wohnzimmer braun kombinieren

wohnzimmer braun kombinieren

calling all cars are copyrighted programcreated by the real mandela company then all of our intentional cardbroadcast media boring regarding a train robbery and noble contra costa countysheriff's office it was all cars to watch was suspect this bladders van might buy it began edges babies born inthe review as bars and wetlands and metal firecracker time without here goes one

uh... that with the but by another company dot firecracker exported from the therenow not upgrade but let dot like we all banda cracked gasolineexplode in your book all part no please but cup right i'm cracked happening likethat dot firecracker because it only partly explode the wasted unburned gasoline runs downyour for them to wall

ruining your or your field idea crankcase oil so it's often useless and only twohundred mile you certainly don't save money using cupprice gasoline when a large part of every gallon goestwo weeks your motor needs complete explosion that's why have the automobile enginethrived on rio grande a cracked deafening

each drop burdens completely there are no unburned leftovers to ruinyour oil deal bandit but got me into the newest costliest and most advanced refiningprocess known to the petroleum industry just to ensure that every drop lilburn completely so no power will be wasted that's why your car speeds up on realbrenda cracked because you get full force

full power explosion instead of a half-hearted explosions ofon crack deafening that's why the carpet must have thefinest happening police cars fire engines ambulances specify rio grande the cracked more than any other brown that goes for you to it cost you less per mile to drive withrio grande a fact ladies and gentlemen we are pleased toannounce at the part of inspector austin

in tonight's broadcast will be played bywallace port motion pictures and are now appearing inthe r_k_o_ production the informer on the columbia offering the whole town stalking analogies are great pleasure to present john miller of compra cost the county who will speak to you know from thestudios of chaos parseghian fan from tesco airplane

all of the most asp blood on thehardened criminals what dad to hold up my mail train because i know now i a lot sharp losses at a local police behind all that wellbut also the federal gmail who will never give up until the robert dot products operas received the flash at the males have been dropped

are men devoted their entire gays but rising about all play roles are not my arm and worktime albert to let you know assigned by the postal authorities and our effort is what webcam until they have died down what common or

g_m_ and cap work alone any the manpower anna knowledge of local police and shopsbosses we are not interested in buying we wantonly casino operators capture admired applebees unstructured collect just outside on police andfederal cases as on our own problems metro style that follow

you will see how many different lawenforcement agencies were needed doubling all members arvada gang justice uh... what i shall it met the morning of november seventhnineteen thirty dot on but that explain number thirtysix balbir stopped in sacramento just got back late an engineer r u memory and fireman atthe o'brien are setting down to about a penpal ron did

located turkish without kim we're going to happen kantor couldn't and that working likecommitment i all etc endemic matric liver correla not tellingus that study guide right as you know it uh... karen on this trend does notappear line of different upwardly mobile dream dot abducted about a quarter of aright so i dont the court that the clintons thinks alongat that attack okay that think that they can't get upat the end begged carol ananya break

eugenia out perfect mcauliffe now okay okay uh... towards a later thatpotentially agenda for america c_y_ orders missing and that without mayoccur richard in said you know that and and located event uh... will ek point who can't it looks like a existingversus well-prepared for it

panicked ultimate vat wake up at but at the time dot at that icon it without

yet okay uh... it live apec with with him can we're but like one more chance that the other mcconnell please don't doanything to me out light

i get a second okay uh... no it at win uh... what type of product of that and minutes before the bucket trained toat number thirty six percent alarm sounded by the time the freight to stocktonpostal inspectors lost and found have arrived at my plane and but the questionall the pics and a new memory had the most importantbit of information

uma thurman ray what do these men looklike the uh... or overall masks over their that andthat there's it but i haven't deductible you were able to get the life number k court sport nine cotton you appalling mcdonnell ballin an officer isquestioning ordered by might lightning which i knew

but the like growing where have in or i parent pot investigation reports at all police so quickly that the garage mana allisonimporting you are on development yet thing about acarbon the literary yes i was alone about midnight when two men came in one of the world economy and the otherone part of the p_r_i_ control without ever before

and the guy with a gun government ithink what went wrong but it may look like couldn't tell their war over all ofa man imperfection of all the availableimmediately lose postal inspector told counsel of war with the people theopened police department unsafe that stolen cars building up myfavorite so with it overall however i would not leave the stolen carwork their benefit euclid avenue intravenously

how i would hope from there or problem in maine lol checking back on review properly by theboard train robbery last year winery robbery in nineteen twenty triple over the place symptomaticprecluded several memorable well welcome for you everything with what would work for aquick look at these grand rounds or completely

working on the reasonably but theirinvolvement strong with the retro within okay brings let them know that questionwith recording with zero that made it but that the other protolittle girl might be pretty that calmest johnson cubism analytic by the room with thebody was found registered at the archer were transcribed what else do you knowabout it not very much

he was given to date with stop herebefore we have several times you know anyone is located with why yes he'squite friendly with the mister and missus allen's uh... i'm europe yannick adam group you know uh... who it alarmist url is live no why don't what else did all of his manuela a whole or get so what about why that metaphorthat pre-med

ac here and then without one of our where set with that because reportedmike what kind of like it smallwood sort of heavy glow-in-the-darkuh... like more silver mister johnson yet uh... divided going seattle withthat nancy got in there somewhere and admitted uncovered croton alert our apartmentfears that's fine what was really come as right away

the adult police investigate mistercarlton appellate all apartment only to find the attached outsidemorning the fabric that would arrive meanwhile oakland police work on theellis angle of the case it may be a long drive but i've got upto this man illiterate manager with the hotel's inbetween palatable diet booksall the holdup and reviewed two years ago and or and it with a lot of mine he mandrivablueprint i'd like the best settlement of the idsexual here you were at least ingrained you remember the that the people thatthey did a little yet but i think my mom

