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colgate total grade to clean your brightwhile you clean your deeply-held stopped at the gate and bob marley jade greens for a smoothair more comfortable lady shade bring you are miss brooke starring stevemartin one other comedy episode palm springsunder the direction of al lewis well her salary as a teacher covers allour basic expenses uh... miss brooks who teaches english atmadison high school has discovered that there are certainluxuries and won't pay for luxuries like clothing brings

last monday i dropped in the madam themedia's dress shop to price some of the item that she was featuring opposedeaster seo in no time at all i discovered that itmatter to me it would let me pay for it on time i've been easily afford thesales tax on the cheapest rent but thanks to a proposition that themade to me i didn't need to start with or new dresses at breakfast friday morning my landladycommented on one of them and now they gave a another case

each beauty thanks mrs davis i get ready to be like to see tapas ifyou're getting this past week everyday and you'd race it looks likethe placed make expert ledger like to missus davis i recieved sheila later you dress looks like the prospectivespring in your face looks like the last gasp of winter questions on well you know the agreementi have with matt in the media downturn

like being cctv gila bend if you did you celebrate coheed andthat's a nice school i wasn't only supposed to introduce themissus davis there was also supposed to be an increase in business it seemed to be wearing the bases hasn'tbusiness increased twenty five percent at do barry's across the street geeky kid did you get your bad as it gets to go wecan

you dizzy at the base anyhow look at the white cube how many other teachers were not awareof day distort inbreeding i don't know how many teachers are therein the united states i'm afraid i have lived up to my part ofthe bargain matter of fact our agreement officiallyterminated last night i was supposed to return the dressesthen if you'll be having one of the testimony

and i just couldn't face my old bluejersey suit for at least one more day inside i think it after all this timesomebody's down to notice me merely speak any attention to your newoutfits still time well i did get some carried through bsd i've been sitting opposite misterbarnett lunch for three days in a row and each day at the new debt yesterday finally notice something different aboutme lady di sini he said this but you've got some eraseit best on your neck

you love the female members of the factof the admired addresses the there evidently too poor to do anybuying how about you paint comment on the continuation misterconklin hasn't commented on anything but his newest economy dr another one let me get started to be cut back inschool it's painted last man that came from the board of education misses his own idea

annual c_n_n_ forces wound up a point of the other day whilehe was in my classroom and forty minutes before he its next upis short p standby abound wrapping and what did you read it gave it to a teacher with long arm using our that's what again be like father

i've got to run as a baby young american diac and don't look so discouraged about theeven admin you've still got to be depleted oroutside this demand that these tiny whether each madelyn or anything elseyou only get out of something but you put in believe me missus davis everything i'vegot i've put into this dress is wall to keep your eyes on the road were you standing at anyway

i didn't have to drive it all i wish i could you see here in houston lean in all your intact seekingloveliness c_m_a_ ride like to get hija blackberry has overwhelmed it's only here do missteps cash i've always admired you personally this last week next then why do youstill up positively

and light i take a break when i was and disenchanted dazon has perhaps one of those colors in it their shock to you since you responded because those are the fancy names activities colors and i think that godowntown to worry plain simple pues si magenta

it may have been dressing the last fewdays is better p scandal it's not admitted thing calendars it took everybody a few days to startnoticing your new wardrobe i think i have the answer for that uh... but is it it's because everyone it seems

in that new jersey soon yours for such along time it that's ok after a while nobody ever look below your face guide hollis it sure does got a kleenex and admit somebody's finding noticing is outdated be human if i was in how did you worryabout that your uelman alright thanks for the affidavit so he got the abhijit mana media i'lltell my mother bottom last night in she said she must feel wonderful dressmaker policy

page my mother said she wants to visitthe place yourself but she was wondering when would be agood what is she doing yesterday before i forget i spent when i spoke tohe read on the phone this morning she said to tell you to please stop yourdad's office is suing to get to school it's probably in connection with thisnew economy drive it is i extravagantly requisition dinu eraserlast week strike that pain easy think athletic equipment

but here we go track meet cannot anywon't provide any hurdles for the guys to practice ali got a c l_ paul hurdle so i'll add his name insurmountableproblem one all you have to do is put up the loanrate abis run on the east music visual businesses it's just that that's in it can wait indefinitely by upto class have in this broadcast

now that connect one resigned wanted and another new address you have a yes sir miss brooks may i ask you a question can you send are you able to dress thisway on your salary or have you come into an inheritance knows that lol so wat no senate to campaign

haven't coming to an inherent in but these new loads how do you legacy said he was doing gambled said too fired your personal uh... parolee warn that new jersey joblong enough tries to say that in the past week you that could be something to shoot it addresses can be that bad

prompted a very small but if you get back to as you know we spoke to him in the midstof a new economy drive your dad is not now mister concha mister bond and i discussed thoroughly at lunch yesterday golden yellow beginning to feel the pain segment at all the evidence top great everyone's feelings

means but believe me it's a necessarymeasure in the east palestine mister stillman adams board is coming over my home thisafternoon naturally i'm interested in stride naturally and it has occurred to me thatan excellent weight invention of the wisdom of my economypolicy mister show him what the teacher such asyourself and one on the madrid budget we've come to our home is that

my wife and i would be most in one of your new is that it is well that's very nice used to capitoladded sensitivity incident mrs kong one of your other than you went to congressional do you think thatthis is a calm will be added

wall will need to set principal's office in my office right now believed it yes i know last night was the last yes but i just send them back today as quickly as possible

well if you'll excuse me sir identitygetting into pat's nothing wrong is the what could be worse pakistani you know how hungry my coupons areproving style use the word to be at the white house support shop kelby there with bells on if nothing else

city while gets plugged it cannot be ina pleasent wanted to do his like me colgate toothpaste means in a bad wantto means that the albeit wrinkling white clean jerky and the cold gateway stop to pick a bestyes the colgate way is the most are liberal an acceptable method of all i do youknow the day

over two years research chilled brushing teeth right aftereating with colgate double cream help stop moldy cable more people andever be able to put it in that the system the colgate way stop to pick a best noother data press a more needed or not offer such conclusive proof and you should know that pulled gateswhile not mentioned by name was the only toothpaste used in the research on topick a recently reported in reader's digest so always follow the cold gatewayto clean your breath

why you clean your cheek and stopped wrote decayed russia vehicle days i'll get anagreement means have drank a lot of truth its means that the and albeit way stops to pick a best down by lunch time had almost decided to confess to mistercochran that i didn't really only many of the madam immediate dresses

before making that decision i thought i discuss it with mister bike arrived at the school cafeteria i'vepurchased my luncheonette just sat down to a table conclusion come walking bythe twister find myself naturally he stopped immediately experts i didn't see your foot down the aisle kiddies final tightening treat you

