several times thepieces steel pipe fourteen inches long it be the death of a thesis feels likethey dropped the batman arriving in cottonwood eleven f two footprints atnine fourteen kenny g_ final election is
something you don't know when the telescope the paper money outof girls percy accidently took a lot of loose rhinestone a stone with a lot of a cheapbarackobama burbank betrayed its own home with my return spot at the bottomof the start of the ranks on fell on the floor we found a dry summer reading your hotelroom eleven lived in that hotel room all mylife maybe to china before me dropped it but none of this way
we take the cement the held in denver atthe back to the door on a stone though arson at rhinestone came from ahaircut that helen cordero or before she was murdered that's enough to take youto do is to get going with from are supposed to say we want to tell us thetruth why did you tell uncle a day covet when when my contract would not bea long time and and yet coveted and back mine and looks good what time you want martin amb
he's never work on down in valley gilman norplant's multi-levelright now that bill breakdown carpetbagger lineup rising treasure this washington out of town
met behind them bites would like to be done then runs great and it's now like that drinking coffee anyway life is gettinghotter they will only call us that aredifferent they've margo
summer racket the story will get hurt his through only the names were changed protect the innocent frank plus interest right and convictedof murder in the first degree he was executed emily billdesk chambersat the state penitentiary and unit been interested authenticated fromofficial files technical advice for dragnet furnished by the plainclothespolice department
tonight's program is dedicated to policeofficer charles a brady of the chicago illinois police department who won the nineteen th september secondnineteen forty-five gave his life so that your might be more secure and that dragnet came to from los angeles this is handy padding-top kohinoor here's school on protectinginnocent
and these people in general dragnet world uh... detective sergeant are assigned torobbery detail a ruthless the grown between masquerading as a bully pulpit one helpless the row beaten and wasnttim criminal twisted union vision your job is to get him fragment the documented problem anactual ryan investigated and found by the man who unrelenting weight andwalked on the security of your own your
family and reliable overnight thirty minute in cooperationwith the los angeles requirement you will travel to advice abnormal side ofthe larger one-act locate promoted required from beginning to end from crime topunishment pragmatic the above party at your pollyoris inaction when june fourth pharmacological we're working on a quarter of reading my partner's ben romero the boxes airbags can keep the detectives
my name's crying was on my way back from communicationseleven thirteen pm returning property cardio by them the apartment is a calm and bad news orsome other doggone it in mind taking for will again last year it was a mom herebefore that the maze and every time i get fit for a vacation he decides tokitson won't forget that ben franklin property is going to be in your old age go ahead atlanta
you'll find it helpful yeah higher graduate diploma five what can we do port you don't look like you remember meamong women claims savages and johnny said ninety-seven momentum pollster or thoseliquor store ever gotten a little bit that six seven years ago when ten yearsand you know i remember that it was a timewe testify in court ever wait ten years
is a long time longer in the state pennlatham you cried a little bit trial didn't seeseventies that we'd be that confession out of the yeah that's why i think in adrop in for lou visit that kind of apology if it was you gave me a square delay you'd think ilost my head a because of the police's unauthorized seventh but in a week ago i did it the hard way lieutenant plant animal mandate find ajob yet
an friday more connect with perugialabor in warehouse seven of them the federal level ten years in prison too long time they learn a lot of things night so long you think a lot to get things breaking them hope youmean that your immune writing and that everything straightened out well my friend uh... no it wasn't you sound like maybe on the right tracki've got a friggin romero
like you to fellas it got me a red head of the news send mea protease well you did all right seventy five armed robberies he got offpretty easy you've got a break failing make the best of sure undertaken and news via break that's right well and does dup invalid visit may be out of three of the list and amp all right thank you
economical fuel not being you just took ten years of my lifepencil it looks like we have a man going tohave a matching penalizing them click in both directions come and learn the lesson that programbehind bars minority group in the good yourself minimum or record grown coming on
well yet nine annihilated again uh... purebred uh... store ourself with that uh... soul and able to elevenat night we got the story from the uh... or or for the most part it was the usualrundown of an early morning holdup with only one except what did you know traveldeal all that there was nothing like this one i mean this uh... where we camein here just before clothing and
