wohnzimmer braun grün weiss

wohnzimmer braun grün weiss

ready for the coolest and most unique diyschool supplies that you've never seen before? i bet you are so check out these 12 amazing ideas! do you have lipstick? no, i'm sorry... oh me neither. wait! try this? what? hey loves! school is almost here and this year i wantyou to have the coolest and

most amazing school supplies ever. so get excited, it's time to roll up the sleevesand let's do this. are you ready for an absolutely magical diy? we're making an amazing bleach marker! how cool right? this magical marker works like an eraser forany kind of felt tip pens and allows to make the most beautiful doodles, headings and drawings. never before was school so much fun! to make this epic marker begin by pouringsome bleach into a bowl.

now grab any marker of your choice – i'musing a blue one, but this thing works with all the markers in the world! pull the felt tip out and throw it in thebleach. do the same with the ink tube. take it out and in it goes into the bleach. you'll notice that the blue color disappearseventually. to speed up this process you can even squeezethe ink tube a few times to help release the ink into the bleach. be sure to always wear gloves when doing this!

bleach is a pretty harsh chemical so it'sbetter not to get it on your skin. when your ink tube and the felt tip are completelywhite, you can take them out and assemble your magical marker! place the tip inside the smaller front openinglike this and pop the ink tube inside the larger one. secure it with the cap and we're ready tomake the most magical doodles and drawings in the world. this is just so amazing and mesmerizing! i find it so cool that we've created suchan epic magic pen out of the usual marker

and some bleach. you can sacrifice a marker color that youdon't usually use much and make something as amazing out of it. for me that's grey and brown. i don't know - i just never gravitate towardsthese marker colors. anyhow this diy seriously makes taking notesone of my favorite thing to do! it is simply genius. to keep our desks tidy and organized we needsome pen holders. but we ain't settling for just any pen holders– we need unique, cute and epic ones, right?!

easy peasy, i'll show you how to make theseamazing stress ball pencil holders! they will keep your desk neat and pretty plusthey take no more than a minute to make! grab some colorful squishy stress balls. i got mine online for very inexpensive whichis always a plus. chose the color you like best and we're goingto make a pencil holder out of it. pull this little handle so it stretches nicely. grab your scissors and cut right below thehandle like this. now you're left with a little stress ballbasket – check out how stretchy it is, wow so satisfying!

it also has a nice opening on top, which weneed in order to transform it into a pencil holder. grab any kind of glass or pot of your choiceand put it inside the stress ball basket. i'm using a pink cactus pots but the colorwon't be visible anyway, so just choose what you have at home. these beautiful pen holders will keep ourdesks tidy and organized but they also act as an amazing decor! i love how happy and bright they look withall the neon colors and those big eyes. you can use them to store your pens, pencils,tape, clips, pins and other desk necessities. i just love pieces like this – super convenientand functional but also gorgeous to look at!

i'm sorry proffessor, but this is actuallymy pen. see? oh.. ok! that's right, a fidget spinner you can writewith! pretty spectacular, if i may say so myself. this idea is so cool and you can use it topull a little trick on your teacher or prank your classmates. if fidget spinners are banned from your school,this may even give you a chance to sneak one in class anyway.

take a large piece of play dough and placeit on a flat surface. roll it just a little bit to flatten out thetop part but make sure to keep it pretty thick – about one inch or two centimeters thick. time to grab a fidget spinner! press it down into the play dough firmly – thisway we'll get the perfect fidget spinner mold. lift it up again and there we have it! i like to push those little bumps down asi want to make a solid spinner without any holes. grab a cooking spray or a bit of any oil ofyour choice and spray it inside the mold. lastly we need to pop a bearing in the centerof the mold and we're finally ready to cook