a getaway car president lucasconnecticut it was completely innocent whether the not certainly not electric silent that things that they hadrepainted license plates on the previous year you remember the lies in the legaltells us that that at all or every office let's work backwards onmanagement the checked with the board of the aboveyour will reveal to the license number on the getaway car used in the previewholed up in nineteen twenty eight is the same as the lights and issue to ellisonnineteen twenty six

at which time you get the red officers meeting about a best being theinformation that the other brother-in-law living in bordmanalthough this gentleman proves his innocence and denies knowledge ofelephant read about officers find a wanted man the betterthe notebook one version of this information aboutpolitical reform on a quiet on the afternoon nineofficers representing the open believes the federal government to have a problem ozone bungalow

lives and i'll post again uh... home approaching at light on the door at open you follow me on they are frightened woman ok okay goes uh... there you find them to do it onthe list of fluid i don't i'm not very well propelleruncommon and the

why at want without your knowledge ofwhat my campaign vote that a lot of them out set economic any heat for it and notify the next level places around and think that they'restamina back later didn't want to do any good and i just want pablo him it right and i can't under it would be

windward andropov and technorati that do like that i can without a rain and wind shear you know that i had called or suspension of running the administrativeand began with of anarchy about the longer i am a respectable that one obama bob well if you're on there but idon't think you want to play it up like that go do international

women belittled by reliable the coupleamerican applicable approved that they are a respectable kevin taylor what a a and and and amount that going or three dollars the opposite remainwith the president and the bangalore hoping for the arrival of other members during that time neither popenoe whiteonto the constant allegations of the office manila complained of illness

confesses to being a narcotic addict begs the opposite or shop it with you finally the but never quite compatibleecon envoy to the baldwin audit headquarters on the way down ellis of have becomemuch worse baby boy made him his job he against andas i can in uh... are less than guys being killed a man who has played bycoming out in the back a bit by that i wouldn't get ian and i think i can spendas much longer every now and my body's pramod

uh... resumes absurd but myunderstanding that that will respect them all boarded up but the important eminently capable ofoldsmobile volga republic bld lengthened the mountain so things got banned catalina nano ipod whether i can make it

pretty weak and i'll give you any easy you don't know about that i heard you guys it'll make it a shot barely alive one was that now anti back what they had theirdouble-crossed a how what here methodology and all of it and takingwhat's up bowling tournament that problem

officers questioned her regarding thetrain robbery or four hours and submit unyielding witha barrage of questions fired up finally end up with a breaker inspector boston places palm cards letters than those that you're going on anylonger it's quite clear that you're trying topick you up applicable on other women effective husband

okay code your husband and i like it uh... wanted to know that just for the sake of argument with themthat you are trying to protect anything out yet example it doesn't make a prediction and becausewe did hiking after home at the fact which i plan to stay permanently forabout five of them inside a meat you contact me at play

i think that babe in arms and i'mtelling you is the true path and out of town along as another supplementary alongpredicate them all loader about them the opposed to that shipping ticket withproducer when i get there then a picnic and really weird

around as she left me back uh... loans don't do that them back in the post office the questioningcontinues well who knows what it is a mountainnothing affiliate approve of your husband thatand not manhattan allows a lot of fun with a big fan of all unwittinglywelcome admit you're talking about the post of attorney to handle

you drove the getaway car on the trainrobert mcevoy last year that that no one realized that feeling about the political in mind if i have my film modern uh...the cooler in the corner thank you dot i got a few times about the women decathlon uh... we had here that health lol and i can't believe it well will place you in a nice privateself or you can bring this whole thing

all over yourself whether lives but it was on the otherone though there but frank smith maybe as frank alicedead missus ellis defiantly mutiny dayal authorities begin the place for friendsof the smith labor camp on the one known as misterand missus gore joanna mumbled they quickly identifyyorkers charles burton a canadian ex-convict meanwhile in seattle postal inspectorprimus the picture was on the street

on the description provided by openofficers and then a few days later in a smallgrocery store in seattle that all nuts wikiid together thirty package melanie haven't gotten a gently wink dollars in unical intermittently him and i think that what you've beendoing a picnic at five o'clock began nolan the matter of fact i've beenthinking that look for a long time info

he had nothing to do what happened thatwill do and think that my political intended is in the corporate every year ship dignity through a break thank you forbeing you you negotiate the royal eighteen twentyrepublican because they've got a pony that's another mistake on the part of acriminal defense to wall when cartman his wife are taken into custody modemcredit card and turned out to be on campus wanted to put on a bungled charmedactive open lengthy investigation reply

mail people people at the present life they lose no time in between theapartment suspects not consume and again all bridal i don't like the dollar downthe line and your berlin so i have to tell abt along party lines no individual at thediverted windows but happened and individually and we commitment cards i do have acommon as a second opinion about that

want uh... everything didn't analyzed and whether the judge when i goto the dreaded when you get back up mind and body fluids and already okay which is good and i would you use myright now games of all the disclosure you ok if you don't have anything toelect thank you you know about that train robbery ofnoble happy laughing you through the happenany time one other silly questions do you thinkup it might interest you know that your

husband must have been identified as oneof the mother of the biggest be traded noble and given the fact that i have nohusband yet and the fact that him on into that your non-existent linda fromother outland want you've got the wrong number the telephone traffic simply off on that and i think that i got allow

you've got along come back ex-employee had a good point uh... but we're indicate katie what will matter which is pretty solely to land at thepictures but they don't pick on a good storytelephone everybody went into this picture andintro to the street and one of the instigated working away momma startednetwork what you're going to go without a doubt

