maritimes badezimmer

maritimes badezimmer

the loas a lieutenant colonel matheus of the portuguese air force performs a routine control flight is the mission number 62 of the scientific squad about this area kraft but it was going to rain the lashes this is the only way we have of

get to the prestige's grave in the afternoon we located two stains of colors england this year according to the calculations this area has about five kilometers long by 3 km 50 percent of this area has combustible calculated that there are approximately eight tons a half of fuel in this

line after two hours of flight the mission discover a new spot of 50 kilometers long a few miles from the galician coasts we found a spanish ship with a course north towards a port of galicia had just washed they're crazy left a

pollution trail of about 50 kilometers a spanish merchant that he cleaned his tanks at sea was the prestige has caused the worst ecological disaster of the history of spain but when the oil spill goes down out because he looks sank with 77,000 tons of fuel approximately half has been poured

at sea a good part has already stained the coasts of galicia asturias cantabria basque country and france 45 kilometers from the coast of muxia on the costa da morte look from in front of the prestige the tanker has vomited here 20,000 tons of chapapote only here but fees until now but we know already say that

they are paying you to do it because but because that is why we are africans cut the macro world money i am not i would like to be a volunteer contribute to have insurance said that the data was legally if i gave you i speak of everyone leads here they have me the first day of the fair have this is from

crazy after a lot of money a lot of history and what there is not is shame if what missing but this is not money money there for me to be today we have heard it does not fit not an ounce of shame the morning was i felt ashamed because i do not want to we make a son-of-a-bitch stain all our being the only one knows that we have

said no but a shot in the head each one but it has been a continuum to the old people this happens because we let spend a dark time like that in front of happens we do not know what can work without oil we do not know that yes but of course the interest is scheduled for caã±adã­o

we have to help us win titles we have to go step by step with cancer time university it has broken at the same time and they are product what else i am the rooms nacho castro answers the call of a german university offer an invention anti-pollution before the disaster

he was the manager of the brotherhood of fishermen now there is no fish of the lonja is closed and he faces a chaotic situation measures or there that to approve games budgeting for that kind of thing i am not in a position to approve those of managing public money - sure. - sure.

since the end of november is the responsible for getting food to the 3,000 volunteers who arrive all weeks to muxã­a to pick up chapapote he has balls and he has to tell me or two years there will be two passes and two parties: this is the balance can not reveal if another one arrives with press and all the

paraphernalia to pay for this be thrilling and exciting that is a food with both my people's plot is to ride the chicken to second can not be going for nacho this is a moment historical muxia is known as ground zero every morning they arrive at coaches with volunteers from various parts of spain

the first thing they do is collect the material polypropylene suits waterproof boots gloves and masks of protection to those who come for their account must pass list in the office of civil protection the central government and the xunta created a month after the sinking a 900 line to coordinate the arrival of volunteers

muxia city hall had already established its own record today he still maintains it in 1903 approaching the passes to buy the people want to work and work with they point although it admits nose to the pavilion sports center then he comes to work as he was

in favor of the people who come to help there is no why we are doing we are as past a list as if it were from school but that's how it is. the waiters to guarantee the muxia civil protection are six volunteers from the village but when they have been living together for two and a half months

a situation that many times they overcome the new i said that i said it i was not targeted but a little bit at the end if one buys today that is not going to be enough in decisions and until now i never even floor for phallic laymen months ago for emissions and how is it referring to which

they have called the so-called san amaro open has already won everything you see to ask for a piece of plastic back to i have to give him a step more and more difficult the recovery to the president of the government this weekend is scheduled the arrival of 1,500 villa volunteers dent individual cadiz ecologists

what is our open horse this is the white tide they are preparing for and the front if i'm here with the field of battle these volunteers are local police of san roque cã¡diz they spent three days in muxia the first tomorrow he's going to the little girl

this beach has been cleaned and returned to stain 80 times this until you get here said that a poor impression on the one hand discourages you because it gives you impotence look how we are with popcorn world but on the other hand the truth that sees so many people who come from one side to another side the people of the town are with the

