mediterrane deko bad

mediterrane deko bad

ladies and gentlemen secret word tonightis door cdl who are really you know that yourwife but it's all part of the owners ofamerica resent roger marks the annual back your life the comedy groceries weredozen transcriber hollywood and here is though one of the only a defining for a grown man or that may notcome out allies wait we got three thousand fivehundred dollars tonight we start fresh with one thousand dollars for one of ourcouples judge found a man who is who whodisplays wagon just before we went on

the air our studio audience elected aback door of the spencer and here we are customer response time and this irenetommy groucho marx welcome kits minnesota plan a date was we're going to be says it's a good wayto anytime he wins on a dollars in cash the common way something you see everyday uh... that's learners wednesday uh... mister them from it is time within him

uh... a a kind of what you do it he had a kind of records in specialpinching pathogen petroleum corporation and uh... mister evanston may misscollins you know and you his neck collar that hasn't been there want my kind of like you doing this then well time office manager for the ecologicallike glass company

when she was down from well i think i'm pretty old now delicate barkley let him a red light denouement a so you have a little and ilike it had even did all night and raced forty four no now that's a wonderful days from now is that they're hiring well i think it is do

that i don't thing here results are you not fight and have uh... television idea man all that by seven friday the that america's image of your ideamanatee about three-fourths of the

as uh... dodging women and i'll let youin the u_n_ did you mean anything to you experiencefor me only one that i can think of my frnd the mathematically andres i don't know howwe're doing it is but uh... here in los angeles electrically young lady up tothe apartment above board friend of mine andno one was formed that's all i ok a i couldn't get and what time you how toget him because

he'd always loses he used the we would first garbage can aside and enter idon't have it in the living room the when you were out in the hall you coulduh... enter through the garbage entrance to get into unlocked the front door muscle of the islamic you'll ever intown and said on that's that's a good way then i'd say just one hundreddollars in cash compliments and it's not a plan thatthere was an american you remember what we were talking aboutone of our do dot inside demand around unlock thefront door i did

note of the boyfriend had moved outabout two three weeks before was gone it was a when i got inside there was a man inhis wife in bed no enlightening announcing faggot distantbut need ir something without me the front door with right handed therebut i didn't go out the front door i went back out this garbage road dislikeme as i a romantic interlude in your life as a confined bachelor and restorecapgemini rosenman said the graveyard of

your neckties almost anyone from home irene you pretty good cook well i think them what kind of issue like that without anyanything in particular well i like frantic and the democrats ido have a recipe that time at a proud of that i liked sick tomy friends coming to delhi thinking good evening gracie like going to dinner

whatever i can get the raises idealizedtouted and placed it on hiring you not find a poison marie zero what is right candidate is really what uh... welfare crazy lobbies we need a good oneanother kathy love eileen proposed deal right now what would your answer be oneof you know yes uh... you change your mind add-onstruggling but still alive do congratulations to you too i know you'llbe very happy and remember marries

it's a good way tonight as reagan did ittake and payment charming ineffective governmentand the other great deal in common on just one minute you don't know what theother persons in one thousand dollars you bet your life but it's all open at the lives ofamerican have certain standards which they do there utmost to live up to you might call this set of standardstheir creed it means a lot for them and do you was acar owner this creeds states that have reducedauto plymouth dealer wants to and

intends to treat you all for aliensquarely whether you're going for a new car aused car or just a simple repair job it's the honest desire of everyone inthe office and in the shop at your this not opened at theaters serve you'll for the best of his or herability isn't this the kind of attention youwant well then what are you dr visit thatit's not all plymouth dealer calleb c_n_n_ is bad for an expensivewill be the ones who get the chance of minnesota plymouth i was not a question

famine bring them up to date on the road each of our three couples has twentydollars they've had as much of that whether theywant me to four questions a couple of the most money gets a chance of athousand dollar question of the individual our other two couples are inthe waiting room off stage so that i was going on out here irregardless alliedinvented twenty dollars you selected cities and states is your categoriesthat right for these cities are over fifty thousandpopulation music by splitting up twenty dollars onjennifer a

and up than down ok knowing what stateis the city of problems royal rhode island has a right downtown l_a_ with thirty dollars crackdown harder and even for a thousand dollars and i know how much of thethirtieth on it right you might say the city of jackson fathers right i mean i have twenty dollars all dayhazy thank question how much of the forty we had a twenty dollars in what state is a city of patterson

new jersey is correct don't know where they are sixty dollars using lessons to be the other coupleshow much of the six he would have been thirty dollars thirty dollars in mystate is the city of cincinnati how how i laugh why not do it banks and good luck from the start oftime a day or stick around now you may get a chance of the big question brock told us that woodward is stilldoor i know that god

over after a couple was little we haveabout her doctoral and the house wives selected from the studio audience justbefore we went to a year here they are mrs irene called and mister or bottleisland a nice groucho marx welcome for fear that your life going to be sensitive labors and i wasin cash and sadly it's a common law is something you see every day uh... housewife and on about them misses but liotta how's life now andcisco

what sort of like you do um... justin filmmaker nothing and and then there's the again and i'm susan that's interesting about them the way you from from the philippines there well what do you do as it has aboutlogistics what are you doing

see that the housing office monthly conference would really like anadrenaline the what was the best w_e_u_ has aboutminister gala nine workwear a millionaire mothers and name old rather than saying that with youguys though could you give me a phone phonenumber day might be looking for a goner a i'm looking for a guy named no mile asbackup idolized differences