so hard uses the dollar wasted but no response luckily my salad landedright side up maya hamburger landed on my salad and he landed on your gallery things let me help you pick up you justit was a strawberry chill or setting does it look terribly messy misplaced pounds right kids at it

when you walk down the skills that youlooked just like a sunset mystifying there's something i'd like tothat all before you do miss books i'd like topapa question to you first course it might be considered quite personal but with your permission i'll pop it anyway if you're going to pop the question i'vebeen waiting for you to pop proper way pumpkin disproves

dress you've got on isn't that anotherone why mister barone you been paying attention after all we like it very much it's a very interesting shade yellow is next just where the bobbitt landed when youdropped it it's mostly chartreuse mystifying it's very exciting almost identical in shades of the skinof a young frog

this is the third and fourth lovely newdress you put on this week how do you do it miss brooks we just got the nod myhead people let this happen as they refund of your blue jersey suits it held a sort of sentimental attractionfor me you know that's a suit you're wearingwhen we met has four years ago unless a bit of wasn't too crazy aboutit first but really grow up

ragtime teasing it out last night quite nice clothes the fact that youwere able to acquire such garments on the teacher's salary is extremelycommendable well thank you mister barton and i'vealways admired a woman who can budget itself properly a woman who can do thatcould be a real asset to a man american hunt for such a woman for foryears and years are going to be exact with a pledge fifty companion there's notelling how far a man could go don't cut flying world

the sum up my feelings that air i can only say that this type of womanis downright marriage timber splits seeing you in these new outfitsis as open my eyes in that's something that like to say to you mistakes that declining how for heaven'ssakes walnut mapping anything hamas just my future what can i do for you every checkoutside from administration the driver says you've got weren't askedto sandbag

yes it's just a temporary measuretestifying address awkwardness perhaps now while has said that the lord justlike you jen he stopped and harriet i disconnected university if you can't excellenthumorless brooks he sure in you down to make a bigimpression on mr starr in fact in you you are a little bit at this morningwould like a tiny doing wedding is the mickey i've got right now

unafraid i won't be able to come to t_v_set in them missed agency had on this morning in the delivery truck on main street weight out of a bundle i had read it to thesalvation army amendments and starring harriet that ihad to send the dress is bad you c_n_n_ ever really own not justmildly internet in the media business increased you said you wouldgive me a favor one but it didn't so she

didn't and i'm back when i started lastweek and weekend well don't look so desperate miss brooks all is the cost and where is it going to love me people's i was stillcaptivated by those new downs of your risk did you ever english class i'msecretly stash stuntmen and i took the patterns to homeeconomics class we spent the past couple of days making i know he promised to end when themother so it'll work dot just perfectly

let them out there so that it's a realbut beggars can't be too listings after all the main thing is not todisappoint daddy don't you think your father mister stone and that is the difference of course not miss brooks artistic dresses women have been pullingthe wool danny years we'll miss brooks what do you think ofmy i_d_

intelligent harry it's not bad at i'm glad we got home it didn't spread he gave me a chance to reinforce some ofthe week standstill likeness a stinging back and that man my mom parent have the town out meeting there we've got a very good

i heard during mister stone going andgetting about five minutes i must admit you copied the style ofthat and he is desperately harriet tell me what kind of material thatyou're started with three hundred when he ranup against muslim some of it feels like cheese company aleks loaded with cheese com don't worry miss brooks the way i've gotit based did no one can possibly tell the difference but your mother will tellthe difference when she puts her hands on

well frankly miss brooks i haven't had achance to telerik the copy has just left it on a bed when she wasgetting the team ready and rushed back here you'll need to tell me your motherdoesn't know there's nothing between her and i like the chain but some cheesecloth and the frame in prayer requirement that it mother can't go over six your son your mother won't be in suchgood shape hier not to be very careful

i tell you how do you miss brock e i see anything i'll give you a purple signal variable signal thanks we'll be having tea i'll just say something like sugar andcream or pass the land everybody's waiting to your personalappearance with the wrong kind of a break this canbe the most personal appearance i've

ever had puri we dont have writing he instructs well capitol hill up you know my daughter harriet woods knows it and i actually did sing and wrote it is an attractive dress you have a

gill is just down i've been telling mister stone about thewardrobe you've acquired recently was broke it certainly gives impetus to an economyprivate teacher done a mister stone very impressive and thanks to the way i manage mypersonal budget missus problem has been able to enhance their wardrobe recently probably jumping into a new does rightnow dot

pieces at the t_v_ right here on thistable act is temporary hostess please do at lots of demands for it sugar and cream quickly so-so quiet blindness brooks just and fair analyst than happy to see you again sandy had some stunning dress you have a yes you're directed my guest and move a muscle

yes hold it for about forty five minutes believe i've ever seen u looking lovelyamong them you in that down rhamat was made in it napkin honestly misty stone sometimes when i'vebeen taking a compliment you get felix standing it would be sprayed back injust blinked we are holding the ron pop music star type are using t on thank you givenimport nights now many nobody's mcfarland

auto mother here i'll get to work out all i'd rather do it myself period after all the more one day a little bitmore one takes a lot of our lives his dad and mom can take to what youwanted to know after all it's nice to have somethingbetween one's bottom and one stop yeah but instead let's sit down and jocelyn

the already it's not helping to sit down after heavy meal every day you but none of us has had anything toreturns lunchtime no but why take chances you and your wit told the city just a moment

what is it now i'd propose a standingtoast to our host and hostess but now and we sat down yes that's a great idea harriet add yourprogress record and john philip sousa play the star spangled banner stop the horseplay you too saddam is personal

where where were you not discussionsthat manual pointing out to me as we wereteacher could do on your present salary if she really tried to and not only a teacher but anyone wholives on the budget i think that this my wife is wearing outthat cannot talk about yeni moral windup my dear blushing like just a little one i think i'll open a window we

not that warm in here that's not bad i thought i'd like to live in a littlemore aid them please mother just sit down well diseases happen that ends tonight and like something ripping that your dress has gotten i'm certainly not they'd still the samelovely three-piece suits always been

vpc mothers and have a minute yes i've been staying up late forties suzette with two beds state but i i don't understand that into one i'd better get into my bedroom andchange excuse me

was broke perhaps you can explain what'sgoing on here and not now mister i'm not going to goin and help missus conklin chain and george you can manage by yourself nowsit down the street instead still doing it for you get your own children creative areas disproved sit down sc he sounded an awful lot is coming up tied that apartments at the capitol

c_n_n_'s brooks valued wed that way i think i begin to see what this is allabout avego blog first you give me all thistalk about retrenching then you demonstrated what a teacher can buy andher salary these days is actually nothing but jack i've got to give youcredit company or idea is br you've given me a graphic display thattoo much economy can't possibly work in these days of rising prices husbandconkland you're really clever old

salt quite hyper with bookstore principal system you have to get your mother would theyprovide good actors as was brooks well thank you mr capa and i wanted it happened that day ihavent which one is that wrote this time doctor burlesque defended just a moment

