wohnzimmer sessel modern

wohnzimmer sessel modern

item #: scp-147object class: euclid special containment procedures: scp-147 isto be kept in a simulacrum of a 1950s-era living room. its current container containsa throw rug, two armchairs, a phonograph, a rotary telephone, and other suitable decorations.scp-147 will reject any items dating from later than late march, 1965 (see addendum0-40). it requires no external power source or connection. description: discovered 1983 in a civilianhome in detroit, michigan. scp-147 appears to be a 1957 general electric brand black-and-whitetelevision, model 17to26. scp-147 has been observed to exhibit two different behaviors:

optimal: when scp-147 is in an acceptableroom, it will display broadcasts of 1950s-era comedies, such as the burns and allen show,father knows best, and i love lucy. in every case, each broadcast has been completely unique:archives of the programs, none of which are still being produced, have failed to findany record of the episodes that scp-147 plays. no commercials are shown, and there is noindication as to which station would be broadcasting these shows. all broadcasts are in black andwhite. subjects exposed to scp-147 in its optimal state reported a pleasant feelingof relaxation. in this state, the item's volume and channels can be adjusted, though the offswitch appears to have no effect. hostile: when modern-day items are presentin scp-147's environment, the item will only

display extremely violent and gruesome colorfootage; beheadings, rapes, executions, and torture have all been observed, but as ofyet no footage has been broadcast that indicates when or where the scenes depicted took place.the footage is invariably of high visual and audio quality. subjects exposed to scp-147in its hostile state almost invariably vomit due to the graphic nature of the broadcastsafter ten to fifteen seconds; one subject suffered a nervous breakdown after two minutesof exposure. every subject has displayed an extreme reluctance to recall the contentsof the broadcasts, and two out of the fifteen subjects tasked with viewing scp-147's hostilebroadcasts have since committed suicide. none of the item's controls respond during hostilebroadcasts.

attempts to examine the internals of scp-147have been unsuccessful, as the item's shell resists any and all attempts to crack it open.placing the item in a faraday cage in order to negate any possible transmissions it couldbe receiving had no effect. the effects of long-term exposure to scp-147 have not beendocumented. addendum: any and all recreational activitiesinvolving scp-147 are to be scheduled at least one week beforehand with approval by level4 personnel. addendum [0-40]: see file tc-147-b for furtherdetails. after [data expunged] suggestion, several objects manufactured throughout the1960s era were brought in. objects made past march of the year 1965 have resulted in ahostile behavior. exact dating is difficult

due to troubles of obtaining materials preciselymade on testable dates and times. reasons as to why it acts in such a way dependingon a specific object's date are unknown, and being tested by [data expunged]. addendum [0-40a]: as has been verified repeatedly,the presence of persons born after march 1965 does not in and of itself trigger a hostileevent. for reasons still unknown, scp-147 objects mainly to manufactured items. dr.████████ ████ recently conducted an experiment in which he clothedhimself with vintage (pre-1965) articles of clothing, with the caveat that he had threebic flair pens (invented in the 1970s) in his shirt pocket. what he saw while seatedin front of scp-147, he would later describe

as "a bizarre episode of i love lucy featuringa surprising amount of gunplay." addendum [1-80]: recent tests that involvedexposing convicted rapists and psychopaths to the object while it was hostile has indicatedthat the object is able to tailor the images to the viewer. a rapist was strapped intoa metal chair manufactured in 1986, and during that time not a single rape was shown on thescreen, while scenes of genital mutilation (primarily male) occurred more often. similarly,a psychopath who had tortured someone to death saw fewer scenes of torture, and more scenesof botched executions.

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