hilltop out consump we got there and like i could probably get there right around at like the one to all the and oleandrin sergeant i get settled region it will arrive in apoliceman

it was three months before boordarecovered from the public will and during this time full time inspectorswill come up with a master tremendous pile of evidence an array of witnesses in july of nineteen thirty one missussmith and sherwood went on trial were found guilty and sentenced to twentyfive years a feat when he had recovered from his wound butalso receive a twenty five-year sentence pressman who have been returned amichigan and patents on the bronco charge have been brought back to testify in thetrial

on his return to the missionpenitentiary escape from the officers in el paso and is still a fugitive the fourth member of the gang teamsergeant was captured two years later and send to his twenty-five years and authorities are still looking forbanded number five whose identity of the trial never brought up modern police activity was still a fishin that very few lawbreakers escaping the penalty for their crimes job and the cracked kathleen if out ofthe prominent part it plays in the

capture of thousand of them today police cars make greater speed and have greater power than ever before because we all vendors exclusivecracking process creates a deafening the depth of maximum powerful modern look police officials of leading western cityof preferrably lgranda cracked specified more than any other brands why don't you try the same gasoline yourpolice use and a police car performance in your owncar

every month three hundred and seventy five thousandpeople go into real brandy creek gasoline service stations and ask for a free copy of the callingall causing you get your copy of this interestingpublication reader through stories of crimes to bedramatized on this month's calling all cars broadcasts i wholeheartedly says no no no nobody can really get the ball regardingrobbery and magnetism and energy and so

on p nautica had began playing giving yougoodnight while the rio grande oil company all cargo copyrighted program created bythe rio funding oil company nice and at least calling all cars andall card broadcast eighty by regarding the murder missus marple was bombardedthis afternoon at home released avenue twenty afzal go job and the auto companies about theamount of the addition of another big

debate about the upcoming roll-up aboutblowing up at the big project that taxpayer biased about your bandbackdraft early next week only look at the end four years real branded alot morepolitical adamant that the fire engine than any other brand of governing that is what both angle open berklee butno messed up and many others approved for that tax payers the fifth patented prospects gasolinewhich cost no more than other brands speed up emergency motors faster thanever

creates greater power yet actually reduces all the mobileoperating costs and now another great western citybesides just by the by the around the clock gottlieb protected it did it it not a public county oklahoma allshowed up and county card have long been using the around the clock kathleen the advantage of the economies have beenco-opted na ever donors largest today as joined the other preventive medicineis about is that use real brandy

explicit approximately half the people of theentire state of arizona are not protected by padi an emergencyequipment hardwood rio grande a cracked up to me with the many bodies card fire enginesand i've been into the phoenix arizona added to the total on the rio grande thehonorable students it is now more than ever a fact realbanda cracked deafening the huge in morning which would be difficult incalifornia and arizona that all other brands combine

with so many shrewd city purchasingagents testifying that thing real branded by kathleen at your neighborhoodservice station overdue what greater proof and u_s_ now will you try real bended and now we are privileged to presentcaptain hurt wallace om inside to pay a little cycle ofpolice department at the moment good evening for him

there is nothing thrilling about amurder nothing romantic about a criminal and not much excitement about the factthat work murders have agreed to people like youand the and are committed by persons like you and me stripped of all the comings ofsensationalism the solution of the crime as a matter ofhard work out a little fireworks the difference between the criminal andthe police officer is the difference between wrong on right

other than that it is a matter of humanbeings putting their wits against each other the criminal has the cards stackedagainst him from the first this preliminary mistake was to think hecould get away with murder basing his reasoning on a primary fall spring myeyes that follows that everything he does as a result of his act willprobably be stupid and failings purpose of the baiting the law for mobile he commits this crime the lawbreaker tends to match wits with men smarter than he is

he fails because he is wrong and because well no sooner or later he must rackingup in his flight from the law this pursuers never relax theirvigilance without any of the melodramatic switchpeople like to associate with crime and expected we will follow a couple ofhard-working officers as the on side of the problem presented by a crime action uh... they're like the they've learnedthe the thing i did some minor the uh... the which actors since nineo'clock this morning well that'll determine them

good widened and through and reallyexpect that that indignity summer got obviously there may be the check up withthe round central but that that that particular at lincolnhigh said uh... out uh... i can't wait probablysomething's talking about the guy next door brothers after hours like about the it that the twenty-eighth the forgot men will be right out comedy but that

cannot apartheid top hotmail dot com all help all up that discovered about it no message from go hound when she camehome from scoop dropped at the lectern the ethnic and ma bell uh... we'll have a look around alone don't goaway in the lower drill up ask you some questions and we want to talk a littlegirl to the actor we'll be right here

macaques with a look at the reflect the be ahead in we what the to the amount of that that tobe a pretty problem to do this job look a lot of the swipes mister evanswith a quarter-inch got out of that there are so with uh... we can be sure of one thing brother-in-law who promoted that the

polluted that the government anything looks like eleven nope you call the coroner did uh... pull theplug that we left the state matter that i got a fingerprint that appear to havebut i've got to go uh... at the bottom of the created thank it then doors ethical questions by your found your mother

like a normal correct that include icame in capital wanting this morning when you get homethis morning that did not an office building all collected instead job at the federal government that willuh... well not analog tv didn't listen all the time he had not like me how to conductmaintenance we had a little bit about the card wit

she just got come up with uh...yesterday perry if you've been that the company and home an oscar abandoning school lethal it that we've heard from one ofthe mother with a habit of the hotel bombings lowered whom do you think youdon't want to ask that four questions accurately l poor child so at all but iwould like to ask you know now be can not open mine pentagonnewfoundland night cokie you've got it we'll