clean mind for three and a half hours they do not let them spend more time because the fire affects the respiratory system and it causes dizziness and vomiting we come from the area that the good thing is that it was contaminated keys of the field and now is there the express and he passed a lot of ship and has a lot of school and that

any time a catastrophe and ua for us it was good we remove at the expense of the medium not a little from one little bit of another to the end we are a little oil that is going to last yet where to get people have to keep seeing little by little all commit and 4 and 6 year old actors already it is not possible what

the fuel of the prestige is a material heavy used as fuel for very toxic insoluble industrial uses and dense in sulfur 15 thousand birds has died oiled effects in the background marine are still an unknown is still to be solved here study the effects of fuel on crustaceans pieces in different areas in the

corners you can even put it with the sayings but i do not know if it will come second part although you notice a little there and it is written that it really causes damage at the level of reproductive capacity at the level of immune response and also can cause lesions of the tissues of the organs is logical in this

laboratory also investigate in bioremediation want to develop bacteria that degrade the fuel but they have not found the formula yet to let it probably be nice for several bacteria what is treated it is logically will be to use batteries of here you have it, they are already in the water favoring its growth so that

act on these fractions degradable fuel and disappear this i think it is clear that whoever you fall on him to advocate because he is not going to let breathe this is like a kind of great road below the road there the garbage and the march grows for home

i did not have raised a group of neighbors muxia prepares the dinner of the volunteers are coordinated by the second lieutenant federico trillo no longer knows what to take the whip these children are without asking what there are those who have come for the agreement will and are demonstrating day by day giving the callus

day to day i do not leave, mister trillo who had the knowledge of all the details of all its mechanisms and of logistics so that everything work for these people to learn from we we get from it are very good people totally agree they are very good

the island of ons prevented the fuel entry into the estuary of pontevedra receiving the impact on its coasts susi otero directs an association of neighbors with few members - only seven families live the coasts with percebeiros and sailors that the place of fishing pick up chapapote this project has been funded with support from the european commission.

two and a half months have passed since the prestige sank his of course i only know is that that would be necessary is a crane that they hooked it together then in a maneuver on the plant at the entrance of the area how is the sea the boats is in a huge

plate of chapapote has just come off of the rocks the brown color betrays its origin is it was the old one that arrived in the first yellow of the prestige that received the island as there is hitting rock'n another problem when the red tide glue or hold the island de ons is part of the national park of the atlantic islands

this rating guarantees a deal special here there are no volunteers just army hired personnel and technicians from ministry of the environment. one thing that we do very difficult to express a lesser sentence than you it produces to see a space because its natural space as it is totally

damaged we no longer only have some rocks is that even the walk itself by the very system that we have and the conflict of competences between ones and others has caused that the time and that the disaster was not taken care of in the fair in its proper measure and in and the time i had to do it then that meaning then what the

administration does not work that we have to be faster and you have to have people who make quick decisions and efficient because that's what happens that for one another the house without sweeping information about the location of the chapapote in the sea and on the coasts that accumulates every morning in this control tower

the government took 20 days to create this confusion crisis cabinet because he remembered but i think nobody thought that in so little time is going to have taken so many lives also slopes and letters that got off and we see that we it remains to close the people are going to work the same or you will work in

lourido and the transport code organized so that they have centers and tour at mid afternoon three technicians ministries of the government of galicia and army process the information and draw up a plan for the next day environment is responsible for coordinating the monitoring of the coasts and the

cleaning the beaches look at the beaches are very good in the 306 affected beaches that there were in the coruã±a practically today we can say that there are approximately 19 with groups scattered the rest is in a very situation good and healthy i came here because this was the most

wild of the world here we see 4 family when i came here there was no light there was no way we have to go down through the mountain deva car but they go up benito es percebeiro has been with us for 20 years the costa da morte no longer look for shellfish between the rocks i come here again to apply to the

beach scratch a puzzle walk like no of if i'm here waiting for what do everything and if cleansed pity you approached stone that there are jokes sweet and here is going to clean live moreira a village near muxia with his wife and his two children in december received his first compensation the same as they charge of the xunta 16 thousand sailors