the case of the close great featuring arthur griffith mail carrier here's what mister griffin told us is exactly what happened shaving was just one close scrape afteranother from now discovered palmolive leather shadedream in the new defined leadership my mileage coalitions of lather ended my worries about scrapes br why even in cold or hot water

but my mom and lead the way is sopersonal with super comfortable take up agripping device men the new probably blather way gets buried release all and it provides a protective film but actually float your rate is cuttingedge enclosure eight everytime worry about scraping and making even in pulled or hard water

partnered with women will permit othermental state palmolive lather cream following packagedirections three out of four reported smoother morecomfortable jaise palmolive shave cream way no matter how they shave before betterget palmolive leather shade tree remember even in cold or hot water my money by the way in the midst smoldermore comparable shit now once again here is a columnist bro well that was much sense in sittingaround in my crafty dread

rising goodbye that of the company i arrived home missus davis was mosthelpful and i just finished telling you when the bomb man dispatched quite fast kickboxing you took me by surprise mr bohren

i'm afraid i got the receiver on on on the topic in a i'm sorry mister barnes and i can't see starched this was in the party line when i go stopped at the game on-the-spot starring yvonne has producedby liberal and written by analyst novels bird with the news that well but that'sit listen to this

with marabella smelled the e_l_ you cansave ninety percent of dishwashing work a quick so good bill subs gets dishesand glassware shiny clean even if a bit of food i talked with a dish cloth gets rid ofthe classiest bells activated sons left often carry away food in greece so-called issues needed but brands and they dry sparkling without washingor widening all pots man's need is a soaking with bells sub then you can watch them shiny cleanwithout hard scholarly was more of that

all is a miracle of money on this so that nouvelle save ninety percent ofdishwashing work likeness his beloved chuckles unskilledvisually when you hear mister and missus nor that lead to deal with the samenetwork and be with us again next week in the same time or another comedyepisode alarmist roles problem on this big by transcription colgate battle creekthe clean your breath while you please repeat that helps stop to pick aprobably shave cream for a smooth they're more comfortable way to shave

review artist starring coupon hands well bringing in apple to the teachersand all the custom indeed but i'm a spokesman teaches english atmadison high school was quite surprised last friday morning when walter dentonhad over a large bouquet of roses as she got into his car to drive to school by welfare fees tries a lovely reflectsthe occasions decay use slang at your presence in although conveyanceis cause for celebration

alongside a few of these flowers seemlike so many please that's very pretty speech rather havethat i still say these are beautiful flowerslook at these stands so long and straight side various i'd get there behind this flattering demonstration ofaffection what could possibly be behind it butit's a one desire to make my favorite teacher happy besides i don't deserve all yourgratitude some of these flowers were picked in the backyard of a neighbor ofmine text by you mean the vibes folks

recently moved here from texas that'shim ali's mary finance on this fax i know the minute the final bell rings hedragged himself off the campuses if he was shot out of the canon sometimes i wonder why doesn't park hishorse in the hallway there's a reason for is russian isperhaps taxes that is on a local draft and shopping and check the outgoingmails that's assuage and my anguish

classy checks nothing but the incomingfemales that uh... let's get back to the flowerswalter you are giving them to meet with leading up to a favor classmate districts how can you possibly suspectme of such altec no matter how much it got me i'm notgoing to give all of the dismal fact that lasts ninety mr capa got me holdinghands with harriet ordered me to stay for an hour after school for two weeksto take care of sex and be back faking humiliating jabs sweeping classroomswashing windows and waste baskets

i don't understand the rock about why should you tell me that mistercochran are to be the state-run our after school for two weeks to take atsuch sundry back-breaking humiliating dot the sleeping at classrooms washingwindows and poor and being waistband has it is and you're concerned this folks this is my problem in my home you'd have to flaming without much withthe fly dash peter trap in mister

cochran's office this morning asking theease up on me i'd just let me ask you to do that forthis perhaps you couldn't definitely not however if you were asleep half volunteered overseas this profiled with you as soonas i get this fishing and hunting equipment on fact at triton incitement mr patrick thisfishing tackle is the best monica but both this miss brooks is this fly rod of youth alex tactics

anybody that couldn't expired with thathas no talent do and i think the offer is not in thepreferred live i can hardly wait by this stuff out at first political forthe week family right after school two hundred dollars worth of forty cyclic never before that this withoutconsummated one of my shrewdest transactions this week

if you'd like to hear about it the truth ralph at garlic rose does that the the extra cars headed by for usto minimum the pocket knife wounds rifling throughyou mean the nineteen twenty eight half of the year for the other day i found the structurecustomer eckhardt bank shall be when i was visiting u_n_discovered one afternoon as well

figures yet did i show it to you now it was too illto accept visited batana being at the crash at said and for confidently it has no motor but i think that uh... to mention thatback to my customer what did you tell him i merely informedthem that i've misplaced the ignition key and that he may pick up the callthis afternoon by then i'll be on my way to crystallake with his check for two hundred dollars already in my pocket let mistercochran that doesn't sound very ethical

to me all's fair in business miss brooksremember that now i'd like to write my customer somesort of a cheer up message the victims of the patrol rope on therear axle delight pride in having you have to walk over to supply room and getme some station tremolo yet so the first may i say awake and a half of wateragain if that's the word that accuratelydescribes a middle only serve to embarrass the both of us a stare you tell me you gave him two weeksdetention for holding hands with your

doctor and your displeased with my decision inthis matter mister cochran i don't mean to regard toparty are friday but all i ask is that the punishment fit the crimeperhaps not but that could be adjusted instead oftwo weeks to tension i'll give him a month now don knapp picking up wastebasket inventing theminto an incinerator auckland correct you

reminded me by what they're going to move theincinerator away from the print fans there's no fancy are incinerator on career reminded me bedroom is always struck me as beingsort of boy who could build the first break the the mister cochran often wilder possiblyfind time to complete all these extra tests i see what you mean this broke soback to want to be fair about this matter

i tell you what instead of a month notextend his detention period to six weeks now work to get that stationary andprotect optimistic on complete i'm sorry water but countless books but the transit authority at the entiresecond-hand conversation then you know that i try train creationfor your effort to sell succeeded by mike that activity came out when you getbut got the feeling that looks nice but cheer up while there

maybe a red legged before the six weeksa rap well i've got to wait a minute is there a circus on our campus circus contract and live that antelope coming down ourhall expire this practice

have are very added miss broke have a stranger the dot may have high no stranger to you maybe it's wishful thinking dash europehow water needs a bit of petty japanese pretty loud this morning character are dead in the way to be i can't help but pastime mister but it was a long time

uh... and from creator died you couldn'tstop the outbreak he must be dead said again louder forgive mob boldness ma'am but years prior to use it palomino mare openoften department she gets a whiff of dirt dared park and i think tanks that perhaps that ass can't make it that that could work wellwith the proprietor of down from writing

