wohnzimmer-möbel-set mit la sommelière weinfach

wohnzimmer-möbel-set mit la sommelière weinfach

stevie: what's the last thing we fought about? ally: just in general? stevie: yeah ally: the last thing we fought about was feeding the cats.. stevie: oh my god you have so much cat hair all over your face. ally: well, that's because i feed the cats... stevie: what the fuck else do you do in the house? ally: i clean the floors...i pay the bills...i do everything else ally: i bring life into this space. hi guys, i'm stevie and this is ally hills and today we thought we'd talk about date ideas.

stevie: why? cause we're real bad at it or actually ally is really bad at accepting my date ideas, also - we're lesbians - so let's do 10 lesbian date ideas - ready ? gooo... ally: i don't even get to talk that is how... stevie: nope...not allowed....this is my channel...my video ally: yeah do it? why am i here? click bait ? stevie: get the fuck out of my house! ally: go on what are these awesome date ideas? stevie: i made a list...ok ally: you know sometimes when you use a straw-- i sound like bill cosby stevie: yes, you do! stevie:first thing, how about we watch how to videos on youtube about doing different yoga poses and then try them out. ally: how about, we also film it, and then we could make a youtube channel out of it.

stevie: no these are date ideas not video ideas. ally: is this a date? are we on a date right now? stevie: no. how would you like a yoga date? ally: i hate yoga! last time i did yoga. guess what? almost passed out. had to say, "i'll be right back." never came back. stevie: that was hot yoga. ally: it wasn't hot yoga i was hot. go on whats you're next date idea. stevie: i don't know we gotta wait for the cat to stop pooping first. stevie: how about we start driving and every time we stop at a red light we flip a coin to see if we go left or right. stevie: it'd be like a fun road trip impromptu like.. it would be a fun time.

ally: are you driving?-- actually never mind it doesn't matter who's driving. this sounds like the most stressful thing i will have ever been a part of. stevie: it sounds fun. ally: ok. hi, do you know where we live? it's called los angeles. stevie: what if it was at night? ally: do you know where we live it's called los angeles. ally: how about this date idea. you ready, you ready, you ready? we get in the car. every time we stop at a red light, we turn around and go home. so it's just one red light. stevie: i swear to god if the cat doesn't stop pooping right now? ally: yo, who is that? stevie: stop being so loud. stevie: i think an impromptu road trip is a great idea. we can even bring ziggy. ally: he hates vehicles. but you look so darn cute in that bowtie. stevie: we could walk through a botanical garden while listening to an audiobook from audible.com

stevie: oh yeah, now you wanna go to the botanical garden? stevie: we can get messed up on whole foods wellness shots like we did that one time. ally: that was one of the worst days of my entire life. ally: i could hear colors. i put fruit in somebody else shopping cart while they were pushing it. stevie: it's just ginger, lemon, and cayenne pepper. ally: exactly stevie: it makes you feel really weird guys. ally: like, loopy as hell. stevie: it's like i don't need drugs i got wetne- wellness shots. ally: we got whole foods wetness shots. stevie: thats gonna get cut out. stevie: we could go to a straight bar to mix it up. stevie: that's a bad idea.

stevie: so i've always wanted to do this with someone. lets go to a psychic and get our palms read. make fun of them. it'll be funnnnn. ally: are you even trying? thats expensive. that's creepy. and why? ally: if i wanted an old lady to rub my hands i would just ask you for a massage. stevie: woooow. woooooow. wooooooooow. ally: alright its getting hot in here what do you want. stevie: okay so we can take the cats for a walk and like kiss and like have fun. stevie: speaking of the cats. ally: do you remember this at all? the last time that we tried this? you walked ziggy and it looked like you were walking a fish. stevie: that's because he got scared because you closed the door too loudly. ally: if he doesn't handle doors then what's he gonna do with nature?

stevie: okay, next one is, breakfast in bed? too easy. breakfast in bath. stevie: boom. ally: that sound like a terrible idea. first of all, i hate baths. you're literally sitting in your own filth. i don't want shampoo in my eggs. are you going to take a syrup bottle and replace it with conditioner? i'm very confused. stevie: baths are wonderful. ally: i don't think you're listening, at all. ally: lets hurry this up, there pasta waiting for my mouth. stevie: okay, so, my next idea is we could move all of our living room furniture to the side of the room and build a fort. stevie: and we can cuddle with the kittens and each other and kiss. ally: first of all, thats a lot of work. you've got all these blankets you've gotta set up. where do we even find the support to do this?

ally: if you light any candles to make it look cool its going to be a fire hazard. at the end of they day, guess what, were sitting in our living room. ally: wait a minute thats what were doing right now. oh my god its like were in a fort. just close your eyes and its like were in a fort. stevie: alright. stevie: you my favorite. ally: your favorite ex-girlfriend you've ever had ever? stevie: shutup! stevie: okay, so, how about we play a game. i know you like competition. and we steal traffic cones to see who can get the most. ally: why? do you want to get arrested because jail doesn't really sound like a good date idea. stevie: of the ten ideas i just told you, which one is your favorite? ally: if i have to choose, i'll pick the botanical garden.

stevie: so there you go, thanks for watching guys. if you have a girlfriend thats hard to please like i do maybe you could go to audible.com and download a free audiobook. stevie: my advice is to always write a list of date ideas that you have and let them pick from them because then they'll see that you made a lot of effort. ally: they will also realize how bad you are at creating lists. stevie: everyone in the comments is going to talk about how good i am at coming up with date ideas and i hope they all shame you so hard. ally: my eardrum literally just -- oooo. stevie: your beanie looks really good on you. ally: what? stevie: the beanie looks really good on you. ally: what? stevie: thank you so much to audible.com for sponsoring this video and helping us out. ally: they are the leading provider of audio books with over 180,000 titles across all different... stevie: types! stevie: fiction, non-fiction, theres so many mooooore!

ally: *weird sound* stevie: oh my god you're so unattractive. stevie: so if you want to take your bae on a date and download an audiobook then you can go to... ally: audible.com/stevie stevie: that was really good. ally: stevie! stevie: good job. ally: i'm stevie! stevie: alright. stevie: we've been listening to 'not that kind of girl' because, duh. stevie: comment below if you think i'm a great girlfriend and she's the worst so bye. stevie: what if i was proposing to you right now. stevie: what if a bunch of people ran in here right now and started doing a choreographed dance. ally: i would be like, "are you from the restaurant that i just ordered food from because thats what i'm really looking forward to right now."

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