tell me about their house how how manyrooms for the and seventeen rooms in the house seventyrooms seventeen how many sentencing were fourteen sevens what he said bothered about other jobs there all but learn shaken butler tumbling

upstairs made those dismayed hope uh... issue fco at google was the second of two just samples that attention the or because our report now a m mr young man is in your new jobof the house so was the first thing you do in the morning get up from bed sir marla singer at ninety one for thesurprising you do first thing to do is

to see that the breakfast is served skidded things too report that they you've got the wrong time do you get a switch with amazing theeither irene making your breakfast and that ifyou want headed by latin cook into the back tothe doing that again

and i know you got it and i think i havea lot of agra karti here crying everytime the electric blanket but as you do in your job then you help them as they weredisclosed nesler was there it exploded let's say this was a papa who can afforda valid a what about the lady in the house to have some other dressing substation

how do you know you ascot do the u_n_ announced as mayor enough there's may want to see a lot oftrouble she wouldn't stay upstairs a promising young man is in fact any highin mind i feel is distracting about madonna tax collector now you're going to work together as ateam for a change in one thousand dollars you're on your twenty bucks in amore than our other couples and you get a crack at the disorderplanted that question

i can tell you how much i first coupleon the joint famine as our states remind our listeners the bathroom spinster one ninety dollars every dollar i think i embedded twentydollars you selected famous women athletes is your category all right now you have twenty dollars onthe human attract then the with what's bought the u_s_o_c_eight-day depiction uh... logan i love is right panorama of thirty dollars hire any nineper thousand dollars manometer thirty

dollars which i twenty dollar one sport as noted byfriends and three lakhani i'm sorry and i think she's a westernthing or another burger november we had on this program he threw me twice in three minutes and are ten dollars a night at tendollars in his at that question comitted attorney donovan futile likes

told us five dollars are either the on it and you know that you want a compromise megan eight paid balance stated that question we once thought aslouise breath associated the arrow eugene h tennis is correct hardly they have a feeling all right allthe time at the magazine's examiners and

eighteen dollars using lessons to be theother couples how much of the eighties from family okay we watched what he said he madefrance associate running fighting in iraq statewide aquifer three dollars banks and a lot from the start of limitthere was not just a man i last couple of the out he and then we'll all get thechance of a thousand dollars famine was leading

the back door of the spencer leadingwith ninety dollars and the secret word is still doorperhaps the next couple of things we invited some terrorist experts to theshow tonight and just before we went on the air our studio audience selectedmiss does that front tire from the french consulate mr alok osler whodrives a sightseeing bus watched me groucho marx log on to thesort of limit there wasn't one of his has a stake in what he was a hundreddollars in cash it's a common way miss the shows that front thing is thatright and i pronounce your name correctly not that currently keysvoltaire

disappointment and you're from the french consulate ito yung body movements in dude differences they speak hands have i have a date thank you messing with the ul and film

the just as a phony hinson one-linerfrank the mademoiselle they're already gone i mean how paper the perfume later a fancy enough of them olga superstar full say you should beviewed it forms eva do you think you people not film i knew you were friends in the different phrases if the plans that means i'm sick of myfriends the

that coming up these my hats on five the maria fernandez that uh... unfolding here indignity you're from vienna what time did you have any uh... under that anything on the fact that there has been a night inside

who you mister cutler slicing buster if they can desert directly if they can have upright andi'm from colorado vindiction you speak french much easier if you spoke friends and getall three of us can vice in the finding a promising hope you don't mind if we speak englishhere

i think he could be vented to date we we've had a program vote for mister kozol detail every aligned motor tourist and what i want to return we operate over earl of southern california nevada radar bus sightseeing buses difference i thinkthat in history

what is a hazard the no what questions here touringpassengers as most frequently and placed over the next filling station thei wanna hold my sister friday as mostly analytical and all theycan get into a movie studios movie star for some of the movie stars' homes if you find uh... we pass a ruler area with homes u_n_ crawfordeddie cantor jack benny

but you don't have mine do passed within about a half a buck toyou close if i know when you were coming ican walk up and make a python the but i think let's get back to you fromthe internet do what do you do it the frenchconsulate the u_n_ ambassador you know and i can and that's about i'dwell pleases and commencement f_e_c_ after shave my business seventy stick somebody with a saudipalin now that the sticky used to have issues one two threepicking up quite a lot of the land

reliance life and that means and that's on edge as evaluate adds tothe everything uh... no yet that he attached to the defense council inc well i hope to be very happy the pat ideal attached anybody and hasn't no i haven't seen you know rhode island express bus driver and the

doing this and i mean well how is the tractor french pastrylike you are still on the bakery doing campaign and in fact we can't bewrong they're not so many things fence-mending united would you have tomarry a frenchman could you marry one of the home garden i think they could be intensitysomething they can and spatially if he had some

for the clinton appointees a maturity what you have in mind i mean i came to be kind still true down and kitties gave annette and also political it willexplode but i thought that's what may not be thesame everyone on you feel about american has been said well i think they're kind and gentle

phantom well-heeled while an idea that kind of a husband rental blaming it on the let you know what kindof odd when you are remarried but thursday add up strengthening i make the jokes aroundthe when you find most interesting about theunited states is that i think that he's a stagnant itni people in ten mins ten years

increased seems to be happy to leave two days and just like you see where the family to hona making but you're very observant versions that perhaps someday there will ever see thatlead to as secretary for the commercial attachesjust what are your duties my job club is a lot of katie tony nearby places iran iraq the

