wohnzimmer braun rot

wohnzimmer braun rot

hello guys, welcome to a new video i thought that i might use the last day with the christmas tree to make a short video with regards to the upcoming new year i was at the hair dresser this week and when i came back i made a few photos of my new hairstyle because i always do that and suddenly i thought: hey, why don't collect a few photos from the last years and make a video? my hair story, so to say. i found some funny pictures from the past and will have a look at them together with you

i hope you enjoy it! let's the how my hair changed during the last 28 years i just randomly chose some pictures i stumbled upon let's have a look now. we start with me being a baby i had a bit of hair as you can see, i was not one of those babies without any hair it was a bit fluffy, my hair here, i am about 2 years old, i think. you can't see a lot, i confess ... somehow it's the same hair style as today by the way, this photo was taken at my grandma's house, i totally recognize the wall in the background

aren't that the most beautiful tiles you have ever seen? okay, this one shows me and my sister in our old house and i don't know if you can see it, but i had curls when i was young. corkscrew curls, beginning at my ear. unfortunately, i cut them off one day, because they hindered me from drawing. i was on floor drawing and my curly strands were in my way, so i took the scissors and cut them off i was about 5 years old, i think. the next pic shows a vacation, i think it was in thuringia, but i'm not sure and i included this picture to show you that i always had long hair, even as child i must have been about 4 or 5 years old here

it was before the scissors disaster, you can see that there are still some curls left. then we make a leap in time and oh my god this is so embarrassing! this was at my confirmation, i was 14 and this is an example of how the curls got back when i used styling mousse but these curls weren't as nice as the others and you can already see how frizzy my hair is and i was not able to get rid of this frizz ever again whenever my hair is long, it's frizzy. not beautiful at all. you see it perfectly at the next picture

the end of my hair is so fringed and dry .. this is what my hair looks like when it's long. it all started in puberty, by the way. before, my hair was beautiful and very thick. how old was i? i believe it was around 200... ...4 i am not totally sure to be honest maybe i was about 16 or so, i don't know unfortunately, the picture shows no date. i definitely know when this was taken, because this is me in the usa ... not a very convenient photo...

i have to wear brackets as you can see, and i had to wear them after years of painful procedures again when i was 17, so here i am 17 years old. at the age of 14, i had my first brackets for about 2 years, but when that was taken out, the teeth shifted, so that the result of the 2 years was eliminated. therefore, i had to get brackets again and i totally loved it to look like a 14-years old teenager when i was 17 ... (yes, that's sarcasm, sheldon). my hair is red, as you can see the hair in the back, under the top hair, was bleached and then coloured in signal red, just like that jumper and i also had a red hair colour all over the top hair red was my favourite colour ...

and you can see that the trick with the styling mousse also worked at that age inbetween, i also tried a permanent wave to get back the curls – that destroyed my hair completely. so if you consider a perm, don't do it. it ruins your hair. here, i was 18 and this was taken in rome with my ex boyfriend, i did a journey from london to rome to pisa and back to hamburg that was new year's eve 200... ...5? 2005 - 2006, i think and now i start to wear my hair shorter than before

it was the first time that i had layers and hair shorter than my shoulder mainly because they looked to dry and broken, i simply had to get them cut off but i did'nt like that very much, so i let them grow again this photo is from 2007 i had some red strands because i still loved red and at that days i started to straighten my hair with heat in order to make them look healthy (with the help of some hair products) i totally remember how that photo was taken. i wanted to apply as an au pair in france after my a-levels and here a french friend of mine and me were creating the application for the ageny

waving french flags and so on ... some marketing for myself, so to speak. but i actually never applied, because i decided to study right away. this picture shall show you how that i had long hair for a long time simply straightened with a slightly shorter part in the front like long bangs and i almost never had a tail, by the way. in 2008, i had my hair cut again and as you can tell from my face, i am definitely not happy with that this was also the first time that i tried a fringe that was nothing, i don't even know why i did that :d as a matter of fact, the situation didn't improve at all. somehow i just couldn't deal with the shorter hair