ordinarily arctic night out at and look for but the stock into the dorms but it wasa policeman parliament the plugged up what drives me in the white comic-conoregon and she's remain here in the paper butby the grand with boy that inevitably a board people don't realize never writeby when in doubt costs four blocks away from alaska uh...called right now in canandaigua the american seventy-onewere already there victim was telling a
story prospectively that will mean grapekindest make the hill when i hear this stand behind me you know to this red light working and studyingthere that we're probably caribbean which is rejecting my driver's licensewhen the cop runs out directly out of the crime studs plugging in a place where the body youagain linking the banner brain going around and declaring that red light onthe car looked on while everything won't while on too
w the me all right with him the pilot program now tiring vel he would pull technique and art it uh... forgot breaking we'll get the kind of manual clinique worked with the whatever the boss
clamoring for night you wouldn't believein their london's was feeling that they could do it their if are due to its head that was ared light yesterday with the red legged posing as a policeman why hadn't been picked up not much aboutit as we deliver we got our first call around midnight in october a drugstoreout of somalia to stop working since indian it definitely down in thedescription of light and minimum installed bays and back here either of you got any ideas could beanybody skipper with that description
issued more than anybody in the book wecelebrate those down the personnel lori schiller mug book of all police officeswas one of our men works way drugstore motors there's been a housewife up alittle bit right in the house after or a ratner alltime uh... the twenty year old kid in thenext room came in just before you got here couple hours ago it was getting a carwith his girl of the mollen grant is red legged and incomes one good thingdidn't have to go he admits economic one case twenty seven people have a goodabout the cato wouldn't do it if you
have to go impact on them had a bad time pioneer book okie wid that he would be more question canceled misjudging friday entered the room and i think for me
can you tell us what time of troublestarted ten fifteen ten thirty personally were hitting or review burning where from the american car pools of the christmas spirit touching the rates are going on here the gunman problem when he was a did youget a good-looking carping he wasn't working
you look at them and he reminded it was breakdown from he kepthearing that require it all happened so fast and then he starts telling me howwould that what happened in poetry sally was dreaming than one million showed me howimplicitly party video of the other hand accomplishment billy my got me started working playing againmalignant usually will go on they have to be here betting romero let's go
that led to a mountain lion ok given hadat the end of the projector were wounded that camp hijacked were different no it but none of their current redefined over there beside the road somebody driving by assorted they callit and and and the kitchen this bracelet on earth mhm my dearest stanley and the twenty fifth nineteen fortiesand that's a good all right
or the tenant and uh... i wouldn't beton them pretty bad shape belet huen enough yeah unimelb call thecrime lab unchecked the area of a footprint in contract arrive back into the room she regained consciousness i want totalk to her right for him a meeting of the by eight thirty working straight through to we get thisguy developers you're
hello bear out then for while neither they'd cut theirahead let's take a look at a recommend in that people are requirement word ofgod reveal growing give and get them out ofworld war i a because arrive at the ground in the light the or less driver had a alia allowed the realitythe driller right arm
arigato recommended you're during the day week-and-a-half red lightthem in a real will pick point out electric program in oklahoma repliedpyrotechnical reply been beaten davis written taken over by the name ofthe time of the image of the elite or within word will come from a panel ofpentium use for stolen cars already we got tomake the numbers on the twenty about the darker than was randomly mammoth the boyi think that this morning out-of-pocket which i think the president was finedavid only description only guy uh... na like that you know viewers to passnothing at all
then the u_n_ called black hair bighands loves community aa in a minute oktheater speculating on activities then repeal and prepared to they appearin and ability and up to date okay and discovered that there wasn't really wildand it go for him to remember where he'd been in pretty bad shape since wefound up there and some of the room when she took a turn for the better he's confident that they think she mightbe able to talk to us a little bit goodwin than an hour included with the doctrine with herfamily
it would be able to pick up on it tomake the most of them until orion which has been delayed great job that will become a hurricanecleo pose while you were gonna look like mark we're going to repair sorry aboutthat we'll be back cover there's been a couple of phone calls toanything important i don't think so and i just call this a little that his nameis johnnie cabbage discos no but lobbying dinnerware literally bragfrom regarding or do you think we have not been uh... and you understand ofcourse that you'll be able to her only a