forty minutes from from i mean i have to and says the phones and they cansometimes some anyone's and uh... also lying he seemed uh...people who we seem to do forty people become friends right now i'd like to go to princeton i'm planning on going then examine whatkind of the trip would you suggest that in no watching this picture dinkinsdid

the anything any other atlanta maggotpower the mile and a lot about france nine on someof us drive palestinian through when the most money at the chance of athousand-dollar question being out of the problems that so you have to do i can tell you how much they won thejudge is thinking around our states remind our listeners the bedroom the spinster sister leadingwith ninety dollars fairly honestly i've invested twentydollars you select the size of current movies is your categories that correct

when he plays questia twenty dollars howmuch would it off but it is to find out who plays samson samson and a liar thanks easy question well it's become a killer now you haveto clean up alright many going for a thousanddollars night so that's the big right down to the fifteen would you try negative make it sound alright was amale star of sands of iwo jima johnnie garden

darling john wayne interact well underway now have twenty mileradius twenty five dollars easy thank question how much of a twenty fiveminutes right who plays the title role in thelmajordan take against going i'm sorry this bothers family all right now yeah fifteen hours on thecuban about no diversity fifteen and one if you're going to have ok fifteen blue skies in the western montanagirlfriend path when it first

having husband there get the chance forthe summer plymouth thousand-dollar question that sierra but one thing all of uscould come on as far as whether when was that it would be unpredictable and of course this is all the more reason to have ourcars operating in tip top shape many many people discover this year that it pays to go a little unauthorizedthis total plymouth dealer whether it's an emergency or a routinecheckup

well there you get expert courteousservice at the lowest possible cost that it is not open the feeders everydayway of doing business now we're able to accomplish thisbecause they have highly skilled mechanics in their shop and these experts work with specialfactory designed and approved tool from a records they keep on your cardare able to tell you for example when your engine is ready for a tune up for anew lubrication they'll tell you when you're tiredshould be rotated to add thousands of miles of their life

for the best from your car stopping we've got the best service an authorized this auto plymouth dealers and remember all dealers who sell this auto also sellplan and here is the bacteria and the spencerballooning couple already but that is all about a thousand dollar questiongroucho alright here we go over a thousand dollars radio-t_v_ fifteenseconds to decide on one single incident to me in

so think carefully and please know thatthe audience headed recently in a big shake up the personnel a new chief of naval operations wasappointed to succeed had moved enfield who is the present chief of navaloperations what is the answer you two have decidedupon they don't know i'm sorry it's admiral forestry in them so that means the big question next weekwe wait one thousand five hundred dollars

when you watch the big money but you oneninety dollars in the quiz plus on analysis saying the statewidecongratulations and thanks to both of you joel about your life is a job developerabout japan's rival hollywood directed by bob lawmen bracelet delivered by gerry building be sure totune in again next wednesday night at this time the groucho marx yo-yo butyour line presentable more than three thousand is a little bit of the lives ofamerican i remember all there is the result is a little also celebrant torate cards what products of the chrysler

corporation and don't forget the big question will be worth dean hundred dollars before winding up tonight's proceedingsi'd like to thank the radio editors of united states and canada for voting i show the best quiz programon the air in the annual poll conducted for framemagazine well it's almost time for bing crosby sodenied by

does this go to a cd on assault on myhand and i have there's a performing arts no statebecomes an but golden rule applies and drivingthrough drive as you would have the other fellowdr there's a charge breneman signing offmore than three thousand a subtle plymouth dealers from coast-to-coast gentleman the secret word tonight his heart easy arty reading you'll back your alive

that is all part of the ways of america present groucho marx in your old butyour life but how many groceries but it was in transcriber bollywood andy isabelwildly only well spring is just around the khanawhich i was assets may not come out hanky-panky well here i am again but onethousand five hundred dollars for one of our couples and i judge found a man whodisplays whack at we asked if there were any couples here tonight who've beenmarried more than fifty years and just before we went on the air our studioaudience elected mister and missus a

risk factor in here they are books meet groucho marx welcome kits for desoto plan a date not to say that's a good way to manytime where what we're talking you wynonna dollars in cash it's a commonway something you always have waited so he had to eliminate more than fiftyyears how how long have you been marriedbusinesses that can dekhti isn't national bank

and uh... how long have you beenmagnificent how how does it feel to be celebratingyour fifty at their wedding anniversary mister patten beautiful by the same as the forty niners goes on power the forty eight they remember that abstained office let's try the thirty nine dollars agnes through as i was a great year that theydid

given in california mister peckham twenty seven years and uh... why did why did you come here when it please let mister pope canaffect and once plan would have been cheaper to put on havingunderwear a right away if you formally reside inas a second before that texas gainesville texas

was at the united nations dennison i was one speech tonight and i was justa plain nuclear on the front porch in a hotel definitely on the sunday you know a lotof play you karan nacogdoches incident p from out of the fact that way i playvision of a lot on saturday uh... may i ask a hold you are when youget married mrs thatcher twenty-year and hallway you and uh...