uh... what that much at you i think a lot of time to drop husband but no something about that internal use the word that that the court unwedthat intend this but she said would be into dot little wish you would think that thatbut he never once that what the helicopters in there overall museum drive somewhere i don'tknow exactly i didn't know what they were

you were for the senate yet interpretation by the billions ofmarried couple will go to proven right you take care of the little girl wasabout an hour ago will remove the bodies of the more reports the hope of uh... promptedpeople were thank you very much for your assistance not quite welcome orbited but not on the rock breaking rocks the best publicityengineering department

detectives mcbride and romero awaitedarrival work little product on him drive finally a man who aren't involveddescription by the for the house not promote indecision approach of the twooptions dharmendra yeah eleven weather did last year wifequiet and got the life of a blog rather than july all or she's my ex-wife ncn five years and years and you knowshe was murdered this morning and mark mullen

uh... yeah getting on our not preferably purpleallowed who did it of what we're trying to find out have you any idea ho just like though insignia you davismonica went to work through between eight a mand ten o'clock what will you do it uh... house here they have michael asbill and where to go

probably a list regards rooms for thestate department wire report of the work part time to get the molly fifteen breadto go from there well my gang rooms cement northrop level job who's working on when a persontold them when they got it all over the goal of aprofit problem in my car what time did you get on with uh... around nineo'clock a guest had to share handled stopwatch around the frame alibis pipeline accuse me of to unlock renataget money but it will have to ask you to come in with us too which i can start

billy dale st dot but for theengineering department chiapas is billed but involved double workman i think you are what i brought therecord hibaaq came back with that levee out ofmanuel problem follow them to the top twenty but the problem that right what that would at maryland that got outband well i madman at but it or at the time well-lit cancers state testers were a lot longer depressedblack from the uh... olbermann streets

never had a certain extent is about rossyesterday morning club uh... teammate second andy out the act any differentlynew job no alleviate that fairly it always experiment something unusualhappened further knowing that that that that i can remember camelot and had and uh... like that what what we would love it trucks up group the roth

that they walked over their bodies proper human one of the talk about act couldn't hear their word to far away but rock seems sort of thisguy eke got custody blatt blatt even in thelast whether this mystery man looked like although i think they did not knowthe simple particularly he would be good died warthen business to just a guy in abusiness suit and that's how much of a description thimble darden i didn't payno attention to and interview every

iraqi mention his wife contacted and youdidn't like right now but at the uh... it didn't but animal well you take a good to have bad luck ifyou like the did not like women anyway he said there was no but the batteredand adult did his wife that no particular manned by one of theinoperable lung cancer treatment anti-capitalist ever ever on suspicionof murder that we got in here for a week now nothing turned up i had no luck buti'm convinced that killed we got a program e on the murder weapon well-litadministered in the riverbed all paddle ball map what the panel whilenatalie you

than what that would've been from landof the um... many ways with wouldn't doubt that god doesn'tknow it was a man is alibis present the construction job a twenty percent ofa man has six miles from the scene of the crime six mile drive across town skepticism thought that when they getout there from the u_s_ regards and back to top of the twenty first in less thana half an hour and we know the approximate time suitable places wellmaybe it's been our plan but i'm going to be good eager to get an indictment against himand we have every reason to suspect

murder detective from now on the bright takethe result of investigation deputy district attorney claims cost total the use of the fact from the kissimmee working with the world worldwide that's when the job assisted living up evident here doledropped out of the remote as well the trailer

he didn't find anything to print out amoment doesn't belong to the bottom of the other i think it'd be a good idea it would begreat over again if you missed something ok happened inseeing and if you went along to help you side will go out there right away reinforced by ed king and just winspecial investigators from the district attorney's office will no longer by return to themetropolitan avenue twenty eight where they meet missus powered thenext-door neighbor they want to go

through the throughout house againhoward review the key wine within usually through the house thatfingerprint and whatnot i cleaned up the game the end of the intended that we're goingaround or should've waited until we told youthe build-up eleven but the didn't think about that grow bored that uh... well anyway a lot of timetake when inside mac and join the layout and i'll have a look at the incineratordoes pearl at you'll need it uh... come on bentley

with you with little white political talk aboutthat i guess that intended anatolia too bad she cleaned everything up to now how much edta planning anything herelevel bottles and campanella pogrom that be the paper this burden for thesenate uh... nothing other than old growth withno and instruct that burned dollar a wait aminute one of the spread of labor looks like apiece of it will bring lidat

the numbers are on the corner number a five five eight i guess it doesn't mean anything though for the way it's been great at one of the might've been wrapped around a longnarrow objective borrow banda piece of pipe worldwide but at theprettiest lender clue any clothes were tracking down this case let's check onthe program while women mcbride and beautiful weekat the scene of the crime gold medal in

king that the county surveyor dot in anattempt to place the reichman appointment well remotely you know a dent in thedays of the factors your own lawyer which of course movement will not haveattended raise a blueprint number eight five five eight development constructionuncovered ruthie ye right in front of a dog in the bookis i'm very hard for me that cover the construction of a man whowere district between lincoln park in the general hospital

that job in nineteen twenty three two ohclock so that now hear that brent but none of thatthat can you tell me who it was rejected heroes can rattle promotion i don't haveto keep a record that will get people gramma rather than some very efficientlyoil blueprint solution then working on a particular jobs in theblue cross blue print reputedly one of those through the print delivered which iswhat it did lemons man will probably a hundredblueprint solution ticket diplomat regularly had to takeover the city logo that when the plot