up our fidget spinner pen. take a few pieces of crayon. you can use any colors you like, i went forred and yellow as i want my spinner to look like fire or a sunset! melt the crayons in a double boiler. once the crayons are completely melted pourthe red into the yellow and don't stir the mixture! we don't want the two colors to mix togetheras that would give us a solid orange color. instead, pour the mixture into the mold asit is to keep that pretty marble effect. leave it to cool down completely and now youcan take your brand new crayon fidget spinner

from the mold. i also popped in that little plastic circlein the center, just so that it's easier to hold. check out how nicely it spins! wow, i'm super impressed. and the best part is that you can play withit but also write or draw with it. a perfect anti stress and anti boredom toyfor school. i also made a galaxy spinner by mixing blueand purple crayon colors. these work so well! i'm definitely making a pink and green onesas well because they are simply to much fun!

another back to school essential is a pencilcase! and not just any pencil case, we need a supercute and sweet one. i'll show you how to make this adorable candypencil case. oh, did i mention that there's no sewing required!? yup, that's right! you'll need a bigger rectangle piece of fabric,a squared piece of felt, fabric glue, a zipper, and two small elastics. unfold the fabric on a flat surface with thefront facing down. place a piece of felt in the center.

take your fabric glue or a glue gun and applya stripe of glue along the top side of the felt. fold the upper fabric edge down like this. do the same on the bottom edge – apply theglue and fold the fabric up. take your zipper and place it on the felt. apply some glue along the top side. now fold the entire top part, fabric plusfelt, down to glue it on the zipper. repeat the same steps on the bottom side. it's already starting to look like a pencilcase, so exciting! close the two openings on both sides of thezipper using a bit of glue.

you guys know that i like to give a face tomy diys – it just makes any project that much cuter. i cut some kawaii eyes and mouth from feltso now we have to stick them on our pencil case. finally, grab two small elastics. pinch together the fabric on the left andsecure it in place with the elastic. just as you do when you make a pony tail. do the same on the right and our stunningcandy pencil case is finished! what a cutie, right?! the candy shape is already so adorable, whilethe kawaii face and those anime eyes

makes it even cuter! the sweetest pencil case for sure. i love how easy it was to make and you canuse it for your pens and pencils or even a makeup bag! so pretty and convenient. are you tired of your boring pencils as well? no worries girl, you can easily make the mostamazing rainbow pencils from scratch! look at that pencil sharpening residue! wow, it's absolutely gorgeous!

these are actually super easy and fun to makeso let's jump right into our pencil production! we need a pencil lead, and four colors ofclay. note that the size of different clay colorsis increasing. start with a second smallest clay piece, forme that's green. roll it on a flat surface until it's a fewmillimeters thick. grab the smallest piece of clay, mine is pink,place it on the green one and roll it in a little burrito like this. cut off the excess clay using a knife andset it aside for later. get your second largest clay piece ready,for me that's blue.

when it is thin enough grab that green burritothat we made earlier. place it on top of the blue clay and rollit in. you guys are probably wondering um.. sara are we making a pencil or clay burritos. finally we have to roll the largest clay piece,which for me is yellow. this is also going to be the color of ourpencil on the outside. take the blue burrito from before and rollit in the yellow clay. cut off the extra clay on the sides and wehave our final yellow burrito, which we're about to transform in amazing rainbow pencil.

start rolling it with your hands. you'll notice that it will get thinner andlonger. this is just perfect for me so i'm going tocut it on the sides to get neat and pretty endings. the inside of our pencils looks so stunning,how exciting! take a pencil lead and push it in the centerof our pencil like this. next you have to bake your pencil followingthe instructions on your clay packet or let it air dry. finally it's time to sharpen our amazing penciland look how flipping gorgeous it is!! i made a few different color combinationsbecause i'm a diy obsessed person and they

all turned out spectacular. before i never liked sharpening pencils becauseit's just messy and you get that residue all over... but now sharpening pencils is like my favoritething to do! these are hands down the coolest pencils i'veever owned! i'm pretty sure all your classmates will wantto know where you bought them! you can only get those in the best store ever– the diy store! boring notebooks are no fun! but they are super affordable! so, what to do?