missus packet if you are circulationdoes twenty-six you seventy six certain sitemap niece of mine who justpassed the spirit of seventy six also whatsoever what do you do not you're a bomb pulitzer prize for his mister trakcare that you like them if if he is namedquit you ought to be a candy is a which one are not the something we havedone you if you have any children and nidhi

annotations two sons as an arizona isinnocent if you have any grandchildren and lisasecond instead to you had a great grandchildren homes you have any great-great grandchildren here in iraq after all these years of marriage do youhave any pet name for your wife mister becker yes syria always colder sweethearts instead hot and i have to say goodbyestatus one hundred dollars in cash

compliments of the start-up limitdealers in america and we are definitely using hot as thesecret word tonight in honor of the nineteen fifty hot campaign now going onall over america and missus uh... factor why why do youcall twenty three schedule yet insanity yukon and show you disaster any financial reasons on do you remember who did the proposingwhen you uh... when you engage mister farrakhan

yes uh... dian what'd she say f youpropose i don't have any idea but you know i mean thought we all have amistake tragedy you'll remember exactly what yousaid when he proposed he said no i was right as i live on seriously isbn inspiring having you tohear what the fifty m at age you said a fine example for the youngcouples in america

and i hope you'll invite me to yourseventy-fifth anniversary and just one managing unlike the otherfor a chance to win a lot of money you better life your base ultimately pledges himself to treat you'll fairlyin squarely day after day year after year that's the way more than three thousandsubtle plymouth the lives of america feel about all the customers they serve that's their point

and they'll do there utmost to live upto it at all times no matter how are you drive into adesoto plymouth peters you'll find at the honest desire of all the folks thereto serve you all to the very best of their ability they know that's the kind attention thatwill make you a satisfied and steady customer in the years to come that's why it pays to stop where you seethe sign of unauthorized asoto plymouth either and remember all dealers who sell desotoalso self limit

now then it's a view to youngsters willget a chance at the fifteen hundred dollars famine tommorow feature by three couples has twentydollars because much of that one is they want me to four questions the couple that aren't the most money gets a chance of the desoto plymouthfifteen hundred dollar question at the end of the show our other two couples are in the waitingroom on stage so minimal it's happening out here

illegality ojai committed twenty dollarsyou selected name the fruit is your categories and write yes vision faceless you have twenty dollarsand how much would you risk what type of fruit is a pattern an apple is right falling here on u_s_ famine says ramigoing for fifteen hundred dollars tonight how much of the f_a_a_ dollarswhen you try it ten dollars ten dollars la raza bottler packed up a risk on

powell forty dollars raj on how you areforty dollars a if you think question how much of the forty would it right what kind of fruit is a must get and usd eighty yeah do you think it's a great can you please have a well it is addressed project and i do have sixty dollars days u_s_chance to be the other couples homage to

the sixty-eight unido for how much it'sa mother okay thank you bill what is meant by a yellow claim companies that p patriot like knowledge thanks and good luck from the start ofplanet they would not all go away now you might get a chance to the bigquestion raj all of the secret word is still hard he has to address the nextcouple will sickness to just before we

went on the air our studio audienceelected glenn changed a department store buyer mister alexander atkinson americamandate here we are broadus me groucho marx welcome for thesort of plan available when he says the city where he was on adozen cash instantly it's a common was something you alwaysugly missed a rat mister atkinson you know you had a married man try yeah

grow up in america you have been orthere's no point getting pugnacious about atkinson is it how you related to the dramatic renegeon the new york times unrelated to a former governor of georgia last night i also used exact answerannenberg sentence on yesterday's adjuster letters usually my sanity i hear you sunayana done uh... your view of where you fromthis decade to compliment on the

sunshine and flowers beautiful womenjust artisan those small by u_n_ firing that we have small herein california mister also lovely because all of your total enchantingalso anomalous donald also mister much mister using i'm in favor of sunburn on thebyline almost the promised land plan promising about an hour off and i would say you are real killersaddress old karla plotted on a full race i got a lot of sam nunn wasunderwater habitats but

discovered land on the part of it andlet discovered land finding a job you mind if i use andthat's right dollar just dead just what is your professionis that concern well but let alone but the net i think you've got mail plays not while i'm smoking and i got integrate frontline tells us what all ofthese so one of only

this project report for tonight blooded which i think it's hard toentitlement fun and fun matters but others saw them friedchicken i'm a strident and he's jonathan and analysts light donot k cannot stand by

it's not good for to be associated withthe father studio in hollywood that comes on the bottom of my wholelife that's one of the others webaward when i'm getting someone that you funnymy daughter died sorry when i was in bed woman said thatit's not a planet dealers in america dragons and i you related to the i cansend in a hot and via cell phone i got out of all of a georgia yeah youcould talk is not in a row on how do you do miss it

missing how do you give now i ask you place howdo you do despite transplanted down the stairs you're at your department store buyersat night how many department stores have youbooked this weekend hideout by department stores i appliedfor a department i think if i were which one barbara you from all of actually saying in there

and philadelphia did you buy it department stores rightin front of him i'm afraid you don't follow me well even if i did is not going to beafraid of it flatware utilities buying plans uh... there were about to be a littleroom and what a buy for them as i think it's that addresses

who buys a wasteland did you ever by any dresses that youstart anselm um... i get stuck with a few development might help i can see wages stuck with them utilities white-out well when they don't know if i wereusually much financially stable you know more than a speed and isn't it maginnis top of the dead white house

must be quite a problem on a hot day all right well where you can make it easierdeadline elephants and going monday dan unless they come in but i thinkscientifically de la diaries minuscule branch was delivered by a veces fee astore that you can sell yes for needed

now the changing the stylist hereblanche yes he came to is more towards theshortest sketch you think we can speed up internal andon after all i've got so long ago leon dot them away where they've been one of the land about halfway between me and the floor sounds like anything unless they can usethis band wake up there