shellfish farmers and shipowners to all they pay 40 euros a day for expecting this killed a break or one still they are thinking how good they are without cent and be given and it's good that the company is fine not but the tap is provided i say and the people or companies is also no longer in the liver and vexed there was not a good

time and barnacles god knows when and if they are going to put him in havana that puts him fpf that way but good while do not die entertainment and diarrhea by eating what does not happen, nothing happens later there will be lovers of tobacco the only thing that said yes yes money money money he said but my god

so shameless or do they want to cover the mouth to people so cheeky or is because they repeated it to the satiety and the only thing he said there is not here no nobody came to see how it was this is going to say quiet gentlemen let's see we have to wait because we need these things i understand that it takes material but is that nobody comes to

explain what is happening i wonder whole villages malpica muxã­a thing camarã­n and these are peoples that live solely from the sea what happens now does not happen that is that you they take away the mass culture that this people from before even the people the jovillos just come from the barnacle av

let live to fish chaves the entertainment where you go to the bar to have a few drinks to finish half people alcoholism and the other what is found depression all the children is a little one but the first ones we already saw it they do not know or not but that the crisis that can not only do it

in the fish market nacho castro receives two tons of oranges you have not ordered your spokesman farhan haq de porto do are from the town hall because it has not only sent this is that we we already have the quota in covered jewels the oranges for three months this has sent the goods without call like that you can not work like that

there is coordination with the globe network this would end oranges there are many who are in solidarity with them and we are solidarity with a total mass with what we have today is that if there a kind of arrest against a player of soccer if the mps had a pack and our area tomorrow for example is to demand reforms

for many of us we take to finisterre delights of this topic is how to know from what or for affected investments this is a clear expression is a shit but it's what there is not burn the garbage began to send to reduce in 2 bocatas is much better our you sandwich a tube and some fruit in each ball every chimney other than what

it is very ugly if it is so it is a dirty that this comes out here this is try to wash your face two months after the problem that this people look at me with advertising if at first they tried to sell the motorcycle that nobody takes advantage politician who got over what p

politically is that i have been forced to take political tendency by at least draw in your opposition for the abandonment to which they left my people to my people to my family to my nephews who are the future of this country is what i have to say i do not know if maybe it's a body what i can do is if you

place trust in people for to send you the least problem that you leave situation of helplessness in three months in this market five thousand 40 thousand volunteers the central government and the xunta have said that is not needed but that is cleaning the woman to radio very child is unthinkable that is the chapapote that is what

that we have in the stones are that you think you do not feel like it and i do not think out things without thinking volunteers are needed in test the volunteers these volunteers i told him back there speak listen and transmit tell what who see and when that to their homes to their cities their peoples to their countries say

look at you spain or look at you start your together this is not what we thought we were a country that we are on the train of europe head and we found that we are taking out sheet metal man with the hands that is what conveys the opposite of what there is anthony javier castro brothers of nacho

they just arrived from madrid and i go to work as volunteers on the heights from his childhood who sailors which has reached the village walk the first six times they cleaned it up hand on the last four occasions have incorporated technology jets of hot water under pressure the beach of the paseo ccoo and domus would go

clean every day because he was getting to each night discount and shoemaker it is treated by our chapapote parks will be other parks here not there were parks with our cities parks will be all the stones and the fences the salitas these that we they left

there is absolutely nothing to do this reds that are black there will not be possibility in the coming days cried with the maximum desire of start it we can not clean the beach change the rocks in any case my feeling towards this is despair of this and what

voted life without years amounts the fuckers of the tankers clients always then all life go west as there is now but with this we have fighting all life the coastal for martã­ who owes the good the estuary of arousa is the most productive

of the world and the engine of the economy galician scientific system sailors stopped the chapapote in the mouth of the estuary the fuel did not enter then but the threat is out there the fishermen have paralyzed their activity and live in a tense wait this afternoon they listen to a biologist

portuguese the town has created its own commission of crisis where they are represented all local entities meet at daily are neither the mayor nor the not even the central administration with rare story that this vote is made in an emergency situation but this is a provoked emergency