few minutes and the reinvestment that bright sally and able to talk mad knocking face injuries so your questions will have to beanswered simply uh... said no and nominated weaker where we have fewquestions and we want to know if she can identify them and i'll be here fromthese because we got here i started this was thank you
sally the gentleman from the policedepartment they'd like to ask a few questions no need to be nervous or simpson on your head yes or no did you see the man who attacked him did you get a good look at his face alright selling even into the threetogether just national what he called for the interactive theyhave largely
european into the folder yeah thank uh... just one more thing so i will showyou some pictures and take all the time you want before you make up your mindabout each one if you recognize anyone of these men isa personal attack you just nigeria alright frock that is the first one now is the next
this one recognizing u determine is yourself thank you saw what's wrong been that doctor will get besser didn't care goody-goody main savage doctor bellmanjennings damage in five minutes an all-points bulletinthe full description of the suspect broadcast every radio cari motorcycleofficer every share of the law
enforcement in los angeles in southerncalifornia more than a dozen main bowman whether they want to be one hundred madam anhydride heroes it ever bank weapon that the defense up advectionnanogram filming an act of a lawyer johnnie savage and good as doorkeeperlast night is that a juror victim identified and commitment hack indianapolis and again tonight for life
we have to do now to get in look the way we figured this red lightbennett is using stolen cars with coldplay so there's no way a trackingdown the cars of regular commercial garages he's got to be running privategarages someplace around ten and look at the neighborhood patrol on the jobadvertising all over town that video wouldn't admit people in private garage is a dime by alot of register the car and license number with the police then a campaign if you want but
ltd nextgen with it into the hospital at the new family everyone what about five minutes ago at night everybody went back to my jobas usual recruiter drive the ball mcclanahan
about a dozen people like uh... armedwriting or cars are parked in the only privately doctor osborn archiving news from the garage repairedso there's an agreement we kind of an ict around everything was using except one thing we're tracking down tothe deepening or status like a people's faces en route to get america and was a perfect mechanisms thank godnormal i gave them to do when i heard what if i don't have time to time unlockfive dollars because until seven minute morning wasn't even in that
we had breakfast at the federal a littlerestaurant down the street from the city hall was about eight fifteen we got backto the office retires pretty you know scott it from there read your paper by talking arm-twisting going with past history of the floor was uh... for a personal trying to work verybusy guy what's this all about it was a
speaking park fight hero make contemporary compare and started for used to stand herecommittee okay my partner size of a maryland twoi'll be brief kid and the father john city i wish for you to catch him hard anartist name or mailbox if that meant the
spending nickname in i'd change my name ten yearsago and john first cut of the problem my only and i had to change the chainalways from him my son mister savage as your son been homesince he got out of prison uh... many times to ask for money i would like youmay be so he struck me last night day read a newspaper who can he beat up she's been tonight
make up my mind you know where your son is known as thesenate let mom know about garage is a card in their does not decide no ozone in the garage i'd find manylicense plates i'd find spotlights with the red graduated if you don't have any idea where wecould find nobody would come back you always comes back for money we're going to station officer in thehouse was just i mean anything you want to treat will catch him
he's bad sergeant legs something poison oracle pat is formed a u worked really vehicle before these dot he did he get proved legend for didn't use cheese threebuffet didn't you she stays in life to see him from prison
and a circle he did not even come to the film yourself have any idea that you mightcall a no no i don't think so with the new kitchen if you go my own to land and killing johnny's tonight
before we left we call it background ofthe day because indicating a truly neighborstomorrow we call them together that night after dinner and extra andi'm not really been remarked return carmen who lives next door apparently soccer at about nine the three of us at the front windows inthe dark and we'd the interviews are gherig's the city three hours when but
awaiting got monopolies do come out witha lively yet pollute rivers or clocks enough to put anybody to sleep but then again for recreating the clock kept ticking we worked on it with japan's keeping each other way at ten minutes passed to a look at mywife and i settle back and try to find some kind of a comfortable position
they started to think it was just likethe people of the poor sameer mimicking plus interest on the galleria extended came up with this man trafficromero yet arafat when i went to prison ending estimates come average what happened at waco one ok body parts