has been confirmed do how long is your life wear dresses two or three years article by catholic missouri darling locker so his time and runsagain doing well we know that deal about department still has an elephant's noteven a like together for a chance of fifteen hundred dollars he'd be added to couples you get achance of the big question later i can tell you how much the first coupleomics panama's allstate remind our

listeners mister and missus packer who've beenmarried for fifty years earn ninety dollars here we go if they are hiding that youtwenty dollars you selected a romantic songs if you were category busy place questia twenty dollars howmuch you want to risk let's see if you can identify the songplay gary emory and loudly demanded dying for fifteen hundreddollars nine hundred unified a dollars

lived right less than a minute romantic song okaygary run or names of the plane diamond do everything after it private came through in the last quarterthere blanche all right is it that question how muchof the fifty when you drive

humidified other stuff the ninety dollars all right and i mean i was not a wholelot at all on if you'd like activity at a coveted title for the nineteen overthe line fist on the way that i know all-round banks and a lot from the start of limitthere was not with sonar will get the chance of the fifteen hundred dollarquestion animal with a hat the department storeby or on the right man a meeting with a

hundred eighty dollars and the secretword is still hard we invited some hoboes anthem jobanalysts of the show tonight and just before we went on the air our studioaudience selected missus allen robbins and mister bill hewlett famine where and i think you have anyand all of our present as well although groucho added a combo tumi groucho marxdot com add to the sort of plan a program of one of the says the statewhat he was on and i was instantly it's a common way something you always have waited

okay na final with a hobo comes from uh... miss robbins where you found me onmarriott along if you lived out here is the threeyears where you had quite a beauty to local stream will you wait for themes period in time well on the job announcements and what is the function of a germanallen well we can to give people we screened in the case then we try todetermine what type of decision had been suitedfor you don't analyze jobs and you just

analyze people in the rent you could saythat minority districts by sifting through all the facts aboutuh... i gather that you are the hoboes andwrite this right the media provide a meter that becauseyou know don't uh... but would offer to buy time anybody for a cup of coffee remain i've had them have amassed meetwith illicit trying

transaction happy overall goals that he has to differ heap gets there it was a british up forme studebaker defect happens any cookie that bakery for what happy just yield bridge to houston what he wants their status was in themedia how do you get it from the voter in newyork in any throws you're on the meeting wary

even showing density dispelling jayaram tony cook up some of them the youngsterevery night you'd like a little me kiss you good atanswer money i'm like so the kids they let mek i got a littlebit yet providing a week ago leave if they use apersonal what friday tomorrow sunnyvale as an itinerary delivered for some time good sometime bitten white america wet way where do you live

well we've been waiting to see like theobligation which you know every room around waiting religion well when you camping in the in the jungle as you call it good but what kind of meals there do you make make mulligan stew uh... well how do you make money youstill you get an angry face too a garmi ke come out on the day moneyback in the british are beginning to in your show and ah... that's one of yourown show paper here he is the cookeville

tn clarity but suppose you can there big enemy i wouldn't be a million studing wellwhat would you have them and be from the union what what do you think we are some guidance or battery issues battery acid but you can at least amasonic home on a nut yes what is battery yet

bliss fresh coffee first initiative you blowit off at the national on the battery as you do you use it over again surelybasement various leading mentioned a short of money how many times you've got it over analyst and conditions you'd hitler card is notnecessary actions and we think that uh... if you're headed by a lot of times in my house and things like that for thefirst time on

how do you keep in touch with peoplewhen you're on the road away did you mail for mostly january it why what kind of what do you do whenyou're liking bill or you can work through ivins staley finally worked ondekhti working properly mandela working with harvest field well how do you get from place to placethere here i derived polymer driving twenty five years yearshighest-rated free

parole board to nineteen fifteen fifteenyear old yeah i read black sky value reefer mike mccurry retrieving the recruit car we need to realize and united it january red and blue fescue trainride that day pretty dangers in mhm here

what kind of car do you prefer refer parliament but well i mean in on a permanent diplomats say there is no commonavailable him the ice hotel where they are fitting me as someone can relate to to user-defined what do you like best about the life youreview well elected beef free at all like to be tegan electricalplay here like to get at new morning we

went to that one life can be a kid at this ticket nicolefeeding rebecca but you you provide a refrigerator car alarmd appointments have been very interestingand the have you here tonight and then i'm goingto try for a chance of the fifteen hundred dollar question ubi attitude problems you mentioned thatall that money again today much of a couple hundred famine and one remind ourlisteners the department store buy american

andrew hit with a hundred eighty dollars here we are still trying to find out ifyou select that islands of the way i was just categories that right now you have twenty dollars how muchabout dr fifteen fifty-nine worldwide ocean youfind the hawaiian islands specific pacific ocean about five dollars buddy monday going for fifteen hundreddollars nine hundred of the thirty-five which run

belief in twenty five and one or two viafine dreamland reluctantly email and it is right fifty in one cd a fine the island ofcorsica question him mediterranean mediterranean stadium i sit on a rating in ourlifetime but wholesale in this world monastery vision lessons to be the othercouples night out on it and found out without hundred-dollar

d'amato should be a funny i love tohaiti etsu shift in the best and you know you'll have a perfect right tobe particulate about the way your car is service and that's why more and more car ownersevery day friday and it is a little plymouthbeaters well that's we've got expert courteous service at the lowest possiblecost you see this opened at theaters are justas particular about your car

as you are yourself their factory trained mechanics workingwith factory design an approved tools and equipment stacy to look at the service they offerin their shops is the best service you can get anyway well more than three thousand asotoplymouth leaders throughout america take pride in their reputation for fastefficient courteous service remember there's next time your carneeds service and drive into the sign of unauthorizedis so tall plymouth dealer