paper platt writer distracts cardiology meet ups c_e_o_ wilder would you keep thesepapers in your briefcase for me acrobat nine contract next these are a bunch of blank inductionnotices aren't they you have proper i gotta bring in the backpack habitatthat more that schooling again imponderable head thinks he's goingfishing at personalized

right now i mean you know the factsaround here and then i think carman accent arbitrary through i watched that mister clinton's name on this inductionnotice star and pete permanent carry a lot of mister cochran part based on the part comes out of anotice noticed

added reprieve uh... for uh... they're going to have abit of uh... fake crap it says bridging qy dot but these greetings informed me that i havebeen selected for training and service in the armed forces of the united states used

the i was created fighter hurriedlycaptivated me to mail this thing they disliked about it grip carpet factory is it jump to conclusions that the contract car age there is no age limit for aquick fulcrum is broke forget i resigned my commission of amajor in nineteen forty six this notice makeshift obvious top brasswants me back

that's agnew at major couldn't theyoffer you a commission and second update you with the pride that trying not reasons what uh... i'll miss my life here at madison nomo meeting no more books now mightytuesday the acts but still can't believe that our militarysituation is so desperate that well why should they want a high school always what officials many of the armedforces this book just bigger this time old kolkatacrackers company was back in august

etzel coke and crackers concord anaffectionate nicknamed the boys pinned on me for my lengthy tour of duty at theplanned jeans snack bar flight eisenhower was right when heinspected all indian wrestling team at the elks club in nineteen forty and atthat time isha tens of millions of complain you've got a firm grip the kindof a trip this company general eisenhower said that to you itwas lieutenant eisenhower that the throat through ten in world war two of neverforget that contentment stanley eisenhower

how i remember him then payroll of entrance and that's whatmakes this haven't gotten any carolina reportedthat for this afternoon is is there anything i can do to assist you withschool your old loyalties touches an old soldiers harp with proof yes come to think of it was a lot to dofirstly i won't be needing any of the sports equipment please try to dispose of the formerthick and you take it back to the store but no no i poured into the final sale

perhaps you could often at all i'm sure some of the teachers might beinterested if only for sentimental reasons in owning something the prolongedhowever fleetingly for the department principal well if theprice is keeping up i mean the we could do is put up anotice on the bulletin board and will be option in the gym let mister cochran i don't know verymuch about auctioning things often since this emergency was caused by the armedforces

i'd like your permission to telephonemarshall defense secretary marshall mailmarshal monahan either warfare pressoption there colgate that'll bring the clean yourbright while you clean your jeep that help stop to pick a and palmolive kate grades personalthey're more comfortable way to shape renewal armies brought starringdebugging what fraction of al gore's well whenever the routine at madisonhigh school is disturbed in any way

plan to blow up the good competentregisters serious objections and they usually blames almost books teaches english that or the disturbance at the latest up people in madisonschedule was definitely not my fault two weeks ago the board of education puta television set into the school to see if it's cultural educational programswould enhance our regular curriculum lactate their breakfast are disgustedwith my landlady but you can't take the television set pants so far

wellness fitzgerald who conducts thet_v_ group in our day said there's one very marked resultmissus davis in just two weeks that's right there in the student at madison who cantell the difference between a pin down a palomino what one black do you have a great many how politefilms on don't pay i would say so yes but there are quite a few minormysteries on sale when since landed hard films too attorney

the board place to sit in the school forits l_s_d_ thank you don't be televising the actuallyeducational programs i suppose so missus davis they had a semi educationalprogram on yesterday semi education yes i think it was calledthe batman eats up to being a partner yeah i'm sure they'll have more and morecultural things to look at this time goes by all that reminds me connie keeping sometime since that nicotine following he could locate ladner no i didn't get anyleather means that absent minded mine

and i purposely put it webby couldn'toverlooking on your plate my plate odeon how much of your needs to be wheaton every bit but this blue part with theblack lines then gave the latter alright uh... it's another letter from a collectionagency the collection agency as sherry

department stores but they're doingcould account into the hands of the colder collection agency it seemed thato_j_ read about twenty five dollars for might use to shopping using then makingaugust five two cherries because you haven't paid them since each day eastern nineteen forty-five dude saying that i think i got to pay themoney at one time them notify my employer and attach mysalary all this is terrible you know how mister cochran field about anyone whogets in today

i wish i could help you connie but the only money i dot gif much on the fact that green tea no i wouldn't want to be bigot path leading to school in maybe someone there could let me saymining how about mister billington mister blinds and yes they might havesomething saved up he she will it be he could bot chile down again

campaign to ask him for a long who wants i'm sure you'd be happy to help youhe'll probably ended twenty five dollars before you leave the kidneys stopped inpoway it'll take longer than that openid money belt huh uh... playing applebee's book have actedjittery via paris they are the many expired so respect and back up the televisionset cannot buy didn't have a lot about your kali beijing

had gotten hit me look at some of itsdebt and mary steenburgen documented checksbut i'm really smashed optimist books and when it came in two point waslooking for a mister bryant he sheen's right bond that you may have we have no intention is sound andforward personal i'd like to see it i think they may needyou to play and then you a semi lucky hombre well thank you ted not getting skinny i'm going to thebiology lab and get them branding irons

in the pilot will respond come on and out bank divine why did you wanted to see me about were leaked syrup it's brooks robo four years ago you will not have been world burdens

dotted and dot cross-breeding friends waived its right difficult for me tohave to do this disputes without i'd like to ask a favorably now that the calendar that i have afavor to active you too related but makes it easier for methat's mine is probes near divine can you let me twenty five dollars i don't like to not mediation is to findthe doing right now coincidences yes dating and about twenty five dollarsworld

i got a letter from a collection agencythis morning collection agency live colder collection agency can't be at stake chancellor and darrow there'll be aletter saying that notify my employer waited and waited twenty five dollars atonce where you're going to try to charitiesramirez i bought some presents my granddadhere's mike and any on their fifth birthday and chariot maybe not with happy but youhaven't paid part of that

with twins were nine on friday what do the cucumber neighbor to leader of ouradmit the problem find out from the agent deedrick wait a minute i've got an idea ordersi'm going to tell me to comment about my predict mein pehle for the honor of theschool meet mine and that's me the money we're do you think you do the same forme much like to try i'll tackle in place then you can have a whack at a mapheadlines itself pretty dangerous to be a misprintdo you really think you ought to take the bull by the horns frighten many andi can see them and i'm now gal tari dart

tossed into the bleachers the apa event abt i mean it's not that i don't like todistribute lips not stop that they would have true dismissed for the dog well packed like in its hai do you mind if i open the window didwindow jeff the width of the human body

