wohnzimmer wand petrol

wohnzimmer wand petrol

- [jun] hey guys!- [rachel] happy new year! - [both] we're in america! - it's snowing! look at the birdies! - this is, like, the fourth or fifth time for me to come here and i've noticed many things that are different from my country, japan. so this is what iâ´'m gonna talk about today. - finally, it's the "jun's culture shock" video! so since you've come here,

what's the most shocking thing that you've seen in america? - that would be turning right on a red light. - really? that's the most shocking? - i mean, 'cause without knowing, and i was actually in the car with you. that was my first time for me to see my wife drive, and then, like, it was clearly red and you just turned right.

i was like, "what?" - yeah. - so that was pretty shocking to me. so here in america, i guess you're supposed to turn right on red if there's no car coming from left. - you don't have to. we had an oil crisis in the '70s and then they made this law so that they could preserve oil.

instead of just idling at the traffic lights, it lets people keep going longer. so you can just go if there's no traffic coming. - yeah, yeah. but that was quite shocking to me, and as soon as i got to your parents' house, another thing i noticed is that, when you lock the door, it goes sideways when you lock in japan, but here, like, the door lock

was this way when it's locked, isn't it? - [papa] yeah, it's different. - [jun] so now it's open, right? - [papa] yeah. - [rachel] are they all like this, papa? - [rachel] in america this way means open? - [rachel] yup. yup, locked. i never noticed. - and what else?

right, the yard. the size of the yard is just amazing. - yeah, yards! - it's huge. last time, when your family came, and you went to see your uncle, your uncle came with the golf club, and he was... ...putting... he was, like, just swinging the ball. - putting in the backyard. i don't know if it's called--

i don't know golf terms. - yeah. but some people have really, really big yards and you can just play golf, like, practicing. - yeah. so my mom has that yard and then the entire forest and hill behind her. she owns that, too. which my brothers go up-- well, when they lived there, they used to go up it and hunt.

and squirrels. squirrels are everywhere here, and that's something i'm not used to. i don't think many japanese people actually see squirrels in, like, real life, really, unless you live in the countryside. - if you guys have been around our channel for a long time, you might have seen one of our really old videos where we went to a park, and i talked about a story where jun mentioned that in japan,

the squirrels live in the "deep forest". it sounds so ominous! you could only see squirrels in the "deep forest". they're everywhere here. - i grew up in a somewhat countryside area, where there are so many just rice paddies and just trees and river, it's pretty countryside, and i can see mountains from my window in my room,

but you don't have squirrels. - yeah, i guess not. - i guess that's why i said, "deep forest". - oh, and another quite shocking thing was that i knew it, i expected it, but still, it was pretty shocking. people carry around guns. - [rachel] some people.- [jun] yeah. - [jun] like your dad.- [rachel] yeah, my dad.

my dad carries a gun. - and you told me that when i first went to america, and i was pretty nervous. - to meet my dad? - yeah, like what if i say something offensive or rude, like, accidentally? will he just pull the gun out? - oh, people don't do that! - i'm just kidding!

your dad is amazing. he's really nice and now he's like my drone teacher. - my dad really likes drones. - he taught me a lot of things. i learned so much from your dad. - ever since we've been here, my dad's done nothing except when i talk to jun. - like, i go visit my dad and then he takes jun outside right away

and they're just playing with drones. - yeah. well, not just that, but your dad always teaches me a lot of things, and new things, and i really appreciate it. - your dad even built his own house, right? - he knows what to make and he can fix a lot of things and that's something that i've always wanted to be able to.