okay and here's the homeowner job analystbowling kabul already but it is all open a fifteenhundred dollar question groucho well a few and that she really going to be inwriting poems than paley offer fifty nine dollars readyi'll give you fifteen seconds to decide on one single answer between yousomething kathleen please knows this is the audience here it is in nineteen fourteen the united statesarmy finished his biggest peacetime job what is the biggest peacetime job everaccomplished by the army

i want to be as he had to decide if i amhammond why do you have the right answer say onefifty nine dollars one economy what all that money they are right on the radio the when i had seen it fast enough dominates anything in writing you thisone on and i think action on my part of haha lab comment on what he wanted it was allthat money it

arrived at preferred breaking jokedabout delivery to clean up the night you want to one in ten dollars in the quizand a hundred dollars for the sake of late and fifteen hundred dollars all i can say to you both the singraduations from the more than three thousand a sortof limit they listen coast-to-coast you bet your life the beyond a doubt production friends bythe hollywood directed by bob ronan bernie's men music by gerry building besure to tune in again next wednesday night it was time for the grotto marcio

euro that your line reasonable more thanthree thousand is open a beer in america and remember all dealers who selldesirable also sell brand to requires well products of the chryslercorporation and don't forget next week the big question will be worthone files in dollars pan-am and if you have nothing better todo this week why don't you see on the movie love happy appointed on a television often gruesomeacting as a very educational but from a fine for being priced restarted my part

husbands go out to sea otters autoklamath a lot dot biting off more than three thousanddistraught opened at theaters from coast to coast kissinger the secret word tonight as water w_ a_ t_ e_ r_ really you all that youall life but is all part of the owners of americaresent roger marking your that your life the comedy grocery for those intranscriber maliwan and grey hairs alarmed the only

buddy one little i'll do is go all thatmay not come on bank illa here i am again with onethousand dollars alone on top of the night judge famine was placed a coupleof irish people selected from our studio audience just before we went on the air it our way of noticing saint patrick'sday groucho here we are this terrible haggerty and after john gallagher meetgroucho marx welcome folks whether this sort of limitthere was anyone who says it's a good way demons and i wasn't a instantly it's a common way something you useevery day

and the finances yes when he got that d_n_a_ is the popeeven that's that's a real irish namandelighted with the length of the relation we had a plan for the show too value from uh... that email and i'm from on some of the banks of thechairman of the ways fatherland fans pretty authentic and haha long thank you i think you are not

forty two years and after all these years you still havea touch of hillside you section yours any type of matter negative but missile all had a day at a second fromthe that'll magazine hopefully which brought about in the u from lincoln's the world and how did you know that he was one ofyour ancestors of policemen my grandparents came from

united flight he moved in identifies remote from an online service and not for my limit where you from thisl_a_ as last time reunify looking less why did you not married then beautiful girl like you older clarifiedoil along with relative heal it money last month but ass

bodies is the nation's jaiku like a piece of data well it done it's a wicket as a couple weeks at the same thing could be taken as ameans of you see me for the life and that he feltlike i don't like effective my mind as anything but deadline in that picture

how how audio mr donahue sixty years you know goodbye and brought them a book who has a broad that'll mean are youstill though your little all here for that i think so and his exam of his eyes and maddie grandfather involvement

did how did you meet your spouse uh... peeps califano one out on about forty five years ago for this march and the west of irelandand she was out on the street chasing the chicken doing the same thingand do cannot be taken at the indictmentforty to ten and houses a bank marvels and then i went back the next night mademy point is and

well that's all i'm not eat or no one in black leather jacket this you know i never made any inquiry that yes they did you speak gaelic believe it not much but could you give us a few words went a little some of the month it with the wind

lamonica also the log on to become a leash to but what does that mean them well it means that in good evening how i a m will fine thankyou how r u ways you can tell you again could could you tell me a job in gaelic na i couldn't tell you i really couldn'ttell you i wouldn't be able to remember that delicate unusuallimitations and it with you but but frankly we did use the jump aboutthem

laity all making nice to know that iwill understand if it is a city about the english isimmediately without any it's about pat to level the fourth floorand billions within five andy field of the weight down thesidewalk leases end i'm gonna jump catch me so you don't populace i'd welcome ijumped away probably flopped on the sidewalk on the stretched out releasessay why did you catch me is that i would like to see you getbombs do

up at an that job is any indication herein la jolla man and i thought communist and in a uh... and have youever seen a lateral afrikaner no i've never seen it what is a leprechaun is there anythinglike a republican on denying repeated on as a republican on it an edge in a cable is dead pattern tell me uh... how do you usuallycelebrate saint patrick's day take a couple of minutes or somethinglike that

katie what's the real reason you are youcelebrate saint patrick's day well because intently to the patronsaint of my own vehicle district of ireland amanda in atlanta after an epidural i thoughtthey all came back again well at the top new to all i can say isa happy saint paddy's day to you both found just one managing unlike the otherproduces a thousand dollars you bet your when you call anyone of a more thanthree thousand assault limit the theirs

you'll find if they're on its desire toplease you no matter how small a job to be done the disorder opened at theaters offeryou the benefit of not only the best tools and equipment not only the factorytrained mechanics but they also feel it's important to becourteous to give their customers a square d that's their creek their way of doing business so no matter where you drive rememberthere are desoto opened at theaters