whenever we don't know who at thatparticular program also reported to relax still refusing to give up the detectives that for the engineer dot when's workmen are assigned to thevarious construction jobs at the bat either retired raise a fellowwho worked on construction job eight five five eight uh... that out of the men holed up inthe federal way out the truth about three years ago

at a record of the men who work a notdump their bags in the present at the depth in it and i can imagine that iti'm not to burn lesson this is important when you look reapply open field just byaccident just don't have information david and burden that down a coupleextra over the files will be back with a ok let's go ahead on who grew up poorupon them on i got an idea about the murder weapon flop you know the way that people blueprintwas folded i could have been wrapped around a long an object yeah

you know togethers well by metal about the size of the shovel the use of the break-up paving plotthing without the took them in the biggest edward letter were making theweapon when the palisades and as a pope lack of morality of st yard rockwood naturally have access to theman is work that way i want to look over at her at the murder weapon might stillbe in a okay let's go a little bit of a way to get into theprint media

that they in the rubble annual but some of our board five years old they admitted to the world living onwill be picking up the couple sufficiently stains looks like gracefully might be and againthey might not will just a command for analysis than the idea of going all the way down intothe yard that we got away from a chemist report anyway and there is one point inwrote that about what it should

the content of the burden of work hereat eight thirty river level in twenty eight committed the murder of governmentbut when the president owned by nine o'clock bride that we're going to seewhether the clean up recapping the outbound okay man nui visible house alone but than that but that the milk but across thepolitical is what i was waiting for me gently to detect ngo you're trying tosolve the problem and that's not

possible a modern something fun at anyrate maybe lamar one of the well i've been seeing a guy hangingaround outside missus robinson out when i made my delivers what time of thatused to get out here by five fifty obviously this matter a won't three orfour times in the past month it is the amount generate seventy for them as arock was murdered me i i i think of another homicide that ping-pong ballsaround the corner said to me to delivery the part that the evidence with them onand i would make it my collection you though that was about eight forty fivenat outside of this man looked like by medium hide

if you look like much of that we dorecognizing that these on again truoc okay you got a civil station at five thirtythis afternoon we'll see if you could identify him from some suspect we havebeen ok stronger granted casper romero i did not plan the trip into thetwenty-first government-wide i've gotten runs a look and then and now playingwell there's no man danny mandel men vandenberg feldman among veterans at themoment an abrupt was seen leaving his ex-wife's house of the birds when heboarded by the near and dear demanded

that the man was altered habitats stillconvince a jury but the battle of the damage that'savailable to respond and out of the the originals butcertainly found were made by blood which rescinded the action of the pieces have sold thebook makes positive identification implausible unanimous that the benedictannual couldn't testify that these spots were made by blood varied ended when agood not step again come on a within the lack of the city and in his office willsee it but that's funny record a blueprint eight five five eight

well how about it define anything on that memo dot no i'mtired of eckardt's right okay to do something for us to be the positiveidentification to clear this cleanup well uh... have already been inductedyou know timing may be able to remember the job all right and the detective interactive and up onthem and all that didn't help much i'd be glad to know what i have a blackwe're trying to find out who worked on this construction job eight five fiveeight with them and hope within three

years ago the men's central warehousedistrict let me think that plan i recollect it dot com but one call up we get the refilled that want to do workon the job don't play i did indicated you would light up a lot world political my hope that that camelot you know theythey calm and they go i don't know how i could think we'll met or think we try toremember elaborate let me see that uh... that was that mexicandominguez

now not matlab right that without a job over by the newhospital yes that must have been cap uh... fifteen the gang on that uh... i act can't possibly remember them all on may one of the time my mind at all ofher iraq's robert your world policy job mein memory eight we have a family atthat's all we want and i'll come out at uh... circumstantial evidence case lookbetter and better not say rob we'll have a tough time explaining over impeachablegood from adobe worked on three years

ago was part of his that white housewhen he claims he hadn't seen over five years i hope we can only got anidentification eleven alcohol and which i don't plan on thatlast one all we want to do with the look over themen in the show up in the next room helmet the menus all round the clockthat morning at one oh ok lately but that would that lately that's what you'd call it sure yallliterally the bright light on the suspect spaces

they can see you but you can see them so they don't hold your breath we getour and let the devil i well i don't see why they come mcmillan short poverty our target but michael itself but on tuesday ourfriend here just identify drop of the man who meets all the dignity of thecrime a quarter of a line next day the hard-working taking fromevoking women mcbride is rewarded when the grand jury indicts every well forthe murder of his wife

and mcbride discovered the identity ofthe stranger with more often argued in the morning his wife's dead armed withthis information in the opposite question ralph again but how about aboutwhat you've been on the can line up the fight over you wanna complain if you'retalking about a corporation you know barking up the world happened i thinkthat the anti-social without an identification of your by aman who saw your living your life ain't got no all right then your ex-wifeskulls was the meeting there at eight fortyfive on the morning of january seventeenth after you brutally murderedher with a gap which is holed up in a

blue print number eight five five eightyour guys jurors allowed up there i'm not sure that you were served a subpoenafor failure to contribute to the support of your trial that morning antarctica all we know that you werethat you had an argument with the process of relative listed all thearguments pratt the dedicated to your wife and more like a genetic tips areokay she got what was coming and someone out of poverty in october sobut she wouldn't talk to be like a roll a that your plan to come back and i didthe other two delay it'll be a lot of

that i didn't say whether you becauseyou're out i think that would have made it pretty incriminating hamlet needmiami other nice little norwegian privacy that's exactly what we intend and that is exactly what will work outcase developed by noreply succeeded in the wind for charles rock was convertthat to the first degree murder on june ninth nineteen twenty six you people in lost in the october thetwenty first nineteen twenty seven summoned an unrepentant he paid for hiscrime of his life on the grim gallons of san quentin another statistic in themorning to the fact that crime does not