contact at anecdote maybe history at that time that they have a chronicmagnetic attractive him eleventh-hour he came home it where record hammered for really heartbreak higher
overall higher time pierre thewhat echo control or like allowing polyamide at their plan coming up captivated cried
the argued here fire word camp here corp the you know with we're you that before
user or adjusting roasted disguised bug river but would you do been your son was amurder three-word oncoming there the transplanted was tried and convictedof murder in the first degree
he was executed in the lethal gaschambers at the state penitentiary brand your with the new period it willprobably shouldn't technical advice or dragnet divertedbrentwood police require right program everywhere role officer robert field abundantly highway patrol who on the morning of november secondnineteen point seven gave his life the your might be more secure
uh... um... right now endured found lines here best depending the national broadcasting or here who've on remain whom n_b_c_ brings you detective sergeant you know indeed throughout receive an emergency hello complected and baad cities will
reported once the document drama than actual deninvestigating assault by the man who unrelenting leased and bought parody ofyour home your family unreliable well the next thirty minutes incooperation with the los angeles apartment view of travel step-by-stepalong to enact locate official police bios from beginning to end from privateplacement dragnet is the story of your police force inaction it was tuesday november fifteenth
was raining in los angeles we were offduty reporting in an emergency call what has been romero busted extreme cuba detectives mining right it was a thirty two a m when i walk inthe spring street entrance of the city hall you started talking gal attract pilots are sincerely want toservice following up to sixteen
delia sticking politically uh... you know club and in english andbecame a soon as i got a call in fedex reinventing you worked last nightand yeah limited this morning kanan cases here for a while in russiawhen we get inside posted number one of his own position amigas bridges i can every minute campswhich ended up writing eight thirty three
and it is fifty five minutes ago man walked intothis building with a homemade bomb under his own we don't really see rather than thecounty jail by nine o'clock this morning is reasonable to you in the bombinglittle building him who was the guy instrument landing his package in his brother than in and out of jailsince nineteen thirty seven smiled and free
whereas the f_b_i_ kickback we had oncebefore bottom when his name is elwood journey of attached to being remains tobe because that means that he will with a bomb on his way that's right management what kind of obama's it'd if he's bluffing could be bluffing butthe crime and says no meet joan from that you love you financial as one and the boxes glass
so you can see much of them a closerlook but you can get him again we want to do the baggage and begintake-it-or-leave-it and ability to do it highlander the shul wannabes it is when we know itdoesn't and he's got a family getting another single man will give it a trywait a minute joe what makes it got this job to do it need and we can't go and we never knowwhat on earth is that's what makes a
difference this time we do million ofthem cut me out not the only time i know what i'm getting maimed chandler's giant hannan davis once andthey will try and this guy cunning knows what he's doingis no pushover somebody's got to get that done withthem if your baby now i looked at my watch it was a thirty six experiments on animals
i want to make good threat to blow upthe building by nine o'clock nearly two hundred twenty more minutes to come here and i think it would better looking over her homework that somehowthe plan maybe this talking to and would do it people sitting in a straight backkerrigan's the firewall facing the door he was seated between listening lol role six wooden chairs in the centerof the right wall wasn't connecting door leading to the office were back in thebriefest those long long time
just off center and they bring the leftof the role of a small filing table another printer in the office for thedeaths in this part of the connecting door like does it take the form of this maneuvered corner shoot by a whitescreen as a small wash basin possibly benton county was mentally cataract holding the black box in hislife you know his right hand side one intothe box demise today for a minimum we want toremind
but you say to a man with a bomb close enough cigarette running non-smoking right now what are you trying to prove you knowwhat i want when i met your brother out ideas you've gotten till nine o'clock changeyour mind burden of that clock on the law you gottwenty four minutes if we go you're going with this kind ofbig much of the brain to figure that
copper what made you think you could getaway at their have injured today nine o'clock lafayette park slope eventective against some pocket watchlately that's the one who's running this showhave you given any thought dolly innocent people that are level for thething is they're my brother's innocence i want him out of jail the court sayshe's guilty japanese serves his time that's whereyou're wrong copper he gets out at nine o'clock this morning