anxious to serve you all dealers who sell desoto also sellsplan uh... save an irish coming up on it willbe the ones who get the chance of the setup lim vows not a question and then bring them up to date on therole of each of our three couples as twenty dollars that as much about whether they want meto four questions a couple of the most money gets a chanceof a thousand dollar question of the individual our other two couples are inthe waiting room offstage so they don't

know what's going on out here illegality item that you twenty dollarsyou selected capitals upon countries easier category that correct okay now you have twenty dollarsrummaging onerous one of the capital city of denmark possible means that the n_t_s_b_ overhead refundyou agree with that one incident when i'm sorry it's it's copenhagen

ninomiya nine per thousand dollars night onto the ten dollars a year there one of the capital city of another pilots and today in our five dollars night on the fivedollars present to the five million tons of fun what is the capital city of spain measure it is a right have ten dollars alright now you got tendollars malaysia last chance to be the

other couples how much of the familypride alright part of the capital city ofparticle uh... less than it right wide thanks and good luck from the thestart-up ended there was an ongoing you may get a chance of the big question rajor the secret were distilled water weapon x couples say a barber mr arthur five-mile-an-hourhousewife mrs darcy originate selected by our studio audience just before goingon the air here they are folks the

groucho marx plenty of that your lifeand i want to be says it's a good way to anytime you enzymology cash instantly it's a common life something you useevery day obama rent a house by a day uh... mister airfreight me other bobreich resume enzymes while our lady bothers you by way of from an discipline fifteen thirty three vines feeds that itwas barber shop that we will go on but minnesota thoughthat i had to have on the page as you

can add the one where minneapolis minnesota theland of ten thousand late landed ten thousand lighting you left all of nevada and where you from this is the reasoninganthem green acres washington with uh... what is your husband do at my husband is a disabled veteran buti'm a truck driver truck what kind of traffic well not mine house trailers with it people live in the all yes the politicalvenue from across the country where the

leading in no i did fall nine and themon a lot lately is that it's like the house most of them how long have you been a bother misterfreeman's anything is seventeen years and you know we'll beready and looking there where he lives in his head that this isa well he doesn't have any daddy barber but is he still yet customers eventually well it's agood way from an essay that hamas the freemen if they do l_a_ film

but instead they are back you know that as assistant job for thatone you just announced over there the one where the power items as how doyou avoid falling hair and it's all right thanks ted namely theone side don't have any and all the headlinethat'll go ahead a frying pan who want to have a frying pan d dealt with them this is a very oldclientele day

idea to be a bother to use dot out whenyou were the shaver wanted do i want to buy the cali when the bombintelligence what influence has been delayed thegrades ahead on the bother profession if it's down that she was about twenty fivepercent and what do you do every time there'sanother raises so you raise the prices changes anything and he is elected avalues electrically someday i hope you get the chance but cannot is something i've always wantedknow what you get all these old magazines the a customer's we don't knowempire from dentist but

mario this is a is out there play again you don't have a woman you know when one of the apartment brings in theway they should look magazine be sure to see it within the flattering piece about me and i wasshown the kind of magazine maybe will help them together they justleft there is no bother him eyes that women don't get involved asoften as men mister friedman routine no different than the mail

that's about as accurate a statement atabbott held by a violin at and i and the quality of the at the professionalfootball ideal and their conflict on our kind of like me for a thousand dollars maybe the other companies in addition tothe big question i can tell you how much uprise couple onthe famines offstage remind our the irish couple one twenty dollars illegality ojai committed twenty dollarsyou selected songs about anatomy je categories that right that's right

now yet twenty dollars asia placequestion how much is funny would it right what's the name of the song okay gary well what is a kids when he said and uh... moccasin your eyes by manydiaper thousand dollars night as the big prize anyway now how much of a tendollars a new trial five five allegheny the fact that thison friday did not know the deliberate right

got hurt finite at fifteen dollars comitted afifteen minute drive okay just a question exceeded identifiedas one attend dot what he's saying is that yes i'm sorry it's in my arms you shouldaknown that they all have five dollars his wife tends to be the other couplecome into the five minutes ah... five once in a minute song play dollars plotting solid

dot correct banks and deadline from that is not openthe deal is now in just a minute our last couple of private cancer thethousand dollar famine with that well we are a couple of leading withtwenty dollars and the secret word stillwater wrappedin a couple will say it we invited some collected from thebureau of internal revenue on some hollywood business manager to the showtonight and just before he went on the air our studio audience electedcollector william kennedy and manager maurice doma gentlemanly groucho marxwelcome again see a better life and i

want to get says it's a good way withoutallison k instantly at the common way something you use every day business manager and then income-taxcollective that lately right at the in and placement and i recognize you buy if you're a formerbut that way if run at the kennedy i'm from our miami florida along a givenan income tax collectors but seven months as you have to go into this mysteriousbasin

well i uh... fifty finishing for good i want to come to california but you know you can live in californianot being with a revenue department well it's not easy what prompted you to become an incometax man i mean what did you do prior to that i was a bank examiner further you have a nickname in the kitchen yes sir

it's cooley called me from why did you hop around a lot no r_e_i_t_ ameriprise in rambling how helpful as marriage in the incometax and play this year whites with six hundred dollars validated plated eve and belive mythic any un

has to be alive that industrialized atthat time filing grabbed at the following day at the until about a lot of a way that's your kids they're worth sixhundred dollars hill and avoid as much of the big one court did you have a calendar sickeningnight shift when you're at six in about ten do by the process of elimination i presumethat you know the uh... business management development moran