artificially by the earthquake or they argue about who should claim the first invoices of the prestige throw the blames at the end of his administration to try but fast the town of o grove wants means to protect your day the senior employer set an emergency plan and tools to carry it out

material means more than 20 days ago and while another mother left to another won that if we are going to study it see it but ultimately we were not made much case jose castro of his old pattern the night the prestige he was in front of the muxã­a things he came out on his part as a man of the sea understands the captain's performance

considers it an error to have sent the tanker sea in as you know the step taken down by investment funds and people are is going to misbehave that direction goes to his son minor nacho close relations with the troop that collaborates in the fish market i feel like the captain of this ship you understand a capital never abandons

their crew we are writing please do not touch us all and the bottom it's a story of people only from personal no colors or matches or military or civil we are all people this is the authentic reality had and considered it as a symbol or a sign of

humanity now we have time for me to i feel comfortable among you not i should feel comfortable, i feel like in my house i believe that it is accepted as in my house with his recordings the seven and a half 500 volunteers they raise at the same time in the sports center of muxia two army companies

specialized in logistics have installed an outdoor tent with sanitary soldiers are also responsible for serve the breakfasts and clean the eaters of the fish market is the third and last day of volunteer work for the local police of san roque let's take a look at the entire estuary

to see if they have locked a cookie some small cookie of chapopote let's comb the entire entrance of the mouth of the estuary of arousa los marineros of o grove and do not let your guard down mouth of the river continue to appear remains of fuel until today they have collected 900 tons of fuel oil clean and they have collected thousand 900

tons of fuel oil with sand and 42 bathtubs with plastic work stained with ends with pieces of wood and so on take a look at the island of sã¡lvora here that with all the love of his life it was when he came in and he has stayed coach and the top of the whole and good in the low zone

the divers have the first days have gone to look was totally clean as for rivas and everything is stained the rest of all the clothes up everything is stained with chapapote but as soon as he went down to clean because come with all the magic of your life and it's over and that's what we've had so far not southwest of

sã¡lvora the coastal area there was a small spot in the count area is worth in the cove i got there was hospitalized was not much but it did have then on the rocks with all the high tide above all i had had a stain in that the program that is tried to minimize on the part of the administration from the beginning and that

we did a little bit we carried out that fight because we do not resign ourselves to swallow the chapapote so to speak that is a little what is happening in the north of galicia that still and tons and tons to collect and we are talking about since we are in the month of january and at this point we do not understand how

there can still be beaches with those quantities of fuel that are contaminating and that will deteriorate even more that area we all get a little laugh today those statements nor scientist starting good that that dissolves and disappears someone is lying in this story and we

the reality says that there are 80 tons daily if we multiply by the days it is clear that every month they are generating therefore those two thousand and tons and that are sea the elder patron of o grove has traveled to port to meet with joao coimbra director of the center marine research of portugal that

this scientist warned in the press that with the change of the currents marinas the fuel will arrive in may to the estuaries galician and north of portugal oo oil slick with was first first biweekly who was put in play this way the construction has a problem

complicated the permanence of gaza the first set was very very difficult serve as x in its parity with an ace which are creating new ones like the fc consumption youtube its beautiful there things that do not match and while do not generate a trust in the information that we are given to the sector it is clear that we are going to continue

calm and dissatisfied and that these not heights of the crisis in which we are now i think that it should be outlined otherwise in the crisis cabinet continue processing data everything seems under control tell me this photo from last saturday so far no stain appears

if four customizations are those that reports to us helicopter of the civil guard works and we send a dial to check well without and organizations are spots or be it good no no no no no it is necessary for send star full against life imprisonment we are

against or please but the case that can come here and juanito chain hate and if it gets wet with the chapapote if not suffers as a third of that this is like putting together a slice of bread of the row and try to clean the bread to reuse them and impossible to grains and she's always always going to be so it's impossible

with three days and want the fatigue accumulated from fourteen to gaza or hand when there is the one selected but we're going that has to collaborate today for example we know how it ended much more than the days at 77 or much more today they have collected five tons of chapapote