tomorrow that you have the facts at the box on the table you think i'mbluffton don't you i'm gonna let you get within five feetbefore i make a lot out of here something turning like if you mean business you can take three more steps and findout for sure when we did that your brother we didcome out and they came up again you'll only if you could find this let's getthis straight
if we met your brother elwood out how do we know you're going to go frompromised i made any promises you just get alot done here first andthen we'll talk about there's only one thing i can't figure coming you know what's that if we don't let your brother acche seyou'll pull the trigger on the phone because a lot of people but even approve of it's a thirty-seven
you've got twenty three minutes left iwish you'd answer that one for me forty-one killari innocent people downcredit connie copper i know they cleared everybody out of this building fortyfive minutes ago i know they clean up the whole block they got roped off or toget information i got a couple in the theater lagata and do you think it's about time to sendsomebody over to get elwin meant going we've got a way out of this we don't have to let your brother i mean i heard that before what's to stop usfrom leaving the building along with a
few officers met you stayed here andpactel fatwa go ahead it would be a long week without it who you kindly kid you got me blow upten million dollars worth of taxpayers' money uh... you're gonna let out without you waittill the last minute to do it with you living room ed unselected impeccably says in oneinjured it about elections furnace but let's face it
uh... by a prize given when you mean people of the train on that machine hekilled us about has given him for however my own i can handle it laptop memphis drawingswith active ling demands about student maybe falls in his reflex action pullthe trigger health care bill winging my stopping perky it just kept walking in shooting downwhy not to do the same thing with armed criminal never join first alone unit theissue to me if i never thought i must get it in the kind of a million yearsand i don't know the answer
we can turn into a positive because ofthe nine o'clock might have been going on hwy located county department of thedetail of the checking it now the chilean wines you've got any ideas on who to trust asmichael gillen and elizabeth any further than you didjust now just one thing i want to know for sureyeah friday is if there is indeed we all want toknow here where we've got to get that blocks away from extend
now stand a direct line and his happy answer that was the jellyis on twenty eight sticks of dynamite in chinese apartment a renew wasn't kidding we could see in the bombing of the glasswindow and one in that looked like dynamite inside and itwas not a heightened when he's wrong we did not hear the nerve to pull thetrigger novel uploaded but with only minutes remaining nobodywanted to take the gene from here on him
loves agreement when incarnation in thenext grumbling in these two hands of course part one of the destroy assault we had to get the packed away from andto get the we have a plan i wont willing morning twenty minutes till nine o'clock we getaway from and idea might work connie sitting as the firewall betweento windows live although for if we could get a man through one of those windowswould like to come from behind and again with regard to the what it's like
when he doing somebody grabs the box thecrime lab can tell us what to do with the how do we get a man who has windowsin the second floor there's some kind of alleged runs around the building on eachstory white in the form and the local penicillin within their annual too good eighteeninches could be done to risky ran an ad that legislate for it strongly and update you with him and outof the building history mr loh at about eleven sixteenfloors give might be a win my department would know that under thebed and she fiction
lee jones in the building now is overthe crime lab i gave him a good too animal fighting maybe the word stuck toit and i look at medical minister set this up we've got to know what kind of doingevery second of that sample about date the form and be good headed on without him seeing look for the divine as connected to this one inhim this room two sixteen fourteen you
got that yeah i've pushed down keysixteen forty nine am machine and then leave it down papers here of the bookand leave it up reversing roe at threat you know if it is not the book we willbe able to getting it that kent connecticut where's my brother solar cell property long on but short on time andwhen i'm telling where your own good you'd better get alittle over here on that we get your but on the phonehere
hit and he doesn't want any part of thisuni email would bill mauna since one joy wants them talk your wayhe's only got a year to serve salim alongside told a lie told him i'dget him out you'd think i could do it but i'm doing army tibet connie let us get your brother on the phone he won't walk out of here with me getting on the five waited on the bond over here after useof the two phone
i don't know fee from the chief thoughit's still a prison what's the matter with the former operators you know thatthere has been cleared veda okay you can use the date that song this friday ed i want to talk to his brother yeah i know you have to send somebodyover haven't put the collar extension but i think number ban two three fiveone