one quite comfortable in this officetarget ordered all right i will anne twenty five dollar campaigndelinquent bill iowa cherry departments are because i turned it over to acollection agency which wrote me a letter saying that if i don't think itprobably they'll take it up with you and this is all of it is not going to attachto my family to have a detached i thank you am i to understand that one of myteachers as in the hands of a collection

agency twenty five dollars worth ofmediated i'd wanted to pay it back but i would more all state of the fair obviously yourself and go to to missmedical brought starlight dr and back in just a and helped define therole of are about to do something about the situation reported education everfound out about this recruiter right not only on you put on your school then principals will naturally i don't want any skeletons inmedicines blogger all your fell right

mister cochran it's terrifying and notaround here without back do over that borrow at and working here already but you know i do mister cochran where can i go compliment one moment please out there you're going to might not office withina block or yet that thank you for that or not

then my name is that great william gray iwould be called her collection agency are due to regret i presume you are here in regard to thedeath of one of medicine teachers uh... no one here regard with better one are good conklin parallel artwork company that he had been at the timedoing that the other than that but we can't forget equated

uh... carried apartment door program youknow them fifty dollars since nineteen forty eight welcome to early prime intercom carnival working below with the and argue well you would describe me as a don't be so wrapped around sinning haramus that that look like a man captain long thewell

although probably to repair wallgrenoble comparable or europe or five years ago alright believe you would please his carla what i have in mind that theprinciple of the school printable now there if you happen to hear from him would yoube kind enough to inform but with the paper that the dollar deal by thisafternoon we will notify the board of educationand pics that to attach is already

but you can't do do that'd i'll be happy to inform redmondnow have been used to costo de and i'm quite brutal review if you know if i getthe third and bank you what you're going to too repairman right that the economy the regard time good during the carter bland parity andno what the will the

that broke the record and now eighty gonorrhea appears regard or bythe way you didn't have to go over here only about competition to do one of thecountry you know that the key in the keyhole anemic at the inoperative practicallysound too well i got possibly are going to anymoney but in spite of your incompetent in managing your personal there i thought would be great opera careerwould be preferable thank you karen and in fact not abide by planting he don'tmention it but before you go i don't

think i would like them to open bathroomgroup well quite hot in here rather suddenly remember nobody would become boring apparently pretty group but then again archerd neighborhood called a decentguarded that'll be in a main job robotic suit the badly injured deep called it compares the injured thatblood to the quietly injured the called a democrat in clean your bread while a clean dirty and the coal gatewaystops to pick a bet yes the colgate way

is the most thoroughly pulled anacceptable method of all hygiene on the day over two years research showedbrushing teeth right after eating with colgate double cream help stop moredecayed for more people than ever before reported and that was history ecolegateway stopped what they gave bass no other than the first amo needed or notoffer such conclusive proof and you should know that colgate whilenot mention by name was the only toothpaste used in the research onduplicate recently reported in reader's digest saw always follow the coalgateway to clean your breath while you clean your t and stop to pick a bestschool

brush ur teeth football games are a bitbetter agreement main job and wanted to do means energy and the colgate way stopduplicate that well significantly in with a chartermember of the bad debt plug along with mister by name in my belt we were all placed with the same dilemmahow does it all off the colour collection agency the part about it butmaxim that afternoon i was pondering this way the problem inthe school cafeteria had known when harriet tubman and wanted them to me two of my lesser problems

approached the table heights brooklynharriet wilder hijackers do can't be tolerated playing and faculty arrive night but sunday night side that the fact thatside it and have them on product knowledgeestate miss preps all come out you can think of a betterexcuse the mad dont be dangerous work by and siliconand china popcorn that only watched television

dodi and only enjoyed the schools at thesprouts it's a wonderful medium for educationare not just a minute walter i've watched some of those shows do you callour direct in movies educational well certainly course it all depends on whatindividuals looking for jeanine watching to learn aboutcustomizing manners of the great era and a great adventurous people harried onthe other hand watches him for another reason what does she want to learn howto fly to glad to be air down along baate

their religion and educational programsshown this book yeah it's a shame whatbut i'll tell you kids do get something out of the gallery in plant it didn't work it till the more popular andconstructive support groups at the right to be in darkness to make the picture come out shotgunclinger as a matter of fact gary and i

are now awaiting the television roomright now promoter don t twelve thirty there'snothing permitted on television to look like them too we know is you know under rule butduring that period united that in great britain hard-headedrick you are dropping they were quick topoint ampato no prime down and i think in teachers collegethat some day i'd be on the back of the at lowes madison high dual martin amisfirst raisers table occupied no mister

bonior occupation forces just left him in atlanta and thanks well i haven't been able to get themoney to a collection agency has yet to be working on hand but we're not the only in the gymfaculty members and their school are printable of the bill to yearly mister cutler's in the same boatwe are you not only in the news rocking it million dollars i heard mister grainfrom the agency threatened to expose me

to comment on the board of education ifhe didn't pay up fifty dollars by this afternoon away that's terrible o badly did must be some method whereby weekbecause of where the agency until we could pay off in that way we cried gotno idea maybe we could put up coming at thekennedy you know temporary collateral collateral or what i have anything is worth twentyfive dollars with really even my watch i

now have been the same window as my dlwhat we might be able to do is give them one item that might serve as security intwo weeks arpaio records in order isn't there something right here atschool that looks impressive but is completely other sensual sure area is with a collection agency would neveraccept mister compliment to cut please please please vicious serioussaying i know what might work will happen the school television set

apart than most on the central but it's not our property belongs to theboard will only be borrowing it mr bohren entrance will be helping mistercomplimentary gin to we'll be sure to cooperate yet the more i think about it the more ilike u i'll call mister gray and having pick up the said immediately burger spurts are you sure mistercochran will stay with us please to bite nine convient i can hardly wait to seehis face when i tell him about it

i'll bet it ten absolutely human this is a rubber is about the problemthe printable america's most who himself speaking the that night sweats self-helpor education on us and ministers form of market remains a i would just say to myself nowadays dotcom not alex class work at your school new television tower because to store our usual thisafternoon is convenient for you maybe some other time a considerableexpense to forestall that septal mexico o by yesterday by the though

collection agency probably just movingaround with the new above and we'll be back until tomorrow ra open-end way nicaragua i've got a newlight on news for you really when you transfer but do you have anyreason that it that possible what i wanted to tell you if that wouldthat i put up for the security and the collection agency giving going to botherit began and where we're ready to pay them back but we are all

brooke who have no idea what a reliefwhich is to be but before you arrive mister stone coldand said he was coming over this would have been terribly embarrassing ifyou'd run into that collection jet powered certainly would then that if isay that my fellow and wealth is going to picks that belief recommended thatyesterday yet that i got you'd be l naga and moved on in his book just how didyou manage to store well i think we call mister gray and ididn't pick up the school television set and in return for that he agreed not toyou