buy cheap notebooks and transform them intosomething epic, like these beautiful fruity ones! they're so cute and unique, right?! and super soft too! you can make any kind of fruit that you like,i'm going to show you how i created this watermelon and lemon ones. you'll need a notebook and colored felt. first we got to cut the cover and all thenotebook pages into a half circle. i am using my exacto knife and a frying panas a guide. you got to be creative with what you have!

there we go – a perfect half circle notebook. set this baby aside for later and grab somefelt fabric. cut out a yellow half circle, which is ofthe same size as your notebook, four rounded triangular pieces and white half circle whichshould be a bit smaller than the yellow one. using a fabric or hot glue, stick the whitehalf circle on top of the yellow one. now go ahead and glue the four triangle pieceson as well to get a perfect lemon half! all that's left to do is to apply some hotglue on the front cover of your notebook and place on that pretty lemon! what an amazing transformation, don't youthink?

from a plain and boring notebook to a gorgeousfruity one in just a few minutes! i loved this diy so much that i had to makea watermelon version as well. for this one you need green, white and redfelt. cut them into half circles, where green isthe largest and red one the smallest. glue your white piece on top of green andfinish up with a red half circle. to make it look even more realistic we haveto add some black seeds. cut small raindrop shaped bits from blackfelt and glue them on. last step is to stick our watermelon ontothe notebook's front cover and we are done! this looks so yummy!

watermellons are seriously the best! both watermelons and lemons remind me of summer- all these happy and carefree days. i don't know, they just make me happy! be creative and try out different fruit sortslike grapefruit kiwi or passion fruit as well. i like to go for ones with bright and vibrantcolors – because colorful life is a better life! alright guys! this diy or life hack is absolutely mind-blowing! i'll show you how to make a legit spray blowpen out of any marker, sharpie or other pen that you have.

yup, in just a few seconds you can transformyour usual markers into cool blow pens that apply the color like an epic graffiti spray. remove the cap at the end of your marker andtake out the ink tube. remove the front cap. we have to put the tip into this opening. so pull the tip out the pen and throw it inthe larger opening at the back. all you have to do is blow in this large openingon top. check it out! how amazing right!? i've seen such blow markers in store and ithought they were super cool, so i really

wanted to diy them. it took a bit of experimenting but i was sohappy when i figured out how to make them! it works with any kind of felt tip markers,which is amazing! the spray markers are so much fun and thinkabout how beautiful and colorful your notes will be. to store them just put on the front and backcaps – this way the ink won't dry out and you'll be able to use your markers for a longtime! a seriously mind-blowing diy that will makeyour school days super fun. the struggle of falling asleep during boringlessons? luckily i got a solution for you!

we're making a super fun sparkly sequin notebook,that you can actually write or draw on! how cool right?! it's just like an erase board. so when you're bored in class, you can simplydoodle on your notebook and that boring lesson will be over in no time! because time flies when you're having funright. to make it you'll need an inexpensive notebook,glue, and reversible sequin fabric. unfold a large piece of that fabric on a flatsurface. open up a notebook and place it in the center.

now grab some scissors and snip away the cornerof your sequin like this. do the same on the remaining 3 corners plusyou need to take away two little triangle pieces on the center of the top and bottomedge. apply a stripe of hot glue on the top edgeof your notebook and fold the fabric down. continue doing this on the other two remainingsides. i liked wrapping all my school books in atransparent self adhesive paper this way. but why go for transparent when you can choosesparkly sequin right?! turn all the notebook pages to the left sideand lets glue the fabric on to the notebook here as well!

i ordered my sequin material online for prettyinexpensive, plus i got a very large piece that i can use for different diys. our notebook looks completely stunning andcheck out how much fun you can have with it! it is so satisfying to draw and write on thismermaid sequin fabric! i could literally do this for hours and wouldn'tget bored. i also made a smaller notebook in blue andi am completely obsessed with both of these. they're so sparkly and gorgeous – probablythe most glamorous notebooks i've ever seen. these will definitely keep you awake no matterhow boring your lesson may be! sometimes an emergency happens and we needto look extra pretty!