two three five one ad we'll take a minute yeah and kinda like to talk to l and a couple of months since i've seen we've always been the gather me n l mostof the time you know wednesday tweaking oracle good idea boy sixteen minutes tonight takeoff
but got the hang up and picked the phonedidn't you a with the receiver beckman that and i have mailed the minimumrespectable when we got outside the door we breeddavis who want women to stick with honey it would be their job to keep us postedon honeymoon predictable goes on we went back into the office next doorin the exam a region of the fire department would you know we don't knowif i remember all ready there
lethal fashionable women and otherindependent flyover on it what it was your freedom meansnothing next and go with the plan a week andbilateral from the street too high tea this because i'm at the very figured cope with the story that to getninety six p eight floors and we've got the latest equipment withany religions sent to you get a little bump in a veryshe only got a lot of scaling matters but nothing available come out to bedropping down before about that right
now i think a popular don't shoot itwouldn't make it past the windowsill affair but you gotta put map leading theway no what you want to live mean or mineralteam and romances quickest and requires individually mandated in jewett with therisk none if you would right this to happen in life adam and heavyleather gloves to my menlo and uh... it's laxman what do you think of a benefit
where we do with the bombing we get it ithink in a box literally was about a foot square it will do i get you bought it with afoot-and-a-half mop before what yeah i've run outside thedoor medoff's when you get that box please in thewater will get the bargain of the buildings that weekend once we get thebomb underwater women for their like advantage of that but as the state isway to handle it on the circumstances how does it was a gym senator kerrey ran highlands identitydelegate man down the street alike are
ready to take the boat was a period ofthe commission workers that dick and the monthly david hale that's right whateverif you want the rover the ball people activations as a lead as men on the roadmenu right out at the bottom of the building okay that's routine but carry this with you it comes down a group that went in tomake good is going to make it count becausethere's no second tractor and joe when you read that but you gottaget away from kind of way to squeeze the
trigger andy geiger down the street the elevatoryou know how to operate it was pretty simple but i'll double check with theoperators better do it right now both days that we better get cut his brother onthe phone form seem anxious might be a pretty good still andrew natsios outcomediversity gents campus beyond reading day csrs let me see if i know i worked at thing
you take it over the elevated them acouple minutes u wanna check me out nothing too exciting here's the controls lee you push hislegal right to go out left to go down if you go to a trigger on the other sideof the handle that's a safety lock be sure you squeeze in a catholic chip right to go up let the group liketo go up left to go down the africa does automatic they werecaught the control either when a control
levers locked in the upper down positionthe doors will close together in case they jam this rhetoric easy button up there if that doesn't close in we call therepairman i think i got it the shona i've had my orders to get outof the building obviously the elevator right here andtake the stand a sergeant just curious you can take the bond down in the sky
we're gonna try you won't have anytrouble we have an elevator failure in eighteen months millennium intern and went on the stand but that i am for volunteers in a manwith a bomb city hall was not clear they started on the court in med themoutside the office bataao vividly jones and cheap ericksonwere on their way up in the elevator at the rear of the building with thenecessary equipment the complaint women volunteers with them bangalore been put through the city jailin a moment elwood connie would be ready
at the other end of the line we went off until tomorrow to give group booking oneextension two three five one when the concern right now got a little bit buckeye we told you we'd get on the phone foryou the college on a minute minutes a long time cop you only got problem where
that was going to talk you out of this sure everybody's been in touch me out ofthis first had with her mother to cuffslittle porky gotten out of the month annual inundated noted here now at thatwould moffett witty and get my brother overhere your brother cardio endurance tablechills discover yourself all you want to talk to your brother don't you have takecare of the whole we'll just ho flop headed your way to go out candidate
you that big box around you a piece of advice for you security culture and get out therewithout headlining likely vibrato from you've got eleven minutes at done on that william blood all right it's your show we gotta work last night
account of a ticket for you at thebottom of the water right here uh... waiting on the street right actually iwas reading upstairs waiting and we all know what to do a good anti-semitic imean with connie when he falls i'll be in a way of writing go upstairs to an example one thingyou'll ever know with their strongly incoming of going out thereabout they've been allows isn't known as the new increase this way and allow forclaiming winds like mister we'll owe you just to the right of thewindow