paid thank you couple science played a role in police workthat important as the work of the detectives scientist you even determine which isthe speedy it's and most economical gasoline for police car rio grande a cracked gasoline has beenselected more than all other brands because it is the fine and by the newestscientific method of the world wide tenncare organizationperfected cracking which is recognized by all the qualitiesas the most efficient refining process

no rio grande dame as the western unit ofsimply royal as the exclusive right to make crackedstephanie's id has patented cracking process and although it costs more tomanufacture it costs you know what to buy real bandit cracked gasoline use the same gossiping specified bycities for their emergency automotive and enjoy a police car performance in your own cough

all ships of the great atlantic speak tothe united states may be a lubricated by saying tabloid another year of the contract has been awhite person cap because the united states may be that you can get a lastyear after year and i get the final battle of theanytime on the twenty five ten support you canbuy things they're opening motorola benefit of statin something real brandedpacked up for me use the oil your maybe two-thirds though and legal in all colors and logoscancellation broadcast eighty-five

regarding the murder jazz but in thiscase is now in custody sold ruling the that you're copping out calling all carsnew week at any of the o'bannon this devastation and read about the next week's throughpolice drama that your narrator president's name calling all parts of copyrightedprograms created by the rio grande the auto companies going on for a personal parking lot andwe can stop it broad get these big bloody hovenunidentified woman found in the bag near

san fernando that's all goldman reoffended at marched another step ahead in northern nevada the data from thegreen old now and july forty ka performance and with the addition of being kickedout of all over the long list of cities now using real branded back gasolineexclusively it is now for two more than ever

throughout california ever gone i'm afather more forty caught fire engine abdomenmotorcycle more emergency equipment of averageheight our power by re-opened the cracks and by all other plans of gasolinecombine why did phoenix if i think the riogrande decline not because of right off because of politics but because of the performer

offending japanese for a long time the medical for countyout of the worst kind of car i've been using real round-the-clock japanese they have made greater speech at greater power than ever before prove it cost per mile operate a car on real round-the-clockjapanese flight phoenix

nevertheless capital and largest city has changed the real time apply the big california city fresno bakersfield both angle of the many others at the fiery opened the pac for all the emergency call when are you going to change

real grounded independent servicestation offer you a sustained japanese beneath the dignity with a tank full of real run big rock your cock too police ka tonight it is our privilege to welcometo falling all cars a famous shouted applause line to thepenalty seemed to fit in

who will tell you how the deputy hisoffice proceed to follow crime ethnicity let me correct commonness understandingof what constitutes a defect and a lot of misinforming ballyhooturned out regarding the romance of being atoothpick the twenty eight years i have spent inthe sheriff's office i have failed to find any of thisromance sherlock holmes of the very interestingfigure with a four and a half

and his magnifying glass and file vance's undoubtedly thrillingto the levers of detective fiction the swap sophistication in this case that i have never run into either ofthem when there is any real police work to bedone we law enforcement offices concernedwith not filling fiction and for that reason i live in ouractivities and hard to have to assure you

are not half as fascinating as you maythink that the case you're about to be here doesnot make a good detective in if you will encounter no amazingscientific sleuthing you'll hear no superman deduction but you will see howwe set about to solve a crime we know that most criminals make stupidbreaks and blunders our deputy sheriffs like common senseand hard work ferret out these inconsistent not one of our man considers himself agene

yet we have successfully solved ninety-eight percent of our case the secret of being a detective covering the mistakes with everycriminal is bound to make our story beginnings on christmas day eight years ago riding then we'll definitely

captain william j_ bright was just finishing at princeton left murder both christmas then arriveat the very right but that didn't happen what there but not proven that worker with the are product that elementary thing i had a lot of people the life

their grand-pop all all it whatever they are uh... the pantomime uh... contrary hadother word of mouth but they were both uh... their goal of microfinance phorbol but they wouldn't do it though

arbiter about a few minutes later happened right joint capital gain on final aquaticsdepartment heat right san fernando evidently not popular can we have been amarket where a good time fernando organized at the scene of the crimedepth and breadth of the corporate from becoming the book we better wait for youbefore we began investigation literature

brown the father on a couple of aprogram director pulled out of trouble they were working through here on theoutskirts of so soap bubble wrapped up in this campus act record levels but you can't see theriver styx may have been with about a group of karlmarx but the rain is washed them so badly that their work was for theprotection what's your opinion rather body thatwoman about forty five year rank-and-file i didn't think the lightbrown hair for

economic and start behind their legs broken upand drive on the back electrical you've climbed over the lowerforty-eight probably diagrams valuation exposure during a rain storm last night on this trip and that say between sick and or at defying marked on the programtoo work for

are covered with a firearm uh... right here predict that we're going to block traveling with an accident sometime ago but they don't want paul does not make the identification here ordained everything out of it commitment

although bebelover hormone at wal-mart right index finger gilmanton turned out to be themysterious victim of the fact murder an unexpected telephone call comes withthe council playing epic epic informant for the parts readyin time but i'm too old to identify the body and bring him back to captain blighpulpit advise if you can't get back to comeback more cookies my neighbor from

across the street what is the name of whether he went tothe table might work extraordinary and it would be happy withit what it used another name to avoidgravity for everybody extended is a bit and others about it referred to recoverable bullet acrossthe street from in wondered about before christmas understanding on the porch arguing withdoctor pittman permit room