- that's kind of, like, expected in my family, for guys to know how to do some like home renovations and stuff. so my brother just bought a house, and he was making plans for renovations, and he's planning on doing most of it himself. we're gonna go there this weekend and paint. - right, and that's another thing again. you guys, like, especially when it comes to houses,

you guys do a lot of things by yourself, like go to your home center, get paint, and just paint your wall yourself or even peel off the wallpaper. or some people even fix their toilets themselves. - what else do you do? like, anything? - it depends on the person and what they know how to do. like, my family, several people in my family know

every part of building a house, so they can do anything. i mean, it depends on the person. there are people who don't know anything about that kind of stuff, but especially if your family is somewhat more blue collar, then i imagine you know at least basic stuff about fixing your own car and fixing stuff in your house.

- that too, that too. fixing your car yourself. in japan, you have to get car inspection, like every other year, but here, i think it depends on the area, but have you had... - i've never heard of a car inspection. - just do it yourself? - i mean not here.

- that depends on the area. - i don't know. i've never heard of that. maybe some places have that. - on car inspections, i appreciate it, but i don't like that, because it's expensive. i'm sure fixing yourself would be a lot cheaper if you can do it. there are so many great shows here, and i just couldn't stop watching. - america has mastered entertainment.

this is one thing we have. once you start watching, you just can't stop it until you finish the season, and then you realize that there will be like six more seasons, and you can't stop watching again, so you need to stay up all night. oh, and also it's really not common to haveceiling lights here, is it? or is it just my...

- i don't know about like super new houses, or like other parts of the country, but where we live, no; it's really dark. i hate it. i wish we had ceiling lights. - it looks really nice and very neat to me, but sometimes i need a ceiling light to light up entire floors so i can see things well. - yeah. i mean, it's mostly just the living rooms that often don't have ceiling lights,

although, some really nice houses have, like, recessed lighting, or they have those kind of spot light things. our living room in japan has really bright led lights, which i like. it helps me see easier, but... - i also notice a lot of things when i go outside, too. there are many, many libraries here. - yeah! more than mcdonald's! i'm so proud! - you see mcdonald's like every corner every and block,

but you have more than that, right? - that's just amazing, isn't it? - libraries are great. i love libraries. - another thing i noticed when i went to a clothing store was that in some places, you can take hangers with you when you buy clothes. - yeah. like kohl's. they gave me the hanger. - you have to return this normally in japan.

inside the grocery stores are just insanely big, compared to the ones i go to. - we need that selection. - i think it was the cereal aisle you took me first. - oh, yeah! - you guys have a really, really long and tall aisle that has like 20 shelves of cereals. - [rachel] yeah, it's just cereal. - [jun] just cereals.- [rachel] yeah. - and of course the portion you get

for the price you pay is a lot, lot more than you get in japan. like, this giant bag of potatoes, just bagged potatoes - oh, yeah; the big bags of potatoes. - like, it's so big that you can't even fit in the camera. i also noticed that some food are really colorful and very, very vivid and they're not really appetizing to me, but i guess the are to you?

- it's usually the kids' foods that are brightly colored, unless it's, like, cake. cake can be any color. cupcakes! cupcakes can be any color. - they look so artificial to me, that...i don't know. - they look happy to me. i want a cupcake now. - oh, and about sizes. when i went to a fast food restaurant,

i ordered this large size of coke, for the first time in my life, and they gave me this extra, extra, extra large coke. it was just gigantic! - fast food restaurants in japan have some of the same menu items, but they're smaller there than they are here in america. like, subway sandwiches. no joke. a six inch sub there was like this.

it was tiny. it was like three bites of a sandwich. - [jun] i don't remember exactly how small it was, so--- [rachel] very small! - i can't remember well, so next time i think we should measure it. - oh, my god! yeah, okay! we'll go to subway one more time while we're here and take a video, and then we'll go to subway in japan and take a video. - and at mcdonald's, the size of coke.

let's measure those! - [jun] okay!- [rachel] okay! - anyway, america's big. that's what i noticed. so for maybe american viewers: what kind of interesting american things should i experience next time? maybe you can let me know in the comments section. (rachel potting evil things)

anyway, thank you for watching. bye! - bye!

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