first we will go back and from there we are going to fight here in the field contrary because this season date signaled and few people come but and in february and in march and in summer when galicia do not have anybody here we go to we added the xunta has opened life in the estuaries baixas

but the women of o grove do not want shellfish refuse to collect shellfish in the morning and clean cookies from fuel in the afternoon now we already know where the stains neither where does it go and if they come to here or to the other side and not i can say that there are no spots because if the ship keeps casting 5 tons 2

tons whatever it is every day that that has to go somewhere and until they find the coast where land so to speak not in vain is of him and he does not want to kick him out anywhere it seems a lie that the portuguese below and this time the portuguese gave us a lesson is

the truth is ... thanks to that we learned many things because here the televisions do not they were selling lamb according to the years were sent from above in the brotherhood follow the evolution of the spots through the pages of the xunta and the hydrographic institute we continue consulting the portuguese

we continue consulting once in a while and sometimes as not through the page of the board but as sometimes we also knew each other filling the pages of the portuguese to verify if indeed spots are in the area more or less where our counseling tells us our boards

he is absent this is the center of the army portuguese brain of the army where all of our people are concentrated information elements and where is the national maritime authority that is who at the moment coordinates all the information relative to the prestige the forecasts of the institute

hydrographic of portugal have always been more pessimistic than the ones by the spanish authorities to avoid expose in the first days were the only ones that will warn of the magnitude of the catastrophe despite the fact that the winds have the fuel of its coasts keep intact a dedicated emergency operation

entirely to the monitoring of prestige when you do not go to those of guardiola we definitely do not lower our guard we follow the situation every day we are worried about him was the one that comes out that continues to leave the area of dent. we are still worried about him was

the one found in coastal areas that you can derive for areas of portuguese responsibility parasols possibility that portugal has defined an immediate action plan in anticipation of discharges on their coasts directed by the commander fernandez is a factor per se instead of occurring in front of the galician coasts be here

where it would have been in portugal to purge the result would have been very different in quantity because we have all our coast protected with plans of intervention of these plans intervention foresee the immediate taking of measures with entities that are included in the plan intervention

i'm very good i like water there were 45 people and the water was coming out and i i fought with cold water because i did not they could to the military store and i needed about 10,000 units of muxã­a try who they want to follow asking for civil protection and i do not know the more times bathrooms are not done no fucking case of the board or from which

have to put the thing that made this did this measure and now we do not like but that is still missing from the city whereas now it does not seem so good the problem is not what the house was and mattresses that do not have that possible no one will sleep on the floor they can deny that they do not know what is here eight hundred people working for free

that is the criticism to say that it is having many people work graf and home indicates that the conditions of uni 1 e but i got fucked because there are who has are messi has not put it here however they have only could go there because many topics now we can walk irregular raised of the important habit that are being

giving cases of people with all their good will and homeless everything is said at the beginning meeting before annoying defense of the carmel peoples told me everything with a thing that comes out and has been explained first of all we have come to work if we get 10 kilos better than april 5 that's the first criticism but my friends

another organized mood what not what we know now we depend on people to tell us where the shit is we want to go for the shit the more kilos of shit you tell me what we do for each volunteer that do not say what you say everything possible to may this never happen again how everyone wins

as head of the crisis cabinet of the government ends its day summary a newsletter the incidents of the day are worried about the new way that is taking the was the most inaprensible are oil stains feeling that it is a very thin film very fine you will reap oil and water not then

that can not be picked up by ships because that with the alone if there is bad time for the same boats that pass above the sensations not scattered from disappearing the council warns the galicians that they have to get used to living with fire no. is collecting evidence of this

generation that we all thought candid wolf are taking away the chapopote the shit and is solving the problem and others do not i told him the woman told me that see if we get here do not get here and he decided to play the round finisterre until knowing the car the return coincided with bad times and weigh region and

i thought i was going to come here we have here on top of house already here we have exported a filling here of that july 20 and salary and arriman ay now there are more than 30 years older there of the deceased

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