but we cannot carry the entire makeup collectionto school right? an amazing hack is to use the usual coloringpencils as lipsticks! i used them as eyeliners before, but i wasquite skeptical whether they will work on lips. and omg they're just perfect! pour some hot water into a glass and pop inyour coloring pencils with a tip facing down. wait for about 10 seconds and pick the colorof your choice. i went for the classic red. guys, look at this color payoff! these coloring pencils are literally workingbetter than many of the lip liners and lipsticks

that i own! i was afraid the color will be quite clumpyand difficult to apply, but i was so wrong. the coloring pencils were simply amazing – smoothto apply no streaks or clumps whatsoever! i give this life hack a massive thumbs up! make sure to use non toxic coloring pencilsand keep in mind that these are not made to be used on the lips every day. so only use them on special occasions. like for halloween for example, when you maywant to experiment with some freaky lip colors. when the color dries it looks exactly likea liquid lipstick – mat and it doesn't smudge at all!

it's amazing! but you know what else is amazing? you are! and you don't need any make up to prove it! guess what we're making right now! nail polish? um, nope! we're diying awesome nail polish highlighters! that's right – these highlighters look exactlylike nail polish, so cool! i love how different and creative this ideais, inspired by fimokawaiiemotions.

grab any marker or highlighter of your choiceand take out the ink tube. squeeze the ink out into a little container. add a bit of pure alcohol and give it a quickstir. using a dropper or a syringe transfer yourhighlighter liquid from the pot to an empty nail polish bottle. to clean a nail polish bottle simply pourin a bit of acetone, shake it up and pour the acetone out. when your bottle is full grab the polish capwith a brush and we can start using it! these highlighters are so adorable, uniqueand unconventional!

as always i had to make two more colors – orangeand yellow. i mean, we must have a complete polish highlightersquad, am i right?! these are also perfect to prank your schoolmates. let them try and paint their nails, that wouldbe so funny to watch. our nail polish highlighters look so prettyon the desk, but they are super compact so you can throw them in your school bag or pencilcase. whether you are a nail polish addict or not,this is definitely a really fun idea to try. is this makeup? you have detention!

sorry miss, but this is actually my notepad. an now you are lying! you're going to be so sorry for this young... ugh! you can play a little trick on your teachersor classmates with this awesome blush notepad. but even if you don't want to prank anyone,it is just so adorable and cool to have. unique school supplies like this are impossibleto find in stores so let's quickly diy it! take an empty blush container and some stickynotes. with an object that is the same size as yourblush trace a circle on a pile of post it notes.

grab a bunch of these paper pieces and cutthe circle out. you can use any color of paper notes. however if you'd like it to look like a realblush, pinky or peachy orange sticky notes will work best. collect all in one big pile and place themin your blush container. voila! our blush notepad is ready to use. i love how neat and compact this notepad is. post it notes quickly become all scrunchedwhen you have them thrown in your school bag. but inside the blush container, our stickynotes will remain neat and pretty.

how convenient! store bought school supplies can be prettyexpensive. if you go for the affordable ones, usuallythese are too plain and not cute at all! so try diying your own school supplies thisyear. you'll save up money and end up with the coolestschool necessities ever! i promise! that's it for today, i hope you find theseideas helpful and give the video a big thumbs up if you did. question time! i want to know what color is your school bagthis year.

i just got this multicolored red one and ithink it's super cute. thank you so much for watching guys, i loveyou and i'll talk to you soon. mwah, bye! try to make the most of your school days. you may think right now that school is justboring and unnecessary! but i promise you, in the future you'll lookback and think wow, those were the days. so make sure to enjoy, learn a lot and don'tworry too much! i wish you a happy school year!

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