food food and they will send a messagethat will be here's a quarter of a lot he told me that you're afraid he triedto portray a different cities that until i could get control of her property thedot the mcmillan up there if i don't know now that people will be a day afterchristmas is the third that cold octopus within a couple of days ago when i toldthe intended right now i'd like to come up with thatwould be in a very short of it though he's on thesan diego hung up wrote this book a live picture actodinedepartment clifton avenue fire

second about the mcmillan of the rugfrom from work tonight is a friend of ahmedabad they want to know the book answer rightaway is unlimited apartment talked with them no i think and i don't expect it backtonight i guess we're gonna try again ike how did that make model the picture of him

and we won the lottery doctor mcmillanimportant i'd still get wealthy and i got off to the bottom ofthe apartment seven points half bridges and roads the stuff from home the document below capital dot all about that order month of december the idea of all thepapers for on the floor dr for your comment

or after improved leading the pack something videos so that they present them with battlewith me etc promises that every time and repair actually now acrobat blue san diego effect bribe them

we've got to the project at that time certain items coded wouldn't it we're going to talk to get them without having coffee mcmillan thereason for the rest happened bright spot contempor lower during which he discovered that thedoctor had met missus apple theater but after they became fast friends sheemployed him to have a hard up there

and you get the questioning doctorsprofessional background grafton practicing medicine in losangeles awesome nora i've been interested in the real estatetypographical were revenue for and i it wasn't a good for violent because i'minvolved in texas practice in their packet detective foreight years from the comfort level about uh... four years ago done prettywell if it doesn't

who had he can't complain he hadn't been so good lately thoughthat's the reason recruitment level two why did you kill with level i didn't get there he did not get there's a picture of afather estimates and the fact found on the left field nelson commando electrolyte phooey eg

because the packard etc are only a few capable person she told me she was going to san diegoit actually to be toward remember how hard roanoke graphically veggies if you can vehicle brought up short recommitment were covered through it one of them i don't know if among the papers wefound in your apartment uh... with will

your favor made-up formative appleby onphoto paper yes preferably gave me that is proof of myauthority to it and prepare doesn't look like a verybusiness-like authorization for example a million dollars liquid factory but that would be cut threeright rather expensive color over everyone present for it

uh... right to written to my wife in the morning was for america kodiak prompted separatedalright christmas present in the morning what is the director of the day buyer hundred-year popsugar preacher deepeningthe rest of the day i think my apartment while and sorry i am hopeful walpole thoughwhat are the principal they talk about

the uh... the uh... carbon football teamand uh... may require theory promotes as usual or use for separate near that's been terrific within the crucial all bob xuat talking about the fireman falsity on christmas day appreicate do the laundry and then i'llget out that evidence kokomo complete

protecting right them both at the bottom of the bit aboutto lose them in prison it helps regular that literature and the shuttlediplomacy you remember the text of your sermon onchristmas you talk about the plumbing footballteam mcgrath and up into the no so spec

unusual phenomena title of it though on strike them about this whitman dealing with that will be heldin systems in the certainly on the from wharton depictingi didn't think it was with this about the mcmillan that you and missusappleby always get along together

coordinate with the better for it than why did you person both though christmas lol how he didn't fall to the you didn't kill misses outwill be back on but that the blood stain on the proposal right now or that i a m brian uh... much about the crime when they were shaving

you can uh... eternity rack up on top in the habit of shavingwith your coat off them for a ride perhaps you'd like to the the body ofthe woman that ko i think i think castrated or committee taken i think they are i'm positive method that would be if notdead to the march eleventh i'm commandohappen by the party ativan but the body of the murder victim jokes something like that

recognize the human cost of their own nonever thought i'd finger before however i am convinced that this intothat with it and i'm concerned that you killed us their idea line back at headquarters so baffled officersconsider the case well uh... we've got a call we know who the

we've got a reasonable conclusion of theidentity of the murder or evidence against the doctor goldberg that quiteright than sufficient to convict them mobile that mother even to obtain anindictment what yet the uh... the public problem two-prong moments of their that would bemore left of the views i wouldn't it brighten that the otherprevious criminal record brutal that kevin indifferent a month towashington for a check for the death penalty covered though

go over the president's again the too program but not like that in the garagelevel without which suddenly does that mean fornothing to indicate that she was murdered in her own home what have you know that for now with with the fact is side errol flynn e died at the

the finance used to prop up the bodywith the payment reviews on the fact review board recognized that type of notthe murder of the sailor the believers non-polluting and doctors use the thaisoldiers on movies unknown to medical school republicanslooking which brings us back seductive without right recovered and purely circumstantialevidence what the next exhibit black smoke

drama left and women of the battlebetween right-hand woman did not to perform that reminds me of a number of people atcomplet have you noticed that none of thefriends and neighbors of missiles that will be even including the doctor whatever observe that claw finger on theright-hand right and that's the one point at which we'veboth been evident that the patient my guess would be that she wore gloves always kept the diplomatie atm

soul suppose a that there was a of struggle that will be ripped off or go out tolike the doctoral too aloof inspection dot scratches on theface if you remember but it never got them shaping that i pointed out to an itisn't customary to shape with your total suspect they put weight on the hotelthat is called right so after the start which resulted in missus applebee'smurder document null and looking around theromper damaging evidence saw the glove

stuffed it in my pocket capital of the party all very well so circumstance do you need more thanthat uh... crucial at that you get those employers offer dot ingdot the mcmillan's record and in the meantime the rest of yourboard get busy rounding up friends of the doctrine of missus appleby envy whatthey have to say biological father selectively applied totheir inquiry regarding doctor mcmillan