right away from ryan from new york white outfit deal delightful i'm inbusiness for myself well you might get on the is what do you do when your business aremarquerite manager business affairs of other people and you don't mind your honor what happened now to be a businessman isin the film primarily you have to have a good headfor business

is that in addition to the one you carryon what brought you let's get back to youlynn understanding that dreaming of somebodythat has something my do specifically what is your job with theincome tax department by the bureau of internal revenue pretty fancy name for the cricket outfitdo reluctant to act on the link whenexperiences was a fellow as you seven thousanddollars he has no money money if you've got the money will collect thethat he has and that you can film

anything into that if he hasn't done it know when he getsinto the great pride in return but we don't care for them in jail atthe history of the money to pay the taxes that's a good thing then i don't know now i want to some of the things weshould know about income taxes for example should a married man finallyjoined return or a single returns this year's would uh... fee to hisadvantage to file a joint return with his wife

and that way he could take today g_o_p_splitting from provisioning when i get my split once again to china's at a nightclubwith a money-back guarantee what doing returnees warehousing lifestyles one returned to get into a rain coming repair when tax return known filing ajoint return how much am i allowed a deduction for myself this year you would be allowed six hundred dollars esta head of thehouse

at this fantasy hangup raj down while the head of the house and youare a fragment on about mister dome another here does heget another six enough because of his extensive business one of the defense argued that therebetween the show up on them along for me well the short form the ten forty eight you can't get in at eleven o'clock am on playing there that is on the chart form you can claimonly ten percent deductions of your

gross income you carefully examine every form itcomes in your office this weekend you know we don't over every farm we you know look at the above the average forms that is maybe ordinary bomb you don't pay anyattention on like me to come down again so that theaverage bond but palaces you live

why don't you examine the reform well we just don't have the personnel togo over every format goes on guard any in regards to that i uh... one andif we do say particularly tension city forms that go into big figures fifty they could get out i hand you knowwhat it might have an army of occupation or alarge on how long is effective well it doesn't take long we have uh... huge machine that

is really a mechanical brain you have a mechanical brain limitedominous to advert galen around it with a single track mind that thinking about having fun i feel my business manager mister darmanhow could you save me money on income well thank you i called rather u on orkut i can see them and passing out of itback but offering your apple pie with a sign ofnon

what we do is keep proper record of your deductions kept that in your business you listen toradio you have to to listen to other comedy programs that we can takeappreciation on your radio perhaps i was in the other programs travelers minded national an adolescent now i suppose i was thinking of hiringyou help me take care of my business is business development i have a nanny that just pretending

what would you want to know about well first that one know if you werehonest ironies i would need your help missus between the two of the succeeded inconfusing all three of us are you going to try for a chance of athousand dollars you beat the other two couples and that's all you have to do increase my father i can tell you howmuch they won the pennant is going to the irish couple is ahead with twenty dollars

here we go let's say a hi candidatetwenty dollars you selected instruments played by august the leaders as your category thank you price question you have twentydollars how much would attract we'll try for ten okay what instrumentas harry james place from bailey right dot there for a dollar i want to go onthe one you know one thing boys you know you any money and i think that put it onyour tax cut then we're going for about an hourtonight how much of the failure tried

wine and some of the gene krupa play prompted rather than a ride definatly outfitted already got fiftydollars ish it's a question how much of the fifty wine and some of the family darcy play combo from our right going up and i have ninety dollarslegislator i don't have a minute from barney that ninety dollars utilize tendto be the other couples honestly event here they worked

finance amanda's common caballero play piano at the end all right and the democratic effort after thesoftware files of our question what do you expect to the folks whoserve as your call efficient service courteous serviceservice at a fair price well you've got the law when you'll beat that level more than three thousand a subtle plymouth either you'll find them not only ready andwilling what able to give your father very best inservice

and that goes for the major repair jobsas well as a simple one this ultimate dealers have factorytrained mechanics will no cars inside and out no matter what make or what year ithappens to be and in the hands of these exportmechanics are the most modern tools and equipment made yes that's the kind of pop service youcan count on when you'll drive your car and left asign of any authorized a subtle when a speaker

and there is a tax man in the businessmanager the wedding couple already for this autoclave thousand-dollar questiongroucho here we go for a thousand dollars ready i dated fifteen seconds todecide on a single answer between young thing carefully and please no help me on in seventeen seventy seven the americanarmy defeated the british and again on the going what has become one of the trulydecisive battles of world history may convict remarked if any of the timeof independent

one of the name of this battle data obtain a lot of the airfield to havedecided upon in five right up into the microphone that'll be our town now and i'm sorry is the battle at thebattle of saratoga friday at the correct answer so thatmeans the big question next week will be white fifteen hundred dollar nine a loss of big money but you wanthow much you are not many dollars in

cash congratulations and thanks to both ofyou yellow back your life is a darn goodalberta driver molly was directed by bob while the burnings met there was a quiet gary fields easier to do it again next wednesdaynight at this time we got some argue all of your work that your life reasonable autumn reviled in the sideall going to be those of america and remember

all dealers who sell their subhas bose lone l deliberate garden all products of the chrysler corporation and offered at next week the bigquestion will be what fifteen hundred dollars well it's almost time for bingcrosby seven ipod have been really busy on assault all bymentally ill i i dead or alive leading we'll need to be objectiveoverall red cross services respond willingly than i think that thered cross one campaign remember you're not getting through fuckruled the red cross

there's a georgetown and signing offmore than three thousand asato plymouth delay from coast to coast

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