therefore i tried to fix the hair style disaster with more volume, as you can see here i added a lot of hair spray and mousse and tried to make it look good, but failed miserably. then i went even shorter. that must have been around 2008/2009 ... perhaps there's a date on the file ... ... no, it's not .. okay, i don't know how old i was ... it was somewhere between 2008 and 2009 because this is taken in my first apartment and it seems that i've had short hair ... not the best hair style in the world, to be honest. i think this was a day, when i got this hair style, where i promised myself to never have short hair again and, honestly, looking at that picture i totally understand why i thought that short hair doesn't suit me.

as i really didn't like the short hair, i let my hair grow again. this was new year's eve 2008 or so or was it 2007 to 2008? ... does 2007 to 2008 make sense? ... well ... yes ... i don't know actually, i think i mixed the order of the pictures a bit, but anyway, here i have slightly longer hair and i tried to achieve some sort of "rachel" look perhaps those of you who are my age know that there has been a series called "friends" and rachel (jennifer aniston) had this beautiful hair cut that everyone loved and i tried to copy this with shorter hair

i really like this one by the way, that suits me way better than the other styles. then we are definitely mid-2009 here i've put some weight on, haven't i? i think i'm quite fat at that picture :d nevermind ... it's the summer in 2009 and it seems as if i don't have a hair style at all during the years, i really tried to approach short hair, but i never thought that it suited me well, so i always aimed at a quick growing process again. now we come back to my long hair time. this should be in 2011, i think. this was what i looked like while my studied: long dark hair, no fringe, very much straightened. this is exactly what i think i looked like in my early 20's. in 2013, i got married. i really wanted to include this picture here although you can't really see the hair style

i had long hair and that was all curled up with a million of bobby pins and a tiara. and this is also when some of you guys got to know me due to my writing when i published my first novel but then the change happened. i changed the hair dresser and went to another one (who i still love today) i wanted to have a makeover at that time, i often wore glasses and decided to go for a rather hard/strict look and still: this style has that certain something, if you ask me. i really love this photo. looks like i'm a journalist or something. but in the end, it was simply not my style anymore. but this was what i looked like by the end of 2013/beginning of 2014. many of you have met me with this style at the book fair in leipzig in 2014.

and then we approach the looks that you might perhaps recognize. these are pictures from the last to years. this picture must have a time stamp on it ... october 2014 here i startet to soften the strictness of the fringe and let it grow into the bob i wanted a soft bob without edges and then i had this pink strand which i still love today, but it doesn't suit my current hair style, if you ask me i just wanted to have something noticeable, something i had to have courage for and this was the result that i made for the book fair in leipzig in 2015 ... a pink strand. i liked it. i really had to find the courage for this and in the end, i think it suited me well.

finally, in the middle of 2015, i decided to try short hair again. i approached this style step by step, you see here that the top hair is still quite long, so that i can pretend having longer hair this was a huge step for me, to be courageous enough to take this step. you see that there's still the remains of the pink strand also at this picture, there's a lot of top hair left. this was not a hair style i had everyday ;) and also here the pink strand can be seen, although it's growing out more and more. and then the rest has also been cut off ... and this is what i look like today! very short hair, but i really love it. i will definitely have longer hair again, because i desperately need regular change in my hair styles.

perhaps i let it grow again next year. i would now like to know which of the style you think suits me best apart from that, i hope that you enjoyed this little review on my hair story i am eager to hear your thoughts on the styles and if you have recommendations if you like, visit another room now on the end card if you don't know the concept: my channel is built up like an apartment with different rooms now, for example, we are in the bath room where hair videos take place; then we have the bed room for more personal stuff the living room for more general, society relevant topics; the office with writing stuff and work ... just have a look at the end card. if you are using a mobile device, check the links in the description box below

many, many thanks for watching! take care, i'll see you soon. goodbye!!

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