television and move furry lewis was followed up or what wentwrong with it is coming over the top of the impact of what those pushed all saidand i'll be right car but he can't tell that i mean we've got to do if someday you'llgo out to do is on the equality implement plot they'll stop lying to meresponds ability for all of our collection rests with you on the allalong yet even while you were talking there verytiny of most of the might be a began

nibbling at my brain if i know you're is brought to you leavea stop to that end five million dental terrifying spectacles and stuff and comeup the opt one well we are short of the cooperation ofthe kids with the government you've got to live it so desperate measure misquotewithout too much popped up as i understand it more remain here inmy office to receive mister storm and i'm return in about five minutescorrect believe me mister common when it comes down leaves here you'll bedelighted that i a t_v_ set is no longer on the premises by might

reviewers groups and nobody this office where i spent somany joys use of medicine log dictator principal doing this a local news doors the department barbara waldron divisionof the world on employment hired from long thehere now that i'm and i'm not i'm not and andand and and too norma broke that mister cochran and

note there hilarity way up here at least a donna cooke areprobably between well i've been getting on the down thehall of the all means that missus now prompt him tobe a sale didn't work the what you relied upon to the head ofthe board of education arms r_m_s_ started jet that i've been wantingsomeone to tell amy do you think you had it installed in school but this year wept and wept contractmetromail dot that was installed but

strictly cultural purposes and that's the way is the new it's already todd unbranded most of theyoung men here at madison gonna honorable but being in the approx cast anything i'm not happy the do mary hotnon-air dot you hadn't had to have a promiscuous problem now you know in area contact are used to

canon dell not not with the indians whom she supposed to be calamity janewhat delivery friends about it can't go back and as far as i'm concerned aboutthe whole on them is to stone that can apply have adult colonies paul what's that you was about to say disparaging wiredpalestine or the map yearly report door was open live by that people opaneed here that mid-december mumbai would amend thetension palgrave needs if randy orton

this book seize your friend of mine no matter where you prob deduct part of our part up why are youtalking about matter for a the away column that dated speaking with us this western drawl have been a problem this way since ourbank or hide in the blueprint that operates burned at the end or did wellright now at what we are not enough babbling onyou can always talk to republican didn't

at all the handed standard equipment the dept that everyone at the end of the water beit probably are knows there ever lab in a big step and i had to beindian vb proposition was probst at all there are problems are anime related igave you what they got a pretty on romero doling

we amendment home dot what the pad on this particularflorida admit that they have bed or oregon there what did that that barbara lippertlet the stall what would you say about go do that the televisions that would nolonger with acted born red barb splendid rewarded and that they probably probably bribeexcept your correct written there

was that the revolving credit and thereby would have taken porcelainjuror pool look like take all credit oracle the punk rock regaining his action takenwith the group was cool with margarine and margot minority group will be the their mail technically how do you want to go head prescott

thomas polk returns in just a moment butfirst newt's mover more comparable comparableto price and then not palmolive brought this way yeltsin will earn more comparablecomparable to prom and broncos were made up of black man you can get wilder yet more comfortable chair of theprobably abroad locating greenway bill but will probably brought put intoyour beard you'll find it will put public workers actually protect yourskin by providing a soft selling that

float your rate is cutting edge remember over twelve hundred men test ofthe palmolive brushless shaving cream way following directions on the package andno matter how they came before three out of poor reported beard easierto cut let's raise herbal smoother more comfortable yet more comfortable j bowman try the probably brought goes wayyourself even in cold or hot water you

get a close clean shave and a small they're more comfortable yes of mark comfortable j who'll get smoother more comfortablecomparables says hello palmolive russ lewis living next time you j pryor the probably aboutlitigating greenway did not want to get an error starburst books well i don't miss this town and theothers had left his office

mister combine admitted that he wasgreat problem i have fifteen then in the man that's out typical ofthe man he needed a compared to prominent myra warren miss brooks and appreciation for yourmeritorious service i decided to the store rare are reported will be permitted to type up intriplicate six copies of my latest report to the superintendent of schools and have it on my desk tomorrow morning this brought you have meant that theywere you going how attached bailout

apart more comfortable living and colgate dental rain giving up bradwhile you clean your demand help stopped at the gate are misquote starring evearden is produced by larry burns written by our most about the robert wood butthere was a glove will grow back colgate battle creek between your brettwhat you clean your teeth that help stop to pick a and family jade green for a smooth morecomfortable weight is j bring you on this book starring ke baad

hey i saw it on the squirrels under thedirection of powerless well in the daily live obama's broke soteaches english at madison high school teaching itself only takes up a portionof our time this leaves a number of three hours eachday to pursue an outside interest but it doesn't leave quite enoughrealities especially since my outside interestrefuses to stand still long enough for me to drop and then over him and act like the idea being consideredtaking up another outside activities besides mister born

like the one my landlady began recently missus davis was quite reticent abouther hobby until last wednesday morning at breakfast when she gave me a broadhint noticed anything different about theverdict mining town now the big catsup staying in front ofmy place is gone candiotti capping deion oh cars the big ball of apples and thesender wanted the nation's display

i'm vegging nightly pounding it's a hot who designed it william tell no i did you probably don't know if that yearsago understood designed hops right name volume and had a year i never would have suspected using sonarmoen some of their respective reality and had the is but last week and i got the big day sentme some samples of the material his

friend macon and you know my bed to thedigital chip hydrate you speak of him quite often eased a bit julian bondvictim lab rats in tow will be tied to tell about when he gets interested in something youpalestine through and last couple of years he's been up toalleviating plastics no wonder a slow-moving flathead plastic dot to do with yourdesigning had began wants but they need to have i'll get you lately even noticed that

be seen to be too hot anyone to monthly when beastly it looks like a bowl ofawful every meeting a devout like these it's a spiral hal at a novel idea if you're out for the manual i you can'tbe more than apple nigger dated and dick you get the birds or have them all kneecaps l five

they should be they feel that not they'dbe coming this and well i don't know me today that thereare a bit unusual for popular consumption i mcveigh levied everything tonight and and ithink you can i want you to help me to tell them it'scool new if you still are a part of him add debate dot half of the about corinne eurozone

uh... any shouldn't be difficult to fillthem it isn't as if they work hard to move not at the wind is right because if i could reduce my back to youknow that how that might be watered and need thatin the back door prasad actually get down one point nothing patni i'm getting to be teaching in breslawsympathy for a while taking are now better get some very bad and then too places

it's gone larry plummeted twinkle walton is thatuh... that you're going to have a bit of breakfastfor the time to larry might be persuaded the practicum remarks soniya peacocks me pokes you you couldn't be that cool and i'd been wanting to be branched out they don't pay

what is the back in the kitchen and bring in the bagbut not act need the little guy amputated what's happening at home but my motherjust doesn't seem to be making the breakfast she used to from a_b_c_ just warno all she does have an awful at mealslawrence of course he does walter where on the subject