i think it correctly went to the rest vigorous but we don't control theweather i can do it then tunes i gave a positionthat we can put one on his right usability might get you on the right side of thesame one good pictured putting away let's make it to be sure right rentingliska abhi here used to as a giant writing
eight fifty shouldn't take you on the couple ofminutes for them and they get down and window list vineyards in trouble gently issuesticking around and give friday and as mention gotta keep youalive to decommission the bomb blonde joke seattle's scared writing i think is even
and pakistan and iran into the nextproblem our job is to keep him occupied program talked before about that was going to try it one oh onehundred somehow we have to keep his attention onus away from that window bernie when ronald kinda got out ofposition the plan unveiled then was spotted
by what they are the jackson did mislead the courtincorrectly events like planning my timing andworking by with him at my watch was eight minutes tonight anything we can say to make a change inmy hand i have asked you a hundred times now i'mloading you're going to get to a full and havesomebody similar would over here right
i'm through late ammu europe dot the phone karne meinaata i told you i'm sticking it to a bitstone we've gotten to neglect to make in your mind about this u and until nine that you wouldn't do it i thought non cut you short you guys i've got exactly one minute toget a phone in this room where i can hear you call a jail
and a little bit the said nine connie mago given what he wants we got it how difficult it lewd road rage and whether the president you can access to these under aprotection began places like in jeopardy why notleave it up to and his opponent that stand
one elwood county over here to the awbbrother wants to see him explain the situation if you want tocome get a movie live it up to him room sixteen fourteen at the use of radovan and tell them toher andheri the only smart thing you'd end today going to go next door and figure outanother will wait for a while to you'd think i'd love to get out now the
we're all gonna wait right here for mybrother in case you don't show up you're goingto see me pull the plug dissident not that close right where you are stepped down blogs lochana didn't hold u she runs an unplanned newland union with a look at your electornominee they put anyone balked at the
land somebody out here you big but haggling wind that i win you know i'm covered you didn't think i'd like to think likethat does old big market yesterday with a guy named
told you i'd do it did not has fired up for the rest of it don't come on you're crazy very you're crazy that's what they've beenconvicted we're going to how you're doing is a million cops outside people allover town heard about this wrote in the crowd and main gonna stop us now we'llnever make it
either way i've got in this five twonine looming mcgregor don't pay you you're going to get a car ready for thepast them right in front of the building parents i think it would be tragic u_n_-backed by nine o'clock a deal stillholds photo mindful of in at nine oh if theydidn't like you are reform-minded
rectitude really broke for miles you know what that means that but they won't richard forward we did not uh... at copper get the car you've got for men and partly yeah sometime between thelesser
for him we have been kind of battle from thejail i don't think you can speak out on that just must use the bomb into some crazyreasons why till nine was temblor bus informant about their lives if you can do it strong wind nothing like a fly you would attract
same plane every second count i can't be said is in the room with aguy you mean alleged results hold for me if you don't know yet right and claiming windows one is right powerful on the left gabi ready in two minutes abroad vinyl
allowed yes here and wait going to be good bien back togetherhigher we always worry it would be delivered yeah that's the way brothersought to be together all the time bernard you better with a girl we don't need no gamail we got the bomb really need a german weeded outrigmarole pulled me they give big they are gone lei you'll get in your an enduring againthat the other uh... burkhart without a
gun wicked group left that the other roomgreat debate going on you don't want up time for the car andbill managed by the time here like it cannot and childhood on the divisional allied seemed like maarhi watching the denial on it hospitable denied plant
cut i missed the first step teleport about online prob light on thesidewalk i waited explosion didn't go off he was a good chance lee was all there at least of dozens sticks of dynamite natalie here
they all the time is why it didn't go off that a grade for a hot tradable with taking a good yankus epistle you know you exploring heard only networkingprotecting innocent lenin connie was examined by fivedifferent psychiatrist supported by the superior court and was found to beincompetent he is not confined to the state mentalinstitution for the criminally insane
that would connie is now serving thebalance of his sentence with no time off for good behavior pandemonium visible on the picket lineby or dried department tonight's program dedicated to tommarshall arms dealers the mount pleasant utah or who on the night about over fifteennineteen point five in his life so that your might be moresecure right now into your problem and this national broadcasting