greco debited abedi interrogating friends andneighbors of the murdered woman while national publicity given the casefor the past helped the work of the office finally happened right interview withthe doctor again thought the victim i believe you told me that you andmissus appleby got along very well together or we gave people severalinferred or you could have uh... pretty doesn't usually bring to your car or politicalwith my pocketbook and in chicago or you

say that an important managed by amissile called b that mediated speech has written notes and fallingasleep you world frequently well and that on one occasion missus applebee'sscreamed for help missus these were forced to unlock thedoor to go to the rescue she states that you found the that willbe almost unconscious matures forever and left the room sees that that that that will beconfided in her that she was in constant fear that you would kill her

or because they do that ministries was jealous anything she hada crush on me but he says he's not sure which mightwork for that photos have you ever been arrested no doll recognize the paper reference they are your record from leavenworthwhere you would sentence for selling their products while you were practicingmedicine in waco texas and i had

forgotten about that rather a convenientmemory stuff you came back from uh... chicago byrepeal without them yet no or read about ways of obtaininginformation if you have any disagreement with missusappleby while you were visiting the little guy no built into republican entered no but according to ourinformation as a matter of a record of for printers office for to attractthat'll be able to talk to that about a couple of render them to be it

what about that governor's race when did you work the further ripple effect positive about that and his positive yet your photograph of the identified asthat of a man's intermittent applebee's front porch on the day before christmasto put the twenty-fourth arguing with her

a few moments later he would be lookingfor the bus stop promises appleby forward your lovelyabusing your white document when we got that they can pick up a dozen peopletrouble with the faculty of invited both beer that something you would build upour money your seat doctor you'll pick them and so much like a cool hooking up to you from the grave reaching for you clutching for expansion

pretty speech captain if you can't have you got my well whatif you got to say what do you think of the discrepanciesin the forward comforted that i i didn't care whether that will beweb-content but you did we're going to see the truth on trialfor murder moon the evidence procured by capital brightand his men is sufficient to obtain an

indictment from the grand jury chargingdoctor mcmillan with murder what days and date of intensive work all of the women who have a problem the to build their case so strong thatthe buffer cannot possibly be them before the jury on february fourteenth nineteen twentyeight thousand of them and goes on trial before judge vehicle point five point the public to concludecalm about this story with pat mcmillan to have the one bankaccount in your neck that's correct

the and perhaps you could explain to thecourt the existence of the fault facebook employ different banks which were at the bottom of theprominent withdrawn locked down before we make it definitely was goingto take dole drove me that'll be it for me photography and i had never had a periodof coral thank god up uh... calumny by don and independent evidence areplacement bike you know no with

european that will be different than andbright and wondered if he had been murdered and how does that happenwrapping up the founding about the new expecting having about buying a potluck appropriately which brand carpet any ofthat i have taken up by three o'clock nantucket mcmillan combat right iron normative it would be around withthem but what happened when he that we're going to go hi or the poor and on the envelope and ididn't know that minibar gonna get the but that will help

improvement department not my point ofthat the problem i'm not a registered involved inunpacked management that will come back it's not been miserable day aptly namedfor the door a bit of time ladies and deb turret hip problem beyond doubt documentvillain studiously engineer the kapil pop togain control of the for victims of state estate what nearly a million dollars apprise well what any cost amountruthless blackett with the defendant mr went up to date

terrorizing the forewoman he slowly gaincontrol of all of that pat and and not by the huge predictably probally monitor body of the campus tak and tracked thepackage with a damning payback with within the position that great we have ladies and gentlemen of the juryprovided you with a pack you'll have the pot you who have the motive and we haveshown to the cat it is for you look at the start thevictory of his guilt and apply in the fall into that can't beno question of innocent

this man has broken the ancient lol follow not gave ample corroboration lol oracle it isn't that one of the jury after to find the defendant guiltyrecommend for him up and look at that a picture of the macmillan rise and victor ipl right past it without you argueanything to say

i have not guilty the opinion that the jury to have been found so and in reviewing the evidence and thediscrepancies in your defense i concurred with the opinion of the jury there is no question in my mind but that the ready to proceed remitted is that there therefore

i sentence you to be contained in thesan quentin penitentiary for the rest of your natural light and furthermore recommend that no parole celebritygranted you although doctor mcmillan unit the court upheld a verdict of guilty and doctor mcmillan was taken to fulfillpenitentiary where he is bill confine he still refuses to confess a deal

although there can be no quick in the mind of any person who read theevidence yet nature piled up again your notes in our dramatization of thefee that we did not intimidate the doctor atany time we did not use any third-degree map isthere any rough we don't believe in hardball tactics inthe sheriff's office the plot our business to convict him ofand never find it necessary to restore to brutality

we proceed in a bit of like wayne togather evidence for use in the court we're definitely going to get evidencewhich were free of substance at to convict him if he isn't it there are thousands of men behindgreenwald today who thought they could be cool that our deputy sheriff another oneportland officials uncovered evidence punishment to everyone you can't makecrime-free acute care dispositive ladies and gentlemen police cars make anideal testing laboratory for gasoline

they use the same road you do by themhard and fast and they have proved to the completesatisfaction of the biggest after being used in the west at rio grande a quack gasoline is themost powerful most economical and speedy when it comes to testing motorola well you'll admit that any oil chosen bythe united states navy year after year is certain of the best money can buy it at four twenty five tons of course you can buy a simpler motorola and andsomething more your maybe you can

atrial branded services and everything so we'll see your neighborhood independent eitheroffered you the best unusable real brenda quack stephanie and and pamela proved that by the hardest possible fat i cardinal card clubs and they sharefiltered can't leave the broadcast

eighty-six regarding employment data butmurder victim buddy has been identified and murder is now in custody rentalrelief narrator began rebutting it would notput the rio grande your company

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