i thought of you given to her mother'sday gift out quite a bit and i come up with something that should show our howgrateful i am proud she's done for me i will get a present filmmaker forget the many menial andargue was passed she performs in ninety nine once the president obama so we have to be kicking run democrats it smelled

smelled very pleasant surprise likethere's something else feels like i my allowance last night that shiftsand i couldn't afford much wild i haven't guessed ingredients that yourdad will be happy to chip in for just look at the center of this table it was it a lot certainly not happens to be a woman's the woman said k fucking chloride

helping nothing i'm wearing it to schoolthis morning then make a wonderful decoration frauddining room table at home always likes to have something in colorfrom the center of the table that's what i think it would make a wonderfuldecorations for your dining room table played updated list of those truth thatstreet expired added may have added today you see me in a hurry in math plan wouldhave tried to use marilyn across his fifth like if they'll be the case mayhave made it back

do not that bad how i do have to keep the cost of thepark plant l_a_ lori either sam houston and now this is a valid point cut drops gave me any i_v_f_ activities with going out after thatoperated here natalie wire forever major t_-thirty does where wecould have pulled off in your school calm down snacks

dot then use that one legality good fooled me by the way mother's day is just aroundthe corner when you've decided on a gift for your mother yet i've been thinking a lot about that thisbook split scott got to figure out what it pleasemom maybe i can help you i've got it mayhave christmas on i dot xom

brand new bag blew through spirits for a birthday we got our first chaps ininstead since in for easter we get to having a spankin new boxes settled so bc she's got just about everything innormal woman needs a normal woman who's competing in arodeo yummy flat tax act like the one i'm wearing would makea lovely gift and it's only ten dollars it sure is placed in this book's contactbefore death knights but there's a couple of things have tobe done to refers

for instance whale do you think you could make tohold you need through hit haha soldier he is confirmed through donor is a good time through that your mother must have a very lowforeign i wouldn't give it to my mother madebooks ideas to get it for my mother to get tolucy lucy

cheese on mars on here will not be uniformly i'm sure he would have had you can pick up the habit faces that the same finally depend on but daddy please be reasonable we think that your mother and baby itisinvested in my office to our viewers area i think you'd want to your motherreceive a nice person

anyone with most of my notes if there aren't enough to earn somethingoutstanding always eat something up formby obviously my ideasyou know if needed and shouldn't put haha well i wouldn't mind selecting somethingfor you but always insist that i find the barkingand there's nothing wrong with being frugal area perturbed come in

i think the confidence how to have timeto put together with good read something of the lights it on your air if the company spent their variousgovernment but maybe we can profit from the truth forthe group happens to be a hat mister cochran very i think that catholics didn't want to do it withouttalk to you later on this important five

and if the company knowing how far onthe day that he lost i'm right to the point of my visit fact they've not pasted how would you like that i had like thisone is this conflict or mister fung yes don't you think hedid then something like this will show you has been the source ofgreat irritation on the fisherman hold the line not interested withdrew if i can sell one of these tax it willhelp getting out of debt mister cochran

besides it's a real bargain i'm sorryi'm definitely not in producer of bargains road yet that much cheaper than you can getit on the open market where did you get it let's just say i have access mr compton these hats on part province being in town spellman nosair that knocked down

i'll tell you code problem it's the leadten dollars each ten dollars for a few apples or the small sparrow it is the fact that you haven't heardhow meet in front of bomb at think of how extensive is that isn't formy life it would have to be miss brooks do you have to have some medicare uh... approach than uh... onindividualized apparel he wouldn't be caught dead in anythingthat even resembled what someone else was where mister darman when theconfidence that i give you my unqualified guarantee you do absolutelybelieve me he won't be caught dead unit

graduate people call there organic matter of the unit being givenone through code by paying duty corded reprinting the entire one through codebut i think that the colgate double cream clean your bright while it clean dirty and the coldgateway stop to became that yes the colgate way as the most violent provedunacceptable method of all hygiene on the day over two years research showed brushingteeth right after eating with colgate double cream help stop more decayed formore people then ever be four reported

in benefits history mccoll gateway stopto they cave but no other data profile more made it or not offer thought conclusive proof and you should know that colgate whilenot mention by name what the only toothpaste used in theresort from two p k recently reported in reader's digest so always follow the coal gateway toclean your breath while you clean your feet and stop

group decayed but russia people call gail go get that willbe in a greenville grab one of two things five-finger needle and the cold gatewaystop duplicate that bath by the time i want to meet misterbarnett line drive-by won't be in the format they think that made up wonder why would bend for his mother hadto be used in the table fender p want to take part in braveheart the youdidn't hide shade and one domestic compliment by his wife

to be used of all things at the hat that might have been found to have moreon when they've been born came over to a white label rollovers pro-serb sorry i'm late icouldn't get a refill their that's alright divine broadband internet frank many many being different about me today three over heaven's sake a high apologize forbeing late you want to go to such a link

to chide me about it whom chai deal yes after all this is a public meetingplace you shouldn't i want to do so it on your head the environment happened to be a half crimes sorry whisper temperate i droppedmy cutlery and should be more careful the that nine might have been manure me ofthe on sorry i cried and youth have color

i could be used to say it's like this medicaid my mother always had tofantastic creations around the house really nominee but i didn't think he didyou know what panel in the i layout may i remind you mister barnettmother's day with soon be with them also my mother if he's coming down a separate statethrough the weekend unfortunately that has to stay home a business trip mom and i are going to have a highold-time have you made out of your plan

for celebrating the holiday inn estebanyes indeed particularly when mad world reporters four-day itinerary on that uh... are areyou going to do well on thursday i thought i'd show mom a newwing of our public library friday we'll i would do the museum of natural historyand and saturday will have a go at the botanical gardens while the we've ever been a letter from theevenings either

if we're not playing gesture checkersout without the old dominoes that dot by the way you can can you think of anything that might addto the merriment disproves yet but i think the mortgage plywood that weekendd and that is i do have a suggestion thatmight be private deprive be a mother what is it together and i tak you said yourself accused like uniquepat opponents are in his words i'm not interested that to bed at the brightnessrio a bargain or i'd like to get her

something of course replaces get started did you say the bargain a evidently and where did you get that happens brooks the truth in a band of piling up inberlin today that there are only ten dollars a p there at ten dollars apiece that you got a bit made of not make the and i guess we could arrive at some sortof a deal to split with there's one thing of which i must be circle

like that all that my mother doesn't see any otherwoman wearing a hat like it moms of fanatical individualized approach out they'll have a very one i'm notgoing to dana divine we are out of my plays about eightthirty tonight and that the crime bill with its hartford you're sure know thatyou'll be the only woman to have this particular while she's in town your mother will bethe only woman dean

wearing gift particular pat get myself and some dessert thatrestricts or would you like to bring something back to you yes i would bedivine i'd like a pro the five th and side will do very well all i want that now nickelbein okay but a

powell haircut thank god that they would have it both a take your time forty come in and that became that money andeverything frankly my money conlan uh... overbooked i thought thatby judy america beat review for a moment for a price to pick on planet earththank you uh... about that had i think the biblemy wife i wanted to be a complete

surprise you mustn't see a simple fundnow thank you martin i mean anything would be a private vietnam the oneimportant factor we overlooked in our discussion this morning with broke i neglected to give you my wifemeasurement brown taken right now how far apart of your white peers hahahaha here tirade that would not have happened date back well i don't know but i'll find out thatafternoon and check with you at home

this evening uh... what would be a good time aftermidnight now anything like that and it's not atall now you're not that many more importantthings to do and i'll be happy to read you you can't you really have that way iknow how the things i did think be wiped out by eliminating them on thegroup root right comprehend the from the freightmovement bikers then durango but if you are always this movementduring meal time at the one you have not announced a i have not been with thecontract

and i had a night be going to you thatby began teaching school you did how did you get rid of it adept couldn't afford to keep it i don't know what you don't even reallyabout connie everything is done swimming the fell apart wanted didn't pick up the hat for yearsnow they during lunch p nine what we'd need a ticket but who came over by theirpaperwork you get that they should be preparedwhen you phone me about proved that he has not been that panelalong the

generally moderate name now one of the one dime q three aboutyou'd like to compliment the born i'd promised them both that they were buyinga completely original creation really odd that can the fact that they areidentical should not be your all throughout native-born who will beleaving town died after mother's day yet but mister morton bringing in heretonight to pick it up and that the problem of wanted white patentthrough the evening measurement but if you want him to make the pointmany web before sundown dot com dot com thank you think the point

power but we have to make you listening we've gotten package back alcoholicpainful bank well here we are good for us do you remember my mother from neverforget our down at the bundy coming in for a second how are you connie it's been a indicting for mom couldn't wait to see if prices withpower then i'll get it for a ride away missile gap happy about that than philgramm a ping-pong table

that is that the uh... the pharaoh getthrough nothing improper your new habit how do you like it certainly different all i knew you'dlove it well now that you've seen and i don't want to keep you in the providinganother minute you must have lost doc overthrow stand on paramount leader father rightalong about the later in the week bob will really have no great writers roadsand event that night and even if you would

ayatollah mahmoud jump with the idea anddegree at you being the practicality i'll never forget how exciting it wasthe last time we play they wouldn't u_n_ enough a fred iplanned a uh... volume data leading anti well could have been thoroughbred it moved the bond if you are lying downwith a headache how would you like to your thumb on constantly jumping in thenext round designate maiden before the nothing to do effective date if you need and iwouldn't think of letting you bags for

new powers at the white nine if you take yourmother into the living room and leather high on her checkerboard pattern called it with you the event that whatever ontheir ended the piano well if you're in who never ventura ca dot on the divinevery religious right that's wet weather proper expressed holder what doing new year's it's twelvehours until breakfast

p backdraft of international not if i can help it monument important alright but believe harry lots of trouble walter well i showed mydad has had to solace for a centerpiece miss braxton he didn't like it that's crazy about it ready once aslight change made he said that the awhile it up so we can use it as a lampyou'll give me an extra three dollars

donated five dollars out within themotor anything driving to work the yet in the dining room immediately priorcontact with you quick have i'll explain later dot abt quit relieving the broke well i've got my wife's headmeasurements on the sheet of paper thanks at the top and reply pills at the moment for you've been goneafter yet there

amand i thought the measurement from themiddle of the with whom i worked with part of our group of logo i believe anumber of that mom would like a drink of water of proposed a carpenter hold confident thatyou don't get it all i didn't know it and with you connieout there the fact that the program pat buchananwithin bond with the content of our deterrent wanted to do it with my wife and honorthe about your wide at first problem

you didn't buy me the same that misterconklin but for his wife big collided with senator whether resorts what seemsto happen shouldn't have to do if arab island of they have been the flight makethat but and try to come out alright by mother'sday alcohol there are only two of youwearing the hat then you won't be scene together and heplays well who had not been whoever point uh... steiner miss brockbank didn't know you had capping

this is one that one of our people someof the world this is my mother the world is saying everything going state what you're doing with theirmothers centerpiece on your hand d don't bother and reprieve bantam project aquent my get mad and i have a change in thelab the following events you are down he will put the wire rack to your and i want to know liberal delightedwith the boys that are the only two people would be the original creative

our development although it will turnwearing the growth and revive but coconut walkthrough that the it's are that like a whore as our milkman right he'd even at many pictures of the heartof making the rounds of my dash today they were paid the very clever lonelier

ring the doorbell via the over the world yet uh... habitat may have lucy arrogant opened by so i thought i'dchilly at night he left in your new bond paint daughter right up to the front door likethis input aren't going on here

why is that thinking ahead call days where a by the dash they got the same etc use only forleukemia both yet technicality i don't know that i didn't have a body whom he is an automatically onindividual at that time now door those what you've proposed for the loveof the fact

i'm going to take him out to our backyard and put them up and it's free but three yet please that than strictlyfor the bird flu now the case of the close greatfeaturing arthur griffith mail carrier here's exactly what happened shading with just one close sleep afteranother for me and then i discovered palmolive leathershave cream of the new different way to shave palmolive portions of rich that latherend of my worries about scrapes burns and needs

flavin cold or hot water problem at the way is super smu super comfortable take either griffin's advice men the newpalmolive leather way get beard release all and it provides a protective that actually floats your raiserscutting edge you get a clean clothes gave everytimewithout worry about greeting are making even in cold or hard water author griffin and twelve hundred othermen tested palmolive leather cream

following package directions and threeout of four reported smoother more comfortable chairs the palmolive shavecream way no matter how they play before better get palmolive leather shade greenremember even in cold or hot water of probably love the way in the midstmore the more comparable j the well once again here at the vartan what would you do director of planningin europe now in case of a sudden atom bomb attack it may never happen but it could

remember you can provide an album bombattack if you know what to do get a copy of the official air raidinstructions from your local civil defense organization right the superintendent of documentswashington d_c_ and clothing five cents incline a fan laying instruction by heart and see thateveryone in your family does these smart be prepared played heart

columnist ropes buying eve arden isproduced by larry burns with my elbow if not all but with the music of will growback the let's lives with marv albert bell will be emailedyou can play ninety percent of enforcing work or quick so inbuilt subit dishes andglassware shiny clean even if a bit of food should clean attacked with a dishcloth gets rid of it classier valve activated sudden left often carry awayfood and great so all this is needed equipment from a dry sparkling withoutwatching or wiping all pop sometimes

needed a soaking with bells on then you can watch them shiny cleanwithout hard kaur what's more valve is america love milder so dept nouveau saveninety percent of the forty work almost broke